113 research outputs found

    Fire management strategies to maintain species population processes in a fragmented landscape of fire-interval extremes

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    Changed fire regimes have led to declines of fire-regime- adapted species and loss of biodiversity globally. Fire affects population processes of growth, reproduction, and dispersal in different ways, but there is little guidance about the best fire regime(s) to maintain species population processes in fire-prone ecosystems. We use a process-based approach to determine the best range of fire intervals for keystone plant species in a highly modified Mediterranean ecosystem in southwestern Australia where current fire regimes vary. In highly fragmented areas, fires are few due to limited ignitions and active suppression of wildfire on private land, while in highly connected protected areas fires are frequent and extensive. Using matrix population models, we predict population growth of seven Banksia species under different environmental conditions and patch connectivity, and evaluate the sensitivity of species survival to different fire management strategies and burning intervals. We discover that contrasting, complementary patterns of species life-histories with time since fire result in no single best fire regime. All strategies result in the local patch extinction of at least one species. A small number of burning strategies secure complementary species sets depending on connectivity and post-fire growing conditions. A strategy of no fire always leads to fewer species persisting than prescribed fire or random wildfire, while too-frequent or too-rare burning regimes lead to the possible local extinction of all species. In low landscape connectivity, we find a smaller range of suitable fire intervals, and strategies of prescribed or random burning result in a lower number of species with positive growth rates after 100 years on average compared with burning high connectivity patches. Prescribed fire may reduce or increase extinction risk when applied in combination with wildfire depending on patch connectivity. Poor growing conditions result in a significantly reduced number of species exhibiting positive growth rates after 100 years of management. By exploring the consequences of managing fire, we are able to identify which species are likely to disappear under a given fire regime. Identifying the appropriate complementarity of fire intervals, and their species-specific as well as community-level consequences, is crucial to reduce local extinctions of species in fragmented fire-prone landscapes

    ELSMOR – towards European Licensing of Small Modular Reactors: Methodology recommendations for light-water small modular reactors safety assessment

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    Decarbonization of energy production is key in today’s societies and nuclear energy holds an essential place in this prospect. Besides heavy-duty electricity production, other industrial and communal needs could be served by integrating novel nuclear energy production systems, among which are low-power nuclear devices, like small modular reactors (SMRs). The ELSMOR (towards European Licensing of Small Modular Reactors) European project addresses this topic as an answer to the Horizon 2020 Euratom NFRP-2018-3 call. The consortium includes 15 partners from eight European countries, involving research institutes, major European nuclear companies and technical support organizations. The 3.5-year project, launched in September 2019, investigates selected safety features of light-water (LW) SMRs with focus on licensing aspects. Providing a comprehensive compliance framework that regulators can adopt and operate, the licensing process of such SMRs could be optimized, helping their deployment. In this prospect, as a result of ELSMOR’s work, this article gives an overview of the specific issues that LW-SMRs may bring about in the different domains of nuclear safety, in terms of: Methodological standpoints: safety goals, safety requirements, safety principles (defence-in-depth implementation); Main safety functions of reactivity control, decay heat removal and confinement management; Severe accident management; Other safety issues particular to SMRs: use of shared systems; performing of multi-unit probabilistic safety assessment (PSA); refuelling, spent fuel management, transport and disposal management. In this article, adequate methodologies are developed to deal with these issues and to help assess the safety of LW-SMRs. This work gives a precious synthesis of the safety assessment issues of LW-SMRs and of the associated methodologies developed in the context of the ELSMOR European project. The removal of fossil fuels in energy production is very important in today’s societies and nuclear energy plays an essential role in this. Besides large-scale electricity production, other industrial and communal needs could be solved by using new nuclear energy production systems, among which are low-power nuclear devices, like small modular reactors (SMRs). The ELSMOR (towards European Licensing of Small Modular Reactors) European project looks at this topic as an answer to the Horizon 2020 Euratom NFRP-2018-3 initiative. This project includes 15 partners from eight European countries, involving research institutes, major European nuclear companies and technical support organizations. The 3.5-year project, started in September 2019, investigates selected safety features of light-water (LW) SMRs with a focus on the licensing aspects. Providing a comprehensive compliance framework that regulators can use and operate, the licensing process of such SMRs could be optimized, helping their deployment. With this prospect, this article gives an overview of the specific subjects that LW-SMRs may bring in the different areas of nuclear safety (in particular: safety goals, safety requirements, nuclear safety functions: reactivity control, decay heat removal and confinement management, etc..). In this article, methods are developed to deal with these new subjects and to help assess the safety of LW-SMRs. This work gives an overview of the safety assessment issues of LW-SMRs and of the associated methods developed in the context of the ELSMOR European project

