447 research outputs found


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    Sport biomechanics is a perfect representation of what is a transdisciplinary discipline. This discipline makes indeed use of knowledge in mathematics, physics, biology, and of course, sports. This transdisciplinary nature has pros and cons in terms of education: Pros because sport movement analysis can motivate students or pupils and make them unconsciously use concepts and theory from other disciplines; cons because lacks in some disciplines -typically mathematics- can provoke a mental block in students. In a first part of this applied session, a special education program developed in order to cultivate the taste of teenagers for sciences through the analysis of their own sport movement will be presented

    Wordless Eloquence – Shaun Tan, The Arrival, and Winshluss, Pinocchio

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    La potentialité expressive d’un type de bande dessinée dite « muette » ou sans parole relève du paradoxe. Sans le medium du mot, le dessin seul et les découpages des cases transmettent un contenu sémantique aux lecteurs que l’on peut qualifier de supérieur à celui de la bande dessinée dite traditionnelle ou « parlante ». L’espace libéré par l’absence de bulles ou des interventions du narrateur permet au lecteur de trouver sa place dans les univers visuels de Shaun Tan ou Winschluss, dont les deux œuvres représentent le transfert sémantique né de l’expérience de la migration et de l’adaptation.The potential expressiveness of a type of wordless comics is paradoxical. Having relinquished the medium of language, only the image, divided into narrative units on the page, is allowed to convey a semantic content to the readers, a content that may be greater than that of traditional comics, since the space cleared up by the absence of dialogue or narratorial comments allows the reader to find a foothold in the visual universes of Shaun Tan and Winschluss. The reader may thus appropriate both the image and the narrative, all the more relevantly as both works represent the process of transcoding experienced during migration and adaptation

    Microbial stabilization of grape musts and wines using coiled UV-C reactor

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    UV-C light is well known for its germicidal properties and is widely used for water disinfection. However, its low penetration into absorbing liquids, such as wines and musts, reduces drastically the microbial inactivation effectiveness. Additionally, wines require UV-C doses to be as low as possible to avoid any possible light-struck flavors. In order to add to the technologies that allow the reduction of SO2 use, a coiled UV-C reactor was designed to inactivate microorganisms in wines and musts. Due to its unique hydrodynamic characteristics, this design could improve the exposure probabilities of the microorganisms to the UV-C light in absorbing liquids. In a first step, theoretical and measured fluid dynamics parameters such as Dean number were employed to improve the operating conditions of the reactor. The higher the Dean number, the higher the UV-C dose delivery efficiency in this reactor, and thus the lower the dose required to inactivate a given load of microorganisms. The second step investigated the impact of different wines on microbial inactivation efficiency and the UV-C doses required to inactivate microorganisms frequently found in wines. White and rosé wines, with low absorbances at 254 nm, required lower doses (≈ 600 J/L) than red wine (≈ 5000 J/L) because their absorption coefficient is ten times lower. The tolerance of microbial strains to UV-C treatments was variable, with higher resistance observed for yeast than for bacteria. In the third step, treatments conducted at semi-industrial scale showed that physicochemical and sensorial properties of wines and musts were not altered, highlighting the possible relevance of such a reactor on an industrial scale. Highlights: • Design of a coiled UV-C reactor for microbial stabilization of wines and musts• Focus on inactivation efficiency in multiple strains and wine varieties• Chemical and sensorial analyses to ensure treatment does not affect the organoleptic properties of the produc

    Wordless Eloquence – Shaun Tan, The Arrival, and Winshluss, Pinocchio

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    La potentialité expressive d’un type de bande dessinée dite « muette » ou sans parole relève du paradoxe. Sans le medium du mot, le dessin seul et les découpages des cases transmettent un contenu sémantique aux lecteurs que l’on peut qualifier de supérieur à celui de la bande dessinée dite traditionnelle ou « parlante ». L’espace libéré par l’absence de bulles ou des interventions du narrateur permet au lecteur de trouver sa place dans les univers visuels de Shaun Tan ou Winschluss, dont les deux œuvres représentent le transfert sémantique né de l’expérience de la migration et de l’adaptation.The potential expressiveness of a type of wordless comics is paradoxical. Having relinquished the medium of language, only the image, divided into narrative units on the page, is allowed to convey a semantic content to the readers, a content that may be greater than that of traditional comics, since the space cleared up by the absence of dialogue or narratorial comments allows the reader to find a foothold in the visual universes of Shaun Tan and Winschluss. The reader may thus appropriate both the image and the narrative, all the more relevantly as both works represent the process of transcoding experienced during migration and adaptation

