6 research outputs found

    Desafíos y tensiones de la educación en contexto de encierro : la experiencia del Programa de Educación Universitaria en Contexto de Encierro de la UNCuyo

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    En el presente trabajo se propone analizar críticamente los desafíos y tensiones existentes en torno a la educación universitaria en contexto de encierro, en la provincia de Mendoza. Para ello, se toma la experiencia del Programa de Educación Universitaria en Contexto de Encierro de la UNCUYO, a través del cual las personas detenidas en los penales de la provincia pueden acceder a la oferta educativa prevista para esta modalidad. Efectivizar el derecho a la educación universitaria en contexto de encierro es una tarea sumamente compleja. Aparece aquí la tensión entre la coexistencia de la lógica carcelaria y la universitaria. Ambas lógicas se encuentran en un mismo espacio, interactúan y se enfrentan en la práctica concreta. Se trata de instituciones que tienen funciones, objetivos y desarrollos contrapuestos. Por lo cual, el desafío consiste en lograr que en el espacio educativo la lógica carcelaria no prime sobre la lógica universitaria. En los últimos años, el programa experimentó un incremento significativo en lo referido a la cantidad de estudiantes inscriptos. Por un lado, esto refleja la importancia que tiene para las personas detenidas contar con un espacio universitario dentro del penal, un espacio donde pueden sentirse libres. Pero también genera una tensión hacia el interior del programa: de qué manera mejorar la calidad educativa para dar respuesta desde la UNCUYO a las demandas que plantea el escenario actual.Fil: Salomón, Noelia. Universidad Nacional de CuyoFil: Moyano, Melisa. Universidad Nacional de CuyoFil: Escobar, Verónica. Universidad Nacional de CuyoFil: Rodríguez Candioti, Martín

    Margarita de Sossa, Sixteenth-Century Puebla de los Ángeles, New Spain (Mexico)

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    Margarita de Sossa’s freedom journey was defiant and entrepreneurial. In her early twenties, still enslaved in Portugal, she took possession of her body; after refusing to endure her owner’s sexual demands, he sold her, and she was transported to Mexico. There, she purchased her freedom with money earned as a healer and then conducted an enviable business as an innkeeper. Sossa’s biography provides striking insights into how she conceptualized freedom in terms that included – but was not limited to – legal manumission. Her transatlantic biography offers a rare insight into the life of a free black woman (and former slave) in late sixteenth-century Puebla, who sought to establish various degrees of freedom for herself. Whether she was refusing to acquiesce to an abusive owner, embracing entrepreneurship, marrying, purchasing her own slave property, or later using the courts to petition for divorce. Sossa continued to advocate on her own behalf. Her biography shows that obtaining legal manumission was not always equivalent to independence and autonomy, particularly if married to an abusive husband, or if financial successes inspired the envy of neighbors

    Educación en cárceles como política de extensión universitaria : un acercamiento al PEUCE (UNCuyo)

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    La extensión es entendida como la tercera función sustancial de la Universidad. Es decir que, junto con la docencia y la investigación, se transforma en una necesidad ineludible el flujo de conocimientos entre la sociedad y la universidad. Si bien existen diversas maneras de comprender la extensión universitaria, desde este trabajo nos posicionamos entendiéndola a partir del llamado “Modelo de extensión crítica” (Tomassino y Cano, 2016). Desde esta perspectiva, vinculada a los desarrollos en torno a la educación popular de Freire y Fals Borda, se busca romper con la formación exclusivamente técnica y contribuir a procesos de transformación incorporando como protagonistas a los sectores populares subalternos. En esta dirección, el Programa de Educación Universitaria en Contexto de Encierro (PEUCE) de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) se propone como objetivo el acceso, permanencia y egreso de las ciudadanas y ciudadanos que se encuentran detenidos en las unidades carcelarias de toda Mendoza, a las ofertas educativas de la UNCuyo establecidas para esta modalidad educativa. Con más de diez años de trayectoria, el programa presenta desafíos constantes buscando no limitarse solamente a garantizar el derecho a la educación superior, sino propiciar espacios donde se produzcan saberes que pongan en escena las problemáticas propias del contexto en la voz de sus actores.Fil: Berro, Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina.Fil: Busajm Mellado, Gastón. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina.Fil: Escobar, Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina.Fil: Moyano, Melisa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina.Fil: Rodríguez Candioti, Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina.Fil: Salomón, Noelia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina.Extension is understood as the third substantial function of the University. In other words, together with teaching and research, the flow of knowledge between the Society and the University becomes an unavoidable necessity. Although there are several ways to understand university extension, in this work we position ourselves by understanding it from the so-called “Critical Extension Model” (Tomassino and Cano, 2016). From this perspective, linked to the developments around the popular education of Freire and FalsBorda, it is sought to break with the exclusively technical training and contribute to transformation processes incorporating the subaltern popular sectors as protagonists.In this sense, the University Education Program in Context of Confinement (PEUCE) of the National University of Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) is aimed at citizens who are in confinement units from all Mendoza, to guarantee their access to the educational offers of the UNCuyo established for this modality.With more than ten years of experience, the program presents constant challenges, seeking not only to guarantee the right to higher education, but also to create a context where knowledge is produced in relation to the problems of its actors and expressed by themselves

