9 research outputs found
Executive coaches’ backgrounds – Yes, they can make a difference
- Publication venue
- Oxford Brookes University
- Publication date
- Field of study
Thyroid function evaluation by different commercially available free thyroid hormone measurement kits in term pregnant women and their newborns
- Author
- A Harada
- A Pacchiarotti
- A Pacchiarotti
- BG Anderson
- CH Emerson
- CM Mendel
- CP Sheehan
- D Emrich
- DA Fisher
- DA Fisher
- DL Schatz
- EJ Hindle
- EM Kaptein
- G Csako
- GD Malkasian
- H Meinhold
- ID Hay
- J Franklyn
- J Franklyn
- JA Souma
- JEM Midgley
- JEM Midgley
- JH Dussault
- JH Oppenheimer
- JM Waud
- K Liewendahl
- K Sterling
- KM Forshaw
- L Wartofsky
- LE Braverman
- LK Bachrach
- LR Witherspoon
- LR Witherspoon
- MF Bayer
- MR Hopton
- N Amino
- N Amino
- N Konno
- NI Robin
- NP Kubasik
- P Beck-Peccoz
- PGH Byfield
- PJN Howorth
- PR Larsen
- PR Larsen
- R Ekins
- R Mardell
- R Osathanondh
- R Rajatanavin
- R Rajatanavin
- R Rajatanavin
- RK Sarin
- SH Ingbar
- T Hirano
- T Yamamoto
- TJ Wilke
- TW Avruskin
- WA Ratcliffe
- YS Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Town and city
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- Abrams
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- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
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- Aspinall
- Aspinwall
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- Davies
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- Davies
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- Rubinstein
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- Thomas
- Thomas
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- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
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- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
- Author
- Abrams
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- Adams
- Addy
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- Ainsworth
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- Alison
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- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
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- Gwyther
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- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
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- Horn
- Horn
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- Huzel
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- Inkster
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- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
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- John
- John
- John
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- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
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- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
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- MacLaren
- MacLaren
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- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martins
- Marwick
- Masterman
- Mather
- Matheson
- Mathias
- Mathieson
- Matthews
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- Mazumdar
- McAllister
- McCann
- McCay
- McClatchey
- McCord
- McCord
- McCord
- McCrone
- McKendrick
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McPherson
- McRoberts
- McShane
- Meacham
- Meadowcraft
- Meikle
- Mejer
- Melling
- Melling
- Mellor
- Mess
- Michie
- Middlemas
- Midwinter
- Miller
- Mills
- Milton
- Minchinton
- Minchinton
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Muir
- Mumford
- Munsche
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Mutch
- Muthesius
- Muthesius
- Nairn
- Neill
- Newby
- Newby
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholson
- Niven
- O'Leary
- Obelkevich
- Offer
- Offer
- Oliver
- Olney
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Osborne
- Osler
- Owen
- Pahl
- Parry
- Parry-Jones
- Parsinnen
- Paterson
- Paton
- Paton
- Peacock
- Peake
- Pearce
- Peate
- Peate
- Pedley
- Pennant
- Pepper
- Perkin
- Perrie Williams
- Philip
- Phillips
- Phythian-Adams
- Pickering
- Pierce
- Pimlott
- Poole
- Poole
- Pooley
- Port
- Porteous
- Poynter
- Pretty
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Pryde
- Ravetz
- Rawcliffe
- Razzell
- Read
- Redford
- Reeder
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reeves
- Reid
- Reid
- Rew
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Roach
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson-Scott
- Robin
- Robson
- Robson
- Rocyn-Jones
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowntree
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Ruggles
- Rule
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Sandberg
- Sanderson
- Saul
- Saunders
- Savage
- Saville
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Scotland
- Sellman
- Shallice
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Sheenan
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sher
- Sherwell
- Shipley
- Simpson
- Slaven
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Snell
- Snell
- Solow
- Southall
- Southall
- Spenceley
- Spring
- Springall
- Sprott
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stedman
- Stedman
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stephens
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Sutcliffe
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Symon
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thane
- Thom
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thresh
- Tillott
- Tilly
- Timmins
- Timperley
- Tobias
- Tomley
- Townshend
- Treen
- Tuckett
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tylecote
- Tyson
- Unwin
- Vigier
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Wadsworth
- Waller
- Waller
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Ward
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Warren
- Watt
- Webb
- Weber
- Wells
- Wells
- Welton
- Westergaard
- Whetham
- Whetstone
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whyman
- Whyte
- Wiener
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams-Davies
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Winstanley
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Woodruff
- Wordie
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wynne Evans
- Yelling
- Yelling
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Youngson
