171 research outputs found


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    The article results of this study describe learning management in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan. There are three focus in this research, namely: (a) how is the preparation of learning in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan ?; (b) how are the learning activities in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan ?; and (c) how to evaluate learning in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan? The purpose of this study was to describe and explain learning preparation in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan, learning activities in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan, and evaluating learning in the superior class at STAIN Pamekasan. The results of this study indicate that first, the lecturers in giving lectures to the superior classes at STAIN Pamekasan had made preparations before giving lectures such as: seeing silabi, making course outlines, Lecture Event Units (SAP). Second, the lecturers were able to teach the excellent classes at STAIN Pamekasan well, starting to open until closing the lesson. Third, the lecturers were able to carry out learning evaluations on the superior classes at STAIN Pamekasan with various forms of evaluation well.[Artikel hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang manajemen pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan. Ada tiga fokus dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (a) bagaimana persiapan pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan?; (b) bagaimana kegiatan pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan?; dan (c) bagaimana pengevaluasian pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan? Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tentang persiapan pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan, kegiatan pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan, da pengevaluasian pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, para dosen dalam memberi kuliah pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan telah melakukan persiapan sebelum memberi kuliah seperti: melihat silabi, membuat course outline, Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP). Kedua, para dosen mampu mengajar pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan dengan baik, mulai membuka sampai menutup pelajaran. Ketiga, para dosen mampu melaksanakan evaluasi pembelajaran pada kelas unggulan di STAIN Pamekasan dengan berbagai bentuk evaluasi secara baik


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    Artikel hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang manajemen pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan. Ada 3 (tiga) fokus penelitian yang akan dikaji secara mendalam dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana perencanaan pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan? (2) Bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan? dan (3) Bagaimana evaluasi pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan?. Melalui penelitian ini akan diperoleh informasi tentang: (1) perencanaan pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan, (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan, dan (3) evaluasi pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits di MAN Pamekasan, yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran al-Qur’an Hadits

    Determinan Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Distributor Pertanian Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat pengaruh antara pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan distributor pertanian. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah pimpinan beserta karyawan bagian akuntansi Distributor Pertanian di Kota Pekanbaru. Metode pengumpulan data ini menggunakan teknik sensus. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 76 orang karyawan. Uji analisis data menggunakan metode regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan teknologi informasi berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan distributor pertanian dan kualita

    Comfort Room

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    Abstract The administration of anxiety drugs is associated with a superfluity of side effects (National Institutes of Mental Health, 2016). The use of comfort rooms have been shown to be an effective means to reduce anxiety in hospitalized non-psychotic psychiatric patients thus reducing the need for pro re nata (prn) medication administration (Steward, Robson, Chaplin, Quirk & Bowers, 2012). A comfort room is a designated space designed to provide a calming environment and are furnished with items that are physically comfortable as well as pleasing to the senses in order to provide a refuge that is stress free (New York State Department of Mental Health, 2009). The hypothesis is non-psychotic psychiatric patients exhibiting anxiety according to BAI measuring anxiety scale who utilize comfort room will have a decrease in the use of prn medications as opposed to non-psychotic psychiatric patients exhibiting anxiety symptoms on the BAI scale who do not utilize comfort room and are experiencing symptoms of anxiety. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (Beck, Epsten, Brown & Steer, 1988) will be used to measure anxiety before and after the patients use the comfort room. BAI inventory scores as well as the total number of prn medications administered to reduce anxiety will be counted for each of the participants 24 hours prior to initiation of the study in order to provide a baseline for comparison. One week after the implementation of the comfort room the total number of prn medications administered to reduce anxiety will be compared to baseline

    Perancangan dan Realisasi Otomatisasi Sistem Pencahayaan Lapnagan Futsal Berbasi Mikrokontroller dengan Sensor PIR

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    ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini futsal telah mendunia dan sudah menjadi konsumsi berbagai usia dan kalangan karena futsal tidak memandang tua muda ataupun kaya miskin semua melebur menjadi satu disini. Futsal dapat dimainkan pada siang ataupun malam. Namun untuk mengadakan pertandingan di malam hari, kita memerlukan sistem instalasi penerangan yang baik. Saat ini untuk dapat menyalakan sistem penerangan yang ada, masih menggunakan saklar. Dalam hal ini, sistem lampu penerangan konvensional pada kebanyakan lapangan futsal ketika diadakan pertandingan malam biasanya setelah selesai pertandingan, lampu lapangannya dibiarkan tetap menyala. Hal ini membuat pemakaian listrik untuk penerangan lapangan futsal sangat boros dan tidak efisien dikarenakan memakai daya yang tidak sedikit untuk dapat menerangi setiap sudut lapangan.Dalam proyek akhir ini telah direalisasikan suatu sistem otomatisasi yang terintegrasi dengan sistem pencahayaan lapangan futsal yang ada, yaitu dengan teknologi. Pada pintu lapangan futsal diinstal peranti yang dapat mendeteksi adanya keberadaan manusia ketika melewati pintu lapangan futsal yang disebut sensor PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver). Sensor PIR ini akan aktif ketika ada suatu objek yang memiliki pancaran pasif melewatinya yaitu manusia. Sistem pencahayaan ini akan menyala secara otomatis dengan sendirinya setelah sensor PIR mendeteksi minimal enam orang di dalam lapangan, kemudian sensor PIR yang terhubung dengan mikrokontroller akan menaikkan jumlah data sesuai jumlah orang yang berada di dalam lapangan minimal ada enam orang atau lebih sesuai dengan peraturan futsal Internasional dan mengaktifkan relay sehingga sistem penerangan lampu futsal menyala.Perancangan dan realisasi sistem otomatisasi sistem pencahayaan lapangan futsal prototipe ini dapat menjadi solusi untuk pengguanaan daya yang digunakan dapat lebih efektif dan efisien.Kata Kunci : Futsal, Malam, Mikrokontroler, sensor PIR.ABSTRACT: Currently, futsal has worldwide and has become food for all ages and the young parents futsal not look rich or poor all merge into one here. Futsal can be played on the day or night. But to hold the match in the evening, we need a good lighting system installation. Currently, to be able to turn the existing lighting system, still using the switch. In this case, conventional lighting systems in most indoor soccer field when the game was usually held after the completion of the game, field lights are left on. This makes the use of electricity for lighting futsal very wasteful and inefficient due to the use of power that does little to illuminate every corner of the field.In this final project has realized an integrated automation system with a futsal field lighting system, that is with technology. At the door of futsal field installed devices that can detect human presence when passing the door sensor futsal called PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver). PIR Sensor is active when there is an object that has a passive aura through the man. The lighting system will be turned on automatically by itself after PIR sensor detects at least six people in the field, then the PIR sensor is connected to the microcontroller will counter up data according to the number of people who are in the field a minimum of six people or more in accordance with applicable International futsal and activate the relay that turns futsal lamp lighting system.The design and realization of automation systems futsal field lighting system prototype can be a solution for the power used more effectively and efficientlyKeyword: Futsal, Night, Microcontroller, PIR sensor

