6 research outputs found

    The Cradle of Christ (Stabat Mater Speciosa): A Canticle for Christmas

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    Arrangement for four-part chorus and piano of Sir John Frederick Bridge\u27s The Cradle of Christ. The lyrics are taken from a thirteenth century Latin hymn by Jacopone da Todi, translated in 1866 by Rev. Dr. John Mason Neale. The work was composed for the 1894 Hereford Musical Festival, and was dedicated to Rev. George Prothero, the Sub-dean of Westminster Abbey. This arrangement is for a four-part chorus of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voice parts, with soprano and baritone solos.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/imri_sheetmusic/1049/thumbnail.jp

    LES PLUS TEXTES SUR NOTRE-DAME / J. Bertheau, J. Marchat, F. Rosay

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    Comprend : SAINT-EPHREM (IVe) - SAINT-BERNARD (XIIe) - Stabat Mater / Jacopone da TODI - Paradis (extr. DANTE) / TH. A. KEMPIS - Mystère de la Passion / extr. Arnould GREBAN - Assomption / Anne de MARQUETS - Cantique de la Vierge Marie / (BERTAUT) SAINT FRANCOIS DE SALES - Sermon pour la fête de la Conception - Sermon pour la fête de l'Assomption / extr. BOSSUET - En route - La Cathédrale / extr. HUYSMANS - Le Symbolisme de l'Apparition / Léon BLOY - Je ne veux plus aimer que ma Mère Marie / VERLAINE - Le Rosaire, Mystères douloureux / Fr. JAMMES - Journal d'un Curé de campagne / extr. BERNANOS - VISITATION / JACOB - La Visitation - La Vierge à Midi / CLAUDEL - Consécration au Coeur immaculé / S.S. PIE XIIBnF-Partenariats, Collection sonore - BelieveContient une table des matière

    The 1980s

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    The 1970s

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    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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