332 research outputs found

    Correlation of gravimetric and satellite geodetic data Interim progress report, 11 Sep. 1967 - 29 Feb. 1968

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    Gravimetric and geodetic data correlation for satellite position prediction accuracy with error analysi

    They\u27re Not Yours, They\u27s My Own: How NCAA Employment Restrictions Violate Antitrust Law

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    They\u27re Not Yours, They\u27s My Own: How NCAA Employment Restrictions Violate Antitrust Law

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    Tell Shiyukh Tahtani, Syria Report of the 2006-09 Seasons

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    The Italian excavations at Shiyukh Tahtani have recently resumed, revealing a long occupation sequence on the mound’s eastern slope (Area CD). In Trench D23, on the summit, an Iron Age level II building contained a rich array of pottery, sheep knuckle bones, clay ‘bobbins’ and an unstratified Egyptian scarab of Menkheperre. An earlier massive building (LBA ?) was also excavated below the Iron Age II occupation. Halfway down the slope the lower level of a large burnt complex of Middle Bronze I date contained rich finds and various burials characterized by peculiar rituals. Finally, in a deep trench down below the slope, EB I-II remains included niched mud-brick architecture of fine Mesopotamian tradition as well as many pot burials of the Carchemish ‘champagne-­cup culture’. All these finds enhance the knowledge about the Bronze and Iron Age civilization of the Syrian Euphrates

    The Texas School Finance Battle: “Ground Hog Day” All Over Again

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    Like Bill Murray in “Ground Hog Day,” it was as if I were awakening to start the same day I had experienced the day before, only seven years later. It was time to head to court and testify again in the seemingly on-going constitutional challenge to the Texas school finance system. The names were different, many of the planned witnesses were different, the number of plaintiff groups grew to an all-time high, but the challenges to change an inadequate, inequitable and unconstitutional system of funding Texas public schools remained. The stakes for the children of Texas, and the future of our state, remained as high as ever. As a superintendent in Texas since 2001, I witness on a daily basis the consequences of the state’s failure to adequately and suitably provide resources needed to meet the expectations set for all Texas students

    Hsp70 and its molecular role in nervous system diseases

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    Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are induced in response to many injuries including stroke, neurodegenerative disease, epilepsy, and trauma. The overexpression of one HSP in particular, Hsp70, serves a protective role in several different models of nervous system injury, but has also been linked to a deleterious role in some diseases. Hsp70 functions as a chaperone and protects neurons from protein aggregation and toxicity (Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, polyglutamine diseases, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), protects cells from apoptosis (Parkinson disease), is a stress marker (temporal lobe epilepsy), protects cells from inflammation (cerebral ischemic injury), has an adjuvant role in antigen presentation and is involved in the immune response in autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis). The worldwide incidence of neurodegenerative diseases is high. As neurodegenerative diseases disproportionately affect older individuals, disease-related morbidity has increased along with the general increase in longevity. An understanding of the underlying mechanisms that lead to neurodegeneration is key to identifying methods of prevention and treatment. Investigators have observed protective effects of HSPs induced by preconditioning, overexpression, or drugs in a variety of models of brain disease. Experimental data suggest that manipulation of the cellular stress response may offer strategies to protect the brain during progression of neurodegenerative disease

    Correlation of gravimetric and satellite geodetic data, part 2 Interim scientific report, 11 Sep. 1967 - 29 Feb. 1968

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    Graphical output from computer correlated gravimetric and satellite geodetic dat

    A compositional and technological reassessment of the function of potters’ marks on Early Bronze Age sherds from Tell el-‘Abd, Syria

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    A highly distinctive feature of the Early Bronze Age ceramic assemblage of the site of Tell el-‘Abd in northern Syria is the presence of large numbers of pots that were incised with a diverse range of symbols prior to firing. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the function of such ceramic “potters’ marks”. One is that they functioned as a signature or trademark used by potters or workshops to identify their work. Another possibility is that they were used for quality control or accounting purposes during manufacture. Alternatively, they may have signified vessels intended for specific customers, or the size or contents of the vessels. In the case of the Tell el-‘Abd potters’ marks, distinguishing between these possibilities has proven difficult based upon their macroscopic examination and archaeological context alone. The present research, therefore, attempts to shed further light on the function of the potters’ marks by studying the clay paste recipes of 33 ceramic samples using scientific methods. Thin section petrography, instrumental geochemistry and scanning electron microscopy have been used to characterise and classify sherds according to their raw materials and manufacturing technology. This has been compared to the type of potters’ mark and other archaeological information in order to test the hypotheses that the distinctive ceramic markings signified ceramics made at different production centres or distinguished between different artisans operating at the same workshop

    Hsp70 localizes differently from chaperone Hsc70 in mouse mesoangioblasts under physiological growth conditions.

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    Mouse A6 mesoangioblasts express Hsp70 even in the absence of cellular stress. Its expression and its intracellular localization were investigated under normal growth conditions and under hyperthermic stress. Immunofluorescence assays indicated that without any stress a fraction of Hsp70 co-localized with actin microfilaments, in the cell cortex and in the contractile ring of dividing cells, while the Hsc70 chaperone did not. Hsp70 immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that a portion of Hsp70 binds actin. Immunoblot assays showed that both proteins were present in the nucleus. After heat treatment Hsp70 and actin continued to co-localize in the leading edge of A6 cells but not on microfilaments. Although Hsp70 and Hsc70 are both basally synthesized they showed different cellular distribution, suggesting an Hsp70 different activity respect to the Hsc70 chaperone. Moreover, we found Hsp70 in the culture medium as it has been described in other cell types

    Stress response in mesoangioblast stem cells

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    Stem cells are presumed to survive various stresses, since they are recruited to areas of tissue damage and regeneration, where inflammatory cytokines and cytotoxic cells may result in severe cell injury. We explored the ability of mesoangioblasts to respond to different cell stresses such as heat, heavy metals and osmotic stress, by analyzing heat shock protein (HSP)70 synthesis as a stress indicator. We found that the A6 mesoangioblast stem cells constitutively synthesize HSP70 in a heat shock transcription factor (HSF)-independent way. However, A6 respond to heat shock and cadmium treatment by synthesizing HSP70 over the constitutive expression and this synthesis is HSF1 dependent. The exposure of A6 to copper or to a hypertonic medium does neither induce HSP70 synthesis nor activation of HSF1, while a constitutive binding of constitutive heat shock element binding factor was found. Together, these data suggest that mesoangioblasts constitutively express HSP70 as an 'a priori' activation mechanism, while they maintain the ability to respond to stress stimuli. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved