1,411 research outputs found

    Applications of high and low fidelity prototypes in researching intuitive interaction

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    This paper addresses some of the issues involved in incorporating use of prototypes into a research program. Definitions, merits and uses of both low and high-fidelity prototypes are discussed and then the applications of prototypes in our research program into intuitive interaction are explored. It has previously been established that intuitive interaction is based on past experience, and can be encouraged by designing interfaces that contain familiar features (Blackler, 2006; Blackler, Popovic, & Mahar, 2007b). Two aspects of the research program which are relevant to prototyping are: researching the issues of how intuitive use happens and how it can be better facilitated; and developing ways to help designers include investigations about users and their existing knowledge into their design processes in order to make interfaces more intuitive. The current and future planned applications of high and low-fidelity prototypes in each of these areas are explored. Then experiences with using high-fidelity touchscreen prototypes for experimental research into intuitive interaction are discussed, including problems with the prototypes, how they were addressed and what we have learned from the process. Next the potential for low-fidelity prototypes to elicit users’ tacit knowledge during the design process is explored. This has exciting possibilities due to the link between intuitive interaction and tacit knowledge. Finally, the challenges of developing prototype-based design tools for use by older people are discussed and future directions for using prototypes in our research program are considered. Keywords: Prototypes; intuitive interaction; experimental methodology; implicit or tacit knowledge</p

    Teaching Industrial Design Criticism

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    This paper presents a methodology that allows students to learn criticism as a conceptual tool. Expertise is built up incrementally through the utilisation of lectures, seminars, debate and student presentations. I intend to show how this method can facilitate productive thought about many aspects of design, therefore fostering a more mature approach to criticism than many undergraduates may otherwise achieve. This is brought about through considering together the aspects of a design that third year undergraduate students will already know or can readily infer about a product. They are not required to accommodate much new knowledge, but are shown a way of rearranging aspects of their existing knowledge of diverse subjects such as design history, design theory, materials and manufacturing technology and ergonomics in order to allow critical thinking to take place. The methodology can also be further adapted to allow for criticism of various types of design commentary. Various methods of assessment are proposed, and the most effective ways of both facilitating critical thinking during assessment and judging the development and quality of that thinking are discussed

    Investigating familiarity in older adults to facilitate intuitive interaction

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    This paper discusses how intuitive interaction is a possible way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of interaction with older adults. It provides insights into existing research on intuitive interaction, and the role of prior experience and familiarity in intuition. An experiment is discussed which investigates differences in familiarity between younger and older adults. A comprehensive coding system has been developed to help analyse the data collected. This research is currently in progress

    More politics, stronger consumers? A new division of responsibility for food in the European Union

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    http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01956663International audienceIn less than a decade, European food institutions have gone through a period of important reform. This reform was intended to address new challenges posed by a succession of food safety crises, the entry into the world markets of novel foods, and general public distrust of the actions of the European Commission. This paper sketches the most salient institutional changes that have occurred in the history of the European Union (EU). It also maps the redistribution of responsibilities in the European food system. After years of harmonisation in the name of free trade, in the mid-1990s food safety and consumer protection became the guiding principles of European food policy. Having described these changes, the paper suggests that a specifically European food policy style is emerging in juxtaposition with ‘transatlantic' food policy

    Mapping Frankish Euboea: tracing the depiction of the island through the portolan charts and early maps from the 13th to 17th century