    Morfologi Garis Pantai Kawasan Wisata Prigi, Trenggalek

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    Kawasan wisata Prigi adalah salah satu pantai yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Trenggalek . Pantainya memanjang kurang lebih 2 km, berpasir putih, dan memiliki ombak yang tenang. Lokasi kawasan wisata Prigi di tepi Samudera Indonesia yang berupa teluk Prigi memungkinkan kawasan wisata ini mengalami perubahan garis pantai akibat pengaruh angin/gelombang, arus, pasang surut dan bathimetri. Oleh sebab itu, maka diperlukan analisa morfologi untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perubahan garis pantai dan alternatif penyelesain bila terjadi perubahan garis pantai. Dalam analisa morfologi Kawasan wisata Prigi, hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan adalah tersedianya data-data primer dan sekunder lokasi tinjauan. Data-data sekunder tersebut antara lain: data angin dan data hidro-oceanografi. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis untuk mendapatkan gelombang dan perubahan garis pantai yang akan terjadi. Dalam analisa morfologi ini digunakan metode analitik dengan periode antara tahun 2010- 2014. Analisa morfologi yang dilakukan menggunakan program bantu CEDAS (Coastal Engineering Design & Analysis System) Versi 4.0. Berdasarkan hasil analisa tugas akhir ini didapatkan bahwa ujung pantai sebelah barat dan ujung pantai sebelah timur cenderung mengalami kemunduran. Sedangkan pantai bagian tengah cenderung mengalami sedimentasi. Alternatif penyelesaian yang digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah kemunduran pada ujung pantai adalah sand nourishment dengan jumlah pasir sebesar 25.000 m3/tahun =========================================================================================Prigi Beach is one of the beaches located in Trenggalek. Prigi beach extended approximately 2 kilometers, white sand and has calm waves. The location of Prigi Beach on the edge of the Indonesian ocean being a Prigi bay allows the tourist areas are changing coastline due to effects of wind/waves, currents, tides and bathymetry. Therefore, it is necessary morphological analysis to determine whether there is a change of coastline and an alternative solution in case of changing coastline In morphology analysis of Prigi Beach, the main thing to note is the availability of primary and secondary data on the location of reviews. Secondary data include: wind data and hidro-oceanography data. Then the data were analyzed to obtain the wave plan and coastline changes that will occur. In this morphology analysis is used an analytical method with periode range on the year 2010 – 2014. Morphological analyzes were performed using CEDAS (Coastal Engineering Design & Analysis System) Version 4.0 software. Based on the analysisof this final project in getting that end of the beach to the west and east end of the beach is erosion. While the central part of the beach tend to sedimentation. Alternatif solution is used to result the problem of erosion at the end of the beach is sand nourishment with sand supply amount of 25.000 m3/yea

    Automated assignment of ionization states in broad-mass matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization spectra of protein mixtures

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    A computational technique is presented for the automated assignment of the multiple charge and multimer states (ionization states) in the time-of-flight (TOF) domain for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) spectra. Examples of the application of this technique include an improved, automatic calibration over the 2 to 70 kDa mass range and a reduced data redundancy after reconstruction of the molecular spectrum of only singly charged monomers. This method builds on our previously reported enhancement of broad-mass signal detection, and includes two steps: (1) an automated correction of the instrumental acquisition initial time delay, and (2) a recursive TOF detection of multiple charge states and singly charged multimers of molecular [MH](+) ions over the entire record range, based on MALDI methods. The technique is tested using calibration mixtures and pooled serum quality control samples acquired along with clinical study data. The described automated procedure improves the analysis and dimension reduction of MS data for comparative proteomics applications. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Stg1 is a novel SM22/transgelin-like actin-modulating protein in fission yeast

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    AbstractWe identified a novel actin-modulating protein Stg1 in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Stg1 is similar to mammalian SM22/transgelin, and biochemical experiments showed that Stg1 crosslinked F-actin. Microscopic observation suggested that Stg1 was a component of actin patch. Overexpression of Stg1 caused a defect in cytokinesis by suppressing the formation of a contractile ring and formation of abnormal aggregates of F-actin in the ends and mid-region of cells. Although distribution of the actin cytoskeleton was not affected by disrupting stg1+, genetic interaction suggested that Stg1 was likely involved in controlling the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in cell morphogenesis and cytokinesis in fission yeast

    EPHA7 (EPH receptor A7)

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    Review on EPHA7 (EPH receptor A7), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated
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