61 research outputs found

    Perinatal mental health : preparing the future nursing workforce

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    Perinatal mental health (PMH) problems occur during pregnancy and up to a year after giving birth. They can have a significant effect on the mother and family, and can affect the social, emotional and cognitive development of the child. PMH nursing is gaining increasing recognition in national policy; additional funding has been announced to align national perinatal services with agreed standards and the perinatal workforce has been identified as an area of growth. The PMH competency framework published by Health Education England and the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, London, is aimed at training staff to deliver high-quality care to women who experience mental health problems during the perinatal period. However, the framework does not address the competencies required from the emerging workforce: nursing students. The pre-registration nursing curriculum must align with PMH competencies to ensure that nursing students become competent practitioners who are adequately prepared to care for the PMH needs of the mother and family

    Impact of the introduction and withdrawal of financial incentives on the delivery of alcohol screening and brief advice in English primary health care : an interrupted time–series analysis

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    Aim To evaluate the impact of the introduction and withdrawal of financial incentives on alcohol screening and brief advice delivery in English primary care. Design Interrupted time–series using data from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database. Data were split into three periods: (1) before the introduction of financial incentives (1 January 2006–31 March 2008); (2) during the implementation of financial incentives (1 April 2008–31 March 2015); and (3) after the withdrawal of financial incentives (1 April 2015–31 December 2016). Segmented regression models were fitted, with slope and step change coefficients at both intervention points. Setting England. Participants Newly registered patients (16+) in 500 primary care practices for 2006–16 (n = 4 278 723). Measurements The outcome measures were percentage of patients each month who: (1) were screened for alcohol use; (2) screened positive for higher‐risk drinking; and (3) were reported as having received brief advice on alcohol consumption. Findings There was no significant change in the percentage of newly registered patients who were screened for alcohol use when financial incentives were introduced. However, the percentage fell (P < 0.001) immediately when incentives were withdrawn, and fell by a further 2.96 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.21–3.70] patients per 1000 each month thereafter. After the introduction of incentives, there was an immediate increase of 9.05 (95% CI = 3.87–14.23) per 1000 patients screening positive for higher‐risk drinking, but no significant further change over time. Withdrawal of financial incentives was associated with an immediate fall in screen‐positive rates of 29.96 (95% CI = 19.56–40.35) per 1000 patients, followed by a rise each month thereafter of 2.14 (95% CI = 1.51–2.77) per 1000. Screen‐positive patients recorded as receiving alcohol brief advice increased by 20.15 (95% CI = 12.30–28.00) per 1000 following the introduction of financial incentives, and continued to increase by 0.39 (95% CI = 0.26–0.53) per 1000 monthly until withdrawal. At this point, delivery of brief advice fell by 18.33 (95% CI = 11.97–24.69) per 1000 patients and continued to fall by a further 0.70 (95% CI = 0.28–1.12) per 1000 per month. Conclusions Removing a financial incentive for alcohol prevention in English primary care was associated with an immediate and sustained reduction in the rate of screening for alcohol use and brief advice provision. This contrasts with no, or limited, increase in screening and brief advice delivery rates following the introduction of the scheme

    Integrating the teaching, learning and assessment of communication with children within the qualifying social work curriculum

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    Qualifying social work education must provide students with a variety of experiential, personalized, participatory, didactic and critically reflective learning opportunities across both the taught curriculum and in practice placements if deep learning of the capabilities needed for effective communication with children and young people is to be ensured. At present, programmes in England are not consistent in the curriculum structures, content and pedagogical approaches they are employing to teach and assess this topic. This paper discusses first how current proposals for the reform of qualifying education in England do not address the ambiguities and discretion in regulatory guidance, which have meant that the place and relevance of this topic within the curriculum remain uncertain and contested. It then draws on a model of the sequencing of students' learning and development in qualifying training, developed through the author's recent empirical research, to present an integrated and coherent approach to the teaching, learning and assessment of this topic. It is proposed that this strategy will enable students to develop the generic, ‘child-focused’ and ‘applied child-specialist’ capabilities they need for the ‘knowing’, ‘being’ and ‘doing’ of effective communication with children

