7 research outputs found

    Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Se Kota Kupang

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    Diabetes Mellitus is well known as a chronic disease which can lead to a decrease in quality of life in all domains. The study aims to explore the diabetic type 2 patient\u27s quality of life and find out the factors affecting in type 2 diabetic mellitus patients. The cross-sectional study design is used that included 65 patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus, in 11 public health centers of Kupang City. Data were collected by using Short Form Survey (SF-36) that assessed 8-scale health profile. Independent sample t-test is used to analyze the correlation between the factors affecting and the quality of life. the study showed that the QoL of DM patients decreased in all 8- health profile including physical functioning, social functioning, mental health, general health, pain, change in the role due to physical problems and emotional problems. The Study also showed there was a relationship between gender, duration of suffering from Diabetes mellitus, and complications to the quality of life. Male perceived a better quality of life than female

    Temporal shifts and temperature sensitivity of avian spring migratory phenology:A phylogenetic meta-analysis

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    There are wide reports of advances in the timing of spring migration of birds over time and in relation to rising temperatures, though phenological responses vary substantially within and among species. An understanding of the ecological, life-history and geographic variables that predict this intra- and interspecific variation can guide our projections of how populations and species are likely to respond to future climate change. Here, we conduct phylogenetic meta-analyses addressing slope estimates of the timing of avian spring migration regressed on (i) year and (ii) temperature, representing a total of 413 species across five continents. We take into account slope estimation error and examine phylogenetic, ecological and geographic predictors of intra- and interspecific variation. We confirm earlier findings that on average birds have significantly advanced their spring migration time by 2·1 days per decade and 1·2 days °C−1. We find that over time and in response to warmer spring conditions, short-distance migrants have advanced spring migratory phenology by more than long-distance migrants. We also find that larger bodied species show greater advance over time compared to smaller bodied species. Our results did not reveal any evidence that interspecific variation in migration response is predictable on the basis of species' habitat or diet. We detected a substantial phylogenetic signal in migration time in response to both year and temperature, suggesting that some of the shifts in migratory phenological response to climate are predictable on the basis of phylogeny. However, we estimate high levels of species and spatial variance relative to phylogenetic variance, which is consistent with plasticity in response to climate evolving fairly rapidly and being more influenced by adaptation to current local climate than by common descent. On average, avian spring migration times have advanced over time and as spring has become warmer. While we are able to identify predictors that explain some of the true among-species variation in response, substantial intra- and interspecific variation in migratory response remains to be explained

    Disposal of animal by-products

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    Import 26/06/2013V předložené práci je zpracováno nakládání s vedlejšími živočišnými produkty a to od svozu odpadu, jeho zpracování a využití vzniklých produktů. Práce je složena z několika bodů. V první části je zahrnuta legislativa v oblasti nakládání s vedlejšími živočišnými produkty v České republice a Evropské unii. Popisuje jednotlivé kategorie živočišného odpadu a zabývá se nákazami spojenými s vedlejším živočišným produktem. V druhé části je popsána technologie zpracování živočišného odpadu v asanaci AGRIS Mankovice. Ve třetí části jsou uvedeny způsoby dalšího nakládání s kafilerními produkty. U masokostní moučky je to využití v zemědělských oblastech jako organické hnojivo, u bioplynových stanic jako velmi dobrý zdroj bioplynu a v cementárnách jako část paliva při vypalování slínku. U kafilerního tuku je možné využití pro výrobu bionafty a bioplynu. V závěru je zhodnoceno, že při technologii asanace AGRIS Mankovice není riziko vzniku žádných nemocí.In this work is handled by the management of minor animal products from waste collection, processing and use of the products. The work is composed of several points. In the first part is covered by legislation in the field of waste byproducts of animal products in the Czech Republic and the European Union. Describes the different categories of animal waste and deals with diseases related to the next animal product. In the second section describes the technology of processing of animal waste in the urban planning of the AGRIS Mankovice. In the third section lists ways to further the management of rendering plant products. The MBM is used in agricultural areas such as organic fertilizer for biogas plants as a very good source of biogas, and cement plants as a part of the fuel for burning clinker. In the case of rendering plant fats can be used for the production of biodiesel and biogas. In conclusion, it is found that the technology redevelopment of the AGRIS Mankovice is not the risk of any disease.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    Wintering French mallard and teal are heavier and in better body condition than 30 years ago : effects of a changing environment?

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    Animal populations are exposed to large-scale anthropogenic impact from e.g. climate change, habitat alteration and supplemental stocking. All of these may affect body condition in wintering dabbling ducks, which in turn may affect an individual's survival and reproductive success. The aim of this study was to assess whether there have been morphometric changes in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Teal (Anas crecca) over the last 30 years at a major wintering site. Body mass and condition increased from the 1950s-1960s to the 2000s in both species. The increase in body mass amounted to as much as 11.7%, with no corresponding change in body size. Improved body condition was maintained from early to mid-winter, but then converged with historical values for late winter. Our interpretation is that increasingly benign ambient winter conditions permit ducks to maintain better energetic "safety margins" throughout winter, and that converging spring departure values may be related to evolutionary flight energetic optima. The observed changes are consistent with large-scale climate amelioration and local/regional habitat improvement (both anthropogenic)

    Understanding the dynamics of physiological impacts of environmental stressors on Australian marsupials, focus on the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)

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