552 research outputs found

    Infrared (2.08-14 micron) spectra of powered stony meteorites

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    Infrared biconical reflectance spectra of 60 powdered meteorite samples, representing 50 different stony meteorites, were measured as analogues of asteroidal regolith. Representative samples were measured in directional hemispherical reflectance to assure that Kirchhoff's Law can be used to predict relative emissivity from the reflectance spectra. These spectral data confirm that the O-H fundamental absorption band near 2.9 microns is an extremely sensitive indicator of incipient alteration, which often has taken place in powdered meteorite samples exposed only to water vapor in the air. Such non-carbonaceous samples typically contain less than 1 percent water by weight. Likewise, the C-H fundamental absorption bands near 3.4 and 3.5 microns are equally sensitive indicators of contamination with volatile hydrocarbons, which can also be absorbed from the air. The heavy, macromolecular hydrocarbons native to chondrites do not display such heavy bands, making detection of these bands in remote sensing of asteroids unlikely. Despite the spectral artifacts introduced by alteration and hydrocarbon contamination, powdered stony meteorites display a wide variety of real spectral features that can be used for their identification, including residual reststrahlen bands, absorption bands, and the Christiansen feature. Researchers found that the wavelengths of the peaks or troughs of each of these spectral features can be used independently to infer meteorite composition, but the best results are obtained when the entire spectral curve is used, or at least the portion of it encompassed by the 8 to 14 micron atmospheric window, in a digital search library

    On the chemical composition of L-chondrites

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    Radiochemical neutron activation analysis of Ag, As, Au, Bi, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Sb, Te, Tl, and Zn and major element data in 14 L4-6 and 3 LL5 chondrites indicates that the L group is unusually variable and may represent at least 2 subgroups differing in formation history. Chemical trends in the S/Fe rich subgroup support textural evidence indicating late loss of a shock formed Fe-Ni-S melt; the S/Fe poor subgroup seemingly reflects nebular fractionation only. Highly mobile In and Zn apparently reflect shock induced loss from L chondrites. However, contrasting chemical trends in several L chondrite sample sets indicate that these meteorites constitute a more irregular sampling of, or more heterogeneous parent material than do carbonaceous or enstatite chondrites. Data for 15 chondrites suggest higher formation temperatures and/or degrees of shock than for LL5 chondrites

    Ranges of Atmospheric Mass and Composition of Super Earth Exoplanets

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    Terrestrial-like exoplanets may obtain atmospheres from three primary sources: Capture of nebular gases, degassing during accretion, and degassing from subsequent tectonic activity. Here we model degassing during accretion to estimate the range of atmospheric mass and composition on exoplanets ranging from 1 to 30 Earth masses. We use bulk compositions drawn from primitive and differentiated meteorite compositions. Degassing alone can create a wide range of masses of planetary atmospheres, ranging from less than a percent of the planet's total mass up to ~6 mass% of hydrogen, ~20 mass% of water, and/or ~5 mass% of carbon compounds. Hydrogen-rich atmospheres can be outgassed as a result of oxidizing metallic iron with water, and excess water and carbon can produce atmospheres through simple degassing. As a byproduct of our atmospheric outgassing models we find that modest initial water contents (10 mass% of the planet and above) create planets with deep surface liquid water oceans soon after accretion is complete.Comment: ApJ, in press. 32 pages, 6 figure

    Coreless Terrestrial Exoplanets

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    Differentiation in terrestrial planets is expected to include the formation of a metallic iron core. We predict the existence of terrestrial planets that have differentiated but have no metallic core--planets that are effectively a giant silicate mantle. We discuss two paths to forming a coreless terrestrial planet, whereby the oxidation state during planetary accretion and solidification will determine the size or existence of any metallic core. Under this hypothesis, any metallic iron in the bulk accreting material is oxidized by water, binding the iron in the form of iron oxide into the silicate minerals of the planetary mantle. The existence of such silicate planets has consequences for interpreting the compositions and interior density structures of exoplanets based on their mass and radius measurements.Comment: ApJ, in press. 22 pages, 5 figure

    Deriving asteroid mineralogies from reflectance spectra: Implications for the MUSES-C target asteroid

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    In an effort to both bolster the spectral database on ordinary chondrites and constrain our ability to deconvolve modal, mineral chemistry and bulk chemical composition information from ordinary chondrites, we have initiated a spectral study of samples with known bulk compositions from the Smithsonian Institution\u27s Analyzed Meteorite Powder collection. In this paper, we focus on deriving a better formula for determining asteroid mineralogies from reflectance spectra. The MUSES-C mission to asteroid 25143 1998 SF36 will allow any derived mineralogies to be tested with a returned sample

    Modal abundances of CAIs: Implications for bulk chondrite element abundances and fractionations

