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    26103 research outputs found

    Language comprehenders are sensitive to multiple states of semantically similar objects

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    The present research shows that language comprehenders are sensitive to multiple states of target and semantically related objects. In Experiments 1 to 2B, participants (total N = 273) read sentences that either implied a minimal change of an object’s state (e.g., “Jane chose a mango”) or a substantial change (e.g., “Jane stepped on a mango”) and then verified whether a subsequently pictured object was mentioned in the sentence. Crucially, the picture either showed the original/modified state of an object that was mentioned in the sentence (e.g., “mango” in Experiment 1) or not (e.g., “banana” in Experiments 2A and 2B). The results of Experiment 1 demonstrated that the objects in a modified state were verified faster when a sentence implied a substantial state-change rather than a minimal state-change. In contrast, the reverse was true for the objects in the original state. Importantly, verification latencies of pictures depicting original and modified states of an object in the substantial state-change condition were approximately similar, thus suggesting that language comprehenders maintain multiple representations of an object in different states. The results of Experiments 2A and 2B revealed that when participants had to indicate that a pictured object (e.g., banana) was not mentioned in the sentence, their verification latencies were slowed down when the sentence contained a semantically related item (e.g., mango) and described this item as being changed substantially by the action. However, these verification latencies varied continuously with the degree of change: the more dissimilar the states of a semantically related item, the less time participants needed to verify a pictured object. The results are discussed through the prism of theories emphasizing dynamic views of event

    The impact of IoT-enabled energy management systems on hotel operating costs and sustainability outcomes

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    Hotels use a significant amount of energy for numerous operations, which has a negative impact on the environment and raises operational costs. The development and deployment of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based energy management system for hotels is the main topic of this master's thesis. The study makes use of real-time data monitoring, analytics, and automation to lower operational costs, optimize energy use, and improve sustainability. The integration of IoT devices, sensors, and data analytics methods is examined in the thesis as a means of delivering useful information and promoting reasoned energy management decisions. The results help the hotel business adopt energy-efficient techniques, save costs, and increase sustainability.Os hotéis utilizam uma quantidade significativa de energia para numerosas operações, o que tem um impacto negativo no ambiente e aumenta os custos operacionais. O desenvolvimento e a implementação de um sistema de gestão de energia baseado na Internet das Coisas (IoT) para hotéis é o tema principal desta tese de mestrado. O estudo utiliza a monitorização de dados em tempo real, a análise e a automação para reduzir os custos operacionais, otimizar a utilização de energia e melhorar a sustentabilidade. A integração de dispositivos IoT, sensores e métodos de análise de dados é examinada na tese como um meio de fornecer informações úteis e promover decisões fundamentadas de gestão de energia. Os resultados ajudam o setor hoteleiro a adotar técnicas eficientes em termos energéticos, a reduzir custos e a aumentar a sustentabilidade

    A new intelligent approach for automatic stress level assessment based on multiple physiological parameters monitoring

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    Stress is a natural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands and events, and it may even worsen a person’s health, especially in chronic disease patients. Stress questionnaires are inefficient and time-consuming. Several models for stress estimation are based on facial analysis, voice recognition, thermography, electrocardiography (ECG), and photoplethysmography (PPG), but they are not practical for patients. More robust systems with multiple parameters use devices that are incompatible in the same ecosystem. Machine learning techniques can also be used, but most studies only detect stress, few classify it, and none quantify it. The latest developments in health state monitoring present PPG as the leading solution. Since it is noninvasive and can be integrated into wearable devices, it is more user-friendly and could be used in smart environments. Since it is noninvasive and can be integrated into wearable devices, it is more user-friendly and could be used in smart environments. The proposed work introduces novelty regarding PPG signal processing algorithms to extract multiple physiological parameters simultaneously. In terms of innovations, a multichannel detection system with a distributed computing platform is considered, which, besides containing the algorithms, also includes the introduction of new physiological parameters and the proposal of a model for estimating stress levels based on fuzzy logic, classifying stress into five levels. To validate the results, experimental protocols were created to induce thermal stress in volunteers, which yielded excellent system efficiency and accuracy indicators. The health status monitoring results and estimations are presented using a mobile application that was also

    The role of microtransactions in impulse buying and purchase intention in the video game market

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    Despite having great potential, microtransactions are an understudied business model in the video game industry. The current study explores the buying process of microtransactions to highlight the most important factors affecting such behavior. Using pre-validated scales, a questionnaire was administered online to 301 participants who were asked to evaluate their impulse buying tendency (IBT) and purchase intention (PI) for microtransactions within gaming scenarios. The study found a positive relationship between drivers, such as performance, hedonic content and social factors, flow experience, and impulse buying. This tendency leads to a higher intention to purchase microtransactions. Businesses can utilize the paper’s findings to tailor their microtransaction content to these drivers, leading to higher

    How do we design a habitat?