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
- Author
- Abrams
- Adam
- Adams
- Addy
- Agar
- Ainsworth
- Aiton
- Alexander
- Alison
- Allan
- Ambrose
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Ansell
- Anthony-Jones
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Arnot
- Aronson
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashmore
- Ashplant
- Ashton
- Aspinall
- Aspinall
- Aspinwall
- Astor
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atkinson
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baedeker
- Baer
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baines
- Baird
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barron
- Baugh
- Beattie
- Beckett
- Belchem
- Bell
- Bennett
- Benusan
- Beresford
- Beresford
- Besant
- Besant
- Best
- Bewley
- Binford
- Bingham Ashworth
- Blythe
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Borsay
- Bosanquet
- Bowen
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyns
- Boyson
- Boyson
- Bracey
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brandon
- Branson
- Braudel
- Brennan
- Brennan
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bristow
- Brotherston
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bumsted
- Burgess
- Burr–Litchfield
- Bush
- Bushaway
- Butt
- Buxton
- Bythell
- Cage
- Cage
- Caird
- Cairncross
- Calhoun
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Cannadine
- Carr
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Ceredig Davies
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Challinor
- Chaloner
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chaplin
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Charlesworth
- Chartres
- Chartres
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Chorley
- Cirket
- Clapham
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cockburn
- Collier
- Colls
- Colyer
- Cooney
- Cope
- Coppock
- Corfield
- Coupland
- Cowan
- Cox
- Cox
- Craig
- Cramond
- Cresswell
- Crosby
- Cross
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crowley
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cunningham
- Currie
- Damer
- Danson
- Darling
- Daunton
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davie
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Day
- Daysh
- Deane
- Deane
- Devine
- Devine
- Dewey
- Dewey
- Dewsnup
- Dick
- Dickson
- Didsbury
- Digby
- Dinwiddy
- Dix
- Dobson
- Dodd
- Dodgshon
- Dodgshon
- Donachie
- Douglas
- Drake
- Drummond
- Drummond
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunlop
- DurKacz
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Eden
- Edmunds
- Edsall
- Edsall
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Elbourne
- Elton
- Emsley
- Engels
- England
- Englander
- Erickson
- Ernle
- Erskine
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Everitt
- Fairfax-Blakeborough
- Farnie
- Farnie
- Faucher
- Feinstein
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fido
- Finer
- Fisher
- Fitton
- Fitzrandolph
- Fletcher
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Floud
- Foley
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Francis
- Francis
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser Darling
- Freeman
- Friedlander
- Friedlander
- Fullarton
- Gadian
- Garrard
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Gash
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gibson
- Gillis
- Girouard
- Glyde
- Goodfellow
- Goodman
- Goodway
- Gordon
- Gosden
- Gourvish
- Graham
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Gretton
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Groves
- Grytzell
- Gwyther
- Gwyther
- Haggard
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamley
- Hammond
- Handley
- Handley
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hardy
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvie
- Hasbach
- Hasbach
- Havinden
- Health
- Hennock
- Hennock
- Hewitt
- Highet
- Hikins
- Hills
- Hinchcliffe
- Hindle
- Hinton
- Hirst
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobson
- Holdenby
- Holderness
- Holloway
- Hone
- Hopkin
- Hopkins
- Hopwood
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- House
- Houston
- Howe
- Howell
- Howell
- Howell
- Howkins
- Howse
- Hoyle
- Hudson
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Husbands
- Hutchins
- Hutchison
- Hutt
- Huzel
- Huzel
- Hyde
- Imray
- Inglis
- Inkster
- Inkster
- Innes
- Irons
- Itzkowitz
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Jefferies
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jessopp
- Jewkes
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Parry
- Joyce
- Judd
- Julian
- Kay
- Kellas
- Kellas
- Kellett
- Kendall
- Kenyon
- Kerr
- Kerridge
- Khleif
- Kinloch
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Knox
- Korr
- Lambert
- Langton
- Laqueur
- Large
- Law
- Law
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lejeune
- Lenman
- Levine
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liddington
- Liddle
- Lile
- Lillywhite
- Lindert
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lloyd–Jones
- Logue
- Lond
- Long
- Longmate
- Longstaff
- Lovell
- Lovett
- Low
- Lowe
- Luckin
- Lush
- Lythe
- MacDonald
- Macdonald
- Macintyre
- Mackinder
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- Madgwick
- Malcolmson
- Mann
- Mansfield
- Marriner
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martins
- Marwick
- Masterman
- Mather
- Matheson
- Mathias
- Mathieson
- Matthews
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- Mazumdar
- McAllister
- McCann
- McCay
- McClatchey
- McCord
- McCord
- McCord
- McCrone
- McKendrick
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McPherson
- McRoberts
- McShane
- Meacham
- Meadowcraft
- Meikle
- Mejer
- Melling
- Melling
- Mellor
- Mess
- Michie
- Middlemas
- Midwinter
- Miller
- Mills
- Milton
- Minchinton
- Minchinton
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Muir
- Mumford
- Munsche
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Mutch
- Muthesius
- Muthesius
- Nairn
- Neill
- Newby
- Newby
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholson
- Niven
- O'Leary
- Obelkevich
- Offer
- Offer
- Oliver
- Olney
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Osborne
- Osler
- Owen
- Pahl
- Parry
- Parry-Jones
- Parsinnen
- Paterson
- Paton
- Paton
- Peacock
- Peake
- Pearce
- Peate
- Peate
- Pedley
- Pennant
- Pepper
- Perkin
- Perrie Williams
- Philip
- Phillips
- Phythian-Adams
- Pickering
- Pierce
- Pimlott
- Poole
- Poole
- Pooley
