2,036 research outputs found

    China\u27s Regional Expansion: Evaluating the Trump Administration\u27s Response

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    This paper examines relative power relations in Asia between the United States and China while assessing how the United States might approach a potential change in the balance of power of the region. The United States, under President Trump, has enacted numerous policies that target the rise of Chinese power, but most appear to be protectionist measures. These include the application of tariffs on Chinese imported goods, investigations that bypass multilateral institutions on China’s coercive economic behavior and the removal of the United States from Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. This paper uses empirical findings and employs the lens of realism to analyze the implications of the Trump Administration’s policies. The findings display that President Trump’s policies to date are not an effective balance against China’s rising power, and they may potentially lead to a decline of the United States’ power in Asia

    Information Sharing Strategies in Whitefish Supply Chains in Norway vs. Iceland: Impact on Supply Chain Decision Making

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    Information sharing is one of the main supply chain strategies for reducing uncertainty and is vital for supply chain efficiency. For decades, whitefish industries in Iceland and Norway have produced similar products and have exported to the same global markets. However, the differences in the supply chain integration in the two countries affects the information sharing between the fishing vessels and processors that in turn has an impact on supply chain decision making. In this paper, the information sharing practices in the whitefish supply chains in Norway and Iceland are compared. Vertical integration in the Icelandic industry enables information sharing between the fishing vessels and processors which is not the case in Norway. However, Iceland is still not taking full advantage of the available information. The use of the available information in supply chain planning, specifically production planning is discussed and suggestion for improved exchange and use of information is provided

    Prevalence and diversity of emotional abuse and neglect in childhood in Iceland.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnInngangur: Uppeldisaðferðir foreldra sem fela í sér ofbeldi geta haft skaðleg áhrif á heilaþroska barna og heilsu þeirra og hegðun til lengri eða skemmri tíma. Umfang og margbreytileiki ofbeldisins er mikilvægur áhrifaþáttur og vanræksla er ein alvarlegasta birtingarmynd þess. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að skoða algengi og umfang andlegs ofbeldis og vanrækslu sem fullorðnir Íslendingar segja að þeir hafi reynslu af í æsku og hvernig hún hefði áhrif á mat þeirra á uppeldi sínu. Efniviður og aðferðir: Slembiúrtak einstaklinga 18 ára og eldri úr Þjóðskrá Íslands. Viðmælendur voru beðnir um að meta uppeldi sitt og svara spurningum um reynslu af 8 mismunandi formum andlegs ofbeldis og reynslu af vanrækslu í æsku. Niðurstöður: Af 966 viðmælendum svöruðu 663 (69%) að þeir hefðu reynslu af einu eða fleiri af 8 formum andlegs ofbeldis. Þeir sem voru yngri en 30 ára voru 2,9 sinnum líklegri til að segja frá slíkri reynslu borið saman við þá sem voru eldri (95% CI 1,9-4,3). Meiri líkur voru á því að viðkomandi teldi uppeldi sitt slæmt eða ásættanlegt borið saman við gott eftir því sem svör um reynslu af andlegu ofbeldi voru fjölbreyttari (p<0,0001) og umfangsmeiri (p<0,0001). Samtals 105 (11%) töldu sig hafa verið van-ræktir í æsku. Marktækt fleiri karlar en konur höfðu reynslu af andlegu ofbeldi (p=0,0020) en konur af vanrækslu (p=0,0440). Ályktun: Rúmlega 2/3 af fullorðnum Íslendingum segja frá reynslu af einu eða fleiri af 8 formum andlegs ofbeldis í æsku og rúmlega 1/10 af vanrækslu. Uppeldisaðferðum má breyta, meðal annars með fræðslu, félagslegum stuðningi og lagasetningu.Introduction: Parenting styles that include abuse can harm the development of the child's brain with a long or short-term impact on his/her health and behaviour. The scope and diversity of abuse are important determinants, and neglect is one of its most serious manifestations. The aim of the study is to examine the prevalence and diversity of emotional abuse and neglect reported by adult Icelanders in their childhood, and how such experience had influenced their evaluation of their upbringing. Materials and methods: Icelanders 18 years and older were randomly selected from the national population register. They were invited to express their perception of their upbringing, and answer questions regarding their experience of 8 specific forms of emotional abuse in childhood, and neglect. Results: Of 966 interviewees, 663 (69%) had experienced one or more of the 8 forms of emotional abuse. Those younger than 30 years were 2.9 times more likely to have such an experience compared to those who were older (95% CI 1.9 to 4.3). The perception of upbringing as bad or acceptable compared to good was significantly related to the number of forms of emotional abuse applied (p <0.0001) and the scope of its application (p<0.0001). In total 105 (11%) considered that they had experienced neglect in childhood. Significantly more men than women had experienced emotional abuse (p= 0.0020), whereas women reported neglect (p=0.0440). Conclusion: More than 2/3 of adult Icelanders report experience of one or more out of 8 different forms of emotional abuse and 1/10 report neglect. Parenting styles can be changed, e.g. with education, social support, and legislation

