6,122 research outputs found

    Optical receiver bandwidth enhancement using bootstrap transimpedance amplification technique

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    Optical wireless link operates in high noise environments owing to ambient conditions such as sun for outdoors and fluorescent for indoors. The performance of free-space optics is subjected to several atmospheric factors like environmental temperature, fog, smoke, haze and rain. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can vary significantly with the distance and ambient noise. Limited range due to ambient noise is the dominant noise. A good sensitivity and a broad bandwidth will invariably use a small area photodiode where the aperture is small. However, freespace optics requires a large aperture and thus, the receiver is required to have a large collection area, which may be achieved by using a large area photodetector and large filter. However, large area of photodetector produces a high input capacitance that will be reduced the bandwidth. Typical large photodetection area commercial detectors has capacitance are around 100-300pF compared to 50pF in fiber link. Hence, techniques to reduce the effective detector capacitance are required in order to achieve a low noise and wide bandwidth design. In this project, modeling and analysis the bootstrap transimpedance amplifier (BTA) of front-end receiver for input capacitance reduction has been simulated. This technique improved the conventional transimpedance amplifier (TIA) bandwidth up to 1000 times with an effective capacitance reduction technique for optical wireless detecto

    Development of new steam methane reforming mobile plant with micro-scale catalytic channels

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    The search for clean alternative energy sources is vital to feed the ever-increasing world energy consumption. It is widely accepted that hydrogen is the cleanest and abundant energy source of the future. Currently, more than 90% of world hydrogen production is made via catalytic steam methane reforming (SMR). A performing catalyst favors thermodynamic equilibrium that ensures good hydrogen selectivity. This research explores the potential of SMR yield intensification using experimental micro reactor and active noble metal catalyst (Rhodium aluminide and Ruthenium aluminide). For that purpose, a laboratory scale SMR test rig bench was designed, fabricated and developed. A new micro channel reactor with interchangeable catalyst modules for methane conversion process was set up and tested. The rig is able to provide evaluation of SMR experimental tests, such as catalyst performance, conversion rate and products at output stream, with controlled reactants steam to carbon ratio up to 5:1 and reaction temperature up to 700°C. The developed conventional and noble metal catalyst for this research, affirmed and proved that the combination of test rig bench and micro reactor managed to generate methane conversion according to the theory related to material catalyst. From this work, reaction temperature 650°C and steam to carbon ratio of 3:1 were found to yield the optimum methane conversion and hydrogen formation for the developed catalyst. Using such setup, the use of noble metal catalyst was able to reform methane to hydrogen within 1 minute from the start of reaction as compared to 60 minutes using conventional catalyst. It was found that the rate of reaction (methane disappearing rate) of –r´CH4 (mol CH4 / g catalyst.s), for Rhodium aluminide yield the highest of 181.58, followed by Ruthenium aluminide with 154.39 and lastly Nickel aluminide of 1.32. The outcomes of this work has the potential to be scaled up for hydrogen production supply chain system of future fuel-cell electric vehicle transportation sector especially in any region with affordable natural gas price

    Analysis of non uniform surface current distribution on thick and thin wire antenna

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    When wires are closely parallel, the surface current distribution becomes non uniform. Normal mode helical antenna is choosing in particular in order to study the effect of surface current distribution along its segmentation from the excitation segments towards the end of the antenna length. Antenna of different wire geometries such as wire thickness, and number of turn is designed to analyze anticipated results. The frequency operating in UHF band frequency spectrum is choose as a contribution towards widely application nowadays. The surface current distribution of thin wire antenna is not uniform as well for thick wire antennas. The difference is that thicker wire antennas results higher amount of current comparing to thin wire antennas. Higher amount of current of the surface wire antenna produce better gain and higher magnetic field strength value

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem Administrasi Program Studi DIII Teknik Komputer Politeknik Harapan Bersama Sebagai Optimalisasi Pelayanan Prodi

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    Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang administrasi dulu hanya sebatas pembuatan draft surat biasa dan belum mempunyai database yang memungkinkan mengelola data yang satu dengan data yang lain. Hal ini dapat menghambat suatu pelayanan yang diberikan. Adanya sebuah aplikasi akan sangat mempermudah sebuah pelayanan administrasi. Aplikasi Administrasi dibuat untuk mengelola seluruh data agar semuanya dapat dikendalikan dalam suatu aplikasi yang terhubung dengan database. MySQL dipilih karena memungkinkan pengelolaan data yang lebih efisien. Hal ini didasari MySQL mampu berjalan stabil pada aplikasi operasi yang berbeda. Adanya sebuah aplikasi pendukung berbasis PHP yang digunakan karena sifatnya dinamis. Selain itu PHP juga didukung beberapa macam web server. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan dibuatnya sebuah Aplikasi Administrasi Program Studi DIII Teknik Komputer Politeknik Harapan Bersama maka proses pelayanan administrasi dapat berjalan lebih mudah dan cepat

    Pemeteaan Kebisingan di LIngkungan Kampus Politeknik (PENS-ITS)

