30 research outputs found

    A response to the comment on the article: Plant—insect interactions … (Pokorný and Borges, 2023), by Góis‐Marques, Madeira and Menezes de Sequeira

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    ABSTRACT: We gratefully appreciate the comments made by Carlos A. Góis‐Marques, José Madeira and Miguel Menezes de Sequeira (hereafter CAG‐M et al.) on our recent paper in the Journal of Quaternary Science (Pokorný and Borges, 2023). We would like to respond regarding the content and partly also the tone of their comments. We were surprised that CAG‐M et al. chose this means of communication given that they were involved in the early stages of the work and that they declined the offer of co‐authorship. We clearly acknowledged this help at the end of our article. We first note that many of the specific c riticisms and irregularities reported by CAG‐M et al. focus excessively on written formulations and expressions, or comment on information taken from the literature that could not be verified. For the most part, we are able to refute the objections of CAG‐M et al. Where we agree with them, we present revised wording here, highlighted in bold type.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plant–insect interactions in the Quaternary fossil record of the Azores Archipelago (Portugal)

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    ABSTRACT: The fossil record of the Azores still lacks evidence of terrestrial invertebrates. Based on a study of the collections of Quaternary fossil plant imprints from the Azores, located in the depositories of public collections and also newly conducted field research, several samples of fossil leaves with traces of plant–animal interactions were found. These are evidence of marginal feeding (Phagophytichnus ekowskii) and anophionome mine (Cuniculonomus isp.). One specimen with traces of boring in fossil wood (Xylonichnus trypetus), previously only briefly mentioned in the literature, was also described in detail. In addition to a detailed description of the found traces, the present study also discusses the possible trace-makers, using a comparison with the recent phytophagous fauna in relation to the original vegetation of the Azores (that includes laurisilva forest). It is thus possible to consider butterfly caterpillars (group Macrolepidoptera) or locust larvae (Orthoptera/Caelifera) as possible originators of marginal feeding. The ophionome mine could have been caused by the larvae of leaf-miner flies (Agromyzidae) or moths from the group Microlepidoptera (Gracillariidae). Wood-destroying beetles could be the cause of the boring in fossil wood.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Petrological and geochemical characteristics of Palaeogene low-rank coal on the Faroe Islands: restricted effects of alteration by basaltic lava flows

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    The first combined petrographic and geochemical investigation of coal from the Faroe Islands was performed as a case study to understand thermal effects from basaltic lavaflows on immature coal. The samples were divided into two distinct groups:“normal”coal (xylite and detroxylite) and“altered organic matter”(charcoal and organic particles dispersed in samples rich in altered clastic mineral components or enriched via hydrothermal fluids). The“normal”coal consists primarily of huminite-group material dominated by ulminite. The proportions of material from inertinite and liptinite groups vary from sample to sample. The studied macerals are anisotropic with no observed reaction rims or vacuoles. According to the mean ulminite reflectance in combination with ultimate and proximate analyses, the coal reached the lignite and subbituminous stages. The maceral compositions together with coal palynology indicate a predominance of gelified wood-derived tissues and demonstrate that the coal evolved in wet forest swamps under limno-telmatic to telmatic conditions. Alteration effects on immature coals from overlying basalt flows were relatively limited. Due to relatively rapid heat loss from the basaltic lava, as verified by the presence of volcanic glass (tachylyte), its imposed thermal effects resulted only in development of a thin“anthracite-like”crust on samples with no elevated coal rank. Associated hydrothermal fluids induced coal hydrofracturing with subsequent mineral precipitation and decomposition of the ambient feldspar-rich volcaniclastic sediments. Altered organic matter is enriched in SiO2, Al2O3 and FeOtot, as well as in trace elements such as Ni and Cr. In contrast, these samples are depleted in Hg (<10 ppb).Jedná se o první kombinovaný petrografický a geochemický výzkum uhlí na Faerských ostrovech, který byl proveden jako klíčová studie k pochopení termálního efektu výlevů bazaltových láv v blízkosti slojí nevyzrálého uhlí. Vzorky byly rozděleny do dvou odlišných skupin: „normální“ uhlí (xylit a detroxylit) a „alterovaná organická hmota“ (dřevěné uhlí a organické částice rozptýlené ve vzorcích bohatých na alterované klastické minerální komponenty nebo obohacených hydrotermálními fluidy). „Normální“ uhlí je tvořeno převážně macerály huminitové skupiny, z nichž dominuje ulminit. Zastoupení macerálů skupiny inertinitu a liptinitu je variabilní. Studované macerály jsou anizotropní, bez pozorovaných reakčních lemů či vakuol. Na základě světelné odraznosti ulminitu a chemicko-technologických parametrů vykazuje uhlí nízký stupeň prouhelnění. Macerálové složení společně s palynologií indikují převahu dřevních pletiv a ukazují na vývoj uhlí v prostředí občasně zaplavovaných lesních mokřadů. Efekt alterace nevyzrálého uhlí nadložními bazaltovými výlevy byl poměrně omezený. Vzhledem k relativně rychlému zchladnutí bazaltové lávy, prokázanému přítomností vulkanického skla (tachylytu), se termální efekt projevil pouze vyvinutím tenké vrstvičky antracitového vzhledu na vzorcích bez celkového zvýšení stupně prouhelnění. Hydrotermální fluida spojená s vulkanickou aktivitou způsobila mechanickou desintegraci uhlí a následné vysrážení minerálů doprovázené rozkladem okolních vulkanoklastických sedimentů bohatých na živce. Alterovaná organická hmota je obohacena jednak o SiO2, Al2O3 a FeOtot, jednak o stopové prvky, jako například Ni a Cr. Naopak, tyto vzorky jsou ochuzeny o Hg (<10 ppb)

