1,291 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Attention Encoder Decoder

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    Recent advances in large language models have shown that autoregressive modeling can generate complex and novel sequences that have many real-world applications. However, these models must generate outputs autoregressively, which becomes time-consuming when dealing with long sequences. Hierarchical autoregressive approaches that compress data have been proposed as a solution, but these methods still generate outputs at the original data frequency, resulting in slow and memory-intensive models. In this paper, we propose a model based on the Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder Decoder (HRED) architecture. This model independently encodes input sub-sequences without global context, processes these sequences using a lower-frequency model, and decodes outputs at the original data frequency. By interpreting the encoder as an implicitly defined embedding matrix and using sampled softmax estimation, we develop a training algorithm that can train the entire model without a high-frequency decoder, which is the most memory and compute-intensive part of hierarchical approaches. In a final, brief phase, we train the decoder to generate data at the original granularity. Our algorithm significantly reduces memory requirements for training autoregressive models and it also improves the total training wall-clock time


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    Mujika nos relata su experiencia personal con los cuentos, las características de los cuentos en comparación con la novela, así como una serie de ejemplos tradicionales a seguirMujika tells us about his own experience with tales, the tales main characteristics when comparing to novels and some traditional examples to follo

    Lehen hezkuntzako jolastokia, gizarte sexista baten islada

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    46 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: pp. 32-35[EUS] Ikerketa lan honen helburua Lehen Hezkuntzako jolastokian neska-mutilen artean ematen diren jokabide motor ezberdinak aztertzea da, berau eragiten duten faktore posibleak identifikatuz. Arabako ikastetxe bat aztergai hartuta, ikerketa egiteko bi tresna erabili dira. Alde batetik, behaketa etnografikoa egin da, non, jolastokiaren testuinguruan murgilduta, behatutakoa erregistratu den. Beste alde batetik, ikerketari informazioa subjektiboa gehitzeko helburuz, galdetegi bat pasa zaie LH 3. eta 6.mailako 19 neska eta 29 mutilei. Ikerketak jolastokian neska eta mutilek jokabide motor ezberdinak dituztela frogatu du, jokabide motor horietan genero-rolen islada antzematen delarik. Hortaz, jolastokia gizarte sexista baten islada dela baieztatu da. Ikerketa lan honen amaieran esku-hartzeko premia aldarrikatu nahi izan da, jolastokia birpentsatzeko beharra goraipatuz eta ikastetxeari jolastokia feminista bilakatzeko gakoak emanez[ES] El propósito de este estudio es analizar los comportamientos motrices diferenciados que muestran chicos y chicas en los patios de recreo, y detectar los posibles factores que lo provocan. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en un colegio situado en Álava. En cuanto a la metodología, se ha hecho una observación etnográfica del patio y se ha pasado un cuestionario a 19 chicas y 29 chicos de tercer y sexto grado de primaria. El análisis de las observaciones registradas han demostrado que chicos y chicas reproducen los roles de género mediante comportamientos motrices diferenciados y que por lo tanto, los patios de recreo son el reflejo de una sociedad sexista. El estudio concluye con la necesidad de repensar los patios de recreo, ofreciendo al colegio las claves para la construcción de un patio feminista.[ENG] The main purpose of this study is to analyze the existence of diverse motor behavior between boys and girls in school playgrounds, and to detect the possible factors that may cause them. The study has been carried out in a school located in Álava. As for the method, an ethnographical observation of the playground has been done and a questionnaire has been used to add subjective information to the study. The questionnaire has been passed to 19 girls and 29 boys that are in the third and sixth grade of primary school. The study has proved that girls and boys have different motor behavior in school playgrounds. This motor behavior reproduces gender roles, so it can be said that school playgrounds reflect a sexist society. The study concludes with the need to re-think school playgrounds, offering the school some keys to achieve a real feminist playground

