52 research outputs found

    Evolution in the black hole mass-bulge mass relation: a theoretical perspective

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    We explore the growth of super-massive black holes and host galaxy bulges in the galaxy population using the Millennium Run LCDM simulation coupled with a model of galaxy formation. We find that, if galaxy mergers are the primary drivers for both bulge and black hole growth, then in the simplest picture one should expect the mBH-mbulge relation to evolve with redshift, with a larger black hole mass associated with a given bulge mass at earlier times relative to the present day. This result is independent of an evolving cold gas fraction in the galaxy population. The evolution arises from the disruption of galactic disks during mergers that make a larger fractional mass contribution to bulges at low redshift than at earlier epochs. There is no comparable growth mode for the black hole population. Thus, this effect produces evolution in the mBH-mbulge relation that is driven by bulge mass growth and not by black holes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, minor revisions, replaced with accepted MNRAS versio

    Supermassive black hole ancestors

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    We study a model in which supermassive black holes (SMBHs) can grow by the combined action of gas accretion on heavy seeds and mergers of both heavy (m_s^h=10^5 Msol) and light (m_s^l = 10^2 Msol) seeds. The former result from the direct collapse of gas in T_s^h >1.5x10^4K, H_2-free halos; the latter are the endproduct of a standard H_2-based star formation process. The H_2-free condition is attained by exposing halos to a strong (J_21 > 10^3) Lyman-Werner UV background produced by both accreting BHs and stars, thus establishing a self-regulated growth regime. We find that this condition is met already at z close to 18 in the highly biased regions in which quasars are born. The key parameter allowing the formation of SMBHs by z=6-7 is the fraction of halos that can form heavy seeds: the minimum requirement is that f_heavy>0.001; SMBH as large as 2x10^10 Msol can be obtained when f_heavy approaches unity. Independently of f_heavy, the model produces a high-z stellar bulge-black hole mass relation which is steeper than the local one, implying that SMBHs formed before their bulge was in place. The formation of heavy seeds, allowed by the Lyman-Werner radiative feedback in the quasar-forming environment, is crucial to achieve a fast growth of the SMBH by merger events in the early phases of its evolution, i.e. z>7. The UV photon production is largely dominated by stars in galaxies, i.e. black hole accretion radiation is sub-dominant. Interestingly, we find that the final mass of light BHs and of the SMBH in the quasar is roughly equal by z=6; by the same time only 19% of the initial baryon content has been converted into stars. The SMBH growth is dominated at all epochs z > 7.2 by mergers (exceeding accretion by a factor 2-50); at later times accretion becomes by far the most important growth channel. We finally discuss possible shortcomings of the model.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, MNRAS in pres

    Tidal disruption of satellite galaxies in a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation

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    We introduce a new physical recipe into the De Lucia and Blaizot version of the Munich semi-analytic model built upon the Millennium dark matter simulation: the tidal stripping of stellar material from satellite galaxies during mergers. To test the significance of the new physical process we apply a Monte Carlo Markov Chain parameter estimation technique constraining the model with the KK-band luminosity function, BVB-V colours and the black hole-bulge mass relation. The differences in parameter correlations, and in the allowed regions in likelihood space, reveal the impact of the new physics on the basic ingredients of the model, such as the star-formation laws, feedback recipes and the black hole growth model. With satellite disruption in place, we get a model likelihood four times higher than in the original model, indicating that the new process seems to be favoured by observations. This is achieved mainly due to a reduction in black hole growth that produces a better agreement between the properties of central black holes and host galaxies. Compared to the best-fit model without disruption, the new model removes the excess of dwarf galaxies in the original recipe with a more modest supernova heating. The new model is now consistent with the three observational data sets used to constrain it, while significantly improving the agreement with observations for the distribution of metals in stars. Moreover, the model now follows the build up of intra-cluster light

