220 research outputs found

    Progressive optic neuropathy in congenital glaucoma associated with the Sirsasana yoga posture

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    The authors describe a case of progressive optic neuropathy in a patient with congenital glaucoma who had routinely practiced the Sirsasana (headstand) yoga posture for several years. Ophthalmic examination included best-corrected visual acuity, anterior segment examination, indirect oplithalmoscopy, ultrasound pachymetry for central corneal thickness, and intraocular pressure before, during, and after maintaining the Sirsasana posture for 5 minutes. Intraocular pressure increased significantly during the Sirsasana posture. Transient elevation in intraocular pressure during yoga exercises may lead to progressive glaucomatous optic neuropathy, especially in susceptible patients with congenital glaucoma

    Treatment of steroid-induced elevated intraocular pressure with anecortave acetate: a randomized clinical trial.

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    PURPOSE: The present study is the first randomized clinical trial designed to evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering effect of anecortave acetate (AA) administered at 3 doses (3, 15, or 30 mg) as an anterior juxtascleral depot (AJD) in patients experiencing elevated IOP due to corticosteroid therapy. METHODS: This was a double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter, parallel group trial. Eligible patients had an IOP of at least 24 mmHg and an IOP increase of at least 10 mmHg relative to their IOP before treatment with steroids. A target IOP was established for each patient at baseline. Patients were randomized to 1 of the 4 treatment groups: vehicle, 3 mg AA, 15 mg AA, or 30 mg AA. All patients then received a 0.5 mL AJD of the assigned treatment. Patients returned for scheduled examination visits at weeks 1, 2, 4, 6, months 3, 4, 5, and 6. IOP was measured at each visit as well as best corrected visual acuity (logMAR), ocular motility, eyelid responsiveness, slit lamp examination, and assessment of any adverse events. In addition, at baseline and at exit, a dilated fundus examination was carried out and the lens was examined using LOCS II criteria. RESULTS: Seventy patients were randomized to treatment. At week 4, eyes in the vehicle group showed a 3.4 mmHg (9.1%) decrease from baseline. Reductions for the 3 mg AA (3.1 mmHg, 10.7%) and the 30 mg AA groups (5.4 mmHg, 16.6%) were not significantly different than for vehicle control. However, IOP for the 15 mg AA group at week 4 was reduced 11.5 mmHg (31.3%) from baseline, which was statistically significant (P=0.0487). The mean time to treatment failure was 32.2, 38.9, 56.3, and 32.6 days for the vehicle, 3 mg AA, 15 mg AA, and 30 mg AA groups, respectively. Adverse events were assessed at each post-treatment visit. There were no serious adverse events that were determined to be related to the test article or its administration. CONCLUSIONS: AA can be of benefit to some patients requiring treatment with corticosteroids, but suffering from the side effect of elevated IOP

    The star catalogues of Ptolemaios and Ulugh Beg: Machine-readable versions and comparison with the modern Hipparcos Catalogue

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    In late antiquity and throughout the middle ages, the positions of stars on the celestial sphere were obtained from the star catalogue of Ptolemaios. A catalogue based on new measurements appeared in 1437, with positions by Ulugh Beg, and magnitudes from the 10th-century astronomer al-Sufi. We provide machine-readable versions of these two star catalogues, based on the editions by Toomer (1998) and Knobel (1917), and determine their accuracies by comparison with the modern Hipparcos Catalogue. The magnitudes in the catalogues correlate well with modern visual magnitudes; the indication `faint' by Ptolemaios is found to correspond to his magnitudes 5 and 6. Gaussian fits to the error distributions in longitude / latitude give widths sigma ~ 27 arcmin / 23 arcmin in the range |Delta lambda, Delta beta|<50 arcmin for Ptolemaios and sigma ~ 22 arcmin /18 arcmin in Ulugh Beg. Fits to the range |Delta lambda, Delta beta|<100 arcmin gives 10-15 per cent larger widths, showing that the error distributions are broader than gaussians. The fraction of stars with positions wrong by more than 150 arcmin is about 2 per cent for Ptolemaios and 0.1 per cent in Ulugh Beg; the numbers of unidentified stars are 1 in Ptolemaios and 3 in Ulugh Beg. These numbers testify to the excellent quality of both star catalogues (as edited by Toomer and Knobel).Comment: to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 34 pages with 57 Figures. Note changed address and email address of first autho

