135 research outputs found

    Kedudukan Pelaksana Wasiat dalam Akta Hibah Karena Wasiat

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    The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze how the position of executors and legal position as a result of executing a will in the grant deed as testament under Article 112 paragraph (1) point 3 letter b Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 3 In 1997 in relation to Article 1813 of the Civil Code. The method of research used in writing this paper is normative research approach legislation (statue approach) and approaches the concept (conseptual approach). Based on this research, that the position of the executors of the grant deed as testament under Article 112 paragraph (1) point 3 letter b (PMNA / KBPN 3/1997) in relation to Article 1813 of the Civil Code because of the death of the authorizer (heir), resulting in expiry of such power. However, different to executors (executeur-testamentair) that will not end with the death of their implementation either party (heir). While the legal consequences that arise such power fall or null and void, in contrast to executors (executeur-testamentair), with the death of the authorizer (heir) did not lead to his right as an executor waisat expire or fall or null and void. Key words: executeur testamentair, legaat, testament Abstrak Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana kedudukan pelaksana wasiat dan akibat hukum kedudukan pelaksana wasiat dalam akta hibah karena wasiat berdasarkan Pasal 112 ayat (1) a butir 3 huruf b Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria No. 3 Tahun 1997 dalam kaitannya dengan Pasal 1813 KUHPerdata. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah penelitian normatif yang menggunakan pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statue approach) dan pendekatan konsep (conseptual approach). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa kedudukan pelaksana wasiat dalam akta hibah karena wasiat berdasarkan Pasal 112 ayat (1) a butir 3 huruf b (PMNA/KBPN No.3/1997) dalam kaitannya dengan Pasal 1813 KUHPerdata karena meninggalnya pemberi kuasa (pewaris), mengakibatkan berakhirnya kuasa tersebut. Namun berbeda untuk pelaksana wasiat (executeur-testamentair) yang tidak akan berakhir pelaksanaannya dengan meninggalnya salah satu pihak (pewaris). Sedangkan akibat hukum yang timbul yaitu surat kuasa tersebut gugur atau batal demi hukum, berbeda dengan pelaksana wasiat (executeur-testamentair), dengan meninggalnya pemberi kuasa (pewaris) tidak mengakibatkan haknya sebagai seorang pelaksana waisat berakhir atau gugur atau batal demi hukum. Kata kunci: pelaksana wasiat, akta hibah, wasia

    The Metalinguistic Buffer Effect: When Language Comprehension is Good but Linguistic Judgment is Only "Good Enough"

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    Native speakers occasionally report incorrect interpretations of language inputs. For instance, when presented with implausible passive sentences, such as "The dog was bitten by the man", participants sometimes report incorrectly that the dog is the agent of the sentence (Ferreira, 2003). According to the good-enough approach, this error occurs because the language comprehension system sometimes relies on rapid heuristics in favour of structure to determine the meaning of a sentence. This thesis tested the hypothesis that the passive misinterpretation effect is not an error of comprehension, but arises only after interpretation, when participants formulate a thematic judgment of the sentence. It was hypothesized that such thematic judgments involve metalinguistic thinking that can be decoupled from language comprehension processes. This thesis reports the results of two research manuscripts designed to test this hypothesis. In both manuscripts, the methodology involved comparisons of L1 and L2 speakers in single and dual task conditions, which required participants to either report the agents of aurally presented sentences (single task), or to do so while also maintaining six digits in WM (dual task). Because L2 comprehension is more dependent on metalinguistic knowledge than L1 comprehension (Paradis, 2004), it was hypothesized that language status would modulate thematic judgment errors. In Manuscript 1 (Chapter 2), I report the results of two between-subject experiments—one single task and one dual task—which showed that indeed language status modulated the effect. In the single task experiment, there was no difference between L1 and L2 groups. However, in a dual task experiment, the L2 group performed better on the language component of the task (thematic assignment) and worse on the WM component of the task (digit recall). This illustrated that attention allocation to language inputs (at the expense of other tasks) may buttress thematic judgment. In Manuscript 2 (Chapter 4), I report the results of a within-subjects experiment with bilinguals designed to stabilize attention allocation to the different task components, and better isolate the language processing mechanisms that differentiate L1-versus-L2 performance. The data provided evidence for a dissociation between semantic composition and metalinguistic processing in the form of a language-by-load crossover interaction. Bilinguals were better at retrieving the agents of passive sentences in their L2 in the single task condition, but were worse in their L2 in the dual task condition. The pattern suggested that thematic judgments are supported by metalinguistic processes. L2 performance is better in the single task condition because L2 comprehension entails higher initial engagement of metalinguistic representations. In contrast, L1 comprehension depends on implicit semantic compositional processing, which engenders switch costs associated with initiating metalinguistic judgments after interpretation. Critically, because metalinguistic processing is dependent on the control system, the WM load in the dual task condition interfered selectively with L2 comprehension. Thus, L2 performance declined precipitously, while L1 processing remained stable. I conclude that in a native language, “good-enough” heuristics bias metalinguistic conceptualizations of thematic roles post interpretation, and that the underlying semantic composition of passive sentences is fully and faithfully achieved upon an initial analysis by the linguistic system