    Feedback and the Structure of Simulated Galaxies at redshift z=2

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    We study the properties of simulated high-redshift galaxies using cosmological N-body/gasdynamical runs from the OverWhelmingly Large Simulations (OWLS) project. The runs contrast several feedback implementations of varying effectiveness: from no-feedback, to supernova-driven winds to powerful AGN-driven outflows. These different feedback models result in large variations in the abundance and structural properties of bright galaxies at z=2. We find that feedback affects the baryonic mass of a galaxy much more severely than its spin, which is on average roughly half that of its surrounding dark matter halo in our runs. Feedback induces strong correlations between angular momentum content and galaxy mass that leave their imprint on galaxy scaling relations and morphologies. Encouragingly, we find that galaxy disks are common in moderate-feedback runs, making up typically ~50% of all galaxies at the centers of haloes with virial mass exceeding 1e11 M_sun. The size, stellar masses, and circular speeds of simulated galaxies formed in such runs have properties that straddle those of large star-forming disks and of compact early-type galaxies at z=2. Once the detailed abundance and structural properties of these rare objects are well established it may be possible to use them to gauge the overall efficacy of feedback in the formation of high redshift galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor changes to match published versio

    On the radiative efficiencies, Eddington ratios, and duty cycles of luminous high-redshift quasars

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    We investigate the characteristic radiative efficiency \epsilon, Eddington ratio \lambda, and duty cycle P_0 of high-redshift active galactic nuclei (AGN), drawing on measurements of the AGN luminosity function at z=3-6 and, especially, on recent measurements of quasar clustering at z=3-4.5 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The free parameters of our models are \epsilon, \lambda, and the normalization, scatter, and redshift evolution of the relation between black hole mass \mbh and halo virial velocity V_vir. We compute the luminosity function from the implied growth of the black hole mass function and the quasar correlation length from the bias of the host halos. We test our adopted formulae for the halo mass function and halo bias against measurements from the large N-body simulation developed by the MICE collaboration. The strong clustering of AGNs observed at z=3 and, especially, at z=4 implies that massive black holes reside in rare, massive dark matter halos. Reproducing the observed luminosity function then requires high efficiency \epsilon and/or low Eddington ratio \lambda, with a lower limit (based on 2\sigma agreement with the measured z=4 correlation length) \epsilon> 0.7\lambda/(1+0.7\lambda), implying \epsilon > 0.17 for \lambda > 0.25. Successful models predict high duty cycles, P_0~0.2, 0.5, and 0.9 at z=3.1, 4.5 and 6, respectively, and they require that the fraction of halo baryons locked in the central black hole is much larger than the locally observed value. The rapid drop in the abundance of the massive and rare host halos at z>7 implies a proportionally rapid decline in the number density of luminous quasars, much stronger than simple extrapolations of the z=3-6 luminosity function would predict. (abridged)Comment: Replaced with version accepted by ApJ. More detailed analysis including black hole mergers. Results unchange

    Modeling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies: II. The clustering of quasars and their dark environment

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    We use semi-analytic modeling on top of the Millennium simulation to study the joint formation of galaxies and their embedded supermassive black holes. Our goal is to test scenarios in which black hole accretion and quasar activity are triggered by galaxy mergers, and to constrain different models for the lightcurves associated with individual quasar events. In the present work we focus on studying the spatial distribution of simulated quasars. At all luminosities, we find that the simulated quasar two-point correlation function is fit well by a single power-law in the range 0.5 < r < 20 h^{-1} Mpc, but its normalization is a strong function of redshift. When we select only quasars with luminosities within the range typically accessible by today's quasar surveys, their clustering strength depends only weakly on luminosity, in agreement with observations. This holds independently of the assumed lightcurve model, since bright quasars are black holes accreting close to the Eddington limit, and are hosted by dark matter haloes with a narrow mass range of a few 10^12 h^{-1} M_sun. Therefore the clustering of bright quasars cannot be used to disentangle lightcurve models, but such a discrimination would become possible if the observational samples can be pushed to significantly fainter limits. Overall, our clustering results for the simulated quasar population agree rather well with observations, lending support to the conjecture that galaxy mergers could be the main physical process responsible for triggering black hole accretion and quasar activity.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, to be published on MNRA

