238 research outputs found

    Authoritarianism in the new states of Central Asia: an overview of post-independence politics

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    'Nach dem Zusammenbruch der UdSSR erwartete man, daß sich die neuen unabhängigen Staaten Zentralasiens als instabil und anfällig für Gewalt erweisen würden, doch haben vier Jahre Unabhängigkeit gezeigt, daß sie, mit der Ausnahme Tadschikistans, zu den stabilsten der sowjetischen Nachfolgestaaten gehören. Diejenigen der zentralasiatischen Führer, die den Erhalt der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Stabilität für wichtiger halten, fühlen sich in ihrer Wahl bestätigt. Die Präsidenten Kasachstans und Kirgisiens, die eine Demokratisierung versucht haben, wurden ihrerseits zunehmend autoritärer, um die Reformprogramme durchsetzen zu können. Die Notwendigkeit der Stabilität wird dadurch begründet, daß es Zentralasien an Erfahrung mit der Demokratie westlichen Stils mangelt und in der Region keine Tradition der Staatlichkeit existiert, obwohl die politische und kulturelle Oberschicht dort auch schon vor der Auflösung der UdSSR ein gut entwickeltes nationales Bewußtsein besaß. Westliche Beobachter, die darauf gehofft hatten, daß die Demokratie in Kasachstan und Kirgisien rasch Wurzeln schlagen würde, sahen sich enttäuscht, als die Präsidenten dieser Länder immer autokratischer regierten. Gleichzeitig wuchs das Interesse an Usbekistan trotz beträchtlicher Demokratiedefizite in einem Maße, wie der Westen die strategische Bedeutung dieses Landes erkannte.' (Autorenreferat)'The newly independent states of Central Asia were expected after the breakup of the USSR to be prone to instability and violence, but four years of independence have shown them, with the exception of Tajikistan, to be among the most stable of the Soviet successor states. Those Central Asian leaders who consider the maintenance of political and social stability to have priority over reform consider that events have justified their choice. The presidents of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, who attempted to introduce democratization, have become more authoritarian in order to carry out their reform programs. The need for stability is grounded in the absence of any experience of Western-style democracy and in the lack of a tradition of staatehood in Central Asia, although national consciousness was well advanced among the Central Asian political and cultural elite prior to the disintegration of the USSR. Westerns who expected that democracy would take root rapidly in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have been disappointed as the leaders of those countries have become more authoritarian. At the same time, interest in authoritarian Uzbekistan has increased as the West recognizes the geopolitical importance of the country.' (author's abstract

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.41, no.8

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    “I Was the Editor of the First Homemaker”, Bess Ferguson, page 4 And After May ’26?, page 5 1920s, Rose Summers, page 6 1930s, Laura Daily, page 6 1940s, Ruth Webber, page 7 1950s, Ruth Remy, page 7 Food Class for Foresters, Russel B. McKennan, page 8 Mortar Board Presents: Know Your Neighbor, page 9 Decorating Your Home With the Family in Mind, Jan Wheeler, page 10 Let’s Split A Pizza, Barbara Pierson, page 12 Easter Bonnet In An Hour, page 13 Here’s How We Look, page 14 The Younger Generation, Sherry Stoddard, page 15 Part-time Jobs After Marriage, Diane Sharbo, page 16 Looking Abroad, Barbara Brown, page 17 40 Years From Now, Anne Collison, page 1

    Performance of van der Waals Corrected Functionals for Guest Adsorption in the M-2(dobdc) Metal-Organic Frameworks

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    Small-molecule binding in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) can be accurately studied both experimentally and computationally, provided the proper tools are employed. Herein, we compare and contrast properties associated with guest binding by means of density functional theory (DFT) calculations using nine different functionals for the M2(dobdc) (dobdc4– = 2,5-dioxido,1,4-benzenedicarboxylate) series, where M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn. Additionally, we perform Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations for one system to determine if this method can be used to assess the performance of DFT. We also make comparisons with previously published experimental results for carbon dioxide and water and present new methane neutron powder diffraction (NPD) data for further comparison. All of the functionals are able to predict the experimental variation in the binding energy from one metal to the next; however, the interpretation of the performance of the functionals depends on which value is taken as the reference. On the one hand, if we compare against experimental values, we would conclude that the optB86b-vdW and optB88-vdW functionals systematically overestimate the binding strength, while the second generation of van der Waals (vdW) nonlocal functionals (vdw-DF2 and rev-vdW-DF2) correct for this providing a good description of binding energies. On the other hand, if the QMC calculation is taken as the reference then all of the nonlocal functionals yield results that fall just outside the error of the higher-level calculation. The empirically corrected vdW functionals are in reasonable agreement with experimental heat of adsorptions but under bind when compared with QMC, while Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof fails by more than 20 kJ/mol regardless of which reference is employed. All of the functionals, with the exception of vdW-DF2, predict reasonable framework and guest binding geometries when compared with NPD measurements. The newest of the functionals considered, rev-vdW-DF2, should be used in place of vdW-DF2, as it yields improved bond distances with similar quality binding energies

    Genotype and clinical characteristics of patients with Wolfram syndrome and WFS1-related disorders

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    Objective: Wolfram syndrome (WFS) is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, diabetes insipidus, and sensorineural hearing loss. We sought to elucidate the relationship between genotypic and phenotypic presentations of Wolfram syndrome which would assist clinicians in classifying the severity and prognosis of Wolfram syndrome more accurately.Approach: Patient data from the Washington University International Registry and Clinical Study for Wolfram Syndrome and patient case reports were analyzed to select for patients with two recessive mutations in the WFS1 gene. Mutations were classified as being either nonsense/frameshift variants or missense/in-frame insertion/deletion variants. Missense/in-frame variants were further classified as transmembrane or non-transmembrane based on whether they affected amino acid residues predicted to be in transmembrane domains of WFS1. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon rank-sum tests with multiple test adjustment applied via the Bonferonni correction.Results: A greater number of genotype variants correlated with earlier onset and a more severe presentation of Wolfram syndrome. Secondly, non-sense and frameshift variants had more severe phenotypic presentations than missense variants, as evidenced by diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy emerging significantly earlier in patients with two nonsense/frameshift variants compared with zero or one nonsense/frameshift variants. In addition, the number of transmembrane in-frame variants demonstrated a statistically significant dose-effect on age of onset of diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy among patients with either one or two in-frame variants.Summary/Conclusion: The results contribute to our current understanding of the genotype-phenotype relationship of Wolfram syndrome, suggesting that alterations in coding sequences result in significant changes in the presentation and severity of Wolfram. The impact of these findings is significant, as the results will aid clinicians in predicting more accurate prognoses and pave the way for personalized treatments for Wolfram syndrome

    A phase Ib/IIa clinical trial of dantrolene sodium in patients with Wolfram syndrome

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    BACKGROUNDWolfram syndrome is a rare ER disorder characterized by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, optic nerve atrophy, and progressive neurodegeneration. Although there is no treatment for Wolfram syndrome, preclinical studies in cell and rodent models suggest that therapeutic strategies targeting ER calcium homeostasis, including dantrolene sodium, may be beneficial.METHODSBased on results from preclinical studies on dantrolene sodium and ongoing longitudinal studies, we assembled what we believe is the first-ever clinical trial in pediatric and adult Wolfram syndrome patients with an open-label phase Ib/IIa trial design. The primary objective was to assess the safety and tolerability of dantrolene sodium in adult and pediatric Wolfram syndrome patients. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the efficacy of dantrolene sodium on residual pancreatic β cell functions, visual acuity, quality-of-life measures related to vision, and neurological functions.RESULTSDantrolene sodium was well tolerated by Wolfram syndrome patients. Overall, β cell functions were not significantly improved, but there was a significant correlation between baseline β cell functions and change in β cell responsiveness (R2, P = 0.004) after 6-month dantrolene therapy. Visual acuity and neurological functions were not improved by 6-month dantrolene sodium. Markers of inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress, such as IFN-γ, IL-1β, TNF-α, and isoprostane, were elevated in subjects.CONCLUSIONThis study justifies further investigation into using dantrolene sodium and other small molecules targeting the ER for treatment of Wolfram syndrome.TRIAL REGISTRATIONClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02829268FUNDINGNIH/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) (DK112921, DK113487, DK020579), NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) (TR002065, TR000448), NIH training grant (F30DK111070), Silberman Fund, Ellie White Foundation, Snow Foundation, Unravel Wolfram Syndrome Fund, Stowe Fund, Eye Hope Foundation, Feiock Fund, Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences grant UL1TR002345 from NIH/NCATS, Bursky Center for Human Immunology & Immunotherapy Programs