- Port
- Porteous
- Poynter
- Pretty
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Pryde
- Ravetz
- Rawcliffe
- Razzell
- Read
- Redford
- Reeder
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reeves
- Reid
- Reid
- Rew
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Roach
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson-Scott
- Robin
- Robson
- Robson
- Rocyn-Jones
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowntree
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Ruggles
- Rule
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Sandberg
- Sanderson
- Saul
- Saunders
- Savage
- Saville
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Scotland
- Sellman
- Shallice
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Sheenan
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sher
- Sherwell
- Shipley
- Simpson
- Slaven
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Snell
- Snell
- Solow
- Southall
- Southall
- Spenceley
- Spring
- Springall
- Sprott
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stedman
- Stedman
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stephens
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Sutcliffe
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Symon
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thane
- Thom
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thresh
- Tillott
- Tilly
- Timmins
- Timperley
- Tobias
- Tomley
- Townshend
- Treen
- Tuckett
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tylecote
- Tyson
- Unwin
- Vigier
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Wadsworth
- Waller
- Waller
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Ward
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Warren
- Watt
- Webb
- Weber
- Wells
- Wells
- Welton
- Westergaard
- Whetham
- Whetstone
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whyman
- Whyte
- Wiener
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams-Davies
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Winstanley
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Woodruff
- Wordie
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wynne Evans
- Yelling
- Yelling
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Youngson
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
The north-west
- Author
- Abrams
- Adam
- Adams
- Addy
- Addy
- Agar
- Ainsworth
- Ainsworth
- Aiton
- Alexander
- Alison
- Allan
- Ambrose
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Ansell
- Anthony-Jones
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Arnot
- Aronson
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashmore
- Ashplant
- Ashton
- Aspinall
- Aspinall
- Aspinwall
- Astor
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atkinson
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baedeker
- Baer
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baines
- Baird
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barron
- Baugh
- Beattie
- Beckett
- Belchem
- Belchem
- Bell
- Bennett
- Benusan
- Beresford
- Beresford
- Besant
- Besant
- Best
- Bewley
- Binford
- Bingham Ashworth
- Blythe
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Borsay
- Bosanquet
- Bowen
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyns
- Boyson
- Boyson
- Bracey
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brandon
- Branson
- Braudel
- Brennan
- Brennan
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bristow
- Bristow
- Brotherston
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bumsted
- Burgess
- Burr–Litchfield
- Bush
- Bushaway
- Butt
- Buxton
- Bythell
- Cage
- Cage
- Caird
- Cairncross
- Calhoun
- Calhoun
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Cannadine
- Carr
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Ceredig Davies
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Challinor
- Chaloner
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chaplin
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Charlesworth
- Chartres
- Chartres
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Chorley
- Cirket
- Clapham
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cockburn
- Collier
- Colls
- Colyer
- Cooney
- Cope
- Coppock
- Corfield
- Coupland
- Cowan
- Cox
- Cox
- Craig
- Cramond
- Cresswell
- Crosby
- Cross
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crowley
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cunningham
- Currie
- Damer
- Danson
- Danson
- Darling
- Daunton
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davie
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Day
- Daysh
- Deane
- Deane
- Devine
- Devine
- Dewey
- Dewey
- Dewsnup
- Dick
- Dick
- Dickson
- Didsbury
- Digby
- Dinwiddy
- Dix
- Dobson
- Dodd
- Dodgshon
- Dodgshon
- Donachie
- Douglas
- Drake
- Drummond
- Drummond
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunlop
- DurKacz
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Eden
- Edmunds
- Edsall
- Edsall
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Elbourne
- Elbourne
- Elton
- Emsley
- Engels
- Engels
- England
- Englander
- Erickson
- Ernle
- Erskine
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Everitt
- Fairfax-Blakeborough
- Farnie
- Farnie
- Farnie
- Faucher
- Feinstein
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fido
- Finer
- Fisher
- Fitton
- Fitzrandolph
- Fletcher
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Floud
- Foley
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Fowler
- Francis
- Francis
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser Darling
- Freeman
- Friedlander
- Friedlander
- Fullarton
- Gadian
- Gadian
- Garrard
- Garrard
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Gash
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gibson
- Gillis
- Girouard
- Glyde
- Goodfellow
- Goodman
- Goodway
- Gordon
- Gosden
- Gourvish
- Graham
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Gretton
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Groves
- Grytzell
- Gwyther
- Gwyther
- Haggard
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamley
- Hammond
- Handley
- Handley
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hardy
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvie
- Hasbach
- Hasbach
- Havinden
- Health
- Hennock
- Hennock
- Hewitt
- Highet
- Hikins
- Hills
- Hinchcliffe
- Hindle
- Hinton
- Hirst
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobson
- Holdenby
- Holderness
- Holloway
- Hone
- Hopkin
- Hopkins
- Hopwood