    GECO: Galaxy Evolution COde - A new semi-analytical model of galaxy formation

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    We present a new semi-analytical model of galaxy formation, GECO (Galaxy Evolution COde), aimed at a better understanding of when and how the two processes of star formation and galaxy assembly have taken place. Our model is structured into a Monte Carlo algorithm based on the Extended Press-Schechter theory, for the representation of the merging hierarchy of dark matter halos, and a set of analytic algorithms for the treatment of the baryonic physics, including classical recipes for the gas cooling, the star formation time-scales, galaxy mergers and SN feedback. Together with the galaxies, the parallel growth of BHs is followed in time and their feedback on the hosting galaxies is modelled. We set the model free parameters by matching with data on local stellar mass functions and the BH-bulge relation at z=0. Based on such local boundary conditions, we investigate how data on the high-redshift universe constrain our understanding of the physical processes driving the evolution, focusing in particular on the assembly of stellar mass and on the star formation history. Since both processes are currently strongly constrained by cosmological near- and far-IR surveys, the basic physics of the Lambda CDM hierarchical clustering concept of galaxy formation can be effectively tested by us by comparison with the most reliable set of observables. Our investigation shows that when the time-scales of the stellar formation and mass assembly are studied as a function of dark matter halo mass and the single galaxy stellar mass, the 'downsizing' fashion of star formation appears to be a natural outcome of the model, reproduced even in the absence of the AGN feedback. On the contrary, the stellar mass assembly history turns out to follow a more standard hierarchical pattern progressive in cosmic time, with the more massive systems assembled at late times mainly through dissipationless mergers.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 24 pages, 15 figure

    Binary Quasars at High Redshift I: 24 New Quasar Pairs at z ~ 3-4

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    The clustering of quasars on small scales yields fundamental constraints on models of quasar evolution and the buildup of supermassive black holes. This paper describes the first systematic survey to discover high redshift binary quasars. Using color-selection and photometric redshift techniques, we searched 8142 deg^2 of SDSS imaging data for binary quasar candidates, and confirmed them with follow-up spectroscopy. Our sample of 27 high redshift binaries (24 of them new discoveries) at redshifts 2.9 < z < 4.3 with proper transverse separations 10 kpc < R_{\perp} < 650 kpc increases the number of such objects known by an order of magnitude. Eight members of this sample are very close pairs with R_{\perp} 3.5. The completeness and efficiency of our well-defined selection algorithm are quantified using simulated photometry and we find that our sample is ~ 50% complete. Our companion paper uses this knowledge to make the first measurement of the small scale clustering (R < 1 Mpc/h comoving) of high-redshift quasars. High redshift binaries constitute exponentially rare coincidences of two extreme (M >~ 10^9 Msun) supermassive black holes. At z ~ 4 there is about one close binary per 10 Gpc^3, thus these could be the highest sigma peaks, the analogs of superclusters, in the early Universe.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    The evolution of massive black holes and their spins in their galactic hosts

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    [Abridged] [...] We study the mass and spin evolution of massive black holes within a semianalytical galaxy-formation model that follows the evolution of dark-matter halos along merger trees, as well as that of the baryonic components (hot gas, stellar and gaseous bulges, and stellar and gaseous galactic disks). This allows us to study the mass and spin evolution of massive black holes in a self-consistent way, by taking into account the effect of the gas present in galactic nuclei both during the accretion phases and during mergers. Also, we present predictions, as a function of redshift, for the fraction of gas-rich black-hole mergers -- in which the spins prior to the merger are aligned due to the gravito-magnetic torques exerted by the circumbinary disk -- as opposed to gas-poor mergers, in which the orientation of the spins before the merger is roughly isotropic. These predictions may be tested by LISA or similar spaced-based gravitational-wave detectors such as eLISA/NGO or SGO.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures. This version includes minor changes to figs 10 and 11 (left-hand panels) described in erratum (MNRAS 440, 1295, 2014, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stu361), see also http://www2.iap.fr/users/barausse/erratum.pd

    The Demography of Super-Massive Black Holes: Growing Monsters at the Heart of Galaxies

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    Supermassive black holes (BHs) appear to be ubiquitous at the center of all galaxies which have been observed at high enough sensitivities and resolution with the Hubble Space Telescope. Their masses are found to be tightly linked with the masses and velocity dispersions of their host galaxies. On the other hand, BHs are widely held to constitute the central engines of quasars and active galactic nuclei (AGN) in general. It is however still unclear how BHs have grown, and whether they have co-evolved with their hosts. In this Review I discuss how, in ways independent of specific models, constraints on the growth history of BHs and their host galaxies have been set by matching the statistics of local BHs to the emissivity, number density, and clustering properties of AGNs at different cosmological epochs. I also present some new results obtained through a novel numerical code which evolves the BH mass function and clustering adopting broad distributions of Eddington ratios. I finally review BH evolution in a wider cosmological context, connecting BH growth to galaxy evolution.Comment: 70 pages. New Astronomy Reviews, in pres