344 research outputs found

    Breaking down the link between luminous and dark matter in massive galaxies

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    We present a study on the clustering of a stellar mass selected sample of galaxies with stellar masses M*>10^10Msol at redshifts 0.4<z<2.0, taken from the Palomar Observatory Wide-field Infrared Survey. We examine the clustering properties of these stellar mass selected samples as a function of redshift and stellar mass, and find that galaxies with high stellar masses have a progressively higher clustering strength than galaxies with lower stellar masses. We also find that galaxies within a fixed stellar mass range have a higher clustering strength at higher redshifts. We further estimate the average total masses of the dark matter haloes hosting these stellar-mass selected galaxies. For all galaxies in our sample the stellar-mass-to-total-mass ratio is always lower than the universal baryonic mass fraction and the stellar-mass-to-total-mass ratio is strongly correlated with the halo masses for central galaxies, such that more massive haloes contain a lower fraction of their mass in the form of stars. The remaining baryonic mass is included partially in stars within satellite galaxies in these haloes, and as diffuse hot and warm gas. We also find that, at a fixed stellar mass, the stellar-to-total-mass ratio increases at lower redshifts. This suggests that galaxies at a fixed stellar mass form later in lower mass dark matter haloes, and earlier in massive haloes. We interpret this as a `halo downsizing' effect.Comment: Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 277, 2010 "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies on the Land of our Ancestors"; Eds. Carignan, Freeman and Combe

    Ophuls et Eugen SchĂĽfftan

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    Pendant la période qui suit son exil d’Allemagne, Max Ophuls travaille à six reprises avec son compatriote, le chef opérateur Eugen Schüfftan sur La Tendre Ennemie (1936), La Comédie de l’argent (1936), Yoshiwara (1937), Le Roman de Werther (1938), Sans Lendemain (1939) et De Mayerling à Sarajevo (1940). S’il est vrai que Schüfftan est l’un des meilleurs techniciens travaillant dans les studios français au cours des années trente, Ophuls le choisit d’abord pour la richesse de leur collaborati..

    The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Dependence of galaxy clustering on stellar mass

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    We have investigated the dependence of galaxy clustering on their stellar mass at z~1, using the data from the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). We have measured the projected two-point correlation function of galaxies, wp(rp) for a set of stellar mass selected samples at an effective redshift =0.85. We have control and quantify all effects on galaxy clustering due to the incompleteness of our low mass samples. We find that more massive galaxies are more clustered. When compared to similar results at z~0.1 in the SDSS, we observed no evolution of the projected correlation function for massive galaxies. These objects present a stronger linear bias at z~1 with respect to low mass galaxies. As expected, massive objects at high redshift are found in the highest pics of the dark matter density field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 43rd Rencontres de Moriond - March 15-22, 2008 - La Thuile (Val d'Aosta, Italy

    Structure detection in the D1 CFHTLS deep field using accurate photometric redshifts: a benchmark

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    We investigate structures in the D1 CFHTLS deep field in order to test the method that will be applied to generate homogeneous samples of clusters and groups of galaxies in order to constrain cosmology and detailed physics of groups and clusters. Adaptive kernel technique is applied on galaxy catalogues. This technique needs none of the usual a-priori assumptions (luminosity function, density profile, colour of galaxies) made with other methods. Its main drawback (decrease of efficiency with increasing background) is overcame by the use of narrow slices in photometric redshift space. There are two main concerns in structure detection. One is false detection and the second, the evaluation of the selection function in particular if one wants "complete" samples. We deal here with the first concern using random distributions. For the second, comparison with detailed simulations is foreseen but we use here a pragmatic approach with comparing our results to GalICS simulations to check that our detection number is not totally at odds compared to cosmological simulations. We use XMM-LSS survey and secured VVDS redshifts up to z~1 to check individual detections. We show that our detection method is basically capable to recover (in the regions in common) 100% of the C1 XMM-LSS X-ray detections in the correct redshift range plus several other candidates. Moreover when spectroscopic data are available, we confirm our detections, even those without X-ray data.Comment: 14 pages, 22 additionnal jpeg figures, accepted in A&

