435 research outputs found

    The population of Barban in the parish registers of the 19th century

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    U radu su obrađeni podatci na temelju matičnih knjiga krštenih, vjenčanih, i umrlih župe sv. Nikole biskupa u Barbanu za razdoblje od 1820. do 1840. Predstavljeni su povijesni podatci o naselju, teritorijalnom opsegu župe i broju stanovnika iz popisa provedenih početkom XIX. stoljeća. Matične knjige bogat su izvor podataka o stanovništvu određenog kraja. U radu su izneseni podatci o broju krštenih, vjenčanih i umrlih stanovnika barbanske župe, sezonalnost začeća, vjenčanja i smrtnosti, broju nezakonite djece, blizancima, napuštenoj djeci, broju i tempu poroda, najčešćim imenima, prezimenima i nadimcima, biranju kumova, primaljama i krstiteljima, odabiru dana vjenčanja, dobi mladenaca, ponovljenim brakovima, mjestima porijekla zaručnika, svjedocima na vjenčanjima, broj umrlih osoba po godinama, dobnoj i spolnoj strukturi umrlog stanovništva te uzrocima smrti barbanskog stanovništva. Dobiveni podatci uspoređeni su sa demografskim podatcima dobivenima za druga istarska i hrvatska mjesta. Izneseni podatci i analize donose nova saznanja o stanovništvu barbanske župe na početku XIX. stoljeća.The paper analyses the information based on registers of baptisms, marriages, and deaths of the parish of St. Nicholas Bishop in Barban for the period from 1820th to 1840th. It presents historical data about the settlement, the territorial scope of the parish and the number of the population in the censuses conducted at the beginning of the XIX. century. Parish books are a rich source of data on the population of a certain region. The paper presents data on the number of baptisms, marriages and deaths of the residents of the parish of Barban, the seasonality of conception, marriage and death rates, the number of illegitimate children, twins, abandoned children, the number and pace of delivery, the most common first and last names and nicknames, the choosing of godfathers, midwives and Baptist, the choosing of the day of the wedding, the newlyweds age, repeated marriages, places of origin of the bridegroom, witnesses at weddings, the number of deaths per year, the age and sex structure of the deceast population and the causes of death of the population of Barban. The obtained data were compared with demographic data which were obtained for other Istrian and Croatian towns. Presents data and analysis provide new insights on the population of the Barban parish at the beginning of the XIX. century

    Conflict resolution

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    U radu se na sustavan i jezgrovit način objašnjavaju temeljne značajke sukoba, vrste sukoba te način podučavanja djece konstruktivnom, nenasilnom rješavanju istih. Istraživanje započinje definiranjem osnovnih značajki komunikacije i naglašavanjem važnosti same sposobnosti komuniciranja. Čovjek je od najranije dobi u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji s ljudima oko sebe. Ona je temelj za razvoj svih daljnjih socijalnih vještina. Socijalna kompetencija razvija se tijekom odrastanja prvo u roditeljskom domu, a zatim i kroz socijalnu interakciju s drugim ljudima. Sposobnost socijalne interakcije nužno je razvijati te je bitno kod djece poticati razvoj socijalnih vještina, jer nam one omogućavaju da u komunikaciji s okolinom ostvarimo sve svoje želje i potrebe. Socijalne vještine koje kod djece treba posebno poticati su vještine slušanja, suradnje i empatije te ujedno i samopoštovanje. Djeca moraju naučiti na koji način reagirati na sukob i to će uvelike utjecati na kvalitetu njihova života izvan i unutar zajednice. Teorijske spoznaje o komunikaciji, stjecanju socijalnih vještina, te učenju konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba upotpunjene su praktičnim saznanjima te provođenjem radionica konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba s djecom predškolske dobi.This thesis systematically and concisely explains fundamental principles of conflict, types of conflict and ways of teaching children about constructive, nonviolent resolution of such. Research begins by defining basic principles of communication and emphasizing importance of the sole ability to communicate. From the earliest age people are daily involved in communication with others. This is the foundation for development of any other social skill. Social competence is being developed during growing up, it begins in the family home and it continues through social interaction with other people. It is essential to develop social interaction skills and it is also important to encourage development of these skills in children, because social skills enable us to achieve all our desires and needs through communication. Social skills that should be specially encouraged in children are skills of listening, cooperation, empathy towards others and self respect. . Children must learn how to react to conflict and this will greatly influence the quality of their personal life as well as their life within the community. Theoretical knowledge on communication, on growing social skills and on learning how to constructively resolve conflicts is accompanied with practical findings and through workshops on constructive conflict resolution among children of preschool age

