63 research outputs found

    On trade vouchers called “local money”

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    There is a lot of debate currently about local monies: the “soproni kĂ©kfrankos” (Sopron blue franc), the “rĂĄbaközi tallĂ©r” (RĂĄba District thaler), the “pĂ©csi korona” (PĂ©cs crown), the “debreceni fantallĂ©r” (Debrecen fanthaler) and the “veszprĂ©mi korona” (VeszprĂ©m crown), all initiatives having been launched recently. Despite the insignificance of local monies on the basis of international experience, local consumers (companies and households alike) may have encountered such instruments every now and then in the recent past. In view of increasing media coverage of the issue, we deemed it timely and necessary to reveal the key facts about these initiatives, and what trade vouchers – commonly known as “local money” – actually are.vouchers, local money, local currency.

    The map of payments in Hungary

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    Until recently only aggregate data were available on national payment turnover. In reality, however, there are substantial differences across individual settlements (or between the various districts of Budapest). As a result, there is hardly any settlement which would be more or less on a par with the ‘national average’ in terms of the volume of payments. This paper presents Hungary’s payments infrastructure (its supply of bank branches, automated teller machines and merchant PoS terminals) and payment transactions between individual counties and settlements – which, in principle, reflect well their economic relationships – plotted on maps and summarised in table form. In addition, data on individual settlements are made available for researchers and those with interest in the subject.payments, map, bank branch, bank card, POS, ATM, transfer, batch credit transfer, direct debit, statistics, county, settlement

    Linear programming-based solution methods for constrained partially observable Markov decision processes

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    Constrained partially observable Markov decision processes (CPOMDPs) have been used to model various real-world phenomena. However, they are notoriously difficult to solve to optimality, and there exist only a few approximation methods for obtaining high-quality solutions. In this study, grid-based approximations are used in combination with linear programming (LP) models to generate approximate policies for CPOMDPs. A detailed numerical study is conducted with six CPOMDP problem instances considering both their finite and infinite horizon formulations. The quality of approximation algorithms for solving unconstrained POMDP problems is established through a comparative analysis with exact solution methods. Then, the performance of the LP-based CPOMDP solution approaches for varying budget levels is evaluated. Finally, the flexibility of LP-based approaches is demonstrated by applying deterministic policy constraints, and a detailed investigation into their impact on rewards and CPU run time is provided. For most of the finite horizon problems, deterministic policy constraints are found to have little impact on expected reward, but they introduce a significant increase to CPU run time. For infinite horizon problems, the reverse is observed: deterministic policies tend to yield lower expected total rewards than their stochastic counterparts, but the impact of deterministic constraints on CPU run time is negligible in this case. Overall, these results demonstrate that LP models can effectively generate approximate policies for both finite and infinite horizon problems while providing the flexibility to incorporate various additional constraints into the underlying model.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figure

    A Prompt-based Few-shot Learning Approach to Software Conflict Detection

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    A software requirement specification (SRS) document is an essential part of the software development life cycle which outlines the requirements that a software program in development must satisfy. This document is often specified by a diverse group of stakeholders and is subject to continual change, making the process of maintaining the document and detecting conflicts between requirements an essential task in software development. Notably, projects that do not address conflicts in the SRS document early on face considerable problems later in the development life cycle. These problems incur substantial costs in terms of time and money, and these costs often become insurmountable barriers that ultimately result in the termination of a software project altogether. As a result, early detection of SRS conflicts is critical to project sustainability. The conflict detection task is approached in numerous ways, many of which require a significant amount of manual intervention from developers, or require access to a large amount of labeled, task-specific training data. In this work, we propose using a prompt-based learning approach to perform few-shot learning for conflict detection. We compare our results to supervised learning approaches that use pretrained language models, such as BERT and its variants. Our results show that prompting with just 32 labeled examples can achieve a similar level of performance in many key metrics to that of supervised learning on training sets that are magnitudes larger in size. In contrast to many other conflict detection approaches, we make no assumptions about the type of underlying requirements, allowing us to analyze pairings of both functional and non-functional requirements. This allows us to omit the potentially expensive task of filtering out non-functional requirements from our dataset.Comment: 9 pages; 4 figures. To be published In Proceedings of 32nd Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON '22

    A mĂșzeumok gerontagĂłgiai Ă©s rekreĂĄciĂłs szerepe az idƑskorĂșak szabadidƑ-eltöltĂ©sĂ©ben