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- House
- Houston
- Howe
- Howell
- Howell
- Howell
- Howkins
- Howse
- Hoyle
- Hudson
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Husbands
- Hutchins
- Hutchison
- Hutt
- Huzel
- Huzel
- Hyde
- Imray
- Inglis
- Inkster
- Inkster
- Innes
- Irons
- Itzkowitz
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Jefferies
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jessopp
- Jewkes
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Parry
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Judd
- Julian
- Kay
- Kay
- Kellas
- Kellas
- Kellett
- Kendall
- Kenyon
- Kerr
- Kerridge
- Khleif
- Kinloch
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Kirk
- Knox
- Korr
- Lambert
- Langton
- Laqueur
- Laqueur
- Large
- Law
- Law
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lejeune
- Lenman
- Levine
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liddington
- Liddington
- Liddle
- Lile
- Lillywhite
- Lindert
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lloyd–Jones
- Lloyd–Jones
- Logue
- Lond
- Long
- Longmate
- Longstaff
- Lovell
- Lovett
- Low
- Lowe
- Luckin
- Lush
- Lythe
- MacDonald
- Macdonald
- Macintyre
- Mackinder
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- Madgwick
- Malcolmson
- Mann
- Mansfield
- Marriner
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martins
- Marwick
- Masterman
- Mather
- Matheson
- Mathias
- Mathieson
- Matthews
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- Mazumdar
- McAllister
- McCann
- McCay
- McClatchey
- McCord
- McCord
- McCord
- McCrone
- McKendrick
- McKenzie
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McPherson
- McRoberts
- McShane
- Meacham
- Meadowcraft
- Meikle
- Mejer
- Melling
- Melling
- Mellor
- Mess
- Michie
- Middlemas
- Midwinter
- Miller
- Mills
- Milton
- Minchinton
- Minchinton
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Muir
- Mumford
- Munsche
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Mutch
- Mutch
- Muthesius
- Muthesius
- Nairn
- Neill
- Newby
- Newby
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholson
- Niven
- O'Leary
- Obelkevich
- Offer
- Offer
- Oliver
- Olney
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Osborne
- Osler
- Owen
- Pahl
- Parry
- Parry-Jones
- Parsinnen
- Paterson
- Paton
- Paton
- Peacock
- Peake
- Pearce
- Peate
- Peate
- Pedley
- Pennant
- Pepper
- Perkin
- Perrie Williams
- Philip
- Phillips
- Phythian-Adams
- Pickering
- Pierce
- Pimlott
- Poole
- Poole
- Poole
- Poole
- Pooley
- Port
- Porteous
- Poynter
- Pretty
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Pryde
- Ravetz
- Rawcliffe
- Razzell
- Read
- Redford
- Reeder
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reeves
- Reid
- Reid
- Rew
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Roach
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson-Scott
- Robin
- Robson
- Robson
- Rocyn-Jones
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowntree
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Ruggles
- Rule
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Sandberg
- Sandberg
- Sanderson
- Saul
- Saunders
- Savage
- Saville
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Scotland
- Sellman
- Shallice
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Sheenan
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sher
- Sherwell
- Shipley
- Simpson
- Slaven
- Smelser
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Snell
- Snell
- Solow
- Southall
- Southall
- Spenceley
- Spring
- Springall
- Sprott
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stedman
- Stedman
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stephens
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Sutcliffe
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Symon
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thane
- Thom
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thresh
- Tillott
- Tilly
- Timmins
- Timmins
- Timperley
- Tobias
- Tomley
- Townshend
- Treen
- Tuckett
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tylecote
- Tyson
- Unwin
- Vigier
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Wadsworth
- Wadsworth
- Waller
- Waller
- Waller
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Ward
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Warren
- Watt
- Webb
- Weber
- Wells
- Wells
- Welton
- Westergaard
- Whetham
- Whetstone
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whyman
- Whyte
- Wiener
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams-Davies
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Winstanley
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Woodruff
- Wordie
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wynne Evans
- Yelling
- Yelling
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Youngson
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
Scotland 1750–1850
- Author
- Abrams
- Adam
- Adams
- Addy
- Agar
- Ainsworth
- Aiton
- Alexander
- Alison
- Allan
- Allan
- Ambrose
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Ansell
- Anthony-Jones
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Arnot
- Aronson
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashmore
- Ashplant
- Ashton
- Aspinall
- Aspinall
- Aspinwall
- Astor
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atkinson
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baedeker
- Baedeker
- Baer
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baines
- Baird
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barron
- Baugh
- Beattie
- Beckett
- Belchem
- Bell
- Bennett
- Benusan
- Beresford
- Beresford
- Besant
- Besant
- Best
- Best
- Bewley
- Binford
- Bingham Ashworth
- Blythe
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Borsay
- Bosanquet
- Bowen
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyns
- Boyson
- Boyson
- Bracey
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brandon
- Branson
- Braudel
- Brennan
- Brennan
- Brennan
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bristow
- Brotherston
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bumsted
- Burgess
- Burr–Litchfield
- Bush
- Bushaway
- Butt
- Butt
- Buxton
- Bythell
- Cage
- Cage
- Caird
- Cairncross
- Calhoun
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Cannadine
- Carr
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Ceredig Davies
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Challinor
- Chaloner
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chaplin
