29 research outputs found

    Long-term follow-up of brain-damaged children requiring feeding gastrostomy: Should an antireflux procedure always be performed?

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    Due to the frequent presence of latent gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in mentally impaired children, it is now standard to perform upper gastrointestinal contrast (UGI) and pH probe studies in all children referred for feeding gastrostomy, even if they are without clinical evidence for GER. For patients with documented GER, an antireflux operation performed in conjunction with gastrostomy is usually considered mandatory. Some authors have suggested that a "protective" antireflux operation be performed at the time of gastrostomy placement in all brain-damaged children, citing a high incidence of postoperative GER in this group of patients following gastrostomy, even with a negative preoperative evaluation for GER. To evaluate this theory, we prospectively studied, over the past 6 years, all mentally retarded children referred for feeding gastrostomy with UGI contrast and esophageal pH probe studies. In total, 148 children were studied; 105 had a positive evaluation for GER and underwent gastrostomy and antireflux surgery. Of the 43 children with a negative preoperative evaluation for GER, 37 are doing well following gastrostomy alone without clinical reflux at an average follow-up of 21 months. Six of the 43 (14%) developed symptomatic GER occurring at an average of 10 months following gastrostomy placement. Five of these children have been successfully treated with an antireflux operation and the sixth patient has been successfully man-aged nonoperatively. Given the significant morbidity and mortality that has been documented with antireflux operations in mentally retarded children, we conclude that a protective antireflux operation at the time of gastrostomy placement is not indicated because the data suggest that 86% of children with a negative preoperative evaluation for GER would undergo the operation needlessly.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29436/1/0000517.pd

    Hybrid de novo whole-genome assembly and annotation of the model tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta

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    Despite the use of Hymenolepis diminuta as a model organism in experimental parasitology, a full genome description has not yet been published. Here we present a hybrid de novo genome assembly based on complementary sequencing technologies and methods. The combination of Illumina pairedend, Illumina mate-pair and Oxford Nanopore Technology reads greatly improved the assembly of the H. diminuta genome. Our results indicate that the hybrid sequencing approach is the method of choice for obtaining high-quality data. The fnal genome assembly is 177Mbp with contig N50 size of 75kbp and a scafold N50 size of 2.3Mbp. We obtained one of the most complete cestode genome assemblies and annotated 15,169 potential protein-coding genes. The obtained data may help explain cestode gene function and better clarify the evolution of its gene families, and thus the adaptive features evolved during millennia of co-evolution with their hosts

    Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating : universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2.

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    Previous studies have documented links between sub-clinical narcissism and the active pursuit of short-term mating strategies (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality, marital infidelity, mate poaching). Nearly all of these investigations have relied solely on samples from Western cultures. In the current study, responses from a cross-cultural survey of 30,470 people across 53 nations spanning 11 world regions (North America, Central/South America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and East Asia) were used to evaluate whether narcissism (as measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory; NPI) was universally associated with short-term mating. Results revealed narcissism scores (including two broad factors and seven traditional facets as measured by the NPI) were functionally equivalent across cultures, reliably associating with key sexual outcomes (e.g., more active pursuit of short-term mating, intimate partner violence, and sexual aggression) and sex-related personality traits (e.g., higher extraversion and openness to experience). Whereas some features of personality (e.g., subjective well-being) were universally associated with socially adaptive facets of Narcissism (e.g., self-sufficiency), most indicators of short-term mating (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality and marital infidelity) were universally associated with the socially maladaptive facets of narcissism (e.g., exploitativeness). Discussion addresses limitations of these cross-culturally universal findings and presents suggestions for future research into revealing the precise psychological features of narcissism that facilitate the strategic pursuit of short-term mating

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018):a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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    The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (“MISEV”) guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these “MISEV2014” guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points

    The MMS22L-TONSL Complex Mediates Recovery from Replication Stress and Homologous Recombination

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    Genome integrity is jeopardized each time DNA replication forks stall or collapse. Here we report the identification of a complex composed of MMS22L (C6ORF167) and TONSL (NFKBIL2) that participates in the recovery from replication stress. MMS22L and TONSL are homologous to yeast Mms22 and plant Tonsoku/Brushy1, respectively. MMS22L-TONSL accumulates at regions of ssDNA associated with distressed replication forks or at processed DNA breaks, and its depletion results in high levels of endogenous DNA double-strand breaks caused by an inability to complete DNA synthesis after replication fork collapse. Moreover, cells depleted of MMS22L are highly sensitive to camptothecin, a topoisomerase I poison that impairs DNA replication progression. Finally, MMS22L and TONSL are necessary for the efficient formation of RAD51 foci after DNA damage, and their depletion impairs homologous recombination. These results indicate that MMS22L and TONSL are genome caretakers that stimulate the recombination-dependent repair of stalled or collapsed replication forks

    Narcisismo y búsqueda estratégica del emparejamiento a corto plazo a través de las culturas: Enlaces omnipresentes a través de 11 regiones mundiales del Proyecto de la descripción de la sexualidad internacional 2