    Widening participation in nurse education; an integrative literature review

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    Background: Widening participation into higher education is espoused within educational policy in the UK, and internationally, as a mechanism to promote equality and social mobility. As nurse education is located within higher education it has a responsibility to promote widening participation within pre-registration educational programmes. It could also be argued that the profession has a responsibility to promote equality to ensure its’ workforce is as diverse as possible in order to best address the health needs of diverse populations. Objectives: To undertake an integrative review on published papers exploring Widening Participation in undergraduate, pre-registration nurse education in the UK Design: A six step integrative review methodology was utilised, reviewing papers 2013-2016; published in English. Data sources: Search of CINAHL, Education Source, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, SocINDEX, Science Direct, Business Scource Complete, ERIC, British Library ETOS, Teacher Reference Centre, Informit Health Collection and Informit Humanities and Social Science Collection which highlighted 449 citations; from these 14 papers met the review inclusion criteria. Review methods: Both empirical studies and editorials focusing upon widening participation in pre-registration nurse education in the UK (2013-2016) were included. Papers excluded were non UK papers or papers not focussed upon widening participation in pre-registration nursing education. Research papers included in the review were assessed for quality using appropriate critical appraisal tools Results: 14 papers were included in the review; these were analysed thematically identifying four themes; knowledge and identification of WP, pedagogy and WP, attrition and retention and career prospects. Conclusions: Whilst widening participation is a key issue for both nurse education and the wider profession there is a lack of conceptualisation and focus regarding mechanisms to both encourage and support a wider diversity of entrant. Whilst there are some studies, these focus on particular individual widening participation groups rather than a wider strategic focus across the student lifecycle

    UNderstanding uptake of Immunisations in TravellIng aNd Gypsy communities (UNITING): a qualitative interview study

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    Background: Gypsies, Travellers and Roma (referred to as Travellers) are less likely to access health services, including immunisation. To improve immunisation rates, we need to understand what helps and hinders individuals in these communities in taking up immunisations. Aims: (1) Investigate the barriers to and facilitators of acceptability and uptake of immunisations among six Traveller communities across four UK cities; and (2) identify possible interventions to increase uptake of immunisations in these Traveller communities that could be tested in a subsequent feasibility study. Methods: Three-phase qualitative study underpinned by the social ecological model. Phase 1: interviews with 174 Travellers from six communities: Romanian Roma (Bristol); English Gypsy/Irish Traveller (Bristol); English Gypsy (York); Romanian/Slovakian Roma (Glasgow); Scottish Showpeople (Glasgow); and Irish Traveller (London). Focus on childhood and adult vaccines. Phase 2: interviews with 39 service providers. Data were analysed using the framework approach. Interventions were identified using a modified intervention mapping approach. Phase 3: 51 Travellers and 25 service providers attended workshops and produced a prioritised list of potentially acceptable and feasible interventions. Results: There were many common accounts of barriers and facilitators across communities, particularly across the English-speaking communities. Scottish Showpeople were the most similar to the general population. Roma communities experienced additional barriers of language and being in a new country. Men, women and service providers described similar barriers and facilitators. There was widespread acceptance of childhood and adult immunisation, with current parents perceived as more positive than their elders. A minority of English-speaking Travellers worried about multiple/combined childhood vaccines, adult flu and whooping cough. Cultural concerns about vaccines offered during pregnancy and about human papillomavirus were most evident in the Bristol English Gypsy/Irish Traveller community. Language, literacy, discrimination, poor school attendance, poverty and housing were identified by Travellers and service providers as barriers for some. Trustful relationships with health professionals were important and continuity of care was valued. A few English-speaking Travellers described problems of booking and attending for immunisation. Service providers tailored their approach to Travellers, particularly the Roma. Funding cuts, NHS reforms and poor monitoring challenged their work. Five ‘top-priority’ interventions were agreed across communities and service providers to improve the immunisation among Travellers who are housed or settled on an authorised site: (1) cultural competence training for health professionals and frontline staff; (2) identification of Travellers in health records to tailor support and monitor uptake; (3) provision of a named frontline person in general practitioner practices to provide respectful and supportive service; (4) flexible and diverse systems for booking appointments, recall and reminders; and (5) protected funding for health visitors specialising in Traveller health, including immunisation. Limitations: No Travellers living on the roadside or on unofficial encampments were interviewed. We should exert caution in generalising to these groups. Future work: To include development, implementation and evaluation of a national policy plan (and practice guidance plan) to promote the uptake of immunisation among Traveller communities