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Charlesworth
- Chartres
- Chartres
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Chorley
- Cirket
- Clapham
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cockburn
- Collier
- Collier
- Colls
- Colyer
- Cooney
- Cope
- Coppock
- Corfield
- Coupland
- Cowan
- Cox
- Cox
- Craig
- Cramond
- Cramond
- Cresswell
- Crosby
- Cross
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crowley
- Crowley
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cunningham
- Currie
- Damer
- Damer
- Danson
- Darling
- Daunton
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davie
- Davie
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Day
- Daysh
- Deane
- Deane
- Devine
- Devine
- Devine
- Dewey
- Dewey
- Dewey
- Dewsnup
- Dick
- Dickson
- Didsbury
- Digby
- Dinwiddy
- Dix
- Dobson
- Dodd
- Dodgshon
- Dodgshon
- Donachie
- Douglas
- Drake
- Drummond
- Drummond
- Drummond
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunlop
- DurKacz
- DurKacz
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Eden
- Edmunds
- Edsall
- Edsall
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Elbourne
- Elton
- Emsley
- Engels
- England
- Englander
- Erickson
- Ernle
- Erskine
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Everitt
- Fairfax-Blakeborough
- Farnie
- Farnie
- Faucher
- Feinstein
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fido
- Finer
- Fisher
- Fitton
- Fitzrandolph
- Fletcher
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Floud
- Foley
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Francis
- Francis
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser Darling
- Freeman
- Friedlander
- Friedlander
- Fullarton
- Gadian
- Garrard
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Gash
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gibson
- Gillis
- Girouard
- Glyde
- Goodfellow
- Goodman
- Goodway
- Gordon
- Gosden
- Gourvish
- Graham
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Gretton
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Groves
- Grytzell
- Gwyther
- Gwyther
- Haggard
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamley
- Hammond
- Handley
- Handley
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hardy
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvie
- Hasbach
- Hasbach
- Havinden
- Havinden
- Health
- Health
- Hennock
- Hennock
- Hewitt
- Highet
- Highet
- Hikins
- Hills
- Hinchcliffe
- Hindle
- Hinton
- Hirst
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobson
- Holdenby
- Holderness
- Holloway
- Hone
- Hopkin
- Hopkins
- Hopwood
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- House
- Houston
- Howe
- Howell
- Howell
- Howell
- Howkins
- Howse
- Hoyle
- Hudson
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Husbands
- Hutchins
- Hutchison
- Hutt
- Huzel
- Huzel
- Hyde
- Imray
- Inglis
- Inkster
- Inkster
- Innes
- Irons
- Itzkowitz
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Jefferies
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jessopp
- Jewkes
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Parry
- Joyce
- Judd
- Julian
- Kay
- Kellas
- Kellas
- Kellas
- Kellett
- Kendall
- Kenyon
- Kerr
- Kerr
- Kerridge
- Khleif
- Khleif
- Kinloch
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Knox
- Korr
- Lambert
- Langton
- Laqueur
- Large
- Law
- Law
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lejeune
- Lenman
- Levine
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liddington
- Liddle
- Lile
- Lillywhite
- Lindert
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lloyd–Jones
- Logue
- Lond
- Long
- Longmate
- Longstaff
- Lovell
- Lovett
- Low
- Lowe
- Luckin
- Lush
- Lythe
- MacDonald
- Macdonald
- Macintyre
- Mackinder
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- Madgwick
- Malcolmson
- Mann
- Mansfield
- Marriner
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin
- Martins
- Marwick
- Masterman
- Mather
- Matheson
- Mathias
- Mathieson
- Matthews
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- Mazumdar
- McAllister
- McAllister
- McCann
- McCay
- McClatchey
- McCord
- McCord
- McCord
- McCrone
- McKendrick
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McPherson
- McPherson
- McRoberts
- McRoberts
- McShane
- Meacham
- Meadowcraft
- Meikle
- Mejer
- Melling
- Melling
- Mellor
- Mess
- Michie
- Middlemas
- Midwinter
- Miller
- Mills
- Milton
- Minchinton
- Minchinton
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Muir
- Muir
- Mumford
- Munsche
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Mutch
- Muthesius
- Muthesius
- Nairn
- Nairn
- Neill
- Neill
- Newby
- Newby
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholson
- Niven
- Niven
- O'Leary
- Obelkevich
- Offer
- Offer
- Oliver
- Olney
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osler
- Owen
- Pahl
- Parry
- Parry-Jones
- Parry-Jones
- Parsinnen
- Paterson
- Paton
- Paton
- Paton
- Peacock
- Peake
- Pearce
- Peate
- Peate
- Pedley
- Pennant
- Pepper
- Perkin
- Perrie Williams
- Philip
- Phillips
- Phythian-Adams
- Pickering
- Pierce
- Pimlott
- Poole
- Poole
- Pooley
- Port
- Porteous
- Poynter
- Pretty
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Pryde
- Pryde
- Ravetz
- Rawcliffe
- Razzell
- Read
- Redford
- Reeder
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reeves
- Reid
- Reid
- Rew
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Roach
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson-Scott
- Robin
- Robson
- Robson
- Rocyn-Jones
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowntree
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Ruggles
- Rule
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Sandberg
- Sanderson
- Saul
- Saunders
- Savage
- Saville
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Scotland
- Scotland
- Sellman
- Shallice
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Sheenan
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sher
- Sherwell
- Shipley
- Simpson
- Slaven
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Snell
- Snell
- Solow
- Southall
- Southall
- Spenceley
- Spring
- Springall
- Sprott
- Sprott
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stedman
- Stedman
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stephens
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Sutcliffe
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Symon
- Symon
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thane
- Thom
