168 research outputs found

    Der moderne Staat. Ein GlanzstĂŒck europĂ€ischer Form und occidentalen Rationalismus

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    Wird der Staat als „GlanzstĂŒck“ Europas, tatsĂ€chlich entthront, wie Carl Schmitt bereits 1963 verkĂŒndet hat? Mit dem Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts schien sich der territoriale Nationalstaat ĂŒberlebt zu haben. Mit der Angst vor dem globalen Terrorismus ist der Staat jedoch wieder auferstanden. Ohne einen funktionsfĂ€higen Staat sind die Menschen anonymen KrĂ€ften hilflos ausgeliefert. Dabei droht der Staat aber zum Orwellschen Überwachungsstaat zu werden. Die Frage, was wir uns unter diesem „modernen“ Staat vorzustellen haben, soll hier aus der Perspektive bedeutender Staatsphilosophen beleuchtet werden. Machiavelli, Bodin, Hobbes und Locke haben einen Kernbestand an Staatlichkeit herausgearbeitet, den Montesquieu, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Jellinek, Max Weber, Habermas, Foucault und Agamben kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt haben. Moderne Staatlichkeit ist durch fĂŒnf Merkmale gekennzeichnet: IntensitĂ€t der Staatswirksamkeit, RationalitĂ€t der Staatsstruktur, Trennung des Rechts von Sitte und Religion, Sicherung des innerstaatlichen Friedens, eine an formalem Recht geschulte Beamtenhierarchie


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    O presente artigo apresenta uma discussĂŁo teĂłrica sobre o conceito de soberania, considerando vĂĄrios aspectos.Inicialmente, discutem-se dois tipos bĂĄsicos de soberania (a interna e a externa) e, em seguida, abordam-se osfundamentos da discussĂŁo sobre a soberania. AlĂ©m de sua força de ação voltada para o Ăąmbito domĂ©stico, asoberania diz respeito tambĂ©m Ă  relação com outros estados. Para tratar do Ăąmbito externo, Ă© utilizado o sistemaestatal de VestfĂĄlia como exemplo. No que se refere ao Ăąmbito domĂ©stico, em decorrĂȘncia da Revolução Francesa,a soberania original do prĂ­ncipe transforma-se, em um primeiro passo, na soberania da nação e, finalmente, nasoberania do povo. Com respeito Ă  fundamentação e Ă  execução da soberania, distinguem-se trĂȘs formas delas: aparlamentar, a constitucional e a soberania (direta) do povo. Na sequencia, sĂŁo apresentadas algumas crĂ­ticasfeitas ao conceito e Ă  prĂĄtica da soberania, para concluir com uma rĂĄpida discussĂŁo sobre a seguinte questĂŁo: seuma potĂȘncia mĂ©dia como a Alemanha ou se um paĂ­s perifĂ©rico como o Brasil Ă© capaz de conquistar ou preservar asua prĂłpria soberania


