206 research outputs found

    Memorandum of understanding relating to the comprehensive, continuing and cooperative transportation planning process in the Boston Metropolitan Area

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    INTRODUCTION:We undertook a comparative survey of gastric emptying (GE) kinetics after two variants of bypass surgery for upper bowel obstruction. MATERIAL & METHODS:In 10 dogs with experimental upper bowel obstruction, five were randomized to obtain gastrojejunal anastomosis (GA), and the other five received Roux-en-Y duodenojejunal anastomosis (DA). Duplicate scintigraphic measurements of GE of a solid meal were accomplished in every animal before surgery and during the early (2-3 weeks), medium (3 months), and late (6 months) post-operative period. The GE curves were fitted with a power-exponential function to derive the GE half time T½, and the curve shape parameter S. RESULTS:Early after surgery T½ slightly decreased by -18±21 min in the DA group and lengthened by 91±37 min in the GA group (p = 0.042). In both groups an increase in the S parameter was found then. In either group T½ gradually declined towards the basal value during the medium and late post-operative period. On the other hand, net differences relative to the basal situation in the S values appeared to be positive in the GA group (0.32±0.11 at 3 months; 0.64±0.19 at six months), and negative in the DA group (-0.30±0.09 at 3 months; -0.01±0.20 at six months). Hence a statistically significant contrast was found between those differences: p = 0.0022 at 3 months, and p = 0.045 at six months after the surgery. CONCLUSION:Roux-en-Y duodenojejunal anastomosis appears to be superior to the classical gastrojejunal anastomosis while restoring patency of the gastrointestinal passage in the case of upper bowel obstruction

    Evaluation of carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis for separation of

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    Carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis (CABCE) has recently been introduced as an alternative to CE (CZE) in the classical buffers. In this study, isoelectric BGEs were obtained by fractionation of Servalyt pH 4-9 carrier ampholytes to cuts of typical width of 0.2 pH unit. CABCE feasibility was examined on a series of insect oostatic peptides, i.e. proline-rich di- to decapeptides, and phosphinic pseudopeptides - tetrapeptide mimetics synthesized as a mixture of four diastereomers having the -P(O)(OH)-CH2- moiety embedded into the peptide backbone. With identical selectivity, the separation efficiency of CABCE proved to be as good as classical CE for the insect oostatic peptides and better for diastereomers of the phosphinic pseudopeptides. In addition, despite the numerous species present in the narrow pH cuts of carrier ampholytes, CABCE seems to be free of system zones that could hamper the analysis. Peak symmetry was good for moderately to low mobile peptides, whereas some peak distortion due to electromigration dispersion, was observed for short peptides of rather high mobility

    Power and limitations of electrophoretic separations in proteomics strategies

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    Proteomics can be defined as the large-scale analysis of proteins. Due to the complexity of biological systems, it is required to concatenate various separation techniques prior to mass spectrometry. These techniques, dealing with proteins or peptides, can rely on chromatography or electrophoresis. In this review, the electrophoretic techniques are under scrutiny. Their principles are recalled, and their applications for peptide and protein separations are presented and critically discussed. In addition, the features that are specific to gel electrophoresis and that interplay with mass spectrometry (i.e., protein detection after electrophoresis, and the process leading from a gel piece to a solution of peptides) are also discussed

    Trends in the application of chemometrics to foodomics studies

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    Foreign Direct Investment in Malopolska in 2000-2011

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    Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne są podstawową formą przepływu kapitału we współczesnej gospodarce światowej. Wybór ich lokalizacji w znacznym stopniu determinowany jest atrakcyjnością inwestycyjną obszaru, do którego trafiają. Wśród regionów o dużej atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej wyróżnić można Małopolskę, nadal cieszącą się niesłabnącą popularnością wśród inwestorów zagranicznych, którzy chętnie lokują tam posiadane środki w działalność typu BIZ.Foreign Direct Investment belongs to fundamental form of capital flow in the global economy. The choice of their location in significant degree depends on investment attractiveness of the region in which they will be placed. Among the areas with high investment attractiveness we can distinguish Malopolska, where a lot of foreign companies willingly engage their money in this type of business

    Dynamic computer simulations of the influence of injection conditions on capillary zone electrophoretic stacking of preparative free-flow zone electrophoresis fractions of peptides

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    Dynamic computer simulations were carried out to investigate the effect of residual acetic acid content on the initial stacking conditions of oligoglycine samples during the analytical CE run. These simulations were carried out with both individual peptides and with their equimolar mixtures. Results indicate that optimum acetic acid conditions were in the range of equimolar values