    Forty years of carabid beetle research in Europe - from taxonomy, biology, ecology and population studies to bioindication, habitat assessment and conservation

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    Volume: 100Start Page: 55End Page: 14

    Modelling the invasion history of Sinanodonta woodiana in Europe: tracking the routes of a sedentary aquatic invader with mobile parasitic larvae

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    Understanding the invasive potential of species outside their native range is one of the most pressing questions in applied evolutionary and ecological research. Admixture of genotypes of invasive species from multiple sources has been implicated in successful invasions, by generating novel genetic combinations that facilitate rapid adaptation to new environments. Alternatively, adaptive evolution on standing genetic variation, exposed by phenotypic plasticity and selected by genetic accommodation, can facilitate invasion success. We investigated the population genetic structure of an Asian freshwater mussel with a parasitic dispersal stage, Sinanodonta woodiana, which has been present in Europe since 1979 but which has expanded rapidly in the last decade. Data from a mitochondrial marker and nuclear microsatellites have suggested that all European populations of S. woodiana originate from the River Yangtze basin in China. Only a single haplotype was detected in Europe, in contrast to substantial mitochondrial diversity in native Asian populations. Analysis of microsatellite markers indicated intensive gene flow and confirmed a lower genetic diversity of European populations compared to those from the Yangtze basin, though that difference was not large. Using an Approximate Bayesian Modelling approach, we identified two areas as the probable source of the spread of S. woodiana in Europe, which matched historical records for its establishment. Their populations originated from a single colonization event. Our data do not support alternative explanations for the rapid recent spread of S. woodiana; recent arrival of a novel (cold‐tolerant) genotype or continuous propagule pressure. Instead, in situ adaptation, facilitated by repeated admixture, appears to drive the ongoing expansion of S. woodiana. We discuss management consequences of our results

    Some fundamental elements for studying social-ecological co-existence in forest common pool resources

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    For millennia, societies have tried to find ways to sustain people’s livelihoods by setting rules to equitably and sustainably access, harvest and manage common pools of resources (CPR) that are productive and rich in species. But what are the elements that explain historical successes and failures? Elinor Ostrom suggested that it depends on at least eight axiomatic principles of good governance, whereas empirical results suggest that these principles are not sufficient to describe them, especially when applied to CPRs that possess great social and ecological diversity. The aim of this article is to explore the behavior of a mathematical model of multi-species forest dynamics that respects the foundations of ecology and Ostrom’s governance theory, in order to detect possible constraints inherent to the functioning of these complex systems. The model reveals that fundamental structural laws of compatibilities between species life-history traits are indeed constraining the level of co-existence (average and variance) between a diversity of co-vulnerable timber resource users (RU) and of competing tree species. These structural constraints can also lead to unexpected outcomes. For instance in wetter forest commons, opening up the access to as many diverse RUs as there are competing tree species, produces a diversity of independently-controlled disturbances on species, collectively improving the chances of coexistence between species with different life-history traits. Similar benefits are observed on forest carbon and on profits from timber harvesting. However in drier forest commons, the same benefits cannot be observed, as predicted on the basis of the constraining laws. The results show that the successes and failures of certain management strategies can be reasonably explained by simple mechanistic theories from ecology and the social-ecological sciences, which are themselves constrained by fundamental ecological invariants. If corroborated, the results could be used, in conjunction with Ostrom’s CPR theory, to understand and solve various human-nature coexistence dilemmas in complex social-ecological systems