    Transforming Community Health Services for Children and Young People who are Ill : A quasi-experimental evaluation

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    Background: Children’s community nursing (CCN) services support children with acute, chronic, complex and end-of-life care needs in the community. Objectives: This research examined the impact of introducing and expanding CCN services on quality, acute care and costs. Methods: A longitudinal, mixed-methods, case study design in three parts. The case studies were in five localities introducing or expanding services. Part 1: an interrupted time series (ITS) analysis of Hospital Episode Statistics on acute hospital admission for common childhood illness, and bed-days and length of stay for all conditions, including a subset for complex conditions. The ITS used between 60 and 84 time points (monthly data) depending on the case site. Part 2: a cost–consequence analysis using activity data from CCN services and resource-use data from a subset of families (n = 32). Part 3: in-depth interviews with 31 parents of children with complex conditions using services in the case sites and a process evaluation of service change with 41 NHS commissioners, managers and practitioners, using longitudinal in-depth interviews, focus groups and documentary data. Findings: Part 1: the ITS analysis showed a mixed pattern of impact on acute activity, with the greatest reductions in areas that had rates above the national average before CCN services were introduced and significant reductions in some teams in acute activity for children with complex conditions. Some models of CCN appear to have more potential for impact than others. Part 2: the cost–consequence analysis covered only part of the CCN teams’ activity. It showed some potential savings from reduced admissions and bed-days, but none that was greater than the total cost of the services. Part 3: three localities implemented services as planned, one achieved partial service change and one was not able to achieve any service change. Organisational stability, finance, medical stakeholder support, competition, integration with primary care and visibility influenced the planning and implementation of new and expanded CCN services. Feeling supported to manage their ill child at home was a key outcome of using services for parents. Various service features contributed to this and were important in different ways at different times. Other outcomes included being able to avoid hospital care, enabling the child to stay in school, and getting respite. Although parents judged that care was of high quality when teams enabled them to feel supported, reassured and secure in managing their ill child at home, this did not depend on a constant level of contact from teams. Limitations: Delays in service reconfigurations required adaptation of research activity across sites. Use of administrative data, such as Hospital Episode Statistics, for research purposes is technically difficult and imposed some limitations on both the ITS and the cost–consequence analyses. Conclusions: Large, generic CCN teams that integrate acute admission avoidance for all children with support for children with complex conditions and highly targeted teams for children with complex conditions offer the possibility of supporting children more appropriately at home while also making some difference to acute activity. This possibility remains to be tested further. Future work: Further work should refine the evidence on outcomes of services by looking at outcomes in promising models, value for money and measuring quality-based outcomes. Funding: The National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Research Programme

    Effective dementia education and training for the health and social care workforce: A systematic review of the literature

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    Ensuring an informed and effective dementia workforce is of international concern, however there remains limited understanding of how this can be achieved. This systematic review aimed to identify factors associated with effective dementia educational programmes. Critical Interpretive Synthesis underpinned by Kirkpatrick’s return on investment model for evaluation of education was applied. One hundred and fifty-two papers of variable quality were included in the review. Common features of more efficacious educational programmes included the need for educational programmes to: be relevant to participants’ role and experience; involve active face-to-face participation; underpin practice-based learning with theory; be delivered by an experienced facilitator; have a total duration of at least eight hours with individual sessions of 90 minutes or more; support application of learning in practice; and provide a structured tool or practice guideline to underpin care practice. Further robust research is required to develop the evidence base; however, the findings of this review have relevance for all working in workforce education