    Limited morbidity and possible radiographic benefit of C2

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    Background: The study aims to evaluate differences in alignment and clinical outcomes between surgical cervical deformity (CD) patients with a subaxial upper-most instrumented vertebra (UIV) and patients with a UIV at C2. Use of CD-corrective instrumentation in the subaxial cervical spine is considered risky due to narrow subaxial pedicles and vertebral artery anatomy. While C2 fixation provides increased stability, the literature lacks guidelines indicating extension of CD-corrective fusion from the subaxial spine to C2. Methods: Included: operative CD patients with baseline (BL) and 1-year postop (1Y) radiographic data, cervical UIV ≥ C2. Patients were grouped by UIV: C2 or subaxial (C3-C7) and propensity score matched (PSM) for BL cSVA. Mean comparison tests assessed differences in BL and 1Y patient-related, radiographic, and surgical data between UIV groups, and BL-1Y changes in alignment and clinical outcomes. Results: Following PSM, 31 C2 UIV and 31 subaxial UIV patients undergoing CD-corrective surgery were included. Groups did not differ in BL comorbidity burden (P=0.175) or cSVA (P=0.401). C2 patients were older (64 Conclusions: C2 UIV patients showed similar cervical range of motion and baseline to 1-year functional outcomes as patients with a subaxial UIV. C2 UIV patients also showed greater baseline to 1-year horizontal gaze improvement and had complication profiles similar to subaxial UIV patients, demonstrating the radiographic benefit and minimal functional loss associated with extending fusion constructs to C2. In the treatment of adult cervical deformities, extension of the reconstruction construct to the axis may allow for certain clinical benefits with less morbidity than previously acknowledged

    No evidence that footedness in pheasants influences cognitive performance in tasks assessing colour discrimination and spatial ability

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    The differential specialization of each side of the brain facilitates the parallel processing of information and has been documented in a wide range of animals. Animals that are more lateralized as indicated by consistent preferential limb use are commonly reported to exhibit superior cognitive ability as well as other behavioural advantages.We assayed the lateralization of 135 young pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), indicated by their footedness in a spontaneous stepping task, and related this measure to individual performance in either 3 assays of visual or spatial learning and memory. We found no evidence that pronounced footedness enhances cognitive ability in any of the tasks. We also found no evidence that an intermediate footedness relates to better cognitive performance. This lack of relationship is surprising because previous work revealed that pheasants have a slight population bias towards right footedness, and when released into the wild, individuals with higher degrees of footedness were more likely to die. One explanation for why extreme lateralization is constrained was that it led to poorer cognitive performance, or that optimal cognitive performance was associated with some intermediate level of lateralization. This stabilizing selection could explain the pattern of moderate lateralization that is seen in most non-human species that have been studied. However, we found no evidence in this study to support this explanation

    Chapter 19 Noise pollution and its impact on human health and the environment

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    This chapter deals with (1) the basic theory of sound propagation; (2) an overview of noise pollution problem in view of policy and standards by the World Health Organization, the United States, and the European Union; (3) noise exposure sources from aircraft, road traffic and railways, in-vehicle, work, and construction sites, and occupations, and households; (4) the noise pollution impact on human health and the biological environment; (5) modeling of regional noise-affected habitats in protected and unprotected land areas and the marine environment; (6) noise control measures and sustainability in view of sustainable building design, noise mapping, and control measures such as barriers and berms along roadsides, acoustic building materials, roadway vehicle noise source control, road surface, and pavement materials; and (7) environmental noise pollution management measures and their impact on human health