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Terhadap Biaya Operasional dan Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris pengaruh Corporate Social Resposibility (CSR) terhadap biaya operasional dan profitabilitas di BEI pada tahun 2014-2015. Penelitian ini juga melibatkan variabel kontrol yaitu firm size. Corporate Social Resposibility (CSR) diukur dengan rata-rata GRI index generasi ke-4 tahun 2014-2015, sedangkan biaya operasional diukur dengan perbandingan antara biaya operasional dengan total penjualan, dan profitabilitas diukur dengan ROE (Return On Equity). Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 105 perusahaan manufa`ktur yang telah melaporkan kegiatan CSR secara konsisten dalam annual report selama 2014-2015 serta menggunakan kurs rupiah. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa CSR tidak berpengaruh terhadap biaya operasional maupun profitabilitas. Hal ini disebabkan karena pelaksanaan CSR di Indonesia yang mandatory sehingga motivasi perusahaan melakukan CSR adalah agar dapat menghindari konflik terhadap masyarakat sekitar perusahaan dan pemerintah, bukan fokus terhadap peningkatan inovasi dan kualitas produk, maupun peduli terhadap pemeliharaan lingkungan, dan penghematan energi. Variabel kontrol firm size berpengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya operasional dan profitbilitas.This study tends to give empirical evidence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) influence towards operational costs and profitability in BEI during 2014-2015. It involves a control variable, that is firm size. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is measured by means of the fourth generation of GRI index in 2014-2015, whereas the operational costs are measured by the ratio between operational costs and total selling, and the profitability is measured by Return on Equity (ROE). The samples of the study are 105 manufacturing companies which use rupiah as their currency and which have already reported their CSR activities consistently in the annual report during 2014-2015. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that CSR does not influence the operational costs and profitability because CSR implementation in Indonesia is mandatory. It makes the companies implement CSR because they only want to avoid the conflict between companies-society and companiesgovernment, they do not focus on innovating and increasing the product quality, maintaining the environment, and saving the energy. Control variable firm size significantly influence the operational costs and profitability


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kendala serta peran orang tua dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa new normal . di dalam penilitian ini kelompok kami akan menemukan 5 peran orang tua dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa newnormal . hasil dari penilitian ini yaitu ada 5 kendala yang di alami oleh berbagai orang tua dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa newnormal ini. Maka dari itu kelompok kami akan menjelaskan atau membahas masalah-masalah yang di hadapi sesuai dengan apa yang kelompok kami temukan dalam suatu penelitia

    Context breeds false recognition for indeterminate sentences.

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    Over the last decade, there has been considerable debate concerning the processes governing the comprehension of indeterminate sentences such as (A) Lisa began the book, and how they come to be understood as something like (B) Lisa began reading the book. A major theme in this debate concerns the role of context in facilitating comprehension. Research shows that the costs associated with processing indeterminate expressions (e.g., McElree et al., 2001) are attenuated when these sentences are preceded by a sufficiently supporting context (de Almeida, 2004). A plausible explanation for this observation is that context facilitates comprehension by activating knowledge in support of inferential processes. This view lies in contrast to the coercion hypothesis, for which indeterminate sentences are enriched by default as a function of retrieving internal properties of the nominal book (Pustejovsky, 1995). In the present study, we employed a discourse-based sentence recognition paradigm (Sachs, 1967), investigating whether a strongly biasing context facilitates comprehension of indeterminate sentences. Our goal was to determine whether the interpretation of indeterminate sentences is facilitated by context manipulations that tap into inferential processes rather than constituent features of the complement noun. We found that participants (N = 72) drew systematic inferences from the context to the extent that they recognized sentences such as (B) from the discourse, when in fact, they were only exposed to indeterminate sentences such as (A). These results were obtained when proposed elements of the coercion hypothesis were experimentally and statistically controlled, suggesting that context facilitates comprehension of indeterminate sentences by triggering pragmatic inferences

