80 research outputs found

    Unity 3D

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá herním enginem Unity 3D a jeho použitím v praxi. V první části jsou popsány základy herních enginů a jejich srovnání. Dále je zde možno najít popis hlavních částí herního enginu Unity 3D. Pro demonstraci jednotlivých částí Unity 3D byla vytvořená aplikace v podobě virtuální autoškoly. Tato aplikace je podrobně popsána v druhé části této práce.This bachelor thesis deals with Unity 3D game engine and its use in practice. The first section describes basics of game engine and its comparison. Furthermore, it is possible to find a description of the main parts of Unity 3D. To demonstrate the various parts of Unity 3D the application in the form of virtual driving school was created. This application is described in detail in the second part of this work.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games

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    Cílem této práce bylo nastudovat možnosti herní umělé inteligence, popsat části, ze kterých se skládá a naimplementovat ukázkovou aplikaci demonstrující popsané postupy. V první části práce byl popsán rozdíl mezi akademickou a herní umělou inteligencí. Dále práce obsahuje popis aktuálního stavu herní umělé inteligence a jednotlivých typů herní umělé inteligence. V další části se práce zabývá implementací systému vnímání a rozhodovací části umělé inteligence. V této práci byla také popsána tvorbu audio-vizuální stránky umělé inteligence. Pro demonstraci postupů popsaných v této práci byla vytvořená ukázková aplikace. Tato aplikace demonstruje chování umělé inteligence pomocníka a nepřátel.The goal of this thesis was to study the possibilities of game artificial intelligence, describe the parts from which it is composed and implement an example application demonstrating the described procedures. The first part of the thesis describes the difference between academic and game artificial intelligence. The thesis also contains a description of the current state of the game artificial intelligence and individual types of game artificial intelligence. The next part of the thesis deals with the implementation of perception system and decision-making part of artificial intelligence. This thesis also describes creation of audio-visual part of artificial intelligence. To demonstrate the procedures described in this thesis, an example application was created. This application demonstrates the behavior of artificial intelligence of companion and enemies.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    The methodology of compilation of the map of thickness of the autochtonous Badenian cover in  the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and the Opava Basin

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    Spatial development of the Badenian sediments thickness reflects tectono-erosional stage of the pre-Badenian relief in combination with advancing orogenic front of the Outer Western Carpathians. Article is focused on the interpretation of the Badenian thickness and explanation of some problems of data selection in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and the Opava Basin. Interpreted contour line maps of thickness are based on revised profiles of exploratory boreholes.Spatial development of the Badenian sediments thickness reflects tectono-erosional stage of the pre-Badenian relief in combination with advancing orogenic front of the Outer Western Carpathians. Article is focused on the interpretation of the Badenian thickness and explanation of some problems of data selection in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and the Opava Basin. Interpreted contour line maps of thickness are based on revised profiles of exploratory boreholes

    U-Pb zircon age of the Krásné Loučky tuffite: the dating of Visean flysch in the Moravo-Silesian Paleozoic Basin (Rhenohercynian Zone, Czech Republic)

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    The only pre vi ous U-Pb zir con date for the the Early Car bon if er ous flysch se quence of the Moravo-Silesian Pa leo zoic Ba sin was pub lished in 1987 from tuffogenic ma te rial from Kobylí Quarry at Krásné Louèky near the town of Krnov (Silesia, Czech Re pub lic). The mea sured age of 319 Ma did not agree with its strati graphic po si tion, and was used as the ba sis for a hy poth e - sized block of Late Car bon if er ous paralic molasse in cor po rated dur ing a later tec tonic event. Dur ing a sur vey of the still-ac - tive quarry in 2010, volcaniclastic ho ri zons were iden ti fied and sam pled. Di rect cor re spon dence of the tuff units to those sam pled in 1987 can not be proved but is likely. High pre ci sion chem i cal abra sion – ther mal ion iza tion mass spec trom e try (CA-TIMS) U-Pb dat ing of zir con from this new ma te rial has yielded an age of 340.05 ± 0.22 Ma, which cor re lates to the pre vi - ously in ferred strati graphic age of the lo cal ity and the cur rent cal i bra tion of the Early Car bon if er ous geo logic time scale. The newly es tab lished age cor re sponds to the Visean stage and dates the bound ary be tween the Horní Benešov and Moravice for ma tions that can be cor re lated with other foredeep bas ins of the Culm in the Eu ro pean Variscides. A pop u la tion of de tri tal Cambro-Or do vi cian zir cons and a sin gle 2.0 Ga old zir con crys tal from the same volcaniclastic layer dated by la ser ab la tion in duc tively cou pled plasma mass spec trom e try (LA-ICPMS) are con sis tent with the known age of source ma te rial in the Variscan orogenic front.Web of Science58467265

