16 research outputs found

    Silent slips, trips and broken hips in the under 60s: a review of the literature

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    This critical review of the literature regarding the recovery experiences and healthcare needs of people under 60 following a fragility hip fracture seeks to identify the associated implications for nursing practice and inform care delivery. Forty papers were included following a structured database, citation and grey literature search and filtering of results in line with specified inclusion criteria. Hip fracture is a common, serious and complex injury and an important cause of morbidity, mortality and rising healthcare costs worldwide. This review indicates that although commonly associated with the elderly, incidence and impact in the under 60s has been under-explored. Current health policy, professional and social norms almost exclusively focus on the elderly, surgical interventions and short-term outcomes, rendering the under 60s an inadvertently marginalised, relatively 'silent' sub-set of the hip fracture population. Nurses must be aware, however, of the different recovery needs of this younger group. The limited evidence available indicates these include work related needs and long term physical and psychosocial limitations in this socially and economically active group. Priorities are identified for research to inform policy and practice. Meanwhile, nurses can address the needs of this group by listening to and involving them and their families as healthcare partners. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    Fracture in the Elderly Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation (FEMuR): study protocol for a phase II randomised feasibility study of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation package following hip fracture

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    Objective: To conduct a rigorous feasibility study for a future definitive parallel-group randomised controlled trial (RCT) and economic evaluation of an enhanced rehabilitation package for hip fracture.Setting: Recruitment from 3 acute hospitals in North Wales. Intervention delivery in the community.Participants: Older adults (aged ≥65) who received surgical treatment for hip fracture, lived independently prior to fracture, had mental capacity (assessed by clinical team) and received rehabilitation in the North Wales area.Intervention: Remote randomisation to usual care (control) or usual care+enhanced rehabilitation package (intervention), including six additional home-based physiotherapy sessions delivered by a physiotherapist or technical instructor, novel information workbook and goal-setting diary.Primary and secondary outcome measures: Primary: Barthel Activities of Daily Living (BADL). Secondary measures included Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living scale (NEADL), EQ-5D, ICECAP capability, a suite of self-efficacy, psychosocial and service-use measures and costs. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and 3-month follow-up by blinded researchers.Results: 62 participants were recruited, 61 randomised (control 32; intervention 29) and 49 (79%) completed 3-month follow-up. Minimal differences occurred between the 2 groups for most outcomes, including BADL (adjusted mean difference 0.5). The intervention group showed a medium-sized improvement in the NEADL relative to the control group, with an adjusted mean difference between groups of 3.0 (Cohen's d 0.63), and a trend for greater improvement in self-efficacy and mental health, but with small effect sizes. The mean cost of delivering the intervention was £231 per patient. There was a small relative improvement in quality-adjusted life year in the intervention group. No serious adverse events relating to the intervention were reported.Conclusions: The trial methods were feasible in terms of eligibility, recruitment and retention. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the rehabilitation package should be tested in a phase III RCT

    Reporting national clinical audits in quality accounts

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    The requirement for providers of NHS services in England to produce annual Quality Accounts for the public was one component of the Next Stage Review in 2008. Introduced in 2010, apart from aiming to improve the public accountability of providers, it is anticipated that the Quality Accounts will prompt boards to engage more in considering quality, and encourage quality assessment and improvement among clinicians and managers. Our aim was to appraise one section of Quality Accounts, the reporting of national clinical audits (NCAs). A review of a random sample of 50 acute Trusts revealed that for the 94% of Trusts that provided an account of their participation in the 34 NCAs deemed eligible by the Department of Health, the overall participation rate was 69%. Rates varied between Trusts, from less than 40% to 100%. Although most Trusts did not provide examples of local quality improvement, interventions stimulated by NCAs, those that did demonstrated some innovative and effective ways of improving quality. We propose several ways in which the quality of Quality Accounts can be improved in 2011