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thresh
- Tillott
- Tilly
- Timmins
- Timperley
- Timperley
- Tobias
- Tomley
- Townshend
- Treen
- Tuckett
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tylecote
- Tyson
- Unwin
- Vigier
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Wadsworth
- Waller
- Waller
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Ward
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Warren
- Watt
- Webb
- Webb
- Weber
- Wells
- Wells
- Welton
- Westergaard
- Whetham
- Whetstone
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whyman
- Whyte
- Wiener
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams-Davies
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Winstanley
- Withers
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Woodruff
- Wordie
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wynne Evans
- Yelling
- Yelling
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Youngson
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
London and the Home Counties
- Author
- Abrams
- Adam
- Adams
- Addy
- Agar
- Ainsworth
- Aiton
- Alexander
- Alison
- Allan
- Ambrose
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Ansell
- Ansell
- Anthony-Jones
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Arnot
- Aronson
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashmore
- Ashplant
- Ashton
- Aspinall
- Aspinall
- Aspinwall
- Astor
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atkinson
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baedeker
- Baer
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baines
- Baird
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barron
- Baugh
- Beattie
- Beattie
- Beckett
- Belchem
- Bell
- Bennett
- Benusan
- Beresford
- Beresford
- Besant
- Besant
- Besant
- Best
- Bewley
- Binford
- Bingham Ashworth
- Blythe
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Borsay
- Bosanquet
- Bowen
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyns
- Boyson
- Boyson
- Bracey
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brandon
- Brandon
- Branson
- Braudel
- Brennan
- Brennan
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bristow
- Brotherston
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bumsted
- Burgess
- Burr–Litchfield
- Bush
- Bushaway
- Butt
- Buxton
- Bythell
- Cage
- Cage
- Caird
- Cairncross
- Calhoun
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Cannadine
- Carr
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Ceredig Davies
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Challinor
- Chaloner
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chaplin
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Charlesworth
- Chartres
- Chartres
- Chartres
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Chorley
- Cirket
- Clapham
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cockburn
- Collier
- Colls
- Colyer
- Cooney
- Cope
- Coppock
- Corfield
- Corfield
- Coupland
- Cowan
- Cox
- Cox
- Craig
- Cramond
- Cresswell
- Crosby
- Cross
- Cross
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crowley
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cunningham
- Cunningham
- Currie
- Damer
- Danson
- Darling
- Daunton
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davie
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Day
- Daysh
- Deane
- Deane
- Devine
- Devine
- Dewey
- Dewey
- Dewsnup
- Dick
- Dickson
- Dickson
- Didsbury
- Digby
- Dinwiddy
- Dinwiddy
- Dix
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dodd
- Dodgshon
- Dodgshon
- Donachie
- Douglas
- Drake
- Drummond
- Drummond
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunlop
- DurKacz
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Eden
- Edmunds
- Edsall
- Edsall
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Elbourne
- Elton
- Emsley
- Emsley
- Engels
- England
- Englander
- Englander
- Erickson
- Ernle
- Erskine
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Everitt
- Fairfax-Blakeborough
- Farnie
- Farnie
- Faucher
- Feinstein
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fido
- Finer
- Finer
- Fisher
- Fitton
- Fitzrandolph
- Fletcher
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Floud
- Floud
- Foley
- Forbes
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Francis
- Francis
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser Darling
- Freeman
- Friedlander
- Friedlander
- Fullarton
- Gadian
- Garrard
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Gash
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gibson
- Gillis
- Girouard
- Glyde
- Goodfellow
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Goodway
- Gordon
- Gosden
- Gourvish
- Graham
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Gretton
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Groves
- Grytzell
- Grytzell
- Gwyther
- Gwyther
- Haggard
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamley
- Hammond
- Handley
- Handley
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hardy
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvie
- Hasbach
- Hasbach
- Havinden
- Health
- Hennock
- Hennock
- Hennock
- Hewitt
- Highet
- Hikins
- Hills
- Hinchcliffe
- Hindle
- Hinton
- Hirst
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobson
- Holdenby
- Holderness
- Holloway
- Hone
- Hopkin
- Hopkins
- Hopwood
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- House
- Houston
- Howe
- Howe
- Howell
- Howell
- Howell
- Howkins
- Howse
- Hoyle
- Hudson
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Husbands
- Hutchins
- Hutchison
- Hutt
- Huzel
- Huzel
- Hyde
- Imray
- Inglis
- Inkster
- Inkster
- Innes
- Irons
- Itzkowitz
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jefferies
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jessopp
- Jewkes
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Parry
- Joyce
- Judd
- Julian
- Kay
- Kellas
- Kellas
- Kellett
- Kendall
- Kenyon
- Kerr
- Kerridge
- Khleif
- Kinloch
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Knox
- Korr
- Lambert
- Langton
- Laqueur
- Large
- Large
- Law
- Law
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lejeune
- Lenman
- Levine
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liddington
- Liddle
- Lile
- Lillywhite
- Lillywhite
- Lindert
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lloyd–Jones
- Logue
- Lond
- Long
- Longmate
- Longstaff
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovett
- Low
- Lowe
- Luckin
- Lush
- Lythe
- MacDonald
- Macdonald