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    TanulmĂĄnyunk fĂłkuszĂĄban az idƑskorĂșak rekreĂĄciĂłs lehetƑsĂ©geinek bemutatĂĄsa ĂĄll, kĂŒlönös tekintettel a mĂșzeumra, mint az idƑskori mƱvelƑdĂ©s, tanulĂĄs Ă©s rekreĂĄciĂł egyik szĂ­nterĂ©re. MunkĂĄnk sorĂĄn kiemelt fontossĂĄgĂș kĂ©rdĂ©skĂ©nt foglalkozunk az idƑskori vĂĄltozĂĄsok rendszerĂ©nek bemutatĂĄsĂĄval Ă©s a rekreĂĄciĂłs tevĂ©kenysĂ©gek szerepĂ©vel, mivel csak ezek ismeretĂ©ben szervezhetƑ Ă©s vĂ©gezhetƑ idƑseknek szĂłlĂł program. A szĂŒletĂ©skor vĂĄrhatĂł Ă©lettartam, az ĂĄtlagĂ©letkor emelkedĂ©sĂ©vel hosszabb, aktĂ­vabb idƑs Ă©letszakaszrĂłl beszĂ©lhetĂŒnk, mely feltĂ©telezi annak az igĂ©nyĂ©t, hogy a megnövekedett szabadidƑ hasznos Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©kes idƑtöltĂ©ssel teljen. Fontosnak tartottuk kiemelni a mĂșzeumok szerepĂ©t az idƑskorĂșak rekreĂĄciĂłjĂĄban, hiszen az idƑskori mƱvelƑdĂ©s, tanulĂĄs, szĂłrakozĂĄs kĂŒlönleges szĂ­ntere lehet, s szĂĄmtalan Ășj lehetƑsĂ©get tartogat. ÍrĂĄsunkban errƑl a tĂ©mĂĄrĂłl adunk tömör ĂĄttekintĂ©st, kiemelve nĂ©hĂĄny szĂĄmunkra figyelemre mĂ©ltĂł lehetƑsĂ©get, kezdemĂ©nyezĂ©st, jĂł gyakorlatot, tĂ©mavĂĄlasztĂĄsunk azĂ©rt esett erre a terĂŒletre, mert kevĂ©sbĂ© vizsgĂĄlt tĂ©mĂĄt Ă©rint. The center of our focus in our studies is the options of elderly people concerning their recreational activity, putting the emphasis on museum visits as a recreational activity and method for them to remain cultured, educated and simply unwind. One of our most important questions in this topic is the introduction to the systematic changes that elderly people go through and the role of recreational activities, as these informations are inherent when organizing programs for them. Unquestionably, the expected lifespan upon birth is longer due to the increase in the average age, resulting in a longer, more active elderly life, which points us to the fact that when having more freetime, it is essential to spend it more productively. We found it highly important to emphasize the role of museum visits among the recreational activities of elderly, as it can be a scene to learning, cultural enrichment and entertainment, thus providing countless new opportunities. This is the topic of our writing that we are going to provide a thorough insight into, with specific emphasis on some of the options, initiatives that we found noteworthy. The reason why we chose it is that it involves areas that are not considered to be studied often

    Civil szervezetek beszåmolåsi kötelezettsége, våltozåsok és tények

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    Amennyiben ma MagyarorszĂĄgon a civil szfĂ©rĂĄrĂłl beszĂ©lĂŒnk, a törvĂ©nyi szabĂĄlyozĂĄs ellenĂ©re sem messze egyĂ©rtelmƱ kĂ©p tĂĄrul a laikus vagy Ă©pp a szakember szĂĄmĂĄra. A KSH nonprofit tĂĄjĂ©koztatĂłiban 1993 Ăłta ĂĄllnak rendelkezĂ©sre adatok, a bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgi online keresƑ civil szervezetek azonosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra, fƑbb adatainak megismerĂ©sĂ©re mƱködtet adatbĂĄzist, mindemellett, ezektƑl fĂŒggetlenĂŒl vagy Ă©pp ezekre alapozva kevĂ©s a tovĂĄbbi mĂĄsodelemzĂ©s, vagy Ă©pp empirikus jellegƱ kutatĂĄs. A civil szervezetek beszĂĄmolĂĄsi kötelezettsĂ©geivel kapcsolatos vizsgĂĄlĂłdĂĄs ĂșjszerƱ terĂŒlete a civilek kutatĂĄsĂĄnak, apropĂłjĂĄt pedig Ă©pp a sajtĂłban egyre több alkalommal megjelenƑ cikkek adjĂĄk: civilek, akik nem tudnak tĂĄmogatĂĄsokkal elszĂĄmolni, akik nem teszik közĂ© beszĂĄmolĂłikat vagy Ă©pp az SZJA 1% kapcsĂĄn vĂ©lelmezhetƑ valamifĂ©le anomĂĄlia. 2011 Ăłta a civilek beszĂĄmolĂłi is hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑek (vagy annak kellene lenniĂŒk) a bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgi online keresƑben, Ă©s a kutatĂĄsok cĂ©lja ezzel összefĂŒggĂ©sben pedig Ă©ppen az, hogy mikĂ©nt Ă©s hogyan vĂĄltozott a beszĂĄmolĂĄsi kötelezettsĂ©g, megfelelƑen kitöltötteke a beszĂĄmolĂłk, Ă©s mennyire hajlandĂłak rĂ©szleteiben is beszĂĄmolni a szervezetek mƱködĂ©sĂŒkrƑl. Az eredmĂ©nyek szerint Ășgy tƱnik, hogy a kevĂ©sbĂ© kiĂ©lezett elvĂĄrĂĄsnak a beszĂĄmolĂĄsi hajlandĂłsĂĄg lazasĂĄga is velejĂĄrĂłja. Abstract: Considering the Hungarian civic sphere, its situation and characteristics are far from clear and unambiguous equally for nonprofessional and experts, despite the legal regulation. Nonprofit reports of The Hungarian Statistical Office provide data of the sector since 1993. The judicial online browser also runs a database to identify and acquire most important features of organizations of the civic sector. Still, there are only few results of secondary analysis or primary research, dependently or independently from them. The analysis of the reporting requirements seems to be novel field of the civic related researches, the main reason for the examinations are the latest media reports, where those organizations are highlighted, who cannot meet the subsidy related reporting requirement, who do not reveal their financial reports or simply there is some kind of an anomaly of the 1% personal income tax offering. Since 2011, civic organizations’ reports are (or should be) available in the judicial browser, the objective of the examination is – in relationship with it – to understand how the way of reporting has changed and in what detail organizations are willing to report on their activities. Our results show that a not demanding reporting expectation of the court meets the reporting laziness of some of the civic organizations