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    Suvremena drĆŸava nalazi se u procesu ubrzane transformacije, ĆĄto oteĆŸava njezino funkcioniranje i uvjetuje njezinu permanentnu krizu. Nedvojbeno je da se smanjuje njezina vanjska suverenost, kako prema globalnim ekonomskim akterima, tako i prema transnacionalnim i supranacionalnim političkim strukturama. Iznutra se u drĆŸavama dovodi u pitanje hijerarhijsko funkcioniranje vlasti. Iako stalno raste drĆŸavni udjel u druĆĄtvenom proizvodu, stalno rastu i zahtjevi za drĆŸavnom potporom i regulacijom na različitim područjima, ĆĄto za posljedicu ima permanentnu fiskalnu krizu drĆŸave. Autor smatra da se suvremene metamorfoze drĆŸave i perspektive njezina razvoja mogu razumjeti samo analizom promjena u suvremenom druĆĄtvu. Industrijsko druĆĄtvo, pa i “druĆĄtvo usluga” (Dahrendorf), danas se transformira u informacijsko i komunikacijsko druĆĄtvo, u kojem su ključni procesi proizvodnje i distribucije znanja, a glavni izvor moći su mehanizmi monopoliziranja znanja. Informativni i komunikacijski mediji imaju ključnu ulogu, kako u druĆĄtvenim, tako i u političkim procesima. S novim porastom druĆĄtvenih nejednakosti raste i tendencija druĆĄtvene desolidarizacije. Novi stupanj druĆĄtvene dinamike, mobilnosti, kompleksnosti i kontingencije zahtijeva i novi tip drĆŸave. Autor je naziva “kooperativnom drĆŸavom” – drĆŸavom koja osigurava proizvodnju ključnih kolektivnih dobara u kooperativnom procesu pregovaranja i pogađanja, u kojem sudjeluju mnogobrojni druĆĄtveni akteri.Contemporary states are undergoing a process of rapid transformation that encumbers their functioning and sustains their permanent crisis. Their external sovereignty is undoubtedly on the wane, both in relation to the global economic actors and the transnational and supranational political structures. Internally, the hierarchical functioning of government has been called into question. Although the state’s share in the social product is constantly increasing, so are the demands for the state’s support and regulation in various areas, resulting in a permanent fiscal crisis of the state. The author claims that the contemporary metamorphoses of the state and the prospects of its development can be understood solely by analyzing the changes in the contemporary society. The industrial society, even the “service society” (Dahrendorf), is being transformed into an information and communication society, in which the key processes are the production and the distribution of knowledge, while the central power resources are mechanisms of the monopolization of knowledge. The information and communication media play the central role in social and political processes. The new increase of social inequality has intensified the tendency of social desolidarization. The new level of social dynamics, mobility, complexity and contingency requires a new type of state. The author calls it the “cooperative state” – the state that provides for the production of essential collective goods in the cooperative process of negotiation and bargaining, in which a plethora of social actors take part


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    Suvremena drĆŸava nalazi se u procesu ubrzane transformacije, ĆĄto oteĆŸava njezino funkcioniranje i uvjetuje njezinu permanentnu krizu. Nedvojbeno je da se smanjuje njezina vanjska suverenost, kako prema globalnim ekonomskim akterima, tako i prema transnacionalnim i supranacionalnim političkim strukturama. Iznutra se u drĆŸavama dovodi u pitanje hijerarhijsko funkcioniranje vlasti. Iako stalno raste drĆŸavni udjel u druĆĄtvenom proizvodu, stalno rastu i zahtjevi za drĆŸavnom potporom i regulacijom na različitim područjima, ĆĄto za posljedicu ima permanentnu fiskalnu krizu drĆŸave. Autor smatra da se suvremene metamorfoze drĆŸave i perspektive njezina razvoja mogu razumjeti samo analizom promjena u suvremenom druĆĄtvu. Industrijsko druĆĄtvo, pa i “druĆĄtvo usluga” (Dahrendorf), danas se transformira u informacijsko i komunikacijsko druĆĄtvo, u kojem su ključni procesi proizvodnje i distribucije znanja, a glavni izvor moći su mehanizmi monopoliziranja znanja. Informativni i komunikacijski mediji imaju ključnu ulogu, kako u druĆĄtvenim, tako i u političkim procesima. S novim porastom druĆĄtvenih nejednakosti raste i tendencija druĆĄtvene desolidarizacije. Novi stupanj druĆĄtvene dinamike, mobilnosti, kompleksnosti i kontingencije zahtijeva i novi tip drĆŸave. Autor je naziva “kooperativnom drĆŸavom” – drĆŸavom koja osigurava proizvodnju ključnih kolektivnih dobara u kooperativnom procesu pregovaranja i pogađanja, u kojem sudjeluju mnogobrojni druĆĄtveni akteri.Contemporary states are undergoing a process of rapid transformation that encumbers their functioning and sustains their permanent crisis. Their external sovereignty is undoubtedly on the wane, both in relation to the global economic actors and the transnational and supranational political structures. Internally, the hierarchical functioning of government has been called into question. Although the state’s share in the social product is constantly increasing, so are the demands for the state’s support and regulation in various areas, resulting in a permanent fiscal crisis of the state. The author claims that the contemporary metamorphoses of the state and the prospects of its development can be understood solely by analyzing the changes in the contemporary society. The industrial society, even the “service society” (Dahrendorf), is being transformed into an information and communication society, in which the key processes are the production and the distribution of knowledge, while the central power resources are mechanisms of the monopolization of knowledge. The information and communication media play the central role in social and political processes. The new increase of social inequality has intensified the tendency of social desolidarization. The new level of social dynamics, mobility, complexity and contingency requires a new type of state. The author calls it the “cooperative state” – the state that provides for the production of essential collective goods in the cooperative process of negotiation and bargaining, in which a plethora of social actors take part