    Alcohol dependence in public policy: towards its (re)inclusion

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    Public policy on alcohol in the UK relies on health promotion campaigns that encourage individuals who misuse alcohol to make healthier choices about their drinking. Individuals with alcohol-dependence syndrome have an impaired capacity to choose health. As a result, individuals with the worst alcohol misuse problems lie largely outside the reach of choice-based policy. However, such policy has been widely criticized and efforts to reform it are underway. This paper argues that the British Medical Association’s recent attempt to improve policy on alcohol in the UK by introducing strategies which have been shown to control drinking within populations still gives insufficient attention to alcohol dependence. This is because it fails accurately and consistently to characterize alcohol dependence and gives insufficient attention to the social challenges it presents

    Can Healthcare Assistant Training (CHAT) improve the relational care of older people? A developmental and feasibility study of a complex intervention

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    Background: Older people account for an increasing proportion of those receiving NHS acute care. The quality of healthcare delivered to older people has come under increased scrutiny. Healthcare assistants (HCAs) provide much of the direct care of older people in hospital. Patients’ experience of care tends to be based on the relational aspects of that care including dignity, empathy and emotional support. Objective(s): We aimed to: understand the relational care training needs of HCAs caring for older people; design a relational care training intervention for HCAs; and assess the feasibility of a cluster-randomised controlled trial to test the new intervention against HCA training as usual. Design: (1) Telephone survey of all NHS hospital Trusts in England to assess current HCA training provision; (2) focus groups of older people and carers and (3) semi-structured interviews with HCAs and other care staff to establish training needs and inform intervention development; (4) feasibility cluster-randomised controlled trial. Setting: (1) All acute NHS hospital Trusts in England; (2,3,4) Three acute NHS hospital Trusts in England and the populations they serve. Participants: (1) 113 of 161 (70.2%) Trusts took part in the telephone survey; (2) 29 older people or carer participants of three focus groups; (3) 30 HCA and 24 ‘other staff’ interviewees; (4) 12 wards (four per Trust); 112 HCAs; 92 patients during the pre-randomisation period and 67 patients during the post-randomisation period. Interventions: For the feasibility trial a training intervention (Older People’s Shoes) for HCAs developed as part of the study was compared with HCA training as usual. Main outcome measures: Patient level outcomes were the experience of emotional care and quality of life during their hospital stay as measured by the Patient Evaluation of Emotional Care during Hospitalisation (PEECH) and the European Quality of Life (EQ-5D) questionnaires. HCA outcomes were empathy measured by the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ) and attitudes towards older people measured by the Age Group Evaluation and Description (AGED) Inventory. Ward level outcomes were the quality of HCA/patient interaction measured by the Quality of Interaction Scale (QUIS). Results: (1) A third of Trust telephone survey participants reported HCA training content that we considered to be ‘relational care’. Training for HCAs is variable across Trusts and focused on new recruits. The biggest challenge for HCA training is getting HCAs released from ward duties. (2) Older people and carers are aware of the pressures ward staff are under but good relationships with care staff determines whether the experience of hospital is positive. (3) HCAs have training needs related to ‘difficult conversations’ with patients and relatives; they have particular preferences for learning styles that are not always reflected in available training. (4) In the feasibility trial 187 of the 192 planned ward observation sessions were completed; response to HCA questionnaires at baseline, eight and 12 weeks post-randomisation was 64.2%, 46.4% and 35.7% respectively; 57.2% of eligible patients returned completed questionnaires. Limitations: This was an intervention development and feasibility study so no conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of the intervention. Conclusions: The intervention had high acceptability among nurse trainers and HCA learners. Viability of a definitive trial is conditional on overcoming specific methodological (patient recruitment processes) and contextual (involvement of wider ward team) challenges. Future work: Methods to ease the burden of questionnaire completion without compromising ethics or methodological rigour need to be explored. Study registration: ISRCTN1038579