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    Entrevista a Neirita Helena Gomes Moreira

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    Entrevista realizada a 12 de setembro 2023.Neirita Moreira (Cabo Verde, n. 2001), contratada pela empresa McDonalds, relata a experiência de trabalho comum entre os jovens, e as oportunidades de incentivo aos estudos, implementadas por esta multinacional. O Centro Académico da Universidade de Lisboa, no Campo Grande, com espaços de estudo e reunião para a comunidade académica, inclui também um espaço de restauração, onde Neirita Moreira trabalha desde 2019

    Severity, salience, and selectivity: Understanding the varying responses to regional crises by Brazil and South Africa

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    Political, military and humanitarian crises endanger regional order. But even though regional powers are expected to act as stabilizers in these cases, their responses to dire demands vary in intensity and loci. Reactions go from zealous engagement to prolonged indifference and reluctance, often leaning on global multilateral institutions as well as regional or ad hoc mechanisms. This study explores the variation in the provision of stability by regional powers via a mixed-methods approach. By contrasting the intensity of regional crises with issue salience at the UN General Assembly, we select crises that drew varying attention from regional powers, despite similar severity. Focusing on Brazil and South Africa as potential regional stabilizers, we compare responses to regional crises that displayed high (Haiti and Somalia) and low (Colombia and Congo-Brazzaville) salience. We find that domestic support, concerns with status and potential competition with other stabilizers tend to play a large part in calibrating regional power

    La política simbólica del patrimonio cultural: El ejemplo portugués

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    O artigo sublinha a centralidade da representação social do património cultural para a legitimação simbólica de um regime e a fundação das suas políticas sociais e culturais. A relevância atribuída à história, a sua codificação enquanto património e a formação de uma memória coletiva são arenas de prática social, poder e hegemonia. O caso português é um bom exemplo, permitindo comparar as visões contrárias do regime autoritário de Salazar e do regime democrático. Analisamos como a democracia portuguesa reconstruiu um consenso nacional em torno da interpretação da história e identidade nacional; consideramos o papel da nova interpretação na redefinição do lugar de Portugal no sistema mundial; e esboçamos algumas conclusões mais gerais.This paper highlights the centrality of the social representation of cultural heritage for the symbolic legitimization of a regime and the foundation of its social and cultural policies. The relevance attributed to history, its codification into heritage and the formation of a collective memory are indeed arenas of social practice, power and hegemony. The Portuguese example is a good one, because one can compare contrasting visions of the authoritarian regime of Salazar and those of the new and current democratic order. We examine how the Portuguese democracy has reconstructed a national consensus regarding the interpretation of national history and identity; we consider the role of the new interpretation in the redefining of the Portuguese placement in the world system; and some conclusions will be tentatively drawn from this case study.Cet article essaye de souligner la centralité de la représentation sociale de l’héritage culturel pour la légitimation symbolique d’un régime. L’importance accordée à l’histoire, sa codification en tant que patrimoine et la construction d’une mémoire collective sont effectivement enjeux de pratique social, pouvoir et hégémonie. Le cas portugais est un bon exemple, car on peut comparer les visions contradictoires du régime autoritaire de Salazar et du régime démocratique. On analyse la façon dont la démocratie portugaise a réussi à reconstruire un consensus national sur l’interprétation de l’histoire et identité nationale; on considère le rôle de cette nouvelle interprétation sur la redéfinition du placement du Portugal dans le système mondial; et on essaye de tirer des conclusions de cet étude de cas.Este artículo trata de subrayar la centralidad de la representación social del patrimonio cultural para la legitimación simbólica de un régimen y la fundamentación de sus políticas sociales y culturales. La relevancia atribuida a la historia, su codificación como patrimonio y la construcción de una memoria colectiva, son lugares de práctica social, poder y hegemonía. El ejemplo portugués es bueno, ya que contrasta visiones contradictorias del régimen autoritario de Salazar y las del régimen democrático. Examinamos cómo la democracia portuguesa ha logrado reconstruir un consenso nacional sobre la interpretación de la historia y de la identidad nacional; consideramos el papel funcional de la nueva interpretación en la redefinición de la ubicación portuguesa en el sistema mundial; e intentamos sacar algunas conclusiones de este estudio de caso.aceit