    High-performance capillary electrophoresis for food quality evaluation

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    This chapter offered a comprehensive overview of both principles and applications of HPCE techniques. CE represents a powerful analytical tool that is widely applied in food quality and safety, and is also a novel interesting approach in foodomics. Starting with a brief introduction on its evolution from gel electrophoresis to microchip-CE devices, basic principles, detailed general procedures, and detection systems were described. Different CE separation modes were also summarized to show the wide range of applications of this technique in food analysis. Advantages and limitations of each CE mode and new technical improvements were also reported. After the general section, recent application progress in different types of foods were considered. In the first part, applications were divided into solid and liquid foods (vegetable and animal origin) and other foods (honey, food supplements, and baby foods). In the second part, the analysis of certain food additives and contaminants was discussed. The last section of this chapter introduced foodomics applications. The chapter provided the most up-to-date information of the last decade in food quality and safety evaluation by CE

    María Remedios del Valle, Nineteenth-Century Argentina

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    The Argentine government, under the recommendation of various advocacy groups and historians agreed upon November 8 because the day commemorates the death of María Remedios del Valle, an African descendant, otherwise known as the "Capitana" and the "Mother of the Nation", who died on November 8, 1847. First a nurse and later conferred as a captain by General Manuel Belgrano during the wars of independence, the government noted that Remedios del Valle represented thousands of Afro descendants that fought for our country. For her efforts on the battlefield, her fellow soldiers granted her the honor of being known as "the Mother of the Nation". María Remedios de Valle story provides a means to explain the more familial and civic efforts of women. She is remembered as the "Mother of the Nation," and this title reflects the larger role of women and in particular women of African descent in the republic. But irony cannot be underestimated. Remedios del Valle, a black female heroine is the mother of a white nation. How is that possible? To test answers to this question, we propose to delve into the history and the symbolism of María Remedios del Valle.Fil: Guzman, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani"; ArgentinaFil: Edwards, Erika Denise. No especifíca

    Juana María Álvarez, Eighteenth-Century New Granada (Colombia)

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    One of the few avenues for women to achieve freedom from slavery in the Kingdom of New Granada was to be manumitted by slaveholders. Only ten percent of the enslaved population in New Granada’s central region (state of Cundinamarca) gained their liberty through this legal action. Eufemia Álvarez was part of that small group, as her master Don Juan Álvarez voluntarily manumitted her in the mid eighteenth century. Consequently, her daughter Juana María Álvarez was born in freedom, even if both of them remained servants in Don Juan Álvarez’s household in Guaduas—a rural town that was part of the Royal Road from Honda to Santa Fe. In 1758, Juana María suffered re-enslavement when she was sold and taken to Quito, away from her family. Juana María resorted to the appellate court in Honda to re-claim her freedom and petition for her own protection as well as her daughter’s. Juana María’s biography emerges from legal documents, which record her struggle—and ultimately, her failure—to legitimate her freedom, despite having been voluntarily manumitted by the original slaveholder. Read against the grain, her life serves as a critique of a legal system that failed to protect freed women