    Civil szervezetek beszåmolåsi kötelezettsége, våltozåsok és tények

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    Considering the Hungarian civic sphere, its situation and characteristics are far from clear and unambiguous equally for nonprofessional and experts, despite the legal regulation. Nonprofit reports of The Hungarian Statistical Office provide data of the sector since 1993. The judicial online browser also runs a database to identify and acquire most important features of organizations of the civic sector. Still, there are only few results of secondary analysis or primary research, dependently or independently from them. The analysis of the reporting requirements seems to be novel field of the civic related researches, the main reason for the examinations are the latest media reports, where those organizations are highlighted, who cannot meet the subsidy related reporting requirement, who do not reveal their financial reports or simply there is some kind of an anomaly of the 1% personal income tax offering. Since 2011, civic organizations’ reports are (or should be) available in the judicial browser, the objective of the examination is – in relationship with it – to understand how the way of reporting has changed and in what detail organizations are willing to report on their activities. Our results show that a not demanding reporting expectation of the court meets the reporting laziness of some of the civic organizations.Amennyiben ma MagyarorszĂĄgon a civil szfĂ©rĂĄrĂłl beszĂ©lĂŒnk, a törvĂ©nyi szabĂĄlyozĂĄs ellenĂ©re sem messze egyĂ©rtelmƱ kĂ©p tĂĄrul a laikus vagy Ă©pp a szakember szĂĄmĂĄra. A KSH nonprofit tĂĄjĂ©koztatĂłiban 1993 Ăłta ĂĄllnak rendelkezĂ©sre adatok, a bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgi online keresƑ civil szervezetek azonosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra, fƑbb adatainak megismerĂ©sĂ©re mƱködtet adatbĂĄzist, mindemellett, ezektƑl fĂŒggetlenĂŒl vagy Ă©pp ezekre alapozva kevĂ©s a tovĂĄbbi mĂĄsodelemzĂ©s, vagy Ă©pp empirikus jellegƱ kutatĂĄs. A civil szervezetek beszĂĄmolĂĄsi kötelezettsĂ©geivel kapcsolatos vizsgĂĄlĂłdĂĄs ĂșjszerƱ terĂŒlete a civilek kutatĂĄsĂĄnak, apropĂłjĂĄt pedig Ă©pp a sajtĂłban egyre több alkalommal megjelenƑ cikkek adjĂĄk: civilek, akik nem tudnak tĂĄmogatĂĄsokkal elszĂĄmolni, akik nem teszik közĂ© beszĂĄmolĂłikat vagy Ă©pp az SZJA 1% kapcsĂĄn vĂ©lelmezhetƑ valamifĂ©le anomĂĄlia. 2011 Ăłta a civilek beszĂĄmolĂłi is hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑek (vagy annak kellene lenniĂŒk) a bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgi online keresƑben, Ă©s a kutatĂĄsok cĂ©lja ezzel összefĂŒggĂ©sben pedig Ă©ppen az, hogy mikĂ©nt Ă©s hogyan vĂĄltozott a beszĂĄmolĂĄsi kötelezettsĂ©g, megfelelƑen kitöltötteke a beszĂĄmolĂłk, Ă©s mennyire hajlandĂłak rĂ©szleteiben is beszĂĄmolni a szervezetek mƱködĂ©sĂŒkrƑl. Az eredmĂ©nyek szerint Ășgy tƱnik, hogy a kevĂ©sbĂ© kiĂ©lezett elvĂĄrĂĄsnak a beszĂĄmolĂĄsi hajlandĂłsĂĄg lazasĂĄga is velejĂĄrĂłja

    Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysis

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