    The methodology of construction of the map of thickness of autochtonous sediments of the Karpatian in area of the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and neighbour areas and some of its problems

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    Sedimentary formations of Karpathian represent the oldest widespread unit of the autochtonous Tertiary in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin. Occurrence and distribution of thickness of the Karpatian point to complicated geological development. It was probably formed in tectonically predisposed sedimentary depressions with large infl uence of the Old Styrian nappes, which were thrusted over the area of original sedimentary cover in the north-eastern part of the Carpathian Foredeep. Main topic of our work is evaluation of possible mistakes in interpretation of the autochtonous Karpatian thickness. Original contour line maps of the autochtonous Karpatian distribution and thickness in the area of interest are based on exploratory borehole profiles.Sedimentary formations of Karpathian represent the oldest widespread unit of the autochtonous Tertiary in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin. Occurrence and distribution of thickness of the Karpatian point to complicated geological development. It was probably formed in tectonically predisposed sedimentary depressions with large infl uence of the Old Styrian nappes, which were thrusted over the area of original sedimentary cover in the north-eastern part of the Carpathian Foredeep. Main topic of our work is evaluation of possible mistakes in interpretation of the autochtonous Karpatian thickness. Original contour line maps of the autochtonous Karpatian distribution and thickness in the area of interest are based on exploratory borehole profiles

    Closure and the Book of Virgil

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    Plautus and Terence in Their Roman Contexts

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    Boundary between Paralic and Continental Development in Upper Sillesian Coal Basin and its Geological Context

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    Hornoslezská pánev se díky těžbě uhlí stala v průběhu uplynulých dvou století významným průmyslovým centrem Evropy. Většina uhelných zásob byla a je vázána na sedlové vrstvy, především na bazální, nejmocnější a plošně nejstálejší sloj. K uložení materiálu této sloje však docházelo zřejmě po dlouhodobě trvajícím hiátu, který představuje ve vývoji hornoslezské pánve období, kdy definitivně ustoupil paralický typ sedimentace a byl vystřídán sedimentací kontinentální bez vlivu mořských ingresí. V české části hornoslezské pánve je proto báze této sloje Prokop chápána jako hranice dvou odlišných etap vývoje, resp. jako hranice mezi ostravským a karvinským souvrstvím. V polské části hornoslezské pánve došlo v období hiátu k vývoji sedimentární jednotky jejkowických vrstev, které nebyly na českém území popsány. V litostratigrafii je tato jednotka řazena ke górnośląské sérii piaskowcowe, tedy k útvaru ekvivalentnímu spodní části karvinského souvrství. V práci je řešena geologická problematika přechodu paralického vývoje do kontinentálního s důrazem ověření možnosti, zda existují též sedimenty litostratigraficky podobné jejkowickým vrstvám v oblastech na jih od jejich klasického vývoje, zejména v české části hornoslezské pánve. V práci byl rovněž řešen prostorový vývoj nejsvrchnějších sedimentů porubských vrstev obsahujících faunistické horizonty skupiny Gaeblera. V práci byly použity informace z vrtného průzkumu, zejména grafické a psané profily vrtů, jejich pasporty a závěrečné zprávy.During the last two centuries, the Upper Silesian Coal Basin became an important industrial centre of Europe due to the coal mining. Most of coal reserves was and still is bound to the Saddle member, especially the basal Prokop seam, which is the thickest and most planary continuous seam. Sedimentation of this seam probably took place after a long-lasting hiatus, which represents a period of final retreat of paralic sedimentation in the basin and its replacement by continental sedimentation characterized by disappearance of marine ingressions. Therefore, in the Czech part of the basin, the base of this seam is considered a boundary between two different periods of basin evolution, i.e. the boundary between Ostrava and Karviná Formation. At the same time, in the Polish part of the basin, sedimentation of Jejkowice Member took place, which has not been described on Czech territory. From lithostratigraphic point of view, this Member is assigned to the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series, a unit equivalent to the lower part of Karviná Formation. This thesis deals with issues of sedimentary style transition – from paralic to continental, with an objective to verify whether sediments similar to Jejkowice Member are present to the south of their usual area of occurrence, especially in the Czech part of Upper Silesian Basin. The thesis also tackles a question of spatial development of the uppermost sediments of Poruba Member, containing the Gaebler group of faunal horizons. Sources of information for this thesis come from drilling exploration, they include graphic and written borehole profiles, technical “passports” and final reports.541 - Katedra geologického inženýrstvívyhově