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    Abstrak Polusi suara sekarang diakui di seluruh dunia sebagai masalah utama untuk kualitas hidup di perkotaan. Efek kebisingan termasuk sebagai dampak negative seperti pengaruh pada psikis, fisik kesehatan dan gangguan aktivitas sehari-hari seperti dapat mempengaruhi tidur, percakapan, menyebabkan jengkel, gangguan pendengaran, dan masalah jantung. Dengan munculnya permasalahan di atas, sehingga membuat orang melakukan penelitian tentang kebisingan dan pengukuran, yang akhrinya tercipta sebuah alat pengukur noise yaitu, sound power level. Dimana dengan alat tersebut memungkinkan setiap orang untuk mengukur noise dimana saja. Pada proyek akhir kali ini dihasilkan sebuah visualisasi tingkat kebisingan di lingkungan PENS. Untuk pengukuran kebisingannya, proyek akhir ini menggunakan software untuk menghitung energy sinyal dan energy decibel(dB) atau biasa disebut intensitas suara. Hasil perhitungan tingkat kebisingan tersebut divisualisasikan sesuai dengan pemetaan lingkungan di PENS, untuk informasi relatif aman tidak kebisingan di lingkungan tersebut. Kata kunci : sound power level, noise, decibel, Energy


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    This article describes a classroom action research held in writing class using a four-phase technique to improve the eleventh grade students’ writing skill and improve classroom situation. The method used in the research is classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle included four stages: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research data were collected by using observation, interview, document, photograph and test (pre-test and post-test). The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis which consists of assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. The research findings show that a four-phase technique is able to improve students’ wriitng skill and classroom situation. It shows that there was an improvement of the students’ writing skill before and after the research. Key words: classroom action research, writing skill, a four-phase techniqu

    The Use of Clustering Methods in Memory-Based Collaborative Filtering for Ranking-Based Recommendation Systems

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    This research explores the application of clustering techniques and frequency normalization in collaborative filtering to enhance the performance of ranking-based recommendation systems. Collaborative filtering is a popular approach in recommendation systems that relies on user-item interaction data. In ranking-based recommendation systems, the goal is to provide users with a personalized list of items, sorted by their predicted relevance. In this study, we propose a novel approach that combines clustering and frequency normalization techniques. Clustering, in the context of data analysis, is a technique used to organize and group together users or items that share similar characteristics or features. This method proves beneficial in enhancing recommendation accuracy by uncovering hidden patterns within the data. Additionally, frequency normalization is utilized to mitigate potential biases in user-item interaction data, ensuring fair and unbiased recommendations. The research methodology involves data preprocessing, clustering algorithm selection, frequency normalization techniques, and evaluation metrics. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms traditional collaborative filtering approaches in terms of ranking accuracy and recommendation quality. This approach has the potential to enhance recommendation systems across various domains, including e-commerce, content recommendation, and personalized advertising


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    Pada umumnya investasi terbagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu, yang pertama investasi pada financial asset (surat berhaga) dan investasi pada real asset (aktiva riil). Dalam penelitian ini investasi Dinar mewakili investasi pada aktiva riil dan investasi pada reksadana syariah mewakili investasi pada surat berharga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi investasi reksadana syariah dan investasi Dinar di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif eksplanatori dengan analis regresi linier berganda, dengan 2 bentuk persamaan regresi linier berganda. Pertama, variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah inflasi, dan return Dinar dengan variabel independen investasi Dinar. Kedua, variabel dependen adalah inflasi dan return reksadana syariah dengan independen investasi reksadana syariah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa inflasi dan return Dinar berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap investasi Dinar. Secara parsial menunjukkan hasil bahwa inflasi berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap investasi Dinar dengan arah yang negatif, return Dinar berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap investasi Dinar dengan arah yang positif. Kemudian hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa inflasi dan return reksadana syariah berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap investasi reksadana syariah. Secara parsial menunjukkan hasil bahwa inflasi berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap investasi reksadana syariah dengan arah yang negatif, return reksadana syariah tidak berpengaruh terhadap investasi reksadana syariah. Generally, investments are divided into two parts, namely, the first investment in the the financial assets and investment in real assets. In this research the investment Dinar represents investing in real assets and investing in Islamic mutual fund representing investments in financial assets. This research aims to know and analyse the factors that affect Islamic mutual fund investment and Dinar investment in Indonesia. The method used in this study is an expressed descriptive method with multiple linear regression analysts, with 2 forms of multiple linear regression equations. First, the dependent variables in this study were inflation, and the Dinar returns with the independent variable of investment Dinar. Secondly, the dependent variable is the inflation and the return of Islamic mutual fund with independent Islamic Mutual fund investment. Based on the results the research shows that the inflation and Dinar returns are simultaneously influential on the investment of dinars. Partially indicating the outcome that inflation is influential and significant against the investment of the Dinar in the negative direction, the Dinar return is influential and significant to the investment of the Dinar in a positive direction. Then the research results shows that the inflation and Islamic mutual funds return are simultaneously influential to the Islamic mutual funds investment. Partially showing the results that inflation is influential and significant on the Islamic mutual fund investment in the negative direction,return of Islamic mutual funds has no effect on Islamic mutual fund investment
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