1,642 research outputs found


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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationIndex de l'obra ressenyada: SOULIÉ, Charles (Org.), Un mythe à détruire? Origines et destin du Centre Universitaire Expérimental de Vincennes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 201

    Il matrimonio e le nuove famiglie. Evoluzione e crescita di modelli sociali in Europa

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    Le interpretazioni ed i significati attribuiti alla famiglia ed al matrimonio sono in una cruciale fase di cambiamento socio-giuridico, che si sta rapidamente espandendo su scala mondiale. Una riflessione sui più recenti accadimenti in Europa consente di mettere in evidenza quali siano gli orientamenti, i contrasti e le possibili soluzioni poste in essere, ispirate ai principi condivisi del rispetto dell'individuo e di non discriminazione, mentre la realtà italiana non riesce a tradurre le decisioni giurisprudenziali in un'adeguata previsione legislativa che dia tutela alle nuove forme di famiglia, già presenti nella società

    \u3cem\u3eShaffer\u27s\u3c/em\u3e Footnote 36

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    The use of instrumentation and control of process is important for every industries that have a necessity of maintain variables stable and controlled. An exemple of a process that has to be controlled is the water treatment, where parameters such as turbidity, residual chlorine and temperature must be monitored, to provide quality water to those who will consume. A problemin many treatment stations of water is the formation of potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs). In the water treatment of United States the most common class of DBPs are the trihalomethanes (THMs), which have a difficult and expensive control, because the concentration varies a lot in the short term. In this case it is suggested the implantation of achemical analyser, which be capable of analyzing the concentration of THMson-site and send all the data obtained to a spreadsheet. Must of the variables detected and measured in chemical process depend and should be compensated by the temperature and its variations. Temperature sensors are the most used and with advances of technologies increase requirements, such as smaller size, lower power consuption and longer range of sensors. To comply these demands silicon diodes and transistors are increasingly being used as temperature sensors. As also have low cost and high accuracy, they are used in a wide variety of applications such as cryogenic measurements, pH, pressure, humidity, termal conductivity of gases, high temperature measurements, integrated circuits, flow and infrared detectors

    Sustainable Valorisation of Renewables through Dialkyl Carbonates and Isopropenyl Esters

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    This review showcases a thorough analysis of reactions and applications of the most widespread linear and alkylene organic carbonates (DACs) as dimethyl-, diethyl-, ethylene-, and propylene- carbonates (DMC, DEC, EC, and PC, respectively), and a representative enol ester as isopropenyl acetate (iPAc), for the chemical functionalisation and upgrading of renewable compounds, both bio-based platform molecules and biopolymers. The work which follows a previous survey published by us in 2018 and limited to DMC only, is organised into five sections where the literature screening encompasses the past 4 years in the case of DMC and a wider timespan of five-six years for other homologues/analogues carbonates and iPAc. After a general introductory section on benign-by-design processes for the conversion of biomass derivatives, a description of synthetic methods of DACs follows. Most of the review content is then focused on reactions in which DACs and iPAc act as alkylating, carboxylating, and acylating agents, respectively, and processes where the same compounds are used as solvents. Topics are grouped starting from the valorisation of small renewable molecules as glycerol, cyclic carbonates, carbonyl derivatives of furfural and HMF, then proceeding with bio-monomers, and ending up with the synthesis and functionalisation of biopolymers. The investigated examples have been detailed by providing conditions and scope, the proposed reaction mechanisms when available, and a rationale behind the choice of reaction/process parameters (T, p, catalyst(s), etc.). Criticism and comments have been put forward on the pros and cons of the described methods and their perspectives, as well as on those studies which still require follow-ups and more in-depth analyses

    New therapies in multiple myeloma

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    The melphalan-prednisone regimen has been considered as standard therapy for patients with multiple myeloma (MM) for many years. Recently, high-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell support has extended progression-free survival and increased overall survival, and it is now considered conventional therapy in younger patients. However, most patients relapse and the salvage treatment is not very effective. New active drugs, including immunomodulatory agents, thalidomide (Thal) and lenalidomide, and the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib, have shown promising anti-myeloma activity. These novel treatments are aimed at overcoming resistance of tumour cells to conventional chemotherapy, acting both directly on myeloma cells and indirectly by blocking the interactions of myeloma cells with their local microenvironment and suppressing growth and survival signals induced by autocrine and paracrine loops in the bone marrow. Thal has been widely studied, mostly in combination regimens in patients with relapsed MM and, more recently, in front-line therapy, showing efficacy in terms of response rate and event-free survival. Bortezomib has been found to possess remarkable activity, especially in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents, in relapsed/refractory and newly diagnosed MM, as well as in patients presenting adverse prognostic factors. Lenalidomide, in combination with dexamethasone, is showing high overall response rates in relapsed and refractory MM and promising results also in first-line therapy. In this paper, the results of the most significant trials with Thal, bortezomib and lenalidomide are reported. Several ongoing clinical studies will hopefully allow the identification of the most active combinations capable of improving survival in patients with MM

    Why Do We Still Lack a COVID-19 Vaccine? Searching for the Missing Pieces

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    According to a recent newspaper report, two Israeli companies, namely MigVax Corp. and the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona, have made progress on their own coronavirus vaccines (28 July, 2020; https://www.jpost.com/health-science/coronavirus-vaccine-whatprotection- might-be-available-to-israelis-soon-636639). They are on the front line in this field because they had already developed an in-house vaccine to fight a coronavirus infection that appeared 4 years ago, causing tracheobronchitis in poultry (www.migal.org.il/7010). As the chicken coronavirus exhibits a high homology (80%) with severe acute respiratory syndrome" (SARS) coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) https://www.migal.org.il/en/coronavirus-vaccine-project, responsible for the current pandemic in humans, the chicken vaccine might also work in humans with a few modifications (www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE

    Perspectivas de jovens universitários da Região Norte do Rio Grande do Sul em relação à paternidade

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    La visión del joven en relación a la paternidad y la relación con futuros hijos es un asunto que ha aparecido de forma reciente e incipiente en nuestra realidad. Este estudio, descriptivo, cualitativo y exploratorio, tuvo como objetivos: estudiar las perspectivas de los jóvenes universitarios de la Región Norte de Rio Grande do Sul, en lo que se refiere a la paternidad; estudiar su visión en relación a su creación y educación para la paternidad e identificar como las instituciones (familia, grupo de amigos, escuela) influyen en su desarrollo y modo de pensar. Se realizó en la Universidad Regional Integrada del Alto Uruguay y de las Misiones, en Rio Grande do Sul, con ocho jóvenes universitarios con edades entre 20 y 24 años. Los datos recolectados, por grupo focal y entrevistas, fueron analizados mediante análisis temático y apuntaron para la relevancia de la familia; el papel del padre, la estabilidad financiera, la importancia de la compañera, el papel del matrimonio y la forma de ser padre en la construcción de sus vidas e paternidad.Young men's view about paternity and the involvement with their future children is a bonding issue that is still incipient in our reality. The objective of this descriptive, qualitative and exploratory study was to study the perspectives that young male university students from the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul have about paternity, study their view about how they were raised and educated for paternity, and identify how the institutions (family, peers, school) influence their development and way of thinking. The study was performed at Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, in Rio Grande do Sul, with eight young male university students. Subjects' ages ranged between 20 and 24 years. Data collection took place by focal group and interviews. Thematic analysis of the data appointed the importance of the family, the father's role, financial stability, the importance of the female partner, the role of matrimony, and the way of being a father while building their lives and paternity.A visão do jovem em relação à paternidade e envolvimento com futuros filhos tem sido um assunto de veiculação ainda incipiente na nossa realidade. Este estudo, descritivo, qualitativo e exploratório, teve como objetivos estudar as perspectivas de jovens universitários da Região Norte do Rio Grande do Sul quanto à paternidade, estudar sua visão em relação à sua criação e educação para a paternidade e identificar como as instituições (família, grupo de amigos, escola) influenciam no seu desenvolvimento e modo de pensar. Realizou-se na Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, RS, com oito jovens universitários com idades entre 20 e 24 anos. Os dados coletados por grupo focal e entrevistas foram analisados mediante análise temática e apontaram para relevância da família, o papel do pai, estabilidade financeira, a importância da companheira, o papel do matrimônio e o jeito de ser pai na construção de suas vidas e paternidade

    Uma democratização relativa? Um estudo sobre o caso da expansão da Unifesp

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEste artigo apresenta os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa sobre as características sociais dos estudantes da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), instituição de ensino que apresentou expressivo crescimento da matrícula nos últimos dez anos. Os procedimentos incluíram uma análise de dados estatísticos sobre os ingressantes do ano de 2011 e a realização de entrevistas com estudantes. O objetivo principal do estudo foi interrogar como antigos padrões de ingresso no ensino superior brasileiro teriam sido preservados ou modificados após a expansão. Os resultados permitem identificar uma "democratização quantitativa" do acesso, mas também os significados do ingresso em uma universidade pública na percepção de estudantes que se beneficiaram dessa recente expansão.This paper presents partial results of a survey on the social characteristics of students of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), an educational institution that showed significant growth in enrollment over the past ten years. The procedures included an analysis of statistical data on the freshmen of the year 2011, as well as interviews with students. The main objective of the study was to examine whether and how old patterns of enrollment in higher education in Brazil would have been preserved or modified after the expansion. The results allowed not only the identification of a "quantitative democratization" of access, but also of the meanings of admission into a public university in the perception of students who have benefited from this recent expansion.Cet article présente les résultats partiels d'une enquête sur les caractéristiques sociales des étudiants de l'Université Fédérale de São Paulo (Unifesp), établissement d'enseignement qui a montré une croissance importante du nombre d'inscriptions au cours des dix dernières années. Les travaux ont consisté à une analyse des données statistiques sur les entrées de l'année 2011 et des entretiens avec les étudiants. L'objectif principal de l'étude a été de soulever la question : comment des vieux schémas de scolarisation dans l'enseignement supérieur brésilien aurait été conservé ou modifié après l'expansion? Les résultats permettent d'identifier une "démocratisation quantitative" de l'accès, mais aussi le sens de l'admission dans une université publique dans la perception des étudiants qui ont été favorisés de cette expansion récente

    Reaction of Glycerol with Trimethyl Orthoformate: Towards the Synthesis of New Glycerol Derivatives

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    The reactivity of glycerol with trimethyl orthoformate is here described with an emphasis on developing a reliable synthetic approach for glycerol valorization. The glycerol based orthoester 4-(dimethoxymethoxy)methyl)-2-methoxy-1,3-dioxolane (3) was synthesized, under catalytic as well as catalyst-free conditions, by taking advantage of the thermodynamically controlled equilibrium between intermediates. Both Brønsted and Lewis acid catalysts accelerated the attainment of such an equilibrium, particularly Brønsted acidic ionic liquids BSMImHSO4 and BSMImBr were the most effective compounds for this reaction. The kinetic profiles allowed the proposal of a mechanism that accounts for the selectivity of the reaction
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