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    Η Ύστερη Μεσαιωνική περίοδος, περίοδος κατά την οποία η Εύβοια βρισκόταν υπό την κατοχή των Σταυροφόρων και των Βενετών και εκτείνεται χρονικά από το 1205 μέχρι το 1470, φαντάζει τόσο συναρπαστικά κοντινή αλλά ταυτόχρονα τόσο απογοητευτικά μακρινή. Αν και τα μνημεία αυτής της περιόδου είναι άφθονα στο νησί, κάτι που δεν ισχύει για την Κλασική περίοδο, υπάρχουν λίγες γραπτές μαρτυρίες που μπορούν να μας καθοδηγήσουν. Ωστόσο μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε μια πηγή που δεν είναι διαθέσιμη στους ερευνητές της Κλασικής περιόδου. Η Ύστερη Μεσαιωνική περίοδος ήταν μια εποχή κατά την οποία αναγεννήθηκαν οι πρωτοεμφανιζόμενοι ‘πορτολανικοι’ ναυτικοί χάρτες και τα πρώιμα διαγράμματα. Η εφεύρεση της πυξίδας και η εξέλιξη του αστρολάβου που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι ναυτικοί βοήθησαν να σχεδιαστούν πιο ακριβείς χάρτες, ενώ με την ανάπτυξη της τυπογραφίας κατά τον 15ο αιώνα έγινε δυνατή η αναπα- ραγωγή των χαρτών σε μεγάλο αριθμό αντιτύπων και η ευρεία κυκλοφορία τους σε όλον τον κόσμο. Αυτό το άρθρο που στηρίχτηκε στις μελέτες του Koder και του Τριανταφυλλόπουλου καθώς και σε πιο πρόσφατες δημοσιεύσεις σχετικά με τη χαρτογράφηση της Ελλάδας, αποτελεί μέρος της έρευνάς μου για την τοπογραφία του νησιού κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου. Παρουσιάζει την εξέλιξη των χαρτών της Εύβοιας μέχρι το τέλος του 17ου αιώνα και διερευνά τα στοιχεία που δύνανται ή όχι να προσδώσουν πληροφορίες σχετικά με την τοπογραφία της περιόδου. Οι ιστορικοί δικαίως επικρίνουν την ακρίβεια των έντυπων χαρτών της Μεσογείου του 16ου και 17ου αιώνα. Είναι ποικίλης ποιότητας και πολλοί έχουν δημιουργηθεί από χαρτογράφους σχεδόν δύο αιώνες μετά την προσάρτηση του νησιού στην Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία το 1470 – από χαρτογράφους που πολλές φορές είχαν λίγες ξεκάθαρες γνώσεις σχετικά με το νησί. Από την άλλη μεριά όμως οι μέχρι τότε αναξιοποίητοι ‘πορτολανικοί’ χάρτες και τα πρώιμα νησολόγια isolarii του 14ου και του 15ου αιώνα, ως απευθείας μαρτυρίες είναι όχι μόνο ακριβείς αλλά μπορούν να μας δώσουν και πολύτιμες πληροφορίες για τη ζωή εκείνης της περιόδου

    La mosquée oubliée, la gestion coloniale de l'Islam à Bordeaux

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    L'analyse d'une fête de l'Aïd à Bordeaux en 1949 est l'occasion d'une plongée dans l'histoire des immigrés "nord-africains" en "métropole", d'un retour sur la gestion de l'islam dans le contexte de la France coloniale. Une gestion qui tourne le dos à la doctrine assimilationniste prévalant officiellement dans l'Empire, et qui ignore délibérément le credo assimilateur de la République à l'égard de l'immigration. Au point que l'auteur en conclut que la gestion de l'islam a sans doute été l'entorse la plus complète et la plus aboutie à ce modèle d'assimilation. Un constat iconoclaste qui éclaire d'un jour particulier les rapports que la France entretient aujourd'hui encore avec l'islam