    Pengaruh Latar Belakang Budaya terhadap Preferensi Warna

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh latar belakang budaya terhadap preferensi warna. Subjek penelitian ini dipilih dari etnis Jawa dan Tionghoa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Surabaya responden N=60 terdiri dari pria dan wanita yang berusia 20-80 tahun dengan status lajang dan menikah dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kelompok usia antar generasi (usia 2040, usia 40-60 usia 60-80). Pengukuran preferensi warna digunakan kartu warna. Sebelum subjek memilih warna yang disukai terlebih dahulu dilakukan tes buta warna dengan alat tes buta warna Issihara. Kartu warna yang digunakan sebagai stimulus berisikan wama-warna primer, sekunder dan tertier. Keseluruhan kartu terdiri dari 12 kartu warna untuk diurutkan dari warna yang disukai hingga warna yang tidak disukai Dari hasil penelitian ini didapat keselarasan warna yang paling disukai oleh etnis Tionghoa (nilai Koefisien Konkordansi Kendall sebesar 0,161 dengan p (0.001) <0.05) dan etnis Jawa adalah warna biru (koefisien Konkordansi Kendall 0.139 dengan p (0.01) <0.05). Perbedaan yang signifikan hanya terjadi pada warna tertier yaitu warna warna 7 (ungu-merah p(0.009)<0.01 dan warna 12 (jingga­ kuning) p(0.042)<0.05 ). Hasil uji beda ditinjau dari kelompok usia, pada etnis Tionghoa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada warna 8 (Hijau-Biru) sedangkan pada etnis Jawa pada warna 10 (Ungu-Biru). Ditinjau dari jenis kelamin perbedaan yang signiftkan ada pada warna 4 (ungu) pada etnis jawa, sedangkan pada etnis Tionghoa perbedaan yang signifikan ada pada warna 11 (Hijau-Kuning). Bila ditinjau dari jenis kelamin perbedaan skor pilihan warna pada etnis Jawa perbedaan yang signifikan ada pada warna 4 (ungu), sedangkan pada etnis Tionghoa perbedaan yang signifikan ada pada warna 11 (Hijau­ Kuning). Terdapatnya preferensi warna yang hampir sama (biru dan merah) pada etnis Jawa dan Tionghoa mendukung teori keterkaitan antara jumlah bahasa warna dengan preferensi warna. Perbedaan preferensi warna antar generasi dan jenis kelamin terkait dengan warna sebagai identifikasi diri dalam lingkup budaya

    Hubungan Kecerdasan Intelektual Dengan Prestasi Akademik Pada Siswa SMA N 9 Binsus Manado

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    Kecerdasan intelektual adalah suatu bentuk penafsiran kemampuan kognitif seseorang, yang berasaskan pada kemampuan bertindak dengan menetapkan suatu tujuan, untuk berfikir secara rasional maupun untuk berhubungan dengan lingkungan sekitarnya yang memuaskan. Prestasi akademik adalah hasil USAha siswa dalam proses belajar yang tercantum dalam sebuah laporan akademik . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kecerdasan intelektual dengan prestasi akademik pada siswa SMA Negeri 9 Binsus Manado. Penelitian ini bersifat survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, Sampel diambil dengan teknik pengambilan Purposive Sampling yaitu sebanyak 91 sampel. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis uji statistik Chi Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05 atau 95%. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p = 0,693 > α = 0,05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu tidak ada hubungan hubungan kecerdasan intelektual dengan prestasi akademik pada siswa SMA Negeri 9 Binsus Manado. Saran dilakukan penelitian secara komprehensif dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih banyak dan variabel prestasi akademik yang lain


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    This study aims to find empirical evidence on the influence of Trust and Commitment to CustomerLoyalty in Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Tanaoba Lais Manekat (BPR TLM) Kupang. Trust is measuredby reliability in achieving promise, trust for good service, trust for prompt service, trust to honesty ofpersonnel, trust of personnel in paying attention to customers. Commitment is measured by feelings ofemotional attachment, high sense of ownership, no influence on alternatives offered by other banks,feelings of pleasure to visit and employee friendliness. Loyalty is measured by Purchase Intention,Word-of-Mouth, Price Sensivity and Complaining Behavior. This research is a kind of causal researchto know the causal relationship. The sample in this research are 70 respondents. Sampling method inthis research is using Accidental Sampling. The analysis tools used are multiple regression analysis, Ftest and T test. The results showed that Trust and Commitment partially influence to the Loyalty ofBPR TLM’s Customer, as well as Trust and Commitment simultaneously affect the Loyalty of BPRTLM’s Customer.Keywords: Trust, Commitment, Loyalt

    Penjadwalan Job Shop Dengan Pendekatan Algoritma Artificial Immune System

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    Production scheduling is an important activity in manufacturing. Optimal scheduling affects the time of completion of the work. PT. Interpack is a company that produces packaging machines. The job schedule of the product spare part still uses the random priority rules. Use of random rules makes a lot of time delay. Delay causes operator and machine idle. Delay also causes the total time of completion of the work (makespan) and delay the greater.  So it needs to be rescheduled to work on the spare part of product. Job scheduling using the Artificial Immune System (AIS) algorithm. AIS was developed by Farmer et al. The AIS algorithm refers to the human immune system. The stages of the AIS algorithm begin with random initialization, antibody representation and gene classification, clone breeding, selection of donor antibodies, germ-line construction, gene fragment redesign, and ending with diversification of antibodies. AIS algorithm scheduling resulted in a more optimal new schedule. AIS algorithm scheduling generates a future of 6483.91 minutes. Company scheduling generates makespan of 7059.99 minutes. AIS Schedule finishes algorithm 4 days of the due date. AIS algorithm schedule increase machine utility by 1%

    A cAMP-triggered release of a hormone-like peptide

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    AbstractPreparations of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle, which appear to be homogeneous by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, were often found to contain a hormone-like factor (HLF) which causes an immediate rise, then a decline of intracellular cAMP in a B-lymphoma cell line. Active HLF is released when the fractions that contain it in an inactive form are incubated with cAMP prior to chromatography, or passed through an immobilized cAMP column. HLF seems to be a peptide: it loses its cell-stimulating capability after proteolysis and has an apparent molecular mass of 2.2 – 2.5 kDa
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