75 research outputs found

    La música y su celosía. Las ideas y usos musicales de las grandes casas españolas del Siglo de Oro (1580-1640) como caso de “estado latente”

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    From late 16th century to mid-17th century, at the height of the Spanish Golden Age, music withdrew from historical sources. Modern authors have underlined the importance of this phenomenon, trying to find its economic and social roots and stressing how the lack of a Spanish aristocratic patronage may have caused it. This article puts forward the possibility that this did not actually happen, arguing that music was consciously concealed, taking new forms that can only be understood within the aristocratic ideals of that time. In fact, this hidden way of cultivating music may have been key to the popularity of Spanish music in seventeenth century Europe, and can be considered an example of what Ramón Menéndez Pidal called “latent state”.Desde finales del siglo XVI hasta bien entrado el siglo XVII, en pleno Siglo de Oro, la música se retira de la documentación española. La crítica insiste en el fenómeno aduciendo razones económicas y sociológicas: entre ellas, que la aristocracia española no cultivó la música. Retomando la obra de Menéndez Pidal y su concepto de “estado latente”, plantéase aquí la posibilidad de que aquello en realidad no sucediera, sino que la música fuera entonces conscientemente velada, tomando formas nuevas que sólo pueden comprenderse en la vida aristocrática de la época; formas que de hecho pudieron ser razones del triunfo de la música española en la Europa del momento

    La superación del naturalismo en Ortega y Gasset

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    This article explains Ortega y Gasset’s criticism of naturalism and the failure of the naturalistic reason, and also shows his new conception of vital, historical and narrative reason as an alternative paradigm, which is based on the dialectic of the experiences, the creative imagination of the «fantastic animal» and a new vision of life, which comes from Nietzsche, Dilthey and Goethe, and can help to face the challenge of the new naturalism in the context of the current thought.<br><br>Este artículo expone la crítica de Ortega y Gasset al naturalismo y el fracaso de la razón naturalista, y muestra su nueva concepción de la razón vital, histórica y narrativa, como un paradigma alternativo, basándose en la dialéctica de las experiencias, la imaginación creativa del «animal fantástico» y en una nueva visión de la vida que proviene de Nietzsche, Dilthey y Goethe, que puede contribuir a afrontar el reto de los nuevos naturalismos en el contexto del pensamiento actual

    Men's nutrition knowledge is important for women's and children's nutrition in Ethiopia.

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    In an effort to address undernutrition among women and children in rural areas of low-income countries, nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) and behaviour change communication (BCC) projects heavily focus on women as an entry point to effect nutritional outcomes. There is limited evidence on the role of men's contribution in improving household diets. In this Agriculture to Nutrition trial (Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT03152227), we explored associations between men's and women's nutritional knowledge on households', children's and women's dietary diversity. At the midline evaluation conducted in July 2017, FAO's nutrition knowledge questionnaire was administered to male and female partners in 1396 households. There was a high degree of agreement (88%) on knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding between parents; however, only 56-66% of the households had agreement when comparing knowledge of dietary sources of vitamin A or iron. Factor analysis of knowledge dimensions resulted in identifying two domains, namely, 'dietary' and 'vitamin' knowledge. Dietary knowledge had a larger effect on women's and children's dietary diversities than vitamin knowledge. Men's dietary knowledge had strong positive associations with households' dietary diversity scores (0.24, P value = 0.001), children's dietary diversity (0.19, P value = 0.008) and women's dietary diversity (0.18, P value < 0.001). Distance to markets and men's education levels modified the effects of nutrition knowledge on dietary diversity. While previous NSA and BCC interventions predominantly focused on uptake among women, there is a large gap and strong potential for men's engagement in improving household nutrition. Interventions that expand the role of men in NSA may synergistically improve household nutrition outcomes

    Corografías de Santiago de Compostela: la vista de la ciudad monumental del arquitecto Juan López Freire, hijo (1799)

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    In 1799 the architect Juan López Freire, son, made the first engraving of a view of the city of Santiago, looking towards its western façade. This panorama is of undeniable interest to the history of Compostela, as it is the first graphic record of ‘Monumental Santiago,’ the result of a series of new constructions and interventions in the urban layout that took place during the 16<sup>th</sup>, 17<sup>th</sup> and 18<sup>th</sup> centuries. This article is dedicated to the location where the preparatory sketches were made, and to identifying each of the buildings shown.<br><br>En 1799 el arquitecto Juan López Freire, hijo, lleva a la estampa la primera vista impresa de la ciudad de Santiago, su frente occidental. La panorámica presenta un interés ineludible para la historia de Compostela, constituyendo el primer testimonio gráfico del Santiago Monumental, resultado de las nuevas construcciones e intervenciones en el entramado urbano llevadas a cabo en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. En el presente artículo se reconoce el lugar desde donde se han hecho los bocetos preparatorios, concretamente Sarela de Abaixo, y se identifican uno por uno los edificios representados, definiendo la iconografía arquitectónica de la Compostela del setecientos. [gl] En 1799 o arquitecto Juan López Freire, fillo, leva á estampa a primeira vista impresa da cidade de Santiago, o seu frente occidental. A panorámica presenta un interese ineludible para a historia de Compostela, constituíndo o primeiro testemuño gráfico do Santiago Monumental, resultado das novas construcións e intervencións na estructura urbana levadas a cabo nos séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII. No presente artigo localízase o lugar dende onde se fixeron os deseños preparatorios, concretamente Sarela de Abaixo, e identifícanse un por un os edificios representados, definindo a iconografía arquitectónica da Compostela do setecentos

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it

    Instituto de Humanidades

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