11,473 research outputs found

    Quantum-inspired computational imaging

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    Computational imaging combines measurement and computational methods with the aim of forming images even when the measurement conditions are weak, few in number, or highly indirect. The recent surge in quantum-inspired imaging sensors, together with a new wave of algorithms allowing on-chip, scalable and robust data processing, has induced an increase of activity with notable results in the domain of low-light flux imaging and sensing. We provide an overview of the major challenges encountered in low-illumination (e.g., ultrafast) imaging and how these problems have recently been addressed for imaging applications in extreme conditions. These methods provide examples of the future imaging solutions to be developed, for which the best results are expected to arise from an efficient codesign of the sensors and data analysis tools.Y.A. acknowledges support from the UK Royal Academy of Engineering under the Research Fellowship Scheme (RF201617/16/31). S.McL. acknowledges financial support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/J015180/1). V.G. acknowledges support from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) InPho program through U.S. Army Research Office award W911NF-10-1-0404, the U.S. DARPA REVEAL program through contract HR0011-16-C-0030, and U.S. National Science Foundation through grants 1161413 and 1422034. A.H. acknowledges support from U.S. Army Research Office award W911NF-15-1-0479, U.S. Department of the Air Force grant FA8650-15-D-1845, and U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration grant DE-NA0002534. D.F. acknowledges financial support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grants EP/M006514/1 and EP/M01326X/1). (RF201617/16/31 - UK Royal Academy of Engineering; EP/J015180/1 - UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; EP/M006514/1 - UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; EP/M01326X/1 - UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; W911NF-10-1-0404 - U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) InPho program through U.S. Army Research Office; HR0011-16-C-0030 - U.S. DARPA REVEAL program; 1161413 - U.S. National Science Foundation; 1422034 - U.S. National Science Foundation; W911NF-15-1-0479 - U.S. Army Research Office; FA8650-15-D-1845 - U.S. Department of the Air Force; DE-NA0002534 - U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration)Accepted manuscrip

    Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques-FRAP, FLIP, FLAP, FRET and FLIM

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    Fluorescence microscopy provides an efficient and unique approach to study fixed and living cells because of its versatility, specificity, and high sensitivity. Fluorescence microscopes can both detect the fluorescence emitted from labeled molecules in biological samples as images or photometric data from which intensities and emission spectra can be deduced. By exploiting the characteristics of fluorescence, various techniques have been developed that enable the visualization and analysis of complex dynamic events in cells, organelles, and sub-organelle components within the biological specimen. The techniques described here are fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), the related fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), fluorescence localization after photobleaching (FLAP), Forster or fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and the different ways how to measure FRET, such as acceptor bleaching, sensitized emission, polarization anisotropy, and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). First, a brief introduction into the mechanisms underlying fluorescence as a physical phenomenon and fluorescence, confocal, and multiphoton microscopy is given. Subsequently, these advanced microscopy techniques are introduced in more detail, with a description of how these techniques are performed, what needs to be considered, and what practical advantages they can bring to cell biological research

    Advanced Information Processing Methods and Their Applications

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    This Special Issue has collected and presented breakthrough research on information processing methods and their applications. Particular attention is paid to the study of the mathematical foundations of information processing methods, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, digital image processing, and the use of information technologies in medicine

    Autonomous Navigation for Mars Exploration

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    The autonomous navigation technology uses the multiple sensors to percept and estimate the spatial locations of the aerospace prober or the Mars rover and to guide their motions in the orbit or the Mars surface. In this chapter, the autonomous navigation methods for the Mars exploration are reviewed. First, the current development status of the autonomous navigation technology is summarized. The popular autonomous navigation methods, such as the inertial navigation, the celestial navigation, the visual navigation, and the integrated navigation, are introduced. Second, the application of the autonomous navigation technology for the Mars exploration is presented. The corresponding issues in the Entry Descent and Landing (EDL) phase and the Mars surface roving phase are mainly discussed. Third, some challenges and development trends of the autonomous navigation technology are also addressed

    Fluorescence molecular tomography: Principles and potential for pharmaceutical research

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    Fluorescence microscopic imaging is widely used in biomedical research to study molecular and cellular processes in cell culture or tissue samples. This is motivated by the high inherent sensitivity of fluorescence techniques, the spatial resolution that compares favorably with cellular dimensions, the stability of the fluorescent labels used and the sophisticated labeling strategies that have been developed for selectively labeling target molecules. More recently, two and three-dimensional optical imaging methods have also been applied to monitor biological processes in intact biological organisms such as animals or even humans. These whole body optical imaging approaches have to cope with the fact that biological tissue is a highly scattering and absorbing medium. As a consequence, light propagation in tissue is well described by a diffusion approximation and accurate reconstruction of spatial information is demanding. While in vivo optical imaging is a highly sensitive method, the signal is strongly surface weighted, i.e., the signal detected from the same light source will become weaker the deeper it is embedded in tissue, and strongly depends on the optical properties of the surrounding tissue. Derivation of quantitative information, therefore, requires tomographic techniques such as fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT), which maps the three-dimensional distribution of a fluorescent probe or protein concentration. The combination of FMT with a structural imaging method such as X-ray computed tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) will allow mapping molecular information on a high definition anatomical reference and enable the use of prior information on tissue’s optical properties to enhance both resolution and sensitivity. Today many of the fluorescent assays originally developed for studies in cellular systems have been successfully translated for experimental studies in animals. The opportunity of monitoring molecular processes non-invasively in the intact organism is highly attractive from a diagnostic point of view but even more so for the drug developer, who can use the techniques for proof-of-mechanism and proof-of-efficacy studies. This review shall elucidate the current status and potential of fluorescence tomography including recent advances in multimodality imaging approaches for preclinical and clinical drug development

    Using IR Cameras Beyond Outreach: Motivational Projects for Engineering Students

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    Affordable infrared (IR) cameras provide a unique opportunity to motivate and enhance the education of engineering students. We used both IR and visible images from a FLIR E60 camera as an instructional vehicle in a digital image processing course, where students came from several engineering majors. These IR and visible images were used as the basis for an open-ended final project in the course. Assessment via both pre- and post-project questionnaires showed the project was a positive experience for the students, and helped motivate them to learn the material. This paper discusses the course, the camera, the project, and how effective it was to add this project to the course

    Molecular astronomy of cool stars and sub-stellar objects

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    The optical and infrared spectra of a wide variety of `cool' astronomical objects including the Sun, sunspots, K-, M- and S-type stars, carbon stars, brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets are reviewed. The review provides the necessary astronomical background for chemical physicists to understand and appreciate the unique molecular environments found in astronomy. The calculation of molecular opacities needed to simulate the observed spectral energy distributions is discussed

    Optics and Fluid Dynamics Department annual progress report for 2001

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    research within three scientific programmes: (1) laser systems and optical materials, (2) optical diagnostics and information processing and (3) plasma and fluid dynamics. The department has core competences in: optical sensors, optical materials, optical storage, biooptics, numerical modelling and information processing, non-linear dynamics and fusion plasma physics. The research is supported by several EU programmes, including EURATOM, by Danish research councils and by industry. A summary of the activities in 2001 is presented. ISBN 87-550-2993-0 (Internet
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