9 research outputs found

    Wafer bonding technologies for nano-, micro- and macro-system realization and integration

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    This paper is providing an overview about most common wafer bonding technologies used for the realization of nano-, micro,- and macro systems and for system integration. At first, the general aspects of wafer bonding applications are discussed. This is followed by the technological description of different wafer bonding processes, since for different bonding applications different processes are required related to process integration and the actual surface layers on the wafers which should be bonded. Finally, benefits and drawbacks as well as technology and application aspects are shown in an overview table, providing systematization and detailed comparison of the described bonding processes. This overview should help to choose the best suitable process for wafer level bonding and other applications

    NiLoPher: Breaking a Modern SAT-Hardened Logic-Locking Scheme via Power Analysis Attack

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    LoPher brings, for the first time, cryptographic security promises to the field of logic locking in a bid to break the game of cat-and-mouse seen in logic locking. Toward this end, LoPher embeds the circuitry to lock within multiple rounds of a block cipher, by carefully configuring all the S-Boxes. To realize general Boolean functionalities and to support varying interconnect topologies, LoPher also introduces additional layers of MUXes between S-Boxes and the permutation operations. The authors of LoPher claim resilience against SAT-based attacks in particular. Here, we show the first successful attack on LoPher. First, we uncover a significant limitation for LoPher’s key-space configuration, resulting in large numbers of equivalent keys and, thus, a largely simplified search space for attackers in practice. Second, motivated by their well-proven working against ciphers, we employ a power side-channel attack against LoPher. We find that ISCAS-85 benchmarks locked with LoPher can all be broken in few thousands of traces. Finally, we also outline a simple and low-cost countermeasure to render LoPher more secure

    Halbleiterwaferbondverbindungen mittels strukturierter Glaszwischenschichten zur Verkapselung oberflächenmikromechanischer Sensoren auf Waferebene

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    Die Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Halbleiterwaferbondtechnologien mit strukturierten Glaszwischenschichten. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das Glaslotbonden mittels niedrigschmelzender Gläser, die als Pasten durch Siebdruck strukturiert aufgetragen und thermisch konditioniert werden, bevor sie thermo-kompressiv gebondet werden. Die Eigenschaften der Bondverbindung und des Glaslotes wurden untersucht. Weiterhin sind unterschiedliche Anwendungsbeispiele (oberflächenmikromechanische und optische Sensoren, sowie trimmbare Widerstände) aufgeführt.This work is a contribution to the development of semiconductor wafer bonding technologies by structured glass inter layers. The main aspect is the glass frit bonding using low melting point glass, deposited as a paste by screen printing as structured layer and thermal conditioned to a real glass before the thermo-compressive bonding. The properties of the bond interface and the bonding glass are investigated. Several examples (surface micro-mechanical and optical sensors as well as trimmable resistors) are given

    Probing the Biology of Natural Products: Molecular Editing by Diverted Total Synthesis

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    Untersuchung der Biologie von Naturstoffen: systematische Strukturvariation durch umgelenkte Totalsynthese

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    A Comprehensive Review on Gas Flow in Microchannels

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    Reference Samples in Geology and Geochemistry

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