    The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Dependence of Galaxy Clustering on Luminosity

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    We have investigated the dependence of galaxy clustering on their intrinsic luminosities at z ~ 1, using the data from the First Epoch VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). We have measured the projected two-point correlation function of galaxies, w_p(r_p), for a set of volume-limited samples at an effective redshift =0.9 and median absolute magnitude -19.6< M_B < -21.3. We find that the clustering strength is rising around M_B^*, apparently with a sharper turn than observed at low redshifts. The slope of the correlation function is observed to steepen significantly from \gamma=1.6^{+0.1}_{-0.1} to \gamma=2.4^{+0.4}_{-0.2}. This is due to a significant change in the shape of w_p(r_p), increasingly deviating from a power-law for the most luminous samples, with a strong upturn at small (< 1-2 h^{-1} Mpc) scales. This trend, not observed locally, also results in a strong scale dependence of the relative bias, b/b* and possibly imply a significant change in the way luminous galaxies trace dark-matter halos at z ~ 1 with respect to z ~ 0

    Autocorrelations of stellar light and mass at z~0 and ~1: From SDSS to DEEP2

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    We present measurements of projected autocorrelation functions w_p(r_p) for the stellar mass of galaxies and for their light in the U, B and V bands, using data from the third data release of the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey and the final data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We investigate the clustering bias of stellar mass and light by comparing these to projected autocorrelations of dark matter estimated from the Millennium Simulations (MS) at z=1 and 0.07, the median redshifts of our galaxy samples. All of the autocorrelation and bias functions show systematic trends with spatial scale and waveband which are impressively similar at the two redshifts. This shows that the well-established environmental dependence of stellar populations in the local Universe is already in place at z=1. The recent MS-based galaxy formation simulation of Guo et al. (2011) reproduces the scale-dependent clustering of luminosity to an accuracy better than 30% in all bands and at both redshifts, but substantially overpredicts mass autocorrelations at separations below about 2 Mpc. Further comparison of the shapes of our stellar mass bias functions with those predicted by the model suggests that both the SDSS and DEEP2 data prefer a fluctuation amplitude of sigma_8 0.8 rather than the sigma_8=0.9 assumed by the MS.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices, minor revisions in tex

    Halo stochasticity in global clustering analysis

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    In the present work we study the statistics of haloes, which in the halo model determines the distribution of galaxies. Haloes are known to be biased tracer of dark matter, and at large scales it is usually assumed there is no intrinsic stochasticity between the two fields. Following the work of Seljak & Warren (2004), we explore how correct this assumption is and, moving a step further, we try to qualify the nature of stochasticity. We use Principal Component Analysis applied to the outputs of a cosmological N-body simulation to: (1) explore the behaviour of stochasticity in the correlation between haloes of different masses; (2) explore the behaviour of stochasticity in the correlation between haloes and dark matter. We show results obtained using a catalogue with 2.1 million haloes, from a PMFAST simulation with box size of 1000h^{-1}Mpc. In the relation between different populations of haloes we find that stochasticity is not-negligible even at large scales. In agreement with the conclusions of Tegmark & Bromley (1999) who studied the correlations of different galaxy populations, we found that the shot-noise subtracted stochasticity is qualitatively different from `enhanced' shot noise and, specifically, it is dominated by a single stochastic eigenvalue. We call this the `minimally stochastic' scenario, as opposed to shot noise which is `maximally stochastic'. In the correlation between haloes and dark matter, we find that stochasticity is minimized, as expected, near the dark matter peak (k ~ 0.02 h Mpc^{-1} for a LambdaCDM cosmology) and, even at large scales, it is of the order of 15 per cent above the shot noise. Moreover, we find that the reconstruction of the dark matter distribution is improved when we use eigenvectors as tracers of the bias. [Abridged]Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to MNRA
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