- Macintyre
- Mackinder
- Mackinder
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- Madgwick
- Malcolmson
- Mann
- Mansfield
- Mansfield
- Marriner
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martins
- Marwick
- Masterman
- Masterman
- Mather
- Matheson
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathieson
- Matthews
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- Mazumdar
- Mazumdar
- McAllister
- McCann
- McCay
- McClatchey
- McCord
- McCord
- McCord
- McCrone
- McKendrick
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McPherson
- McRoberts
- McShane
- Meacham
- Meadowcraft
- Meikle
- Mejer
- Melling
- Melling
- Mellor
- Mess
- Michie
- Middlemas
- Midwinter
- Miller
- Mills
- Milton
- Minchinton
- Minchinton
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Muir
- Mumford
- Mumford
- Munsche
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Mutch
- Muthesius
- Muthesius
- Nairn
- Neill
- Newby
- Newby
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholson
- Niven
- O'Leary
- Obelkevich
- Offer
- Offer
- Offer
- Oliver
- Olney
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Osborne
- Osler
- Owen
- Pahl
- Parry
- Parry-Jones
- Parsinnen
- Paterson
- Paton
- Paton
- Peacock
- Peake
- Pearce
- Peate
- Peate
- Pedley
- Pennant
- Pepper
- Perkin
- Perrie Williams
- Philip
- Phillips
- Phythian-Adams
- Pickering
- Pierce
- Pimlott
- Poole
- Poole
- Pooley
- Port
- Port
- Porteous
- Poynter
- Pretty
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Pryde
- Ravetz
- Rawcliffe
- Razzell
- Read
- Redford
- Reeder
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reeves
- Reid
- Reid
- Rew
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Roach
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson-Scott
- Robin
- Robson
- Robson
- Rocyn-Jones
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowntree
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Ruggles
- Rule
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Sandberg
- Sanderson
- Saul
- Saunders
- Savage
- Saville
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Scotland
- Sellman
- Shallice
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Sheenan
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sher
- Sherwell
- Sherwell
- Shipley
- Simpson
- Slaven
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Snell
- Snell
- Snell
- Solow
- Southall
- Southall
- Spenceley
- Spring
- Springall
- Sprott
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stedman
- Stedman
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stephens
- Stern
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Sutcliffe
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Symon
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thane
- Thom
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thresh
- Tillott
- Tilly
- Timmins
- Timperley
- Tobias
- Tobias
- Tomley
- Townshend
- Treen
- Tuckett
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tylecote
- Tyson
- Unwin
- Vigier
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Wadsworth
- Waller
- Waller
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Ward
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Warren
- Watt
- Webb
- Weber
- Wells
- Wells
- Wells
- Welton
- Westergaard
- Westergaard
- Whetham
- Whetstone
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whyman
- Whyte
- Wiener
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams-Davies
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Winstanley
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Woodruff
- Wordie
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wynne Evans
- Yelling
- Yelling
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Youngson
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750–1950
- Author
- Abrams
- Adam
- Adams
- Addy
- Agar
- Ainsworth
- Aiton
- Alexander
- Alison
- Allan
- Ambrose
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Ansell
- Anthony-Jones
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Arnot
- Aronson
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashby
- Ashmore
- Ashplant
- Ashton
- Aspinall
- Aspinall
- Aspinwall
- Astor
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atkinson
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baber
- Baedeker
- Baer
- Bagwell
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baines
- Baird
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barron
- Baugh
- Beattie
- Beckett
- Belchem
- Bell
- Bennett
- Benusan
- Beresford
- Beresford
- Besant
- Besant
- Best
- Bewley
- Binford
- Bingham Ashworth
- Blythe
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Borsay
- Bosanquet
- Bowen
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyns
- Boyson
- Boyson
- Bracey
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brandon
- Branson
- Braudel
- Brennan
- Brennan
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bristow
- Brotherston
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bumsted
- Burgess
- Burr–Litchfield
- Bush
- Bushaway
- Butt
- Buxton
- Bythell
- Cage
- Cage
- Caird
- Cairncross
- Calhoun
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Cannadine
- Carr
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Ceredig Davies
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Chalklin
- Challinor
- Chaloner
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chaplin
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Charlesworth
- Chartres
- Chartres
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Checkland
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Chorley
- Cirket
- Clapham
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cockburn
- Collier
- Colls
- Colyer
- Cooney
- Cope
- Coppock
- Corfield
- Coupland
- Cowan
- Cox
- Cox
- Craig
- Cramond
- Cresswell
- Crosby
- Cross
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crossick
- Crowley
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cunningham
- Currie
- Damer
- Danson
- Darling
- Daunton
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davie
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Day
- Daysh
- Deane
- Deane
- Devine
- Devine
- Dewey
- Dewey
- Dewsnup
- Dick
- Dickson
- Didsbury
- Digby
- Dinwiddy
- Dix
- Dobson
- Dodd
- Dodgshon
- Dodgshon
- Donachie
- Douglas
- Drake
- Drummond
- Drummond
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunbabin
- Dunlop
- DurKacz
- Dutton
- Dutton
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Dyos
- Eden
- Edmunds
- Edsall
