12 research outputs found

    The Spring Floods of 1936: Picher and the Red Cross Unite

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    In the early 1900s, the Great Depression, great droughts, a huge tornado, and great floods roared through the United States, hitting the East Coast, the West Coast, and the Midwest. These troubling periods and incidents left many families without homes or incomes. Therefore, these families had no choice but to reach out to others for help, the main source being toward the Red Cross and places in America where trouble was much less than the disaster\u27s home front. Without the help of the Red Cross, the disaster stricken flood areas would not have survived

    First observed wild birth and acoustic record of a possible infanticide attempt on a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Society for Marine Mammalogy for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Mammal Science 32 (2016): 376–385, doi:10.1111/mms.12248.We observed the birth of a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) followed immediately by a possible infanticide attempt in the estuary near Savannah, Georgia. Our report is unique in several ways: first, we witnessed the birth of the calf; second, we observed infanticidal behavior almost immediately afterward; and third, we obtained acoustic recordings concurrent with the possible infanticidal behavior. Our observations provide insight into aggressive, possible infanticidal, behavior in bottlenose dolphins.Boat time and support was provided by Department of Education/Title VII Award P382G090003. Additional support was provided by EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Geosciences Education through Costal Research in Port City) NSF award GEO-0194680.2016-07-1

    A Field Guide to Finding Fossils on Mars

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    The Martian surface is cold, dry, exposed to biologically harmful radiation and apparently barren today. Nevertheless, there is clear geological evidence for warmer, wetter intervals in the past that could have supported life at or near the surface. This evidence has motivated National Aeronautics and Space Administration and European Space Agency to prioritize the search for any remains or traces of organisms from early Mars in forthcoming missions. Informed by (1) stratigraphic, mineralogical and geochemical data collected by previous and current missions, (2) Earth's fossil record, and (3) experimental studies of organic decay and preservation, we here consider whether, how, and where fossils and isotopic biosignatures could have been preserved in the depositional environments and mineralizing media thought to have been present in habitable settings on early Mars. We conclude that Noachian‐Hesperian Fe‐bearing clay‐rich fluvio‐lacustrine siliciclastic deposits, especially where enriched in silica, currently represent the most promising and best understood astropaleontological targets. Siliceous sinters would also be an excellent target, but their presence on Mars awaits confirmation. More work is needed to improve our understanding of fossil preservation in the context of other environments specific to Mars, particularly within evaporative salts and pore/fracture‐filling subsurface minerals

    Aqueous alteration processes in Jezero crater, Mars—implications for organic geochemistry

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    The Perseverance rover landed in Jezero crater, Mars, in February 2021. We used the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) instrument to perform deep-ultraviolet Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy of three rocks within the crater. We identify evidence for two distinct ancient aqueous environments at different times. Reactions with liquid water formed carbonates in an olivine-rich igneous rock. A sulfate-perchlorate mixture is present in the rocks, which probably formed by later modifications of the rocks by brine. Fluorescence signatures consistent with aromatic organic compounds occur throughout these rocks and are preserved in minerals related to both aqueous environments

    Factors Affecting Levels of Physical Activity in Adults

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