10 research outputs found

    Compensation by tumor suppressor genes during retinal development in mice and humans

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    BACKGROUND: The RB1 gene was the first tumor suppressor gene cloned from humans by studying genetic lesions in families with retinoblastoma. Children who inherit one defective copy of the RB1 gene have an increased susceptibility to retinoblastoma. Several years after the identification of the human RB1 gene, a targeted deletion of Rb was generated in mice. Mice with one defective copy of the Rb gene do not develop retinoblastoma. In this manuscript, we explore the different roles of the Rb family in human and mouse retinal development in order to better understand the species-specific difference in retinoblastoma susceptibility. RESULTS: We found that the Rb family of proteins (Rb, p107 and p130) are expressed in a dynamic manner during mouse retinal development. The primary Rb family member expressed in proliferating embryonic retinal progenitor cells in mice is p107, which is required for appropriate cell cycle exit during retinogenesis. The primary Rb family member expressed in proliferating postnatal retinal progenitor cells is Rb. p130 protein is expressed redundantly with Rb in postmitotic cells of the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer of the mouse retina. When Rb is inactivated in an acute or chronic manner during mouse retinal development, p107 is upregulated in a compensatory manner. Similarly, when p107 is inactivated in the mouse retina, Rb is upregulated. No changes in p130 expression were seen when p107, Rb or both were inactivated in the developing mouse retina. In the human retina, RB1 was the primary family member expressed throughout development. There was very little if any p107 expressed in the developing human retina. In contrast to the developing mouse retina, when RB1 was acutely inactivated in the developing human fetal retina, p107 was not upregulated in a compensatory manner. CONCLUSION: We propose that intrinsic genetic compensation between Rb and p107 prevents retinoblastoma in Rb- or p107-deficient mice, but this compensation does not occur in humans. Together, these data suggest a model that explains why humans are susceptible to retinoblastoma following RB1 loss, but mice require both Rb and p107 gene inactivation

    Perspective: New genetic tools for studying retinal development and disease

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    An E2F Binding-Deficient Rb1 Protein Partially Rescues Developmental Defects Associated with Rb1 Nullizygosity

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    Rb1 is essential for normal embryonic development, as null mice die in midgestation with widespread unscheduled cell proliferation. Rb1 protein (pRb) mediates cell cycle control by binding E2F transcription factors and repressing expression from E2F-dependent promoters. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that pRb loss also compromises cellular differentiation. Since differentiation is often dependent on cell cycle exit, it is currently unclear whether the effects of pRb on differentiation are an indirect consequence of pRb/E2F-mediated cell cycle control or whether they reflect direct cell-type-specific pRb functions. We have mutated Rb1 in the mouse to express a protein (R654W) specifically deficient in binding E2F1, E2F2, and E2F3. R654W mutant embryos exhibit cell cycle defects the same as those of Rb1 null embryos, reinforcing the importance of the interactions of pRb with E2F1, E2F2, and E2F3 for cell cycle control. However, R654W embryos survive at least 2 days longer than Rb1 null embryos, and increased life span is associated with improved erythrocyte and fetal liver macrophage differentiation. In contrast, R654W pRb does not rescue differentiation defects associated with pRb-deficient retinae. These data indicate that Rb1 makes important cell-type-specific contributions to cellular differentiation that are genetically separable from its general ability to stably bind E2F1, E2F2, and E2F3 and regulate the cell cycle

    Changes in Retinoblastoma Cell Adhesion Associated with Optic Nerve Invasion▿ †

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    In the 1970s, several human retinoblastoma cell lines were developed from cultures of primary tumors. As the human retinoblastoma cell lines were established in culture, growth properties and changes in cell adhesion were described. Those changes correlated with the ability of the human retinoblastoma cell lines to invade the optic nerve and metastasize in orthotopic xenograft studies. However, the mechanisms that underlie these changes were not determined. We used the recently developed knockout mouse models of retinoblastoma to begin to characterize the molecular, cellular, and genetic changes associated with retinoblastoma tumor progression and optic nerve invasion. Here we report the isolation and characterization of the first mouse retinoblastoma cell lines with targeted deletions of the Rb family. Our detailed analysis of these cells as they were propagated in culture from the primary tumor shows that changes in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion are associated with retinoblastoma invasion of the optic nerve prior to metastasis. In addition, the same changes in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion correlate with the invasive properties of the human retinoblastoma cell lines isolated decades ago, providing a molecular mechanism for these earlier observations. Most importantly, our studies are in agreement with genetic studies on human retinoblastomas, suggesting that changes in this pathway are involved in tumor progression

    Understanding protein non-folding

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    This review describes the family of intrinsically disordered proteins, members of which fail to form rigid 3-D structures under physiological conditions, either along their entire lengths or only in localized regions. Instead, these intriguing proteins/regions exist as dynamic ensembles within which atom positions and backbone Ramachandran angles exhibit extreme temporal fluctuations without specific equilibrium values. Many of these intrinsically disordered proteins are known to carry out important biological functions which, in fact, depend on the absence of specific 3-D structure. The existence of such proteins does not fit the prevailing structure-function paradigm, which states that unique 3-D structure is a prerequisite to function. Thus, the protein structure-function paradigm has to be expanded to include intrinsically disordered proteins and alternative relationships among protein sequence, structure, and function. This shift in the paradigm represents a major breakthrough for biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, as it opens new levels of understanding with regard to the complex life of proteins. This review will try to answer the following questions: How were intrinsically disordered proteins discovered? Why don't these proteins fold? What is so special about intrinsic disorder? What are the functional advantages of disordered proteins/regions? What is the functional repertoire of these proteins? What are the relationships between intrinsically disordered proteins and human diseases

    Molecular Mechanisms and Genetics of Oxidative Stress in Alzheimer’s Disease

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