100 research outputs found

    Managing COPD using pulmonary rehabilitation: a literature review

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    This article presents a literature review of the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to decrease patient mortality and hospital admissions. The literature search resulted in 13 articles being selected for review. Three themes were identified: improvement in exercise tolerance, improvement in breathlessness and improvement in health-related quality of life. This review enhances our knowledge of the mechanisms through which pulmonary rehabilitation benefits patients and provides an evidence base to guide nursing decisions regarding patient education, health promotion and psychological support

    The Three Muscateers:An exploration of how the convergence of three elements: critical pedagogy, living theory and participatory action research spark students’ epistemological curiosity to support their primary-secondary mathematics transitions in Muscat, Oman.

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    The convergence of three elements rooted in critical theory: critical pedagogy, living theory and participatory action research (PAR) is explored in the context of a British curriculum school in Muscat, Oman. This exploration centres on the social justice impact on students’ primary-secondary mathematics transitions. This transition is established as being challenging for many students and negatively impacts on their future lives. The literature review sets out a theoretical framework of critical pedagogy through which existing transition research and practise are examined. This evidences the significant social injustice in the pedagogy at the heart of existing transitions. The lens of critical pedagogy grounded in ontological values of critical hope, love and respect, highlights that an alternative approach is needed which empowers students to develop their epistemological curiosity in their mathematics transitions. The methodology of living theory is explored in depth to establish a theoretical foundation for this participatory action research study. Year 6 students (aged 10-11 years) actively engaged in research to interrogate their upcoming mathematics transitions from primary to secondary school and were empowered to seek the support they needed. Two iterations of PAR were conducted over two years with a total of 192 students. The thesis pauses for a brief reverie to discuss, with critical hope, the possibilities this participatory action research has to create wider social change. The theories of critical pedagogy and living theory are then combined to analyse the findings. The discussion focuses on the impact this convergence of critical pedagogy, living theory methodology and PAR has on the student participants. The social justice potential of intertwining these three elements in Muscat inspires the term The Three Muscateers in honour of the social justice potential observed in this study. The thesis contributes to the field of transition literature, answering a call for further transition research which explores methodologies to elevate students’ voices. The PAR has resulted in pedagogical change to transition policy and is an example for teachers and researchers seeking to explore how students can create more epistemologically empowered and successful primary-secondary mathematics transitions through PAR framed by critical pedagogy and living theory

    An evaluation on the implementation of Batho Pele Service Delivery Policy: a case of South African Social Security Agency in Amathole District Municipality

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    Batho Pele Principles are the most fundamental policy guide-lines of the public sector administration and service delivery. The government uses these principles in improving the service delivery outcomes. The principles are meant to transform the hearts and the minds of public servants and put the citizens at the core of operations. The study succeeded to establish the understanding and implementation of these principles at SASSA Amathole Region. This study was able to determine the level of good governance in the public sector, its transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability. SASSA committed themselves to the agenda of social transformation that is embodied in the principles of Social Justice and Bill of Rights contained in the South African Constitution. The study also looked at other previous literatures that were conducted which sought to better explain the Batho Pele principles and also looked into describing different demographic characteristics and the process of grant application at SASSA. The study looked at the important aspects that the public servants have to know with regards to the understanding and implementation of the Batho Pele principles. These principles came with responsibility and one has to be alert of their vitality in the realisation of rendering a public service that is sound. These principles were measured through grant application at SASSA in Eastern Cape at Amathole District Municipality. The study determined the level of commitment SASSA has in transforming service delivery. Improving service delivery is the ultimate goal of public service transformation programme and every government’s success depends on its effectiveness and efficiency delivery of services to citizens. The study concluded with the emphasis on the need for effective implementation of Batho Pele policy by government agencies such as SASSA

    Identify strategies that tourism entrepreneurs can utilise to tap into the growing Eastern Cape tourism industry through exploration of craft beer tourism in Eastern Cape South Africa

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    The Eastern Cape is regarded as one of the poorest provinces in South Africa. This has resulted in the province experiencing high unemployment rates. Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) have an important role to play in the creation of employment to alleviate the population’s dependence on government and to grow the economy of the Province of the Eastern Cape. Recent years have seen the growth of new registrations of micro manufactures. These businesses are independently owned and are appearing in all areas of the Eastern Cape. The Eastern Cape has also experienced growth in the tourism industry. Given the growth in these industries, gave rise to the objective of the study which was to formulate strategies that can be used by tourism entrepreneurs to tap into the growing Eastern Cape tourism industry through exploration of craft beer tourism in the Eastern Cape. To achieve the objective a review of the literature found that little has been done in the field of craft beer research. A further review of the literature showed that the Western Cape had a successful wine route and a craft beer route. Both were studied to determine the framework used in establishing the routes in order to liken it to what can be similarly applied to the Eastern Cape. A comparison was drawn between the craft-beer tourism in other parts of South Africa and the establishment and sustainability techniques employed in the South African wine tourism industry. The study followed an exploratory approach and data collection was carried out by taking the whole population of micro manufacturers. The insights of micro manufacturers were deemed crucial in the process of formulating the necessary strategies for the industry. Although there is growth in the number of craft-brewers registered with the Eastern Cape Liquor Board, the number is still very small and necessitated the use of the qualitative method in data collection. The feedback from the interviews was used to outline the strategy that can be used to ensure that craft brewers can enter the tourism industry and remain sustainable. Recommendations from the study show that the craft beer route and tourism can merge and create a profitable market for the Eastern Cape

    How does it really feel to be in my shoes? Patients' experiences of compassion within nursing care and their perceptions of developing compassionate nurses