    The merger-driven evolution of massive galaxies

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    We explore the rate and impact of galaxy mergers on the massive galaxy population using the amplitude of the two-point correlation function on small scales for M > 5e10 M_sun galaxies from the COSMOS and COMBO-17 surveys. Using a pair fraction derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as a low-redshift benchmark, the large survey area at intermediate redshifts allows us to determine the evolution of the close pair fraction with unprecedented accuracy for a mass-selected sample: we find that the fraction of galaxies more massive than 5e10M_sun in pairs separated by less than 30 kpc in 3D space evolves as F(z) = (0.0130+/-0.0019)x(1+z)^1.21+/-0.25 between z = 0 and z = 1.2. Assuming a merger time scale of 0.5 Gyrs, the inferred merger rate is such that galaxies with mass in excess of 1e11 M_sun have undergone, on average, 0.5 (0.7) mergers involving progenitor galaxies both more massive than 5e10 M_sun since z = 0.6 (1.2). We also study the number density evolution of massive red sequence galaxies using published luminosity functions and constraints on the M/L evolution from the fundamental plane. Moreover, we demonstrate that the measured merger rate of massive galaxies is sufficient to explain this observed number density evolution in massive red sequence galaxies since z = 1.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    A mature cluster with X-ray emission at z=2.07

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    We report evidence of a fully established galaxy cluster at z=2.07, consisting of a ~20sigma overdensity of red, compact spheroidal galaxies spatially coinciding with extended X-ray emission detected with XMM-Newton. We use VLT VIMOS and FORS2 spectra and deep Subaru, VLT and Spitzer imaging to estimate the redshift of the structure from a prominent z=2.07 spectroscopic redshift spike of emission-line galaxies, concordant with the accurate 12-band photometric redshifts of the red galaxies. Using NICMOS and Keck AO observations, we find that the red galaxies have elliptical morphologies and compact cores. While they do not form a tight red sequence, their colours are consistent with that of a >1.3$~Gyr population observed at z~2.1. From an X-ray luminosity of .2*10^43 erg s^-1 and the stellar mass content of the red galaxy population, we estimate a halo mass of 5.3-8*10^13 Msun, comparable to the nearby Virgo cluster. These properties imply that this structure could be the most distant, mature cluster known to date and that X-ray luminous, elliptical-dominated clusters are already forming at substantially earlier epochs than previously known.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Gas Accretion and Galactic Chemical Evolution: Theory and Observations

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    This chapter reviews how galactic inflows influence galaxy metallicity. The goal is to discuss predictions from theoretical models, but particular emphasis is placed on the insights that result from using models to interpret observations. Even as the classical G-dwarf problem endures in the latest round of observational confirmation, a rich and tantalizing new phenomenology of relationships between MM_*, ZZ, SFR, and gas fraction is emerging both in observations and in theoretical models. A consensus interpretation is emerging in which star-forming galaxies do most of their growing in a quiescent way that balances gas inflows and gas processing, and metal dilution with enrichment. Models that explicitly invoke this idea via equilibrium conditions can be used to infer inflow rates from observations, while models that do not assume equilibrium growth tend to recover it self-consistently. Mergers are an overall subdominant mechanism for delivering fresh gas to galaxies, but they trigger radial flows of previously-accreted gas that flatten radial gas-phase metallicity gradients and temporarily suppress central metallicities. Radial gradients are generically expected to be steep at early times and then flattened by mergers and enriched inflows of recycled gas at late times. However, further theoretical work is required in order to understand how to interpret observations. Likewise, more observational work is needed in order to understand how metallicity gradients evolve to high redshifts.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springer. 29 pages, 2 figure

    Connecting stellar mass and star-formation rate to dark matter halo mass out to z ~ 2

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    We have constructed an extended halo model (EHM) which relates the total stellar mass and star-formation rate (SFR) to halo mass (M_h). An empirical relation between the distribution functions of total stellar mass of galaxies and host halo mass, tuned to match the spatial density of galaxies over 0<z<2 and the clustering properties at z~0, is extended to include two different scenarios describing the variation of SFR on M_h. We also present new measurements of the redshift evolution of the average SFR for star-forming galaxies of different stellar mass up to z=2, using data from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) for infrared-bright galaxies. Combining the EHM with the halo accretion histories from numerical simulations, we trace the stellar mass growth and star-formation history in halos spanning a range of masses. We find that: (1) The intensity of the star-forming activity in halos in the probed mass range has steadily decreased from z~2 to 0; (2) At a given epoch, halos in the mass range between a few times 10^{11} M_Sun and a few times 10^{12} M_Sun are the most efficient at hosting star formation; (3) The peak of SFR density shifts to lower mass halos over time; (4) Galaxies that are forming stars most actively at z~2 evolve into quiescent galaxies in today's group environments, strongly supporting previous claims that the most powerful starbursts at z~2 are progenitors of today's elliptical galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The PEP survey: clustering of infrared-selected galaxies and structure formation at z~2 in the GOODS South