    Hjúkrunarfræðingar og skimun í ljósi reynslunnar af EFI-málþroskaskimun

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÁ haustráðstefnu Miðstöðvar heilsuverndar barna árið 2000 var m.a. fjallað um EFI-málþroskaskimun og gerð grein fyrir hvernig reynslan hefði verið af þeirri skimun. Niðurstöðurnar hafa leitt hugann að öðrum skimunum í ung- og smábarnavernd sem m.a. eru sjónpróf og hljóðholsmæling (tympanometri). Hér verður fjallað um þessar þrjár gerðir skimunar og þátt hjúkrunarfræðinga í þeim því í flestum tilvikum framkvæma hjúkrunarfræðingar þær

    Health education and cholera in rural Guinea-Bissau

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    AbstractObjective: The study was undertaken to explore local ideas about cholera and the diffusion of official health educational messages for cholera prevention and to assess whether such messages contributed to changed behavior in the population.Methods: During the ongoing cholera epidemic in 1994 in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, a roster of all adult residents in a rural community was established. From this roster of 458 adults, 53 of 60 randomly chosen residents were interviewed for qualitative data on cholera and its prevention.Results: Local preventive rituals performed contributed to high awareness of the epidemic. Radio and word-of-mouth communication were the most important sources of information on cholera, whereas posters and television did not effectively reach the population. All persons with cholera rapidly sought care. Thirty-four (64%) of 53 participants recalled at least one preventive measure; specifically, treatment of water with lemon was mentioned by 21 (40%) of respondents. None of the respondents could explain how cholera is transmitted to humans.Conclusions: To improve compliance with recommended preventive measures, these should take local conceptions of diseases into account and be few in number, practical, and effective. The impact of the radio could be increased if those who hear the message are urged to spread the recommendation, especially to women who take care of food, water, and general hygiene in the household

    The application of chiroptical spectroscopy (circular dichroism) in quantifying binding events in lanthanide directed synthesis of chiral luminescent self-assembly structures

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    The binding of asymmetrical and optically pure tridentate ligands (L = 1(S) and 1(R)) containing one carboxylic group and 2-naphthyl as an antenna to lanthanide ions (M = La(III) and Eu(III)) was studied in CH3CN, showing the successive formation of M:L, M:L2 and M:L3 stoichiometric species in solution. The europium complexes EuL3 were also synthesised, structurally characterised and their photophysical properties probed in CH3OH and CH3CN. The changes in the chiroptical properties of both 1(S) and 1(R) were used (by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy) to monitor the formation of these chiral selfassemblies in solution. While circularly polarised luminescence (CPL) showed the formation of Eu(1(S))3 and Eu(1(R))3 as enantiomers, with high luminescence dissymmetry factors (glum), fitting the CD changes allowed for binding constants to be determined that were comparable to those seen in the analyses of absorbance and luminescence changes

