University of the Azores

Repositório da Universidade dos Açores
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    6687 research outputs found

    Arceuthobium Species (Viscaceae) Parasitizing an Angiosperm: The Unique Case of A. azoricum in the Azores Islands

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    Arceuthobium azoricum Wiens & Hawksw. is a rare Azorean endemic epiphytic hemiparasite (mistletoe), which typically parasitizes branches of the gymnosperm Juniperus brevifolia (Hochst. ex Seub.) Antoine (Cupressaceae), which is also an Azorean endemic. Here, we describe a population of A. azoricum, on Pico Island, parasitizing Erica azorica Hochst. ex Seub. (Ericaceae), which is also an Azorean endemic. Our molecular analysis (using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer) showed no differences between individuals parasitizing Erica and Juniperus species. Moreover, a preliminary analysis showed no differences in morphological characteristics between accessions sampled from different hosts. Given that this is the first bona fide record of Arceuthobium sp. parasitizing an angiosperm, this population represents a unique host-shifting event, and its conservation is important because it may allow new insights into host recognition mechanisms in mistletoes. Immediate attention should be given to characterizing this Pico Island population using appropriate molecular methods and additional morphological

    Programa MoniCO – de olhos postos na ecologia costeira

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.O programa de monitorização MoniCO (programa de monitorização de espécies e habitats costeiros dos Açores) abrange um plano integrado a longo prazo de monitorização da biodiversidade e dos recursos costeiros para apoiar a avaliação periódica do estado de conserva- ção, num contexto de gestão articulada e integrada das pescas e AMPs (Áreas Marinhas Protegidas) costeiras. Este programa é liderado pelo IMAR Instituto do Mar, e o centro Oceanos da Universidade dos Aç

    BACA: um arquivo vivo para a conservação da biodiversidade microbiana dos Açores

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.BACA é o acrónimo do Banco de Algas e Cianobactérias dos Açores, uma coleção de culturas fundada em 2018 na Universidade dos Açores e associada ao Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Polo Açores, da Universidade dos Açores (CIBIO-Açores). Esta coleção compreende mais de 800 culturas de microrganismos fotossintéticos (Figura 1), nomeadamente microalgas e cianobactérias, oriundas de todas as ilhas dos Açores. Nesta região existe uma grande diversidade de habitats, como lagoas, ribeiras, pauis, fontes termais, turfeiras, e outros habitats terrestres, para além do ambiente

    25 de Abril, sempre!

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    A secção CÊ de ciência é coordenada pela Professora Universitária Ana Teresa Alves.Foi no dia 25 de Abril de 1974, uma quinta-feira, que um golpe militar, liderado pelo Movimento das Forças Armadas (MFA) colocou um ponto final a 48 anos de ditadura em Portugal, abrindo caminho, primeiro, para a Revolução Portuguesa (1974-1975) e, depois, para a democracia, institucionalizada pela Constituição de 1976. A operação “Fim de Regime” foi posta em marcha ao som de “E depois do Adeus” e “Grândola, vila morena”, as duas senhas escolhidas para que os militares que se encontravam em vários quartéis da cidade de Lisboa mobilizassem, tomando vários pontos estratégicos da capital portuguesa, desde o Terreiro do Paço até ao Largo do

    Histological evidence of hypothyroidism in mice chronically exposed to conventional farming

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    Worldwide, disorders of the thyroid gland are a growing concern; such can be caused by exposure to contaminants, including agrochemicals used in conventional agriculture, which act as endocrine disruptors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether or not exposure to an environment with conventional agriculture leads to thyroid disruption. Mus musculus were used as bioindicator species, captured in two sites: a farm where conventional agriculture is practiced, and a place without agriculture. Thyroid histomorphometric and morphologic data were analyzed. The impacts of the agricultural environment over the thyroid were revealed, as indications of hypothyroidism were observed in exposed mice: the area and volume of epithelial cells were much lower. Alterations in thyroid histomorphology were also observed: lower follicular sphericity, irregularly delimited epithelium and increased exfoliation into the colloid. These results highlight the need for transition from current conventional agricultural systems towards organic

    Divagações numéricas: do 6 ao 10

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    Os números desempenham um papel importante nas nossas vidas, sendo utilizados para contar, medir, calcular, identificar locais ou pessoas, entre muitas outras possibilidades. Além disso, os números têm significados específicos que variam de cultura para cultura, tornando-se elementos fundamentais em diferentes crenças religiosas e práticas esotéricas. Neste texto, fazemos uma breve viagem pelo mundo dos números e apresentamos curiosidades sobre os números naturais, do 6 ao

    Monitoring arthropods under the scope of LIFE-SNAILS project: I - Santa Maria Island baseline data with implementation of the Index of Biotic Integrity