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    ABRIDGED-This paper presents the first direct estimate of the 3D clustering properties of far-infrared sources up to z~3. This has been possible thanks to the Pacs Evolutionary Probe (PEP) survey of the GOODS South field performed with the PACS instrument onboard the Herschel Satellite. An analysis of the two-point correlation function over the whole redshift range spanned by the data reports for the correlation length, r_0~6.3 Mpc and r_0~6.7 Mpc, respectively at 100um and 160um, corresponding to dark matter halo masses M>~10^{12.4} M_sun. Objects at z~2 instead seem to be more strongly clustered, with r_0~19 Mpc and r_0~17 Mpc in the two considered PACS channels. This dramatic increase of the correlation length between z~1 and z~2 is connected with the presence of a wide, M>~10^{14} M_sun, filamentary structure which includes more than 50% of the sources detected at z~2. An investigation of the properties of such sources indicates the possibility for boosted star-forming activity in those which reside within the overdense environment with respect of more isolated galaxies found in the same redshift range. Lastly, we also present our results on the evolution of the relationship between luminous and dark matter in star-forming galaxies between z~1 and z~2. We find that the increase of (average) stellar mass in galaxies between z~1 and z~2 is about a factor 10 lower than that of the dark matter haloes hosting such objects ([z~1]/[z~2] ~ 0.4 vs M_{halo}[z~1]/M_{halo}[z~2] ~ 0.04). Our findings agree with the evolutionary picture of downsizing whereby massive galaxies at z~2 were more actively forming stars than their z~1 counterparts, while at the same time contained a lower fraction of their mass in the form of luminous matter.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Satellite content and quenching of star formation in galaxy groups at z ~ 1.8

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    We study the properties of satellites in the environment of massive star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1.8 in the COSMOS field, using a sample of 215 galaxies on the main sequence of star formation with an average mass of ~1011M⊙. At z> 1.5, these galaxies typically trace halos of mass ≳1013M⊙. We use optical-near-infrared photometry to estimate stellar masses and star formation rates (SFR) of centrals and satellites down to ~ 6 × 109M⊙. We stack data around 215 central galaxies to statistically detect their satellite halos, finding an average of ~3 galaxies in excess of the background density. We fit the radial profiles of satellites with simple β-models, and compare their integrated properties to model predictions. We find that the total stellar mass of satellites amounts to ~68% of the central galaxy, while spectral energy distribution modeling and far-infrared photometry consistently show their total SFR to be 25-35% of the central's rate. We also see significant variation in the specific SFR of satellites within the halo with, in particular, a sharp decrease at <100 kpc. After considering different potential explanations, we conclude that this is likely an environmental signature of the hot inner halo. This effect can be explained in the first order by a simple free-fall scenario, suggesting that these low-mass environments can shut down star formation in satellites on relatively short timescales of ~0.3 Gyr

    Fetal Movement Counting Improved Identification of Fetal Growth Restriction and Perinatal Outcomes – a Multi-Centre, Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    Background Fetal movement counting is a method used by the mother to quantify her baby's movements, and may prevent adverse pregnancy outcome by a timely evaluation of fetal health when the woman reports decreased fetal movements. We aimed to assess effects of fetal movement counting on identification of fetal pathology and pregnancy outcome. Methodology In a multicentre, randomized, controlled trial, 1076 pregnant women with singleton pregnancies from an unselected population were assigned to either perform fetal movement counting from gestational week 28, or to receive standard antenatal care not including fetal movement counting (controls). Women were recruited from nine Norwegian hospitals during September 2007 through November 2009. Main outcome was a compound measure of fetal pathology and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Analysis was performed by intention-to-treat. Principal Findings The frequency of the main outcome was equal in the groups; 63 of 433 (11.6%) in the intervention group, versus 53 of 532 (10.7%) in the control group [RR: 1.1 95% CI 0.7–1.5)]. The growth-restricted fetuses were more often identified prior to birth in the intervention group than in the control group; 20 of 23 fetuses (87.0%) versus 12 of 20 fetuses (60.0%), respectively, [RR: 1.5 (95% CI 1.0–2.1)]. In the intervention group two babies (0.4%) had Apgar scores <4 at 1 minute, versus 12 (2.3%) in the control group [RR: 0.2 (95% CI 0.04–0.7)]. The frequency of consultations for decreased fetal movement was 71 (13.1%) and 57 (10.7%) in the intervention and control groups, respectively [RR: 1.2 (95% CI 0.9–1.7)]. The frequency of interventions was similar in the groups. Conclusions Maternal ability to detect clinically important changes in fetal activity seemed to be improved by fetal movement counting; there was an increased identification of fetal growth restriction and improved perinatal outcome, without inducing more consultations or obstetric intervention