5 research outputs found

    General equilibrium existence with asset-backed securitization

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    We propose a specification of a general equilibrium model with securitization of collateral-backed promises and discuss the role of physical collateral to avoid, in equilibrium, pessimistic beliefs about the future rates of default. Promises are pooled in either pass-through securities or collateralized loans obligations (CLO), allowing the existence of different seniority lev- els among tranches in the same CLO. In case of default, borrowers may also suffer extra-economic penalties, which are internalized into a structure of non-ordered preferences. In this context, we prove the existence of an equilibrium in that investors are not over-pessimistic about the payments of derivatives. JEL Codes: D52, D91Asset Backed-Securitization, Extra-economic Default Penalties, Collateral, Non- ordered Preferences

    General equilibrium in CLO markets

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    We address a two-period equilibrium model with securitization of collateral-backed promises. Borrowers may suffer extra-economic default penalties and debts are pooled into collateralized loans obligations (CLO), allowing different seniority levels among tranches in a same CLO. As securities with lower priority receive nothing unless those with higher priority are fully paid, we will have a non-convex set of feasible payment rates. Even in this context, equilibrium always exists. Moreover, although CLO have endogenous payments, the durability of the collateral will avoid pessimistic beliefs about the future rates of default


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