13 research outputs found

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management. All rights reserved.Burial mounds, known as kurgans, are characteristic landscape monuments of the Central and Eastern European plains, including the Great Hungarian Plain. These formations are not only highly important from the archaeological and cultural heritage protection perspective. Their nature conservation value is also outstanding, as in many cases they are home to valuable flora and fauna elements. They are time capsules that hide invaluable information about the burial practice and the human remains placed in the grave. They are also unique in respect of environmental history. In the case of the kurgan, excavated at Zagolya-dulo near Hajdúnánás, the phenomenon of cultural recycling could be identified. The original Yamnaya burial mound was re-used many times by later cultures. Imprints of the Baden inhabitation, and footprints of much later cultures of the Migration Period and the Árpád Ages were also detected. In this paper we summarize the results of the systematic stratigraphic and the related archaeological features' soil analyses. In addition to the observations of the on-site soil examination (soil morphology), we also present the soil physical and chemical data obtained by high-resolution sampling and laboratory analyses. Data of the field survey and laboratory tests are supplemented by macroarchaeobotanical and phytolith analyses as well. By this interdisciplinary approach, we not only provide a detailed soil and sediment description of the kurgan, but also highlight the advantages of conjoint methodologies.Peer reviewe

    A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world

    Hajdúnánás–Zagolya ETA-01 kurgán (Hajdú-Bihar Megye) régészeti talajtani és geokémiai adatokra alapozott rétegtani vizsgálata

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    A kurgánok kiemelkedő fontosságú tájelemei a közép-kelet-európai síkságoknak mind ökológiai, talajtani és régészeti szempontból, így a hazai geoarcheológiai kutatások fontos alanyai. A régmúltban emelt síremlékek időkapszulaként információt őriznek az építőikről és környezetükről. A kézzel fogható tárgyi emlékeken túl az építés során eltemetődött talaj és maga a halomtest is információkkal szolgálhat, ha megvizsgáljuk talajtani és geokémiai sajátosságait. A Hajdúnánás–Zagolya dűlőben feltárt ETA-01 gödörsíros (Jamnaja) temetkezési halomból összesen 39 elem került vizsgálatra. A talajminták királyvízzel oldható frakcióját vizsgáltuk ICP-MS és MP-AES módszerekkel. Az elemkoncentrációk sokváltozós statisztikai módszerekkel történő kiértékelésével feltártuk a talajtani módszerrel kialakított szintek, rétegek és a talaj kémiai összetétele közötti kapcsolatot. A csoportok közötti különbségekből pedig azok eredeteire kerestünk választ. A geokémiai eredmények alapján kialakult csoportosulások jól megfeleltethetőek a talajtan módszerével megállapítható szinteknek. A geoarcheológiai vizsgálat során nyert adatok segítségével az egyes csoportok közti különbségek értelmezése vált lehetővé. A klaszterek közötti különbség megmutatta genetikai kapcsolatukat, és rávilágított a rétegek eredetére. A korabeli Zagolya-dűlő talajtani viszonyairól árulkodik a halom alatt eltemetett talajtakaró. Egy csernozjom talajfejlődéssel jellemezhető talajba mélyítették a halom központjában megtalált alaptemetkezést. Az eltemetett talaj felszínére egy szürkés sárga anyagból emeltek magasítást, amelyet nem a környezet humuszos termőrétegéből hordtak meg. A temetkezési hely tágabb tájföldrajzi környezetében előforduló alapkőzetből származhatott ez az anyag, amelynek gyűjtési helye a Zagolya-dűlőben futó vízfolyások természetes feltáródási pontjai lehettek. | Kurgans are exceptionally important landmarks of the Central-East-European steppes from ecological, pedological and archaeological views; therefore they are of great interest in the geoarchaeological research of Hungary. These burial mounds of the distant past serve as time capsules, preserving information about the builders and their environment. Beyond the physical objects found inside the mound, the soil buried under the mound and the mound’s body could hold information if we investigate its pedological and geochemical characteristics. The Yamnaya ETA-01 mound in Hajdúnánás–Zagolya was investigated using pedological and geochemical methods. The mound profile was sampled and analysed by a high, 5 cm resolution, allowing a thorough examination of the elemental distributions. The acid soluble fraction of 39 elements was measured by ICP-MS and MP-AES following an aqua regia extraction. Multivariate statistical methods were used to investigate the results and clusters of the samples were formed. The geochemical clusters match with pedological horizons well and allows a more detailed view for their interpretation. The data of the geoarchaeological investigation helped to interpret the cluster differences. The dissimilarity between clusters revealed their genetic relationships and shed light on the horizon’s origins. The buried paleosoil reveals the pedological conditions of the once existed Zagolya-dűlő. The central grave was deepened into a soil cover that can be characterised by Chernozem type soil development. The first mound structure made of a grayish yellow material was piled on the surface of the buried soil. This material did not originate from the uppermost humus horizon of the surrounding soilscape. This material could have come from the parent material found in the broader geographical environment of the burial site. This material could have been collected along the water courses of Zagolya-dűlő, at naturally occurring exposure sites


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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management. All rights reserved.Burial mounds, known as kurgans, are characteristic landscape monuments of the Central and Eastern European plains, including the Great Hungarian Plain. These formations are not only highly important from the archaeological and cultural heritage protection perspective. Their nature conservation value is also outstanding, as in many cases they are home to valuable flora and fauna elements. They are time capsules that hide invaluable information about the burial practice and the human remains placed in the grave. They are also unique in respect of environmental history. In the case of the kurgan, excavated at Zagolya-dulo near Hajdúnánás, the phenomenon of cultural recycling could be identified. The original Yamnaya burial mound was re-used many times by later cultures. Imprints of the Baden inhabitation, and footprints of much later cultures of the Migration Period and the Árpád Ages were also detected. In this paper we summarize the results of the systematic stratigraphic and the related archaeological features' soil analyses. In addition to the observations of the on-site soil examination (soil morphology), we also present the soil physical and chemical data obtained by high-resolution sampling and laboratory analyses. Data of the field survey and laboratory tests are supplemented by macroarchaeobotanical and phytolith analyses as well. By this interdisciplinary approach, we not only provide a detailed soil and sediment description of the kurgan, but also highlight the advantages of conjoint methodologies.Peer reviewe