- Edsall
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Elbourne
- Elton
- Emsley
- Engels
- England
- Englander
- Erickson
- Ernle
- Erskine
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Everitt
- Fairfax-Blakeborough
- Farnie
- Farnie
- Faucher
- Feinstein
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fido
- Finer
- Fisher
- Fitton
- Fitzrandolph
- Fletcher
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Floud
- Foley
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Francis
- Francis
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser Darling
- Freeman
- Friedlander
- Friedlander
- Fullarton
- Gadian
- Garrard
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Garside
- Gash
- Gatrell
- Gatrell
- Gibson
- Gillis
- Girouard
- Glyde
- Goodfellow
- Goodman
- Goodway
- Gordon
- Gosden
- Gourvish
- Graham
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Gretton
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Groves
- Grytzell
- Gwyther
- Gwyther
- Haggard
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamley
- Hammond
- Handley
- Handley
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hanham
- Hardy
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvie
- Hasbach
- Hasbach
- Havinden
- Health
- Hennock
- Hennock
- Hewitt
- Highet
- Hikins
- Hills
- Hinchcliffe
- Hindle
- Hinton
- Hirst
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hobson
- Holdenby
- Holderness
- Holloway
- Hone
- Hopkin
- Hopkins
- Hopwood
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- Horn
- House
- Houston
- Howe
- Howell
- Howell
- Howell
- Howkins
- Howse
- Hoyle
- Hudson
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Husbands
- Hutchins
- Hutchison
- Hutt
- Huzel
- Huzel
- Hyde
- Imray
- Inglis
- Inkster
- Inkster
- Innes
- Irons
- Itzkowitz
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Jefferies
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jessopp
- Jewkes
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Parry
- Joyce
- Judd
- Julian
- Kay
- Kellas
- Kellas
- Kellett
- Kendall
- Kenyon
- Kerr
- Kerridge
- Khleif
- Kinloch
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Knox
- Korr
- Lambert
- Langton
- Laqueur
- Large
- Law
- Law
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lazonick
- Lazonick
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lejeune
- Lenman
- Levine
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liddington
- Liddle
- Lile
- Lillywhite
- Lindert
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Lloyd–Jones
- Logue
- Lond
- Long
- Longmate
- Longstaff
- Lovell
- Lovett
- Low
- Lowe
- Luckin
- Lush
- Lythe
- MacDonald
- Macdonald
- Macintyre
- Mackinder
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- MacLaren
- Madgwick
- Malcolmson
- Mann
- Mansfield
- Marriner
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martins
- Marwick
- Masterman
- Mather
- Matheson
- Mathias
- Mathieson
- Matthews
- Mayhew
- Mayhew
- Mazumdar
- McAllister
- McCann
- McCay
- McClatchey
- McCord
- McCord
- McCord
- McCrone
- McKendrick
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McPherson
- McRoberts
- McShane
- Meacham
- Meadowcraft
- Meikle
- Mejer
- Melling
- Melling
- Mellor
- Mess
- Michie
- Middlemas
- Midwinter
- Miller
- Mills
- Milton
- Minchinton
- Minchinton
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mingay
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Mitchison
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Morrison
- Muir
- Mumford
- Munsche
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Musson
- Musson
- Musson
- Mutch
- Muthesius
- Muthesius
- Nairn
- Neill
- Newby
- Newby
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholson
- Niven
- O'Leary
- Obelkevich
- Offer
- Offer
- Oliver
- Olney
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Orwin
- Osborne
- Osler
- Owen
- Pahl
- Parry
- Parry-Jones
- Parsinnen
- Paterson
- Paton
- Paton
- Peacock
- Peake
- Pearce
- Peate
- Peate
- Pedley
- Pennant
- Pepper
- Perkin
- Perrie Williams
- Philip
- Phillips
- Phythian-Adams
- Pickering
- Pierce
- Pimlott
- Poole
- Poole
- Pooley
- Port
- Porteous
- Poynter
- Pretty
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Prothero
- Pryde
- Ravetz
- Rawcliffe
- Razzell
- Read
- Redford
- Reeder
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reeves
- Reid
- Reid
- Rew
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Roach
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson-Scott
- Robin
- Robson
- Robson
- Rocyn-Jones
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowe
- Rowntree
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Rudé
- Ruggles
- Rule
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Sandberg
- Sanderson
- Saul
- Saunders
- Savage
- Saville
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Schwarz
- Scotland
- Sellman
- Shallice
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Sheenan
- Sheppard
- Sheppard
- Sher
- Sherwell
- Shipley
- Simpson
- Slaven
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Smout
- Snell
- Snell
- Solow
- Southall
- Southall
- Spenceley
- Spring
- Springall
- Sprott
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stead
- Stedman
- Stedman
- Stedman Jones
- Stedman Jones
- Stephens
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Sturt
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Summerson
- Sutcliffe
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Swenarton
- Sykes
- Sykes
- Symon
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thane
- Thom
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thresh
- Tillott
- Tilly
- Timmins
- Timperley
- Tobias
- Tomley
- Townshend
- Treen
- Tuckett
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tylecote
- Tyson
- Unwin
- Vigier
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Wadsworth
- Waller
- Waller
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Ward
- Wareing
- Wareing
- Warren
- Watt
- Webb
- Weber
- Wells
- Wells
- Welton
- Westergaard
- Whetham
- Whetstone
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whyman
- Whyte
- Wiener
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams-Davies
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winstanley
- Winstanley
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Woodruff
- Wordie
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wynne Evans
- Yelling
- Yelling
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Youngson
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study