    Towards an artificial laboratory for speech procesing

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    It is our belief that speech recognition algorithms can best be handled through the effective an efficient cooperation of multiple knowledge sources . For the development of various types of such algorithms, also called hybrid speech algorithms and, more generally, for speech processing, we need some advanced architectures and speech processing environments . There is also a need to manipulate speech knowledge, through the use of abstract data structures, to process data bases, and to help the modeling, simulation, and evaluation of automatic speech recognizers . To tackle these problems, we propose the new concept of an artificial laboratory for speech processing . Such a system simulates a real laboratory and allows analysis of data . It also provides a large range of computing facilities which can be used with ease to perform modeling and simulation . In this correspondence, the main concepts of the system are briefly described.Le travail présenté dans cette correspondance s'appuie sur l'idée que le développement d'algorithmes pour la reconnaissance automatique de la parole nécessite des connaissances variées qui doivent coopérer. Afin d'aider au développement de tels algorithmes, appelés algorithmes hybrides, et de façon plus générale pour le traitement automatique de la parole, des architectures avancées et des environnements intégrés sont souhaitables. Il est aussi souvent nécessaire de représenter les connaissances du domaine parole étudié par l'intermédiaire de structures abstraites, de manipuler des bases de données importantes, et de modéliser, simuler et évaluer des systèmes de reconnaissance automatique de la parol

    Towards the generation of industrial bundles through a random process under realistic constraints

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    International audienceTo get closer to the reality of aeronautics wire harnesses, we propose to represent a bundle as a non-uniform transmission line by discretizing it into several sections. For each section, positions of conductors are randomized. However this procedure is applied with some geometrical constraints thus resulting in a much more realistic bundle profile. Currents and voltages may be determined on each conductor. Then, we use statistical tools to analyze our results. In order to save computation time, we also propose simplified models for simulation studies of the common mode current

    Crosstalk analysis in complex aeronautical bundle

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    International audienceAn analysis of crosstalk inside a complex aeronautical bundle from an experimental and from a numerical point of view is proposed. The numerical model is built as a succession of uniform transmission lines generated randomly. Modeling of the geometrical pattern of twisted pairs is included. Crosstalks between these twisted pairs and single wires inside the bundle are measured and computed. In order to save computation time, a simplified model of the bundle is developed and validated

    On the use of an auditory model and phonetic knowledge for automatic speech recognition

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    Including speech knowledge in automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is a good way to improve the performance of recognizers . In this paper, we propose the ORION system which deals with speaker-independent ASR for isolated-words . ORION is a two-pass hybrid system which uses several types of knowledge . This knowledge applies to psychoacoustics, physiology and phonetics . During the first pass an auditory model, PLP (perceptually-based linear prediction analysis) combines static and dynamic features to provide a set of parameters to the dynamic programming algorithm . After this stage 98 % recognition accuracy was obtained for a digit vocabulary and 12 templates per word . The introduction of phonetic knowledge in the second pass decreases the error rate by more Chan 60 % (compared to the results of the first pass) for a confusable vocabulary (E-SET) .L'introduction de connaissances dans les systèmes de reconnaissance de parole (RAP) est un bon moyen d'améliorer les performances des systèmes actuels . Dans cet article nous proposons le système ORION dans le cadre d'une application de reconnaissance multilocuteur de mots isolés . ORION est un système hybride à deux passes intégrant plusieurs sources de connaissances : psychoacoustiques, physiologiques et phonétiques . Pendant la première passe un modèle d'analyse acoustique perceptivement fondé (PLP), combinant des caractéristiques instantanées et des caractéristiques spectrales dynamiques, est utilisé pour fournir des vecteurs de paramètres à un algorithme de programmation dynamique . A l'issue de cette première passe plus de 98 % de mots ont été correctement reconnus pour un vocabulaire de chiffres et 12 références par mot. L'introduction de connaissances phonétiques durant la deuxième passe diminue l'erreur de reconnaissance de plus de 60 % (par rapport aux résultats obtenus lors de la première passe) pour un vocabulaire de mots acoustiquement similaires (E-SET)


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    Aux Etats-Unis, les utilisatrices de Facebook représentent aujourd’hui 53% des utilisateurs de Facebook qui lisent de la bande dessinée, 40% de plus qu’il y a trois ans. Pourtant, moins de 30% des personnages et des écrivains de BD sont des femmes, même si ces chiffres progressent également (http://www.ozy.com/acumen/the-rise-of-the-woman-comic-buyer/63314). Le lectorat féminin représente donc un marché en expansion, qui pourrait être encore développé par un rattrapage entre productions fémin..
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