    Hochschulfernsehen in Deutschland: Zwischen Distributionsautonomie und Einzelkampf: BroschĂŒre zur Tagung vom 28.-29. Juni 2013

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    In den vergangenen drei Jahren wurde mit dem Launch der Plattform hochschultv.de die Etablierungsphase eines ĂŒbergreifenden deutschsprachigen Hochschulfernsehens abgeschlossen; mittlerweile konnte ein funktionierendes Netzwerk von vierzehn Sendern gesponnen werden. Die Leipziger Tagung „Hochschulfernsehen im digitalen Zeitalter – Zwischen Distributionsautonomie und Einzelkampf“ im Juni 2013 sollte in die Kooperationsphase ĂŒberleiten und den Zusammenschluss ĂŒber die Plattform hinaus stĂ€rken, beispielsweise durch thematische BĂŒndelung von Beitragsreihen bis hin zu einer bundesweiten Sendung. Der vorliegende Band kondensiert die Inhalte und Ergebnisse der Fachtagung und stellt am Ende die Sender vor, die dort vertreten waren. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Publikation besteht darin, allen Akteuren des Hochschulfernsehens, die nicht an der Tagung teilnehmen konnten, in das gemeinsame Projekt eines Dachverbands, der Markenbildung und QualitĂ€tsverbesserung des deutschen Hochschulfernsehens einzubeziehen sowie die DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge auf den Podien zu dokumentieren.:Vorwort 2 Prof. RĂŒdiger Steinmetz, Charmaine Voigt Hochschulfernsehen - heute und morgen 6 Prof. Florian Mundhenke Medienregulierungen 16 Dr. Helmuth Neupert GEMA - Dialog 20 Marlene Heß Transkript Podiumsdiskussion 24 Hochschulfernsehen in Deutschland 56 Kristina Hasenheit Hochschulfernsehen – Chancen im Verbund 74 Charmaine Voigt Sender 79 Danksagung 84 Autoren 8

    Assessing the utility of geospatial technologies to investigate environmental change within lake systems

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    Over 50% of the world's population live within 3. km of rivers and lakes highlighting the on-going importance of freshwater resources to human health and societal well-being. Whilst covering c. 3.5% of the Earth's non-glaciated land mass, trends in the environmental quality of the world's standing waters (natural lakes and reservoirs) are poorly understood, at least in comparison with rivers, and so evaluation of their current condition and sensitivity to change are global priorities. Here it is argued that a geospatial approach harnessing existing global datasets, along with new generation remote sensing products, offers the basis to characterise trajectories of change in lake properties e.g., water quality, physical structure, hydrological regime and ecological behaviour. This approach furthermore provides the evidence base to understand the relative importance of climatic forcing and/or changing catchment processes, e.g. land cover and soil moisture data, which coupled with climate data provide the basis to model regional water balance and runoff estimates over time. Using examples derived primarily from the Danube Basin but also other parts of the World, we demonstrate the power of the approach and its utility to assess the sensitivity of lake systems to environmental change, and hence better manage these key resources in the future

    Maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring overweight : is there a dose–response relationship? An individual patient data meta-analysis

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    We want to thank the funders of the individual studies: the UK Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust (Grant ref: 102215/2/13/2) and the University of Bristol, the Danish National Research Foundation, Pharmacy Foundation, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, and the Health Foundation, the US NICHD (contracts no. 1-HD-4-2803 and no. 1-HD-1-3127, R01 HD HD034568), the NHMRC, the CNPq (Portuguese acronym for the National Research Council—grant 523474/96-2) and FAPESP (Portuguese acronym for the São Paulo State Research Council—grant 00/0908-7). We would like to thank the participating families of all studies for the use of data. For the ASPAC study, we want to thank the midwives for their help in recruiting families, and the whole ALSPAC team, which includes interviewers, computer and laboratory technicians, clerical workers, research scientists, volunteers, managers, receptionists, and nurses. This work was supported by the Deutschen Forschungsgesellschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) [KR 1926/9-1, KU1443/4-1]. Dr. Gilman’s contribution was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.Peer reviewedPostprin