    Health services for children and the implementation of IMCI in Monkey Bay, Malawi

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    Hægt er að lesa greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenOBJECTIVES: Examine primary health care services for ill children in a sub-Saharan African country, assess the appropriateness of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in such a setting and evaluate its implementation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was carried out in March, 2005 in the Monkey Bay area, Malawi, in two state-run health facilities that provide services free of charge and in three privately run facilities that charge user fees. Data was collected from each facility regarding all out-patient visits but in particular of children under five years of age (U5s). Interviews were conducted with health workers and drug inventories were carried out in the facilities. RESULTS: Eight out of 10 health workers were trained in IMCI. It was 1.22 times more likely (RR, 95% CI 1.18-1.26) that U5s were brought to a state-run facility than a private one. Around 4/5 of all disease classifications during the research period are dealt with in the IMCI. About half of U5s were classified with malaria, 28% with other respiratory infections, 6% with pneumonia, and 5% with diarrhoea. Most IMCI-recommended drugs were in stock at the time of inspection but all facilities lacked at least one recommended drug. CONCLUSION: Results show that IMCI reaches the periphery of the health care system in a low-income country such as Malawi. They confirm that IMCI deals with the majority of diseases affecting U5s in such a setting. User fees seem to influence health care seeking behaviour. It is important to support and strengthen health services for ill children in the area, support continuous education of staff and ensure availability of drugs and equipment

    Criminal justice in a small Nordic country: The case of Iceland

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    AbstractCrime concerns have deepened in Iceland in the new millennium. The number of criminal court decisions increased until 2013, when it temporarily levelled off before reaching a new peak in 2019. This development has put pressure on the prison system, as a long list of convicts awaiting completion of their sentences has accumulated. This paper uses official data, previous research and media accounts to examine the response of Icelandic authorities to this trend. One of the main questions addressed in the article is whether the criminal policy adopted by Icelandic authorities suggests a movement toward punitive or non-custodial measures. As it turns out, the Icelandic prison system has undergone major changes to meet this penal challenge. A new modern prison has recently been built close to Reykjavík to replace three smaller, older facilities that have beenclosed. This suggests a punitive turn. Yet at the same time, non-custodial sanctions have been increasingly introduced and implemented in lieu of sentences to closed security prisons. These non-custodial sanctions include electronic surveillance, additional community service work and an increased possibility to serve time in open prison units. It is contended here that a combination of practical budget concerns and rehabilitation sentiments lies behind this criminal policy development.AbstractKriminaliteten i Island har skabt voksende bekymringer i det nye årtusind. Antallet af strafferetlige afgørelser var stigende indtil 2013, hvor det fladede ud for en tid. Men i 2019 nåede antallet nye højder. Denne tendens har skabt et pres inden for fængselssystemet, der bl.a. viser sig i&nbsp; ophobning af domfældte, der må vente på at afsone deres dom. I denne artikel undersøges de islandske myndigheders reaktion på denne udvikling på baggrund af officielle data, tidligere forskning og mediernes dækning. Et af de mange spørgsmål, der bliver stillet i denne artikel, går ud på hvorvidt den islandske kriminalpolitik går i retning af mere eller mindre indespærring. Det islandske fængselssystem har gennemgået gennemgribende ændringer. Et moderne fængsel er for nylig blevet opført i umiddelbar nærhed af Reykjavik, hvilket ville antyde en straffende tendens, mens tre mindre og ældre fængselsinstitutioner er blevet lukket. Samtidigt har myndighederne i stigende grad anvendt ikke-frihedsberøvende straffe som alternativ til de lukkede fængsler. Blandt de nye metoder er elektronisk overvågning, mere samfundstjeneste og øgede muligheder for afsoning i åbne fængsler. Artiklen vil vise, at såvel budget- som resocialiseringshensyn står bag denne udvikling i straffepolitikken. Artiklens danske titel er: Straf i et lille nordisk land: Tilfældet Island