    Conflict resolution

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    U radu se na sustavan i jezgrovit način objašnjavaju temeljne značajke sukoba, vrste sukoba te način podučavanja djece konstruktivnom, nenasilnom rješavanju istih. Istraživanje započinje definiranjem osnovnih značajki komunikacije i naglašavanjem važnosti same sposobnosti komuniciranja. Čovjek je od najranije dobi u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji s ljudima oko sebe. Ona je temelj za razvoj svih daljnjih socijalnih vještina. Socijalna kompetencija razvija se tijekom odrastanja prvo u roditeljskom domu, a zatim i kroz socijalnu interakciju s drugim ljudima. Sposobnost socijalne interakcije nužno je razvijati te je bitno kod djece poticati razvoj socijalnih vještina, jer nam one omogućavaju da u komunikaciji s okolinom ostvarimo sve svoje želje i potrebe. Socijalne vještine koje kod djece treba posebno poticati su vještine slušanja, suradnje i empatije te ujedno i samopoštovanje. Djeca moraju naučiti na koji način reagirati na sukob i to će uvelike utjecati na kvalitetu njihova života izvan i unutar zajednice. Teorijske spoznaje o komunikaciji, stjecanju socijalnih vještina, te učenju konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba upotpunjene su praktičnim saznanjima te provođenjem radionica konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba s djecom predškolske dobi.This thesis systematically and concisely explains fundamental principles of conflict, types of conflict and ways of teaching children about constructive, nonviolent resolution of such. Research begins by defining basic principles of communication and emphasizing importance of the sole ability to communicate. From the earliest age people are daily involved in communication with others. This is the foundation for development of any other social skill. Social competence is being developed during growing up, it begins in the family home and it continues through social interaction with other people. It is essential to develop social interaction skills and it is also important to encourage development of these skills in children, because social skills enable us to achieve all our desires and needs through communication. Social skills that should be specially encouraged in children are skills of listening, cooperation, empathy towards others and self respect. . Children must learn how to react to conflict and this will greatly influence the quality of their personal life as well as their life within the community. Theoretical knowledge on communication, on growing social skills and on learning how to constructively resolve conflicts is accompanied with practical findings and through workshops on constructive conflict resolution among children of preschool age

    Power and limitations of electrophoretic separations in proteomics strategies

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    Proteomics can be defined as the large-scale analysis of proteins. Due to the complexity of biological systems, it is required to concatenate various separation techniques prior to mass spectrometry. These techniques, dealing with proteins or peptides, can rely on chromatography or electrophoresis. In this review, the electrophoretic techniques are under scrutiny. Their principles are recalled, and their applications for peptide and protein separations are presented and critically discussed. In addition, the features that are specific to gel electrophoresis and that interplay with mass spectrometry (i.e., protein detection after electrophoresis, and the process leading from a gel piece to a solution of peptides) are also discussed

    Zawartosc mikroelementow w glebach gospodarstw ekologicznych

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    Badaniami objęto gospodarstwa ekologiczne położone na terenie południowo-zachodniej Polski, a uzyskane wyniki porównano z gospodarstwami konwencjonalnymi. W pobranych próbkach gleb oznaczono: skład granulometryczny, C-organiczny, pH, makroelementy (P, K, Mg), mikroelementy (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn).Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że większość gleb charakteryzowała się odczynem kwaśnym i lekko kwaśnym. Wyniki te odzwierciedlają stan zakwaszenia gleb, jaki występuje na terenie naszego kraju. Wyniki badań wskazują na wyższą zawartość C-organicznego w glebach pochodzących z gospodarstw ekologicznych niż konwencjonalnych. Zawartość mikroelementów całkowitych i ich form rozpuszczalnych (oprócz miedzi) była wyższa w glebach z gospodarstw ekologicznych w porównaniu z konwencjonalnymi. W obu typach gospodarstw u dział form rozpuszczlnych mikroelementów w glebie w stosunku do ich zawartości całkowitej był wyższy w glebach uprawianych w sposób ekologiczny w porównaniu z konwencjonalnym, za wyjątkiem Zn.The survey covered ecological farms, located in south-west part of Poland. Obtained data were compared with the data from conventional farms. Granulometric composition, organic carbon, pH, macroelements (P, K, Mg), microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) were determined in soil samples. The result showed that majority of soils were characterized by acid and slightly acid reaction. The results reflect the acidification status of soils that can be observed in our country. Obtained data indicated that the content of organic carbon was higher in soils taken from ecological farms than in those from conventional ones. Content of total and soluble microelements (except of copper) was higher in soils from ecological farms in comparison to conventional. Percentage of soluble forms in total content of microelements in soil was higher in soils from ecological farms in comparision to conventional, except of Zn