162 research outputs found

    Judgment and Thought in the Theaetetus

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    Translators have rendered doxa as opinion , belief , and judgment , among other renderings. All three translations are subject to criticism. We analyze doxa as prompted by a present perception or by a past perception registered and resuscitated. There is also a doxa prompted by a Form, or complex of Forms

    Sappho’s Iambics

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    Embora ao menos três fontes relacionem, em particular, os iambos como um tipo ou forma de poesia escrita por Safo, poucos especialistas dedicaram-se ao problema. A questão torna-se mais complicada pela falta de acordo sobre o sentido em que os poetas arcaicos e seu public entendiam o termo íambos. Este artigo explora nuanças do termo e, então, propõe duas questões. Em primeiro lugar, há evidência convincente de que Safo tenha realmente composto iambos? Meu argumento é que algumas de suas composições pertençam, de fato, ao grupo mais amplo da poesia de invectiva, à qual pretence também o íambos. Em segundo lugar, por que os especialistas são tão resistentes à idéia de que Safo tenha composto e executado versos invectivos? Minha opinião é que os especialistas tenderam a associar Safo a um conteúdo mélico mais propriamente “feminino”, e talvez atribuíram a Alceu alguns dos versos dela que não se enquadravam na idéia deles de propriedade lírica.Although at least three ancient sources list specifically iambics as a type or form of poetry written by Sappho, few scholars seriously address the issue. The question is complicated by the lack of agreement about the sense in which archaic poets and their audiences understood the term iambos. This article explores the nuances of the term, and then addresses two main questions: first, is there convincing evidence that Sappho did indeed compose iambics? I argue that some of her work definitely belongs to the broader group of invective poetry to which iambos also belongs. And second, why are scholars so resistant to the notion of Sappho composing and performing invective verse? I suggest that scholars have tended to associate Sappho with more proper “feminine” melic content, and may have attributed to Alcaeus some of her verses that did not fit their idea of lyric propriety

    Plato\u27s Hypothesis and the Upward Path

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    In this paper I shall attempt to show that Aristotle\u27s logical terminology, ontologically conditioned or determined as it obviously is, contrasts with that of Plato, who, on the whole, with perhaps one exception, was very careful not to introduce unwarranted ontological perspectives into matters of logic

    Plautus and Terence in Their Roman Contexts

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    Closure and the Book of Virgil

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    Annalen des Eklektischen Freimaurerbundes zu Frankfurt am Main; von 1883-1912

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