45 research outputs found

    Synthetic Oligodeoxynucleotide CpG Motifs Activate Human Complement through Their Backbone Structure and Induce Complement-Dependent Cytokine Release

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    Bacterial and mitochondrial DNA, sharing an evolutionary origin, act as danger-associated molecular patterns in infectious and sterile inflammation. They both contain immunomodulatory CpG motifs. Interactions between CpG motifs and the complement system are sparsely described, and mechanisms of complement activation by CpG remain unclear. Lepirudin-anticoagulated human whole blood and plasma were incubated with increasing concentrations of three classes of synthetic CpGs: CpG-A, -B, and -C oligodeoxynucleotides and their GpC sequence controls. Complement activation products were analyzed by immunoassays. Cytokine levels were determined via 27-plex beads-based immunoassay, and CpG interactions with individual complement proteins were evaluated using magnetic beads coated with CpG-B. In whole blood and plasma, CpG-B and CpG-C (p 0.8 for all), led to time- and dose-dependent increase of soluble C5b-9, the alternative complement convertase C3bBbP, and the C3 cleavage product C3bc. GpC-A, -B, and -C changed soluble fluid-phase C5b-9, C3bBbP, and C3bc to the same extent as CpG-A, -B, and -C, indicating a DNA backbone–dependent effect. Dose-dependent CpG-B binding was found to C1q (r = 0.83; p = 0.006) and factor H (r = 0.93; p < 0.001). The stimulatory complement effect was partly preserved in C2-deficient plasma and completely preserved in MASP-2–deficient serum. CpG-B increased levels of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, and TNF in whole blood, which were completely abolished by inhibition of C5 and C5aR1 (p < 0.05 for all). In conclusion, synthetic analogs of bacterial and mitochondrial DNA activate the complement system via the DNA backbone. We suggest that CpG-B interacts directly with classical and alternative pathway components, resulting in complement-C5aR1–dependent cytokine release

    Levels of the Autophagy-Related 5 Protein Affect Progression and Metastasis of Pancreatic Tumors in Mice

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    [Background and Aims]: Cells in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) undergo autophagy, but its effects vary with tumor stage and genetic factors. We investigated the consequences of varying levels of the autophagy related 5 (Atg5) protein on pancreatic tumor formation and progression. [Methods]: We generated mice that express oncogenic Kras in primary pancreatic cancer cells and have homozygous disruption of Atg5 (A5;Kras) or heterozygous disruption of Atg5 (A5+/–;Kras), and compared them with mice with only oncogenic Kras (controls). Pancreata were analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry. Primary tumor cells were isolated and used to perform transcriptome, metabolome, intracellular calcium, extracellular cathepsin activity, and cell migration and invasion analyses. The cells were injected into wild-type littermates, and orthotopic tumor growth and metastasis were monitored. Atg5 was knocked down in pancreatic cancer cell lines using small hairpin RNAs; cell migration and invasion were measured, and cells were injected into wild-type littermates. PDAC samples were obtained from independent cohorts of patients and protein levels were measured on immunoblot and immunohistochemistry; we tested the correlation of protein levels with metastasis and patient survival times. [Results]: A5+/–;Kras mice, with reduced Atg5 levels, developed more tumors and metastases, than control mice, whereas A5;Kras mice did not develop any tumors. Cultured A5+/–;Kras primary tumor cells were resistant to induction and inhibition of autophagy, had altered mitochondrial morphology, compromised mitochondrial function, changes in intracellular Ca2+ oscillations, and increased activity of extracellular cathepsin L and D. The tumors that formed in A5+/–;Kras mice contained greater numbers of type 2 macrophages than control mice, and primary A5+/–;Kras tumor cells had up-regulated expression of cytokines that regulate macrophage chemoattraction and differentiation into M2 macrophage. Knockdown of Atg5 in pancreatic cancer cell lines increased their migratory and invasive capabilities, and formation of metastases following injection into mice. In human PDAC samples, lower levels of ATG5 associated with tumor metastasis and shorter survival time. [Conclusions]: In mice that express oncogenic Kras in pancreatic cells, heterozygous disruption of Atg5 and reduced protein levels promotes tumor development, whereas homozygous disruption of Atg5 blocks tumorigenesis. Therapeutic strategies to alter autophagy in PDAC should consider the effects of ATG5 levels to avoid the expansion of resistant and highly aggressive cells.This study was supported in part by the Mildred-Scheel-Professur der Deutschen Krebshilfe 111464, DFG AL 1174/6-1 to H.A., DFG DI 2299/1-1 to K.N.D., DFG SFB1321 (S01) to K.S. and W.W., and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD e.V.) to J.A

    Human iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoids Model Cellular Features of Lissencephaly and Reveal Prolonged Mitosis of Outer Radial Glia

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    Classical lissencephaly is a genetic neurological disorder associated with mental retardation and intractable epilepsy, and Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS) is the most severe form of the disease. In this study, to investigate the effects of MDS on human progenitor subtypes that control neuronal output and influence brain topology, we analyzed cerebral organoids derived from control and MDS-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) using time-lapse imaging, immunostaining, and single-cell RNA sequencing. We saw a cell migration defect that was rescued when we corrected the MDS causative chromosomal deletion and severe apoptosis of the founder neuroepithelial stem cells, accompanied by increased horizontal cell divisions. We also identified a mitotic defect in outer radial glia, a progenitor subtype that&nbsp;is largely absent from lissencephalic rodents but critical for human neocortical expansion. Our study,&nbsp;therefore, deepens our understanding of MDS cellular pathogenesis and highlights the broad utility of cerebral organoids for modeling human neurodevelopmental disorders

