2,004 research outputs found

    Norm localisation and migration laws in the Maghreb

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    In the 2000s, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria have proceeded to revise their outdated laws regulating the movements of people across national borders. Such timely legislative action has been deemed to be the result of the European Union’s external policy on transferring its restrictive migration governance to neighbouring countries. The legal framework emerging from the Maghreb reforms does appear to have broadly converged towards restrictive migratory policies. However, the paper outlines how such policy convergence has been in part achieved through a localisation of international legal norms, which did not result in an approximation to international and EU law. Ultimately, the paper sets out to show how migratory laws in the Maghreb do play a part in the externalisation of the EU’s border control, but do so by actually departing from the same international and EU normative standards that the Union has been promoting to its Maghreb neighbours.Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) within the 7th Framework Programme, the BORDERLANDS project is hosted at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, and directed by Professor Raffaella A. Del Sarto

    Uncertainty in species diversity mapping: unravelling a long lasting theme

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    Many geospatial tools have been advocated in spatial ecology and biogeography to estimate biodiversity and its changes over space and time. Such information is essential in designing effective strategies for biodiversity conservation and management. Remote sensing is one of the most powerful approaches to identify biodiversity hotspots and predict changes in species composition in reduced time and costs. This is because, with respect to field-based methods, it allows to derive complete spatial coverages of the Earth surface under study in a short period of time. Furthermore, remote sensing provides repeated coverages of field sites, thus making studies of temporal changes in biodiversity possible. Thus far, species diversity estimates from remote sensing have rarely taken into account uncertainty in an explicit manner. On the contrary, the spatial distribution of uncertainty should explicitly be shown on maps to avoid ignoring overall accuracy or model errors. In this talk I will discuss, from a conceptual point of view, the potential of remote sensing in estimating biodiversity using various diversity indices. I will also face challenges in the representation of uncertainty methods mainly based on Bayesian logistic regression coupled with simulation-based Monte Carlo techniques and Cartograms applied to European and worldwide datasets for explicitly mapping uncertainty in the distribution of species diversity in a Free and Open Source environment


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    In questo lavoro presentiamo il lavoro svolto dall’IGM per la pubblicazione di una serie di cataloghi web, volti alla divulgazione del materiale posseduto dall’istituto. La sperimentazione delle tecnologie web-gis si è basata su software Open Source ed è servita come punto di partenza per la realizzazione dei servizi previsti da INPIRE1.In this paper we present the publication of a set of web-catalogs, referring to geographic information of IGM. The used technology is Open Source and it works as experimentation of INSPIRE project

    Raising heart-healthy children

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75188/1/j.1442-200x.1999.01151.x.pd

    Algorithmic Foundation of Spectral Rarefaction for Measuring Satellite Imagery Heterogeneity at Multiple Spatial Scales

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    Measuring heterogeneity in satellite imagery is an important task to deal with. Most measures of spectral diversity have been based on Shannon Information theory. However, this approach does not inherently address different scales, ranging from local (hereafter referred to alpha diversity) to global scales (gamma diversity). The aim of this paper is to propose a method for measuring spectral heterogeneity at multiple scales based on rarefaction curves. An algorithmic solution of rarefaction applied to image pixel values (Digital Numbers, DNs) is provided and discussed

    Onset of triaxial deformation in Zn66 and properties of its first excited 0+ state studied by means of Coulomb excitation

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMThe electromagnetic structure of Zn66 at low excitation energy was investigated via low-energy Coulomb excitation at INFN Legnaro National Laboratories, using the Gamma Array of Legnaro Infn Laboratories for nuclEar spectrOscopy (GALILEO) γ-ray spectrometer coupled to the SPIDER (Silicon PIe DEtectoR). A set of reduced E2, E3, and M1 matrix elements was extracted from the collected data using the gosia code, yielding 12 reduced transition probabilities between the low-spin states and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment of the 21+ state. The B(E2) values for transitions depopulating the 02+ state have been determined for the first time, allowing for the lifetime of this state to be deduced and, consequently, the ρ2(E0;02+→01+) monopole transition strength to be extracted. In addition, the B(E3;31-→01+) value has been determined for the first time in a Coulomb excitation experiment. The obtained results resolve the existing discrepancies between literature lifetimes and demonstrate that Zn66 cannot be described by using simple collective models. Therefore, new state-of-the-art beyond-mean-field and large-scale shell-model calculations were performed in order to interpret the structure of this nucleus. Both the experimental and theoretical results suggest that the triaxial degree of freedom has an important impact on electromagnetic properties of Zn66, while the unique features of the 02+ state indicate its distinct and rather isolated structur

    Metodologia di rilievo della rugosità superficiale del suolo con Pole Aerial Photography (PAP)

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    La valutazione della rugosità superficiale del suolo è importante in agricoltura sotto molteplici aspetti: nello studio delle relazioni tra le rugosità della superficie e volume massimo di stoccaggio di acqua nelle depressioni della superficie per lo sviluppo di modelli idrologici da utilizzare nelle strategie di conservazione del suolo e dell'acqua; ogni qualvolta occorra definire lo stato di amminutamento delle zolle determinato dagli strumenti agricoli di lavorazione del suolo in relazione all'umidità e alle caratteristiche fisiche del suolo. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di calibrare una nuova metodologia di misura della Rugosità Superficiale del Suolo (Random Roughness), basata sull'analisi di immagini stereoscopiche ricavate con Metodologia PAP (Pole Aerial Photography). La nuova metodologia si pone due obbiettivi innovativi fondamentali: misurare la Rugosità superficiale su ampie aree campionarie, al fine di una migliore rappresentazione delle superfici; ricavare i valori di rugosità con una tecnologia speditiva a basso costo.</p

    The Volatility of Data Space: Topology Oriented Sensitivity Analysis

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    Real Time, Accurate, Multi-Featured Rendering of Bump Mapped Surfaces

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    We present a new technique to render in real time objects which have part of their high frequency geometric detail encoded in bump maps. It is based on the quantization of normal-maps, and achieves excellent result both in rendering time and rendering quality, with respect to other alternative methods. The method proposed also allows to add many interesting visual effects, even for object with large bumb maps, including non-photorealistic rendering, chrome effects, shading under multiple lights, rendering of different materials within a single object, specular reflections and others. Moreover, the implementation of the method is not complex and can be eased by software reuse