29 research outputs found

    Inequality in learning outcomes: Unveiling educational deprivation through complex network analysis

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    Understanding which factors are determinant to guarantee the human right to education entails the study of a large number of non-linear relationships among multiple agents and their impact on the properties of the entire system. Complex network analysis of large-scale assessment results provides a set of unique advantages over classical tools for facing the challenge of measuring inequality gaps in learning outcomes and recognizing those factors associated with educational deprivation, combining the richness of qualitative analysis with quantitative inferences. This study establishes two milestones in educational research using a census high-quality data from a Latin American country. The first one is to provide a direct method to recognize the structure of inequality and the relationship between social determinants as ethnicity, socioeconomic status of students, rurality of the area and type of school funding and educational deprivation. The second one focus in unveil and hierarchize educational and non-educational factors associated with the conditional distribution of learning outcomes. This contribution provides new tools to current theoretical framework for discovering non-trivial relationships in educational phenomena, helping policymakers to address the challenge of ensuring inclusive and equitable education for those historically marginalized population groups.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Motivos de uso y no uso de puentes peatonales en la Ciudad de México: la perspectiva de los peatones Use and non-use of pedestrian bridges in Mexico City: the pedestrian perspective

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    OBJETIVO. Analizar los motivos de uso y no uso de puentes peatonales (PP). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se empleó un diseño transversal, a partir de una muestra de peatones usuarios y no usuarios de PP; se utilizó regresión logística para identificar los factores que influyen en el uso y no uso de PP. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia de no uso fue 50.5% en 813 peatones entrevistados; la principal razón para usar PP fue "seguridad", del no uso fue "flojera". Hubo diferencias significativas al analizar motivos de no uso de PP en las edades de 19 a 36 años, ajustando por escolaridad y características físicas del PP, con RMa. 1.7 (IC95% 1.06-2.86) y RMa. 1.9 (IC95% 1.14-3.33), respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES. Los resultados de este estudio permiten identificar aspectos importantes a considerar desde la perspectiva de los peatones, antes de construir nuevos PP, así como aquéllos que deben mejorarse para incrementar su uso en zonas de alto riesgo de lesiones por atropellamiento.<br>OBJECTIVE. To analyze the motives for using and not using pedestrian bridges (PB). MATERIAL AND METHODS. A cross-sectional survey was conducted of a sample of pedestrian users and non-users of PB; a logistic regression model was used to analyze the motives for use and non-use. RESULTS. The prevalence of non-use was 50.5 % of 813 surveyed pedestrians; the principal reason to use a PB was safety, and not to use it was "laziness". There were significant differences when analyzing the reason of non-use in the age groups 19 to 36 years, adjusted for education and physical characteristics of the PB ([aOR=1.7; 95 % CI=1.06-2.86] and [ORa.1.9; 95 % CI=1.14-3.33], respectively). CONCLUSIONS. The results of this study allow us to identify important aspects to consider "from the perspective of the pedestrians" when constructing new PB and improving existing PB to increase use in areas with a high risk of pedestrian injuries

    Nutrient inputs and net ecosystem productivity in the mouth of the Magdalena River, Colombia

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    Nutrient inputs and biogeochemical cycles in estuaries are strongly influenced by river discharge and suspended particulate matter (SPM). We evaluated temporal differences in nutrient bioavailability and net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and analyzed the effect of SPM on nutrient availability and estuary NEP in the mouth of the Magdalena River, Colombia. In this study, we used the stratified Muddy LOICZ model. Calculated water residence times in the estuary were low (similar to 0.9-2.1 days), as were proportions of dissolved nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) forms (similar to 10-30%) in the total nutrient pool. Dissolved nutrient proportions displayed differences between seasons (transition period [June 2018] and wet [November 2018]), and between the upper and lower, density-stratified water layers. Nutrient adsorption and desorption, associated with SPM in the estuary, determined bioavailable nutrient concentrations. When SPM was incorporated in the Muddy LOICZ model, the output indicated that NEP in the estuary was positive, i.e. gross primary productivity exceeded community respiration (autotrophic), and that there was net retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in the estuary. Primary producers in the autotmphic ecosystem fix sufficient carbon to supply higher tmphic levels. Prevalence of fine sediment with high organic matter (OM) content in the Magdalena River, along with turbulence that results in vertical water column mixing, suggest conditions conducive to flocculation. This investigation highlights the importance of the Magdalena River mouth in the transport and processing of sediments and nutrients being discharged to the Caribbean Sea.ColcienciasDepartamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion Colciencias [727]Foundation for the promotion of research and technology (BanRepublica)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extractivismo en Chile: la producción del territorio minero y las luchas del pueblo aimara en el Norte Grande