    Reactive Glia in the Injured Brain Acquire Stem Cell Properties in Response to Sonic Hedgehog

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    SummaryAs a result of brain injury, astrocytes become activated and start to proliferate in the vicinity of the injury site. Recently, we had demonstrated that these reactive astrocytes, or glia, can form self-renewing and multipotent neurospheres in vitro. In the present study, we demonstrate that it is only invasive injury, such as stab wounding or cerebral ischemia, and not noninvasive injury conditions, such as chronic amyloidosis or induced neuronal death, that can elicit this increase in plasticity. Furthermore, we find that Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is the signal that acts directly on the astrocytes and is necessary and sufficient to elicit the stem cell response both in vitro and in vivo. These findings provide a molecular basis for how cells with neural stem cell lineage emerge at sites of brain injury and imply that the high levels of SHH known to enter the brain from extraneural sources after invasive injury can trigger this response

    The development of tone discrimination in infancy: Evidence from a cross-linguistic, multi-lab report

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    We report the findings of a multi-language and multi-lab investigation of young infants’ ability to discriminate lexical tones as a function of their native language, age and language experience, as well as of tone properties. Given the high prevalence of lexical tones across human languages, understanding lexical tone acquisition is fundamental for comprehensive theories of language learning. While there are some similarities between the developmental course of lexical tone perception and that of vowels and consonants, findings for lexical tones tend to vary greatly across different laboratories. To reconcile these differences and to assess the developmental trajectory of native and non-native perception of tone contrasts, this study employed a single experimental paradigm with the same two pairs of Cantonese tone contrasts (perceptually similar vs. distinct) across 13 laboratories in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North-America testing 5-, 10- and 17-month-old monolingual (tone, pitch-accent, non-tone) and bilingual (tone/non-tone, non-tone/non-tone) infants. Across the age range and language backgrounds, infants who were not exposed to Cantonese showed robust discrimination of the two non-native lexical tone contrasts. Contrary to this overall finding, the statistical model assessing native discrimination by Cantonese-learning infants failed to yield significant effects. These findings indicate that lexical tone sensitivity is maintained from 5 to 17 months in infants acquiring tone and non-tone languages, challenging the generalisability of the existing theoretical accounts of perceptual narrowing in the first months of life. Research Highlights: This is a multi-language and multi-lab investigation of young infants’ ability to discriminate lexical tones. This study included data from 13 laboratories testing 5-, 10-, and 17-month-old monolingual (tone, pitch-accent, non-tone) and bilingual (tone/non-tone, non-tone/non-tone) infants. Overall, infants discriminated a perceptually similar and a distinct non-native tone contrast, although there was no evidence of a native tone-language advantage in discrimination. These results demonstrate maintenance of tone discrimination throughout development

    A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world

    Smiling on the inside : The social benefits of suppressing positive emotions in outperformance situations

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    Although expressing positive emotions is typically socially rewarded, in the present work, we predicted that people suppress positive emotions and thereby experience social benefits when outperformed others are present. We tested our predictions in three experimental studies with high school students. In Studies 1 and 2, we manipulated the type of social situation (outperformance vs. non-outperformance) and assessed suppression of positive emotions. In both studies, individuals reported suppressing positive emotions more in outperformance situations than in non-outperformance situations. In Study 3, we manipulated the social situation (outperformance vs. non-outperformance) as well as the videotaped person’s expression of positive emotions (suppression vs. expression). The findings showed that when outperforming others, individuals were indeed evaluated more positively when they suppressed rather than expressed their positive emotions, and demonstrate the importance of the specific social situation with respect to the effects of suppression

    It ain’t over ‘til it’s over: The effect of task completion on the savoring of success

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    The present research investigated a common yet to date unexamined assumption that individuals are unlikely to savor success when they have not yet fully completed a task. In Study 1 (N = 83), we assessed savoring responses of soccer players who were either winning or were tied at the end of the first half (in progress) and at the end of the match (completed). In Study 2 (N = 121 undergraduates), performance feedback (successful vs. average) and task completion (in progress vs. completed) were manipulated and savoring was assessed. In both studies, successful individuals reported savoring their positive experience less when the task was in progress as compared to completed. Results of a third study (N = 152 undergraduates) showed that lower savoring of success was due to individuals’ focus on and worries about future performance as well as the perception that positive emotions have limited utility. We discuss these findings in terms of the consequences for performance and well-being

    Spatial Distribution of Muscular Effects of Acute Whole-Body Electromyostimulation at the Mid-Thigh and Lower Leg&mdash;A Pilot Study Applying Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Whole-body electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) is an innovative training method that stimulates large areas simultaneously. In order to determine the spatial distribution of WB-EMS with respect to volume involvement and stimulation depth, we determined the extent of intramuscular edema using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a marker of structural effects. Intense WB-EMS first application (20 min, bipolar, 85 Hz, 350 &micro;s) was conducted with eight physically less trained students without previous WB-EMS experience. Transversal T2-weighted MRI was performed at baseline and 72 h post WB-EMS to identify edema at the mid-thigh and lower leg. The depth of the edema ranged from superficial to maximum depth with superficial and deeper muscle groups of the mid-thigh or lower leg area approximately affected in a similar fashion. However, the grade of edema differed between the muscle groups, which suggests that the intensity of EMS-induced muscular contraction was not identical for all muscles. WB-EMS of the muscles via surface cuff electrodes has an effect on deeper parts of the stimulated anatomy. Reviewing the spatial and volume distribution, we observed a heterogeneous pattern of edema. We attribute this finding predominately to different stimulus thresholds of the muscles and differences in the stress resistance of the muscles