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    Background The database we introduce is a pivotal component of the LIFE SNAILS project (Support and Naturalisation in Areas of Importance for Land Snails). This initiative is dedicated to safeguarding three endangered species of terrestrial molluscs, specifically, two snails (Oxychilus agostinhoi Martins 1981 and Leptaxis minor Backhuys, 1975) and a semi-slug (Plutonia angulosa (Morelet, 1860)), all of which are single island endemics from Santa Maria Island and face significant threats towards their populations. In this study, we established a comprehensive database derived from a long-term arthropod monitoring campaign utilising SLAM (Sea, Land, Air, Malaise) traps. Although molluscs were not the primary focus, our findings serve as a credible proxy for evaluating the overall habitat quality for endemic invertebrates, with arthropods serving as principal indicators. From September to December of 2022, a total of 11 SLAM traps were installed and monitored monthly in eleven sites of mixed forests of Santa Maria Island. New information Based on the 33 available samples (11 sites x 3 sampling periods), we recorded a total of 118 taxa of arthropods (of which 94 were identified at species or subspecies level), belonging to three classes, 14 orders and 62 families. From the 94 identified taxa, a total of 21 species were endemic, 31 native non-endemic, 32 introduced and 10 indeterminate. We also provide additional information of the habitat quality (Index of Biotic Integrity), including general habitat and dominant species composition. We registered three new records to the Island, the native bug Piezodorus lituratus (Fabricius, 1794) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), the Azorean endemic beetle Phloeosinus gillerforsi Bright, 1987 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) and the exotic ant Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger, 1859) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and one new record for the Azores Archipelago, the native beetle Cephennium validum Assing & Meybohm, 2021 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae). This publication not only contributes to the conservation of highly threatened endemic molluscs, through an assessment of habitat quality, based on arthropod communities and habitat description (e.g. native or exotic vegetation), but also provides an updated inventory of arthropods from Santa Maria

    Contribution to the study of the beneficial fauna of olive orchards in Porto Martins, Terceira Island, Azores

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    Proceedings of the 9th Meeting at Lisboa (Portugal) 26-29 October, 2021.The olive tree culture in Terceira Island occupies a strip in Porto Martins area whose fruit is very sought, mainly by tourists and restaurants. The olive tree is very affected by pests, such as the olive fly, which causes high losses and a drastic loss of production. Therefore, large quantities of pesticides are applied whose applications have a great impact, in particular, on beneficial organisms. In this work, the beneficial fauna present in olive groves was identified through the technique of beatings. The impact of the application of pesticides on these beneficial insects present in olive trees with different levels of treatments was also evaluated. For this, orchards with intensive applications, with less intensive applications and one organic orchard were selected to studied and monitoring. It was verified that in the olive groves with intensive and semi-intensive pesticide applications the abundance of beneficial insects was unbalanced, with a low abundance of predatory insects and still high population densities of the olive cottonweed pest. The results obtained point to the fact that chemical treatments do not destroy the target pests and worst contribute to a reduction in auxiliary organisms. In the organic orchard was observed the highest abundance of predatory insects and the lowest abundance of herbivorous insects. These results showed that this type of orchard is in a natural balance and that this is the way to follow in preserving the presence of beneficial insects in the olive parcels because these are very important to keep low pest populations and permit its better control. The conclusions of this study point to the fact that producers can further increase their yield by taking the biological option in their daily practices that will have a lower impact on the beneficial fauna present in the olive groves. At the same time will also permit to preserve the environment and the health of the applicators, producers and of the consumer by obtaining a product without any pesticide residues.To the producers involved in this study. To the agricultural development service of Terceira island (SDAT) and the regional secretary of agriculture and rural development /SRADR) for the logistic support to all the work. To the Cuarentagri project ( that allowed the execution of this

    Biological knowledge shortfalls impede conservation efforts in poorly studied taxa—A case study of Laboulbeniomycetes

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    ABSTRACT: Most empirical research on biological shortfalls has focused on vertebrate taxa. This is important given many species in poorly studied groups such as invertebrates, plants, and fungi are predicted to possess high conservation risk. Here, we focus on Laboulbeniomycetes: a class of microfungi that are understudied. We examined four shortfalls: Linnean (knowledge gaps in species diversity), Wallacean (knowledge gaps in distributions), Latimerian (knowledge gaps in species persistence), and the newly introduced Scottian (knowledge gaps in species conservation assessments) shortfalls. The Linnean shortfall in Laboulbeniomycetes is hard to predict due to inconsistent spe-cies description rates. Analysis of distribution patterns indicates Laboulbeniomycetes are likely to experience an extremely high Wallacean shortfall, with many species hav-ing highly disjunct known distributions. Latimerian shortfall analysis shows over half (51%) of Laboulbeniomycetes have not been recorded in >50 years, while the group has a collective Scottian shortfall of 100%, given none of the 2454 described species have received an IUCN threat assessment. We suggest continued study of natural his-tory collections, expanded citizen science programmes, and machine- learning iden-tification approaches as important tools for reducing knowledge shortfalls in both Laboulbeniomycetes and poorly studied taxa more

    Relações de poder e participação política no desenvolvimento dos Direitos Humanos

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    Para onde vão os direitos humanos? Quais os principais desafios enfrentados pelo sistema universal dos direitos humanos? As respostas, embora complexas, poderão estar relacionadas principalmente com os seguintes desafios enunciados por Fernández Liesa (2022). Primeiro, com o devir da democracia liberal, com o desafio democrático e também com o reforço das instituições universais, o principal garante dos direitos humanos é o Estado, responsável por respeitá-los, garantindo e tomando medidas para cumprir as obrigações


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