    Nouveaux enjeux autour de l'abattage rituel : une perspective européenne

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    http://www.inra.fr/Internet/Departements/ESR/publications/cahiers/pdf/bergeaud.pdfNational audienceThe production and consumption of halal products, i.e. those deriving from ritual slaughtering, has grown steadily over the last 15 years. Today the global halal market is estimated at US$ 150 billion per year. This paper describes the main steps in the integration of “Muslim ritual slaughtering” into the national legislative systems of Western European countries, and it analyses the economic and political issuesinvolved in this integration. Once being the subject of dispute between animal welfare organisations and religious groups, sometimes based on anti-semitism and racism, the arguments surrounding slaughtering ritual have recently, particularly in the aftermathof the BSE crisis, evolved to become an issue of consumer rights.In this paper, two cases will illustrate this evolution : Switzerland, as a Europeancountry, and the UK as a member state of the European Union.Muslim ritual slaughtering has never been precisely defined and has benefited from astatus of exception in most legislative systems by overriding animal welfare regulation.One of the consequences of this exceptional status has been the growth of an un-regulatedmarket that does not give the consumer (Muslim as well as non Muslim) any assuranceregarding the process of production of halal products. Religious institutions seemunable to handle an issue of this nature, that is more usually dealt with by betterequipped economic actors and consumer organisations. Facing this situation, the EuropeanUnion and member states now have two possible options. Either they abolish thespecial status of ritual slaughtering and they rescind their commitments to take intoaccount specific religious requirements, or they apply a “farm to fork” approach to foodfor religious purposes that is similar, in terms of traceability and labelling, to thosethat apply to foods posing ethical issues.La production et la commercialisation de viande halal n'ont cessé de croître au cours des quinze dernières années et le marché halal global est aujourd'hui estimé à 150 milliards de dollars par an. Cet article décrit les principales étapes de l'intégration de l'« abattage rituel » musulman dans les réglementationsdes pays d'Europe occidentale, et il analyse les enjeux économiques et politiques de cette intégration. Il montre que, de querelles opposant groupes religieux et organisations de protection animale sur fond d'antisémitisme, les discussionsautour de l'abattage rituel ont évolué pour devenir, après la crise de l'ESB, un enjeu de défense des droits des consommateurs. Cette évolution est illustrée par deux cas : la Suisse (pays européen) et le Royaume-Uni (Etat membre de l'Union européenne). Le maintien du statut d'exception de l'abattage rituel dans les réglementations publiques a abouti à la multiplication de certifications halal pour des produits fabriqués selon des méthodes plus ou moins transparentes, et sans contrôle clair des organisations religieuses islamiques. Face à cette situation, l'Union européenne et les pays membres pourraient avoir au moins deux options possibles : soit ils remettent en question le statut spécifique de l'abattage rituel et se dédisent de leur volonté de prendre en compte les exigences des rites religieux,soit ils appliquent aux aliments destinés à des fins religieuses une approche « de la fourche à la fourchette » similaire à celle appliquée aux aliments dont la production pose des problèmes éthiques

    L'Etat, le culte musulman et le halal business

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    National audienceEn légiférant sur l'abattage rituel musulman, l'Etat français a implicitement reconnu l'existence d'un commerce de produits halal. Dès lors, que ceux-ci soient identifiés comme « religieux » ou qu'ils ne le soient pas, si les conditions réglementaires sont établies pour que ces marchés existent, ces produits devraient faire l'objet d'un contrôle public "de la ferme à la table". Ceci permettrait un développement équitable de ces marchés tout en assurant aux consommateurs la protection et l'information auxquels les réglementations française et européenne donnent droit. Cette communication est issue du « Colloque Droits, libertés et obligations du culte musulman » dans le cadre des Journées d'études « Islam et société » organisées par l'association Les amis de la Médina , avec le soutien de l'Institut d'études de l'Islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman de l'EHESS (Paris)

    Halal : d'une norme communautaire à une norme institutionnelle

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    National audienceHalal food sold today in France cannot be reduced to being religious products attached to the aesthetics and the representations of previous generations, dependant on technologies and international trends . We propose that the institutionalization of the halal food standard could be an alternative to its communautarization . This implies a clearer division of responsibilities between religious institutions and producers all along the chain of food production, and by "the institutionalization of distrust" by which the consumers can act on and participate in the control of the production process.Les aliments halal vendus aujourd'hui en France ne peuvent être réduits à ces nouveaux produits religieux éphémères attachés à l'esthétique et aux représentations des générations qui passent, dépendant des technologies et de l'actualité internationale. Nous pensons que l'institutionnalisation de la norme alimentaire halal pourrait être une alternative à sa communautarisation. Cela passe par une division plus claire des responsabilités entre institutions religieuses et producteurs tout au long de la chaine de production alimentaire, et par « l'institutionnalisation de la méfiance » par lesquels les consommateurs peuvent agir sur et participer au contrôle du processus de production

    Intermediate EU report on the institutional dimensions of Consumer Trust in Food

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    The report aims to analyse the developing institutional basis at the European level for the Trust in Food, involving the construction and redefinition of the European ‘consumer' and ‘consumer interest', in relation to the organisations and interests involved in food provisioning. Based on a view of trust as a relationship between parties, the report aims to analyse the changing distribution of responsibilities between parties as represented at a European level for five key food issues: safety, nutrition, quality, value and ethics. · The report aims to analyse changes in regulatory policies in relation to food provisioning, particularly following the BSE episode, as a key indicator of institutional change at the Europea