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    Previous studies have documented links between sub-clinical narcissism and the active pursuit of short-term mating strategies (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality, marital infidelity, mate poaching). Nearly all of these investigations have relied solely on samples from Western cultures. In the current study, responses from a cross-cultural survey of 30,470 people across 53 nations spanning 11 world regions (North America, Central/South America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and East Asia) were used to evaluate whether narcissism (as measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory; NPI) was universally associated with short-term mating. Results revealed narcissism scores (including two broad factors and seven traditional facets as measured by the NPI) were functionally equivalent across cultures, reliably associating with key sexual outcomes (e.g., more active pursuit of short-term mating, intimate partner violence, and sexual aggression) and sex-related personality traits (e.g., higher extraversion and openness to experience). Whereas some features of personality (e.g., subjective well-being) were universally associated with socially adaptive facets of Narcissism (e.g., self-sufficiency), most indicators of short-term mating (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality and marital infidelity) were universally associated with the socially maladaptive facets of narcissism (e.g., exploitativeness). Discussion addresses limitations of these cross-culturally universal findings and presents suggestions for future research into revealing the precise psychological features of narcissism that facilitate the strategic pursuit of short-term mating.Estudios previos, en primer lugar a través de las muestras de culturas occidentales, han documentado asociaciones sistemáticas del narcisismo subclínico con múltiples indicadores de estrategias del emparejamiento a corto plazo (p. ej. sociosexualidad ilimitada, infidelidad, caza de pareja). En este estudio se han usado respuestas de la encuesta transcultural de 30.470 personas de 53 naciones de 11 regiones mundiales (América del Norte, América del Sur/América Central, Europa del Norte, Europa del Oeste, Europa del Este, Europa del Sur, Oriente Próximo, África, Asia del Sur/Sudoeste de Asia, Asia del Este y Oceanía) para evaluar si el narcisismo (medido por el Inventario de Personalidad Narcisista; NPI) se asocia panuniversalmente con los indicadores del emparejamiento a corto plazo, tanto en la dirección, como en la intensidad. Los resultados sugieren que el narcisismo (incluidos muchos aspectos suyos medidos por el NPI) tiene las mismas asociaciones básicas con los rasgos de personalidad relacionados con el sexo (p. ej. extraversión alta) y con los resultados sexuales claves (p. ej. búsqueda más activa de las estrategias del emparejamiento a corto plazo) a través de las 11 mayores regiones mundiales del PDSI 2. La discusión se enfoca en las implicaciones y limitaciones del estudio actual

    Global drivers of avian haemosporidian infections vary across zoogeographical regions

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    Aim: Macroecological analyses provide valuable insights into factors that influence how parasites are distributed across space and among hosts. Amid large uncertainties that arise when generalizing from local and regional findings, hierarchical approaches applied to global datasets are required to determine whether drivers of parasite infection patterns vary across scales. We assessed global patterns of haemosporidian infections across a broad diversity of avian host clades and zoogeographical realms to depict hotspots of prevalence and to identify possible underlying drivers. Location: Global. Time period: 1994–2019. Major taxa studied: Avian haemosporidian parasites (genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon and Parahaemoproteus). Methods: We amalgamated infection data from 53,669 individual birds representing 2,445 species world-wide. Spatio-phylogenetic hierarchical Bayesian models were built to disentangle potential landscape, climatic and biotic drivers of infection probability while accounting for spatial context and avian host phylogenetic relationships. Results: Idiosyncratic responses of the three most common haemosporidian genera to climate, habitat, host relatedness and host ecological traits indicated marked variation in host infection rates from local to global scales. Notably, host ecological drivers, such as migration distance for Plasmodium and Parahaemoproteus, exhibited predominantly varying or even opposite effects on infection rates across regions, whereas climatic effects on infection rates were more consistent across realms. Moreover, infections in some low-prevalence realms were disproportionately concentrated in a few local hotspots, suggesting that regional-scale variation in habitat and microclimate might influence transmission, in addition to global drivers. Main conclusions: Our hierarchical global analysis supports regional-scale findings showing the synergistic effects of landscape, climate and host ecological traits on parasite transmission for a cosmopolitan and diverse group of avian parasites. Our results underscore the need to account for such interactions, in addition to possible variation in drivers across regions, to produce the robust inference required to predict changes in infection risk under future scenarios.Fil: Fecchio, Alan. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul; BrasilFil: Clark, Nicholas J.. University of Queensland; Australia. The University of Queensland; AustraliaFil: Bell, Jeffrey A.. University Of North Dakota; Estados UnidosFil: Skeen, Heather R.. Field Museum Of Natural History; Estados Unidos. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Lutz, Holly L.. Field Museum Of Natural History; Estados Unidos. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: De La Torre, Gabriel M.. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Vaughan, Jefferson A.. University Of North Dakota; Estados UnidosFil: Tkach, Vasyl V.. University Of North Dakota; Estados UnidosFil: Schunck, Fabio. Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos; BrasilFil: Ferreira, Francisco C.. Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Braga, Érika M.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Lugarini, Camile. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservacao Da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Wamiti, Wanyoike. National Museums Of Kenya; KeniaFil: Dispoto, Janice H.. Drexel University; Estados UnidosFil: Galen, Spencer C.. The University Of Scranton; Estados UnidosFil: Kirchgatter, Karin. Superintendencia de Controle de Endemias; Brasil. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Sagario, Maria Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Provincia del Neuquén. Subsecretaría de Producción y Recursos Naturales. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Neuquén; ArgentinaFil: Cueto, Víctor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: González Acuña, Daniel. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Inumaru, Mizue. Nihon University; JapónFil: Sato, Yukita. Nihon University; JapónFil: Schumm, Yvonne R.. Justus Liebig Universitat Giessen; AlemaniaFil: Quillfeldt, Petra. Justus Liebig Universitat Giessen; AlemaniaFil: Pellegrino, Irene. Università Degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"; ItaliaFil: Dharmarajan, Guha. University of Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Gupta, Pooja. University of Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Robin, V. V.. Indian Institute Of Science Education And Research; IndiaFil: Ciloglu, Arif. Erciyes Üniversitesi; TurquíaFil: Yildirim, Alparslan. Erciyes Üniversitesi; TurquíaFil: Huang, Xi. Beijing Normal University; Chin