    Bridging Ostrom's governance theory to dynamic adaptive policy pathway (DAPP) maps: theory and application example

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    Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathway (DAPP) maps help guide management decisions when the future of a critical asset is deeply uncertain due to environmental changes. Recent discussions have highlighted the importance of creating DAPPs that better consider social-ecological factors for managing common-pool ecosystem services adaptively. Our focus was on evaluating how DAPPs could address three key challenges identified by Ostrom in adaptive governance of social-ecological systems (SES): (i) avoiding one-size-fits-all solutions (i.e. the panacea dilemma), (ii) ensuring resilience to system-wide shocks (i.e. systemic robustness), and (iii) coordinating different levels of governance initiatives effectively (i.e. operational, collective and constitutional-choice levels).Here, we demonstrate that balancing these three goals hinges upon understanding the connection between DAPP and other key analytical frameworks: Ostrom's SES framework, the Coupled Infrastructure System (CIS) framework, the Complex Dynamical Systems theory, and the Viable Control Theory. We developed this connection and applied it to investigate potential governance transition pathways designed to manage hedgerow networks that provide a wide range of ecosystem services. Our focus was on two SES characterized by distinct community constraints and needs: a rural and a peri-urban SES located in the French Auvergne region. There, the viable delivery in hedgerows’ ecosystem services faces threats from climate change, prompting our exploration of possible viable or optimal adaptation pathways between nine alternative nested governance arrangements. We developed indicators to pinpoint the key drivers influencing DAPP map differences, in response to changes in SES context and climate stress level.Our research underscores the efficacy of this approach in addressing simultaneously the three adaptation problems. We discuss the advantages and limitations of this approach to accommodate increasingly complex SES and semi-natural infrastructures with diverse plant species, diverse stakeholders, and various ecosystem (dis)services. Additionally, we emphasize how this complexity may affect ease of use and testability in practical applications

    Data from: Population-level consequences of herbivory, changing climate and source-sink dynamics on a long-lived invasive shrub

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    Long-lived plant species are highly valued environmentally, economically, and socially, but can also cause substantial harm as invaders. Realistic demographic predictions can guide management decisions, and are particularly valuable for long-lived species where population response times can be long. Long-lived species are also challenging, given population dynamics can be affected by factors as diverse as herbivory, climate, and dispersal. We developed a matrix model to evaluate the effects of herbivory by a leaf-feeding biological control agent released in Australia against a long-lived invasive shrub (mesquite, Leguminoseae: Prosopis spp.). The stage-structured, density-dependent model used an annual time step and 10 climatically diverse years of field data. Mesquite population demography is sensitive to source–sink dynamics as most seeds are consumed and redistributed spatially by livestock. In addition, individual mesquite plants, because they are long lived, experience natural climate variation that cycles over decadal scales, as well as anthropogenic climate change. The model therefore explicitly considered the effects of both net dispersal and climate variation. Herbivory strongly regulated mesquite populations through reduced growth and fertility, but additional mortality of older plants will be required to reach management goals within a reasonable time frame. Growth and survival of seeds and seedlings were correlated with daily soil moisture. As a result, population dynamics were sensitive to rainfall scenario, but population response times were typically slow (20–800 years to reach equilibrium or extinction) due to adult longevity. Equilibrium population densities were expected to remain 5% higher, and be more dynamic, if historical multi-decadal climate patterns persist, the effect being dampened by herbivory suppressing seed production irrespective of preceding rainfall. Dense infestations were unlikely to form under a drier climate, and required net dispersal under the current climate. Seed input wasn't required to form dense infestations under a wetter climate. Each factor we considered (ongoing herbivory, changing climate, and source–sink dynamics) has a strong bearing on how this invasive species should be managed, highlighting the need for considering both ecological context (in this case, source–sink dynamics) and the effect of climate variability at relevant temporal scales (daily, multi-decadal, and anthropogenic) when deriving management recommendations for long-lived species