    Coming of age while challenging borders: Networks of solidarity and resistance of Swedish-Afghan youths on the move in Europe

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    This article examines the strategies of resistance enacted by an informal network of solidarity comprised of Afghan youths on the move in Europe and their Swedish allies. In 2015, thousands of Afghan children fleeing from the Taliban regime arrived in Europe as unaccompanied minors. Many have been hosted in Sweden and lived there for several years, until coming of age. Reaching 18 years prompted a series of consecutive losses, as the Swedish state limited their opportunities to remain in the country or even illegalized them. Subjected to threats of detention, deportation, and ill treatment, many Afghan youths re-escaped into other European countries, crafting networks of informal solidarity to help them resist border violence. This article is based on an ethnographic study that delves into the lived experiences of four Afghan youths who lived in Lisbon between February 2019 and February 2020, particularly focusing on the journey of Ahmed, a young man of Hazara ethnicity. The empirical data shed light on the solidarity enactments that enhanced the youths’ resistance in hostile environments, inviting reflection on the impacts of the European border regime and the importance of agency, care, and political

    Strategies to lead outsourced teams: Insights into management of the biotech value chain

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    Comprehending that the biotech value chain is supported by outsourced structures and the need to expand findings to drug discovery biotech, in the current study the authors aim to understand and propose effective strategies to manage an outsourced-based value chain and lead outsourced teams. To do so, the authors conducted a literature review and a research survey developed for the present study and focused on the biotech sector. Using secondary and primary data, qualitative and quantitative research, the analysis and comparison of the sources were performed, and proposals were presented, as a result of the conducted research. The findings suggest that access to specialized functions was the main aspect considered by biotech to confer strategic advantage to outsourcing business functions and that demanding HR and operations management are proposed as the main concern of outsourcing and the critical factor of success when managing an outsourced-based value chain. Additionally, communication and good leadership practices are proposed as the most relevant aspects of effectively promoting motivation of outsourced teams. These results strengthen the view of the relevance of effective strategies to manage an outsourced-based value chain and lead outsourced teams in biotech. The resulting findings also propose that drug discovery biotech must expand to the relevant areas of knowledge, considering complementary and synergetic specialties through outsourcing, while taking careful consideration of HR management and investing in mechanisms to regulate and promote knowledge absorption, as well as designing strong relationships governance structure and instruments to successfully manage outsourced teams and share generated knowledge.Reconhecendo que a cadeia de valor do sector da biotecnologia é apoiada em estruturas complexas de subcontratação e a necessidade de expandir para o sector da biotecnologia as medidas previamente identificadas, neste estudo os autores pretendem compreender e propor estratégias de gestão de uma cadeia de valor baseada na subcontratação e de liderança de equipas subcontratadas. Para tal, os autores realizaram revisão bibliográfica e um questionário desenvolvido para o estudo e direccionado para o sector da biotecnologia. Utilizando dados secundários e primários, pesquisas qualitativas e quantitativas, foram realizadas análises e comparações das fontes, e apresentadas propostas, como resultado da pesquisa realizada. As descobertas sugerem que o acesso a funções especializadas é o principal aspecto considerado pelo sector da biotecnologia para conferir vantagem estratégica na subcontratação de funções e a exigente gestão de recursos humanos e de operações é proposta como a principal preocupação no contexto de subcontratação e o fator crítico de sucesso na gestão de uma cadeia de valor subcontratada. Estes resultados fortalecem a visão da relevância de estratégias para gerir uma cadeia de valor baseada na subcontratação e liderar equipas subcontratadas. Concluindo, os autores propõem que as empresas de biotecnologia expandam para as áreas relevantes do conhecimento através da subcontratação. Devem também reconhecer a importância da gestão de recursos humanos e investir em mecanismos para regular e promover a absorção de conhecimento. Devem ainda desenhar uma estrutura de governação de relações e instrumentos que permitam boas práticas de liderança de equipas subcontratadas e promovam partilha de conhecimento


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