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    ABSTRACT: Objective/context: Based on critical geography, this article analyses the production of the mining territory in northern Chile and the process of the production of Aymara identities, and how, as apparently localized communities, they display a complex scalar and temporal dynamic to resist non-copper mining projects. This entails a politicization of the struggle for water and the resignification of the culture, at the same time as a (re)construction of the narratives on the territories and the resources. Methodology: the research followed a mixed focus, where primary information comes from interviews with leaders, activists, public officials, mining company personnel, and professionals that have worked with the communities. It also uses secondary information such as reports from public institutions on topics such as the environment, water, and the indigenous. Finally, cartographic information has been taken into account to shed light on territorial contradictions. Conclusions: The article shows how socio-environmental mining conflicts turn into productive instances in ethno political terms, where the territory and the identity are negotiated by a series of actors and interests to the point of consolidating the idea that it is not possible to consider mining as separate from conflict with the indigenous people of Chile. Originality: studies on Chile's indigenous people have not been widely studied from a geographical perspective. Thus, this study contributes to the efforts to theorize and explain the situation of the indigenous peoples vis-à-vis extractivism, incorporating a Reading that integrates traditional Andean rural spaces with modern coastal urban ones.RESUMO: Objetivo/contexto: Este artigo analisa, a partir da geografia crítica, a produção do território mineiro do Norte do Chile e o processo de produção de identidades aimaras, e como comunidades aparentemente localizadas contam com uma complexa dinâmica escalar e temporal para resistir a projetos mineiros não cupríferos. Para isso, a luta pela água e a ressignificação da cultura são politizadas, ao mesmo tempo em que as narrativas sobre o território e os recursos são (re)construídas. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi guiada por um enfoque misto, no qual usa-se informação primária através de entrevistas com dirigentes, ativistas, funcionários públicos, pessoal das minerações e profissionais que trabalharam com as comunidades. Também utiliza-se informação secundária, como relatórios de instituições públicas em matéria ambiental, água e indígena. Finalmente, trabalhou-se com informação cartográfica para visualizar as contradições territoriais. Conclusões: Neste artigo, mostra-se como os conflitos socioambientais mineiros se transformam em instâncias produtivas em termos etnopolíticos, nos quais o território e a identidade são negociados por uma série de atores e interesses até petrificar a ideia de que não é possível pensar na mineração sem conflito com os Povos Indígenas do Chile. Originalidade: Os estudos sobre povos indígenas no Chile tem sido pouco desenvolvido a partir da geografia, portanto esta pesquisa se soma aos esforços de teorizar e explicar a situação dos povos indígenas em face do extrativismo, incorporando uma leitura que integra espaços tradicionais rurais andinos com espaços urbanos modernos costeiros.RESUMEN: Objetivo/contexto: Este artículo analiza, desde la geografía crítica, la producción del territorio minero del Norte de Chile y el proceso de producción de identidades aimaras, y cómo comunidades aparentemente localizadas despliegan una compleja dinámica escalar y temporal para resistir proyectos mineros no cupríferos. Para ello, se politizan la lucha por el agua y la resignificación de la cultura, al mismo tiempo que se (re)construyen narrativas sobre el territorio y los recursos. Metodología: La investigación fue guiada por un enfoque mixto, donde confluye información primaria, a través de entrevistas a dirigentes, activistas, funcionarios públicos, personal de las mineras y profesionales que han trabajado con las comunidades. También utiliza información secundaria como informes de instituciones públicas en materia ambiental, agua e indígena. Finalmente, se ha trabajado con información cartográfica para visualizar las contradicciones territoriales. Conclusiones: En este artículo se muestra cómo los conflictos socioambientales mineros se transforman en instancias productivas en términos etnopolíticos, donde el territorio y la identidad son negociados por una serie de actores e intereses hasta petrificar la idea de que no es posible pensar la minería sin conflicto con los Pueblos Indígenas de Chile. Originalidad: Los estudios sobre pueblos indígenas en Chile han sido poco desarrollados desde la geografía, por lo que esta investigación se suma a los esfuerzos por teorizar y explicar la situación de los pueblos indígenas frente al extractivismo, incorporando una lectura que integra espacios tradicionales rurales andinos con espacios urbanos modernos costeros

    The Diversification of Organized Crime into Gold Mining: Domination, Crime Convergence, and Ecocide in Darién, Colombia

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    “Gold mining has become a significant new form of organized crime activity in Colombia, where criminal groups continue to shift their operations from cocaine trafficking into gold mining. This chapter focuses on how the Gulf Clan has diversified into gold mining in Colombia, why gold extraction is embedded in other organized crime activities, and how diversification accelerates ecocide. By positioning theoretical concepts within the environmental crime continuum and reflected on the ecocidal harms related to gold production, this chapter contributes to organized crime theory and green criminology. The empirical findings presented in this chapter are based on fieldwork carried out in Colombia’s Darién jungle between 2017 and 2019. The information gathered shows how the Gulf Clan transformed their features in order to diversify into the gold business. Key issues discussed include the legal-illegal interface, the role of social embeddedness, and how the local communities are impacted by ecocidal harms


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