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    Modal abundances of Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are poorly known and reported data scatter across large ranges. We combine reported CAI modal abundances and our own set, and present a complete list of CAI modal abundances in carbonaceous chondrites. This includes (in area%): CV: 2.98, CM: 1.21, Acfer 094: 1.12, CO: 0.99, CK/CV (Ningqiang & DaG 055): 0.77, CK: 0.2, CR: 0.12 and CB: 0.1. CAIs are Poisson distributed and if only small areas (<1000 mm2) are studied, the data are probably not representative of the true CAI modal abundances, explaining their reported large scatter in a single chondrite group. Carbonaceous chondrites have excess bulk Al concentrations when compared to the CI-chondritic value. We find a correlation between this excess and CAI modal abundances and conclude that the excess Al was delivered by CAIs. The excess Al is only a minor fraction (usually ~10 rel%, but 25 rel% in case of CVs) of the bulk chondrite Al and cannot have contributed much 26Al to heat the chondrite parent body. Ordinary, enstatite, R- and K-chondrites have an Al deficit relative to CI chondrites and only very low CAI modal abundances, if any are present at all. Carbonaceous chondrites also had an initial Al deficit if the contribution of Al delivered by CAIs is subtracted. Therefore all chondrites probably lost a refractory rich high-T component. Only minor amounts of CAIs are present in the matrix or have been present in the chondrule precursor aggregates. Most CAI size distributions contain more than one size population, indicating that CAIs from within a single meteorite group had different origins.Comment: Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences (in press

    Bulk element compositions of meteorites: A guide for interpreting remote-sensing geochemical measurements of planets and asteroids

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    We report a large database of bulk meteorite elemental abundances, compiled to aid in the interpretation of elemental abundance data determined by remote-sensing instrumentation on planetary missions. A custom user interface was developed for easy access and manipulation of the abundance data. The database contains almost 3000 individual analyses of more than 1000 individual meteorites. Most major and minor elements are included, as well as small number of trace elements measurable by remote-sensing gamma-ray spectroscopy (notably Th and U). All meteorite classes show variability in bulk compositions between individual analyses. Some of this spread is intrinsic to the parent bodies of the meteorites. However, some variability is undoubtedly due to systematic uncertainties, caused by inter-laboratory bias, misclassification, effect of weathering, and unrepresentative sampling. We use the database here to investigate both how well different meteorite groups can be distinguished on the basis of bulk compositions and how bulk compositions can be related to the cosmochemical and geological processes that produced them. The major elements measurable by X-ray and gamma-ray remote-sensing-oxygen, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, calcium and iron-reflect to differing degrees nebular elemental fractionations and parent-body igneous processes and can be used together to distinguish most classes and sub-classes of meteorites. Potassium is potentially useful as a tracer of thermal processes in the early solar system. Thorium and uranium abundances could be used to trace igneous processes on differentiated asteroids

    Formation and Structure of Low Density Exo-Neptunes

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    Kepler has found hundreds of Neptune-size (2-6 R_Earth) planet candidates within 0.5 AU of their stars. The nature of the vast majority of these planets is not known because their masses have not been measured. Using theoretical models of planet formation, evolution and structure, we explore the range of minimum plausible masses for low-density exo-Neptunes. We focus on highly irradiated planets with T_eq>=500K. We consider two separate formation pathways for low-mass planets with voluminous atmospheres of light gases: core nucleated accretion and outgassing of hydrogen from dissociated ices. We show that Neptune-size planets at T_eq=500K with masses as small as a few times that of Earth can plausibly be formed core nucleated accretion coupled with subsequent inward migration. We also derive a limiting low-density mass-radius relation for rocky planets with outgassed hydrogen envelopes but no surface water. Rocky planets with outgassed hydrogen envelopes typically have computed radii well below 3 R_Earth. For both planets with H/He envelopes from core nucleated accretion and planets with outgassed hydrogen envelopes, we employ planet interior models to map the range of planet mass--envelope mass--equilibrium temperature parameter space that is consistent with Neptune-size planet radii. Atmospheric mass loss mediates which corners of this parameter space are populated by actual planets and ultimately governs the minimum plausible mass at a specified transit radius. We find that Kepler's 2-6 R_Earth planet candidates at T_eq=500--1000K could potentially have masses less than ~4 M_Earth. Although our quantitative results depend on several assumptions, our qualitative finding that warm Neptune-size planets can have masses substantially smaller than those given by interpolating the masses and radii of planets within our Solar System is robust.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Thermal evolution and sintering of chondritic planetesimals III. Modelling the heat conductivity of porous chondrite material

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    The construction of models for the internal constitution and the temporal evolution of large planetesimals, the parent bodies of chondrites, requires information on the heat conductivity of the complex mixture of minerals and iron metal found in chondrites. It is attempted to evaluate the heat conductivity of a multi-component mineral mixture and granular medium from the heat conductivities of its mixture components. Random mixtures of solids with chondritic composition and packings of spheres are numerically generated. The heat conduction equation is solved in high spatial resolution for a test cube filled with such matter. From the heat flux through the cube the heat conductivity of the mixture is derived. The model results for porous material are consistent with data for compacted sandstone, but are at odds with measurements for H and L chondrites. The discrepancy is traced back to shock modification of the currently available meteoritic material by impacts on the parent body over the last 4.5 Ga. This causes numerous micro-cracks that act as additional barriers for heat transfer. The void structure in meteorites is different from that which probably existed in the pristine material of the parent bodies. The results obtained for the heat conductivity of the pristine material are used for calculating models for the evolution of the H chondrite parent body which are fitted to the cooling data of a number of H chondrites. The fit to the data good.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
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