    Time series analysis by fuzzy linear regression

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    Fuzzy set theory constitutes the theoretical background for abstractly formalizing the vague phenomenon of complex systems. Vague data are defined herein as specialized fuzzy sets, i.e., fuzzy numbers, and a fuzzy linear regression model is described as a fuzzy function with such numbers as vague parameters. We applied a generic algorithm to identify the associated coefficients of the model, and provide both analytically and graphically, a linear approximation of the vague function, together with description of its potential application. We also provide an example of the fuzzy linear regression model being employed in a time series with economic indicators, namely the evolution of the unemployment, agricultural production, and construction between 2009 and 2011 in the Czech Republic. We selected this period since it represents the period when the financial and economic crisis started, and a certain degree of uncertainty existed in the evolution of economic indicators. Results take the form of fuzzy regression models in relation to variables of the time-specific series. For the period 2009-2011, analysis confirmed assumptions held by the authors on the seasonal behaviour of such variables and connections between them. In 2010, the system behaved in a fuzzier manner; hence, relationships between variables were vaguer than otherwise, brought about by factors such as difference in the elasticity of demand, state interventions, globalization, and transnational impacts.Web of Science321

    Basaltic Dyke with Specific Volcanogenic Structures and its geomorphic evolution: Unique Geoheritage of the Faroe Islands (North Atlantic Ocean)

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    Volcanic landforms resulting from Cenozoic volcanism represent the most peculiar features of global geodiversity and provide eminent narratives for geoeducation. Among them, however, relict volcanic forms and site-specific landforms in remote areas have received less attention. In this paper, we provide the first description of unique volcanogenic features (hereinafter referred to as pseudo-hieroglyphs) developed on a summit rock wall at the Sandfelli ridge near the village of Gjógv in the N Eysturoy Island (Faroe Islands). The geomorphic evolution of the ridge and rock wall during the Quaternary is described and detailed petrographic analyses of the volcanogenic features are provided. Based on observed petrographical features, we interpret the pseudo-hieroglyphs to probably represent unique examples of chaotic horizontal columnar jointing. Following the geomorphological and petrographic examination of the study site, we analyse current Faroese legislation aiming at nature conservation and use this case to discuss broader implications of geoheritage conservation and geotourism in distant regions.Vulkanická krajina vzniklá kenozoickým vulkanismem představuje nejpodivnější rysy globální geodiversity a poskytuje vynikající příběhy pro geovzdělávání. Méně pozornosti se však dostává reliktním vulkanickým formám a lokálním tvarům reliéfu v odlehlých oblastech. V tomto článku přinášíme první popis unikátních vulkanogenních tvarů (dále jen "pseudo-hieroglyfy"), které se vyvíjely na skalní stěně vrcholu na hřbetě Sandfelli u vesnice Gjógv v severní části ostrova Eysturoy (Faerské ostrovy). Je popsán geomorfologický vývoj hřbetu a skalní stěny během kvartéru a jsou uvedeny podrobné petrografické analýzy vulkanogenních vlastností. Na základě pozorovaných petrografických rysů interpretujeme pseudo-hieroglyfy, které pravděpodobně představují jedinečné příklady chaotické horizontální sloupcovité odlučnosti. Po geomorfologickém a petrografickém studiu zájmové lokality analyzujeme současnou faerskou legislativu zaměřenou na ochranu přírody a užíváme tohoto příkladu k diskusi širších důsledků zachování a geoturistiky geografického dědictví ve vzdálených regionech

    Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND)—Iron Review

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    This is the fifth in the series of reviews developed as part of the Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND) program. The BOND Iron Expert Panel (I-EP) reviewed the extant knowledge regarding iron biology, public health implications, and the relative usefulness of currently available biomarkers of iron status from deficiency to overload. Approaches to assessing intake, including bioavailability, are also covered. The report also covers technical and laboratory considerations for the use of available biomarkers of iron status, and concludes with a description of research priorities along with a brief discussion of new biomarkers with potential for use across the spectrum of activities related to the study of iron in human health. The I-EP concluded that current iron biomarkers are reliable for accurately assessing many aspects of iron nutrition. However, a clear distinction is made between the relative strengths of biomarkers to assess hematological consequences of iron deficiency versus other putative functional outcomes, particularly the relationship between maternal and fetal iron status during pregnancy, birth outcomes, and infant cognitive, motor and emotional development. The I-EP also highlighted the importance of considering the confounding effects of inflammation and infection on the interpretation of iron biomarker results, as well as the impact of life stage. Finally, alternative approaches to the evaluation of the risk for nutritional iron overload at the population level are presented, because the currently designated upper limits for the biomarker generally employed (serum ferritin) may not differentiate between true iron overload and the effects of subclinical inflammation

    Reduction proposal of city buses traffic accidents in Prague Integrated Transport

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    Traffic accident rate has strong influence on traffic on roads. Every traffic accident causes deceleration of traffic, material damage or even threat to life of the drivers or passengers. Due to these reasons, traffic accidents are being monitored and evaluated. The statistics are recorded not only by the Police of the Czech Republic, but as well processed by private subjects to increase efficiency of their business. In this thesis, I have focused on the issue of bus accident rate of city public transport in Prague. I have carried out analysis, which led to detection of problematic locations in traffic in Prague. Based on determination of causes of particular traffic accidents in those problematic locations, I have suggested solutions, which will result in decrease in number of traffic accidents of buses in public transport. Finally, I recommend factual options of arrangement of those concrete locations for the particular bus carrier company

    Selected economic time series analysis using the fuzzy linear regression

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    The adequacy of mathematical models of economic systems is reduced by the complexity of their structures, the number of parameters and infl uencing factors. The mathematical regression model assumes that the structure and functional depen dence of the input and output variables of the modeled system is precisely defi ned. However, real systems are complex and indeterminate, and their adequate models must formalize their vague phenomenon. Artifi cial intelligence methods use fuzzy set mathematics and fuzzy logic approaches to synthesize models of indeterminate sys tems. We provided our research of defi ned fuzzy linear regression models using data series of economic variables, namely the evolution of the discount rate, infl ation rate and the rate of unemployment between 2019 and 2021. These data series were cho sen with regard to the selected economic cycle before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemy. It is precisely due to the cyclical development of the economy that some level of uncertainty and vagueness of data of monitored variables is manifested. Re sults of the work refl ect outputs of the proposed fuzzy regression model of indetermi nate variables during the selected time series. These confi rmed the assumptions of the authors that there is a mutual interdependence between the selected economic variables, in particular the amount of the discount rate in relation to the infl ation rate, the amount of the infl ation rate in relation to the rate of unemployment and thus the amount of discount rate in relation to the rate. The existence of time lags in deciding on economic policy measures and their subsequent implementation was also confi rmed in all cases, even during the analyzed time series of three years. Only variable un employment behaved less standardly, as its essence in many respects lies outside of purely pure market mechanism and is under the infl uence of market inelasticity, legal measures, free movement of labor in the EU, etc.Web of Science2361