2,119 research outputs found

    Sex Segregation

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    New applications of Equinox code for real-time plasma equilibrium and profile reconstruction for tokamaks

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    Recent development of real-time equilibrium code Equinox [1] using a fixed-point algorithm [2] allow major plasma magnetic parameters to be identified in real-time, using rigorous analytical method. The code relies on the boundary flux code providing flux values on the first wall of vacuum vessel. By means of least-square minimization of differences between magnetic field obtained from previous solution and the next measurements the code identifies the source term of the non-linear Grad-Shafranov equation [3]. The strict use of analytical equations together with a flexible algorithm offers an opportunity to include new measurements into stable magnetic equilibrium code and compare the results directly between several tokamaks while maintaining the same physical model (i.e. no iron model is necessary inside the equilibrium code). The successful implementation of this equilibrium code for JET and Tore Supra have been already published [1], in this paper, we show the preliminary results of predictive runs of the Equinox code using the ITER geometry.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Soft phonon modes in rutile TiO2_2

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    The lattice dynamics of TiO2_2 in the rutile crystal structure was studied by a combination of thermal diffuse scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering and density functional perturbation theory. We experimentally confirm the existence of an anomalous soft transverse acoustic mode with energy minimum at q = (1/2 1/2 1/4). The phonon energy landscape of this particular branch is reported and compared to the calculation. The harmonic calculation underestimates the phonon energies but despite this the shape of both the energy landscape and the scattering intensities are well reproduced. We find a significant temperature dependence in energy of this transverse acoustic mode over an extended region in reciprocal space which is in line with a substantially anharmonic mode potential-energy surface. The reported low energy branch is quite different from the ferroelectric mode that softens at the Brillouin zone center and may help explain anomalous convergence behavior in calculating TiO2_2 surface properties

    Orawiana w polskim ruchu wydawniczym w latach 1989-2012

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    Celem rozprawy była analiza dokonań polskiego ruchu wydawniczego dotyczącego regionu Orawa, obejmującego lata 1989-2012. Przedstawiłem działalność wydawniczą towarzystw, państwowych organizacji, prywatnych firm, wymieniłem indywidualne inicjatywy wydawnicze. Obok próby rejestracji najważniejszych dla regionu orawskiego domów wydawniczych, szerzej omówiłem działalność wydawnictw stowarzyszeniowych i przeanalizowałem ich ilościowy dorobek popularyzatorski. Terminem Orawiana określiłem publikacje zwarte i ciągłe, podejmujące problematykę orawską

    Erratum to paper Križna Jama (SW Slovenia): Numerical-and Correlated-Ages from Cave Bear-Bearing Sediments, by p. Bosak et al., ac 39/3

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    New techniques for the analysis of flexible operation of gas turbine based systems

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    In the current European energy market, gas power plants are required to operate in cyclical modes to fill the gaps in renewable energy supply. Renewable sources have dispatch priority due to their relatively low variable operational costs. However, because of their high unpredictability, conventional power plants such as Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) now operate with frequent load changes to fill the gaps in supply by participating in the balancing market. Substantial efforts to develop innovative solutions to the new challenges are invested by the commercial and research community, where investigation into improving understanding of complex part-load operation is of utmost techno-economical importance. To date, main techniques used to simulate part-load operation of CCPPs were developed in the late twentieth century and are based on cumbersome and iterative methods requiring initial approximation of variables. In the wake of recent large scale renewable power installations, these techniques are not effective enough to carry complex optimisation studies to adopt CCPPs to quickly evolving market conditions. A number of improvements have been proposed; however, these modified methods are not able to cope with the required complexity and flexibility of studying various component layout optimisations and their impact on techno-economic performance. The current work pursues a novel method for part-load performance estimation of CCPPs, which is less complex, more effective, and can be seamlessly applied to any further optimisation studies. Initially the technique has been developed based on binarycoded genetic algorithm. The method enables simulation of part-load performance without the need for making initial guess of variables, thus simplifying the procedure. The method has been validated against commercial software showing good agreement in the results. However, it has been concluded that the method does not provide a long term benefit to the research community because it is fundamentally based on search space iterations with unavoidable residual (error) in the solution, and requiring significant computational time. The complex optimisation studies conducted by other authors require a much simpler and flexible method. This led to the development of a novel Direct Solution Method (DSM), which provides a simple solution with zero residual without need for cumbersome iterations. The DSM has been validated against commercial software showing good agreement; thus proving to be a promising alternative to the existing techniques. To improve understanding of part-load gas turbine operation, a set of comprehensive maps have been developed. A Gas Turbine Operational Map allows study and visualisation of complex trade-offs arising from gas turbine load reduction strategies. The load change strategy will determine the life consumption of critical gas turbine components, which led to the development of a Life Consumption Map which takes into account low cycle fatigue and creep mechanisms

    O początkach aksjologii w zatrudnieniu na przykładzie ustawy w przedmiocie pracy młodocianych i kobiet z 1924 r.

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    The article analyses the first Polish regulations concerning the employment of juveniles and women. In the original version, both entities were protected by a common, collective legal act. In addition to the normative analysis, the paper aims to indicate the emerging protective regulations and to highlight the threads considered today as the axiology of employment in relation to these particularly protected entities. The study was enriched with views expressed in the then literature on the subject and references to practice, as well as an assessment of the solutions used from the perspective of almost a hundred years from the enactment of the law. Due to the proposed temporal scope, the article is innovative, allowing at the same time to highlight the most important changes in the scope of the discussed matter. In perspective, this study will be used to evaluate the regulations currently in force, which are addressed separately to working women and juveniles.W artykule poddano analizie pierwsze polskie regulacje dotyczące zatrudnienia młodocianych i kobiet. W pierwotnej wersji oba podmioty były chronione wspólnym, zbiorczym aktem prawnym. Oprócz analizy normatywnej, celem jest wskazanie kształtujących się regulacji ochronnych oraz uwypuklenie wątków uznanych współcześnie za aksjologię zatrudnienia właśnie w stosunku do tych szczególnie chronionych podmiotów. Opracowanie wzbogacono poglądami wyrażonymi w ówczesnej literaturze przedmiotu i odwołaniem do praktyki, a także oceną powołanych rozwiązań przeprowadzoną z perspektywy prawie stu lat od uchwalenia ustawy. Z uwagi na zaproponowany zakres temporalny artykuł ma charakter nowatorski, pozwalający na podkreślenie najistotniejszych zmian w zakresie omawianej materii. Perspektywicznie opracowanie to posłuży do dokonania oceny współcześnie obowiązujących przepisów skierowanych już oddzielnie do pracujących kobiet oraz pracowników młodocianych

    Weltliteratur y traducción: Utopía y posibilidad. Las ideas de Goethe y de Ortega y Gasset, y la práctica de Larbaud

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    La intención del ensayo que sigue es proponer algunas reflexiones sobre las relaciones existentes entre la Literatura Comparada y la Weltliteratur, concernientes a la disciplina homónima, desde una mirada crítica que busca analizar y comprender a través de ejemplos extraídos de la literatura argentina (Don Segundo Sombra, de Ricardo Güiraldes) y de la región brasileña de Rio Grande do Sul (Os Guaxos, Barbosa Lessa) la construcción de una identidad cultural común en la región platina