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    Aims and objectives. To understand how patients experience compassion within nursing care and explore their perceptions of developing compassionate nurses. Background. Compassion is a fundamental part of nursing care. Individually, nurses have a duty of care to show compassion; an absence can lead to patients feeling devalued and lacking in emotional support. Despite recent media attention, primary research around patients' experiences and perceptions of compassion in practice and its development in nursing care remains in short supply. Design. A qualitative exploratory descriptive approach. Methods. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 10 patients in a large teaching hospital in the United Kingdom. Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic networks were used in analysis. Results. Three overarching themes emerged from the data: What does this paper contribute to the wider global clinical community? • This research contributes to the body of knowledge that compassion is fundamental to nursing care and provides some empirical evidence on how patients perceive compassion as conveyed through the basic nursing care they receive. • The effects of the lack of compassion in care should not to be undervalued. • This research reaffirms that some patients believe their experiences can offer legitimate and valuable learning for nurses in relation to compassion. • For some, compassionate actions may only need to be fleeting, rather than the product of relationships established between nurses and the patients they care for. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made

    Understanding how Eastern European migrants use and experience UK health services: a systematic scoping review

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    Background: The UK has experienced significant immigration from Eastern Europe following European Union (EU) expansion in 2004, which raises the importance of equity and equality for the recent immigrants. Previous research on ethnic health inequalities focused on established minority ethnic groups, whereas Eastern European migrants are a growing, but relatively under-researched group. We aimed to conduct a systematic scoping review of published literature on Eastern European migrants’ use and experiences of UK health services. Methods: An initial search of nine databases produced 5997 relevant publications. Removing duplicates reduced the figure to 2198. Title and abstract screening left 73 publications. Full-text screening narrowed this down further to 10 articles, with three more from these publications to leave 13 included publications. We assessed publications for quality, extracted data and undertook a narrative synthesis. Results: The included publications most commonly studied sexual health and family planning services. For Eastern European migrants in the UK, the most commonly cited barriers to accessing and using healthcare were limited understanding of how the system worked and language difficulties. It was also common for migrants to return to their home country to a healthcare system they were familiar with, free from language barriers. Familial and social networks were valuable for patients with a limited command of English in the absence of suitable and available interpreting and translating services. Conclusions: To address limited understanding of the healthcare system and the English language, the NHS could produce information in all the Eastern European languages about how it operates. Adding nationality to the Electronic Patient Report Form (EPRF) may reveal the demand for interpretation and translation services. Eastern European migrants need to be encouraged to register with GPs to reduce A&E attendance for primary care conditions. Many of the issues raised will be relevant to other European countries since the long-term outcomes from Brexit are likely to influence the level of Eastern European and non-Eastern European migration across the continent, not just the UK

    Implementation of the Social Sciences Learning Model with the Jigsaw Approach to the Ability of Class X Students at SMK Negeri 3 Manado

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    Efforts to improve student achievement can be started by procuring various factors influencing it. One crucial factor is to present a variety of teacher-teaching methods. Teachers very much need these factors and are more creative in carrying out more interesting learning so that students like the teacher and the content taught. Applying a Jigsaw approach or cooperative learning for students so that they have significant responsibility in learning can inspire students to speak in front of the class. This study aims to determine students' understanding of social studies through learning with the Jigsaw method of choice in class X SMK Negeri 3 Manado. With a qualitative design and a descriptive approach strategy, this study is expected to understand the level of mastery of social studies content using the Jigsaw method and approach. Data collection techniques are data analysis from a series of teacher interviews and direct observations in the classroom. A single case study because it only chose one location. The case study is anchored because it has focused on the problem under study before researching the field. The procedure for implementing qualitative research is flexible according to the field's needs, situations, and conditions. In general, the results of qualitative research show that it is closely related to achieving effective and efficient learning objectives. The relationship between the material and the tasks carried out by students needs to be clarified so that each group and its members need clarification about the discussion material and its objectives. In this connection, it is unwise for teachers to criticize students' opinions, especially their criticisms, constantly. Keywords:  Jigsaw Approach, Social Sciences, Learning Mode


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui: 1). Pengaruh secara parsial perencanaan karir terhadap kinerja pegawai: 2). Pengaruh secara parsial pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja; 3) Pengaruh secara simultan perencanaan karir dan pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian dilakukan pada pegawai Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Gorontalo dengan Responden yang berjumlah 74 orang. Adapun teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh/ sensus. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan model regresinya adalah Ŝ = 6,783  +  0,439X1  +  0,411X2 + e, dengan demikian dapat dijelaskan bahwa 1). Secara parsial variabel perencanaan karir berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai; 2). Secara parsial variabel pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai: 3). Secara simultan perencanaan karir dan pengembangan karir berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Dari hasil pengujian ini diperoleh nilai koefisien determinasi (R²) atau nilai kontribusi variabel perencanaan karir dan pengembangan karir dalam mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai sebesar 0,367 atau 36,7 % sementara sisanya 0,633 atau 63,3% berupa kontribusi dari faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diteliti seperti Gaya kepemimpinan, Pendidikan dan Latihan, kompensasi, Koordinasi, Iklim Budaya Organisasi, dan lain-lain

    Learning to promote patient dignity: an inter-professional approach

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    The promotion of patient dignity is an important aspect of healthcare provision. However, there is evidence to suggest that patient dignity is not being promoted as expected and a number of attributing factors have been suggested in the literature. This article proposes that healthcare educators should incorporate the subject of dignity in its own right within the curriculum. Attempts in teaching the concept of dignity have tended to adopt an uni-professional approach: this paper proposes that inter-professional education (IPE) is the most suitable approach in teaching the issues relating to dignity in healthcare. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
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