    Tapering practices of New Zealand's elite raw powerlifters

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    Pritchard, HJ, Tod, DA, Barnes, MJ, Keogh, JW, and McGuigan, MR. Tapering practices of New Zealand's elite raw powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res 30(7): 1796-1804, 2016-The major aim of this study was to determine tapering strategies of elite powerlifters. Eleven New Zealand powerlifters (28.4 ± 7.0 years, best Wilks score of 431.9 ± 43.9 points) classified as elite were interviewed, using semistructured interviews, about their tapering strategies. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and content analyzed. Total training volume peaked 5.2 ± 1.7 weeks from competition while average training intensity (of 1 repetition maximum) peaked 1.9 ± 0.8 weeks from competition. During tapering, volume was reduced by 58.9 ± 8.4% while intensity was maintained (or slightly reduced) and the final weight training session was performed 3.7 ± 1.6 days out from competition. Participants generally stated that tapering was performed to achieve full recovery; that accessory work was removed around 2 weeks out from competition; and deadlifting takes longer to recover from than other lifts. Typically participants stated that trial and error, and changes based on "feel" were the sources of tapering strategies; equipment used and movements performed during tapering are the same as in competition; nutrition was manipulated during the taper (for weight cutting or performance aims); and poor tapering occurred when too long (1 week or more) was taken off training. These results suggest that athletes may benefit from continuing to strength train before important events with reduced volume and maintained intensity. Only exercises that directly assist sports performance should remain in the strength program during tapering, to assist with reductions in fatigue while maintaining/improving strength expression and performance

    Scientific literacy in school context: The Zientzia Live! Project

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    En este estudio se presenta el programa “Zientzia Live!” de alfabetización científica, que se ha llevado a cabo en centros escolares de la ESO de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, y que trata de atender a la necesidad mostrada por la bibliografía de introducir formatos de enseñanza no formal en el contexto escolar. Se han abordado cuestiones como la orientación seguida en la metodología didáctica de los talleres, la actitud de los participantes sobre los mismos, o la alfabetización científica lograda a través de las experiencias realizadas. La aportación más original de este trabajo es su intento de analizar la alfabetización científica que permita a los asistentes dar una explicación científica a los experimentos observados. Los resultados obtenidos son esperanzadores e indican que la mayoría de los asistentes ha aprendido las ideas claves.In this study is presented the "Zientzia Live!" Scientific literacy program, that was conducted at ESO level in schools of the Basque Country. It tries to meet the need shown by the literature to introduce forms of nonformal education in the school context. It has been addressed issues such as the teaching methodology of the workshops, the participants' attitude about them, or scientific literacy achieved through the experiences. The most original contribution of this work is its attempt to analyze the scientific literacy that allows attendees to give a scientific explanation for the observed experiments. The results are encouraging and indicate that the majority of participants have learned the key ideas

    Combining stochastic and deterministic approaches within high efficiency molecular simulations

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    Generalized Shadow Hybrid Monte Carlo (GSHMC) is a method for molecular simulations that rigorously alternates Monte Carlo sampling from a canonical ensemble with integration of trajectories using Molecular Dynamics (MD). While conventional hybrid Monte Carlo methods completely re-sample particle's velocities between MD trajectories, our method suggests a partial velocity update procedure which keeps a part of the dynamic information throughout the simulation. We use shadow (modified) Hamiltonians, the asymptotic expansions in powers of the discretization parameter corresponding to timestep, which are conserved by symplectic integrators to higher accuracy than true Hamiltonians. We present the implementation of this method into the highly efficient MD code GROMACS and demonstrate its performance and accuracy on computationally expensive systems like proteins in comparison with the molecular dynamics techniques already available in GROMACS. We take advantage of the state-of-the-art algorithms adopted in the code, leading to an optimal implementation of the method. Our implementation introduces virtually no overhead and can accurately recreate complex biological processes, including rare event dynamics, saving much computational time compared with the conventional simulation methods

    “Dilemas” en terreno. Una comparación de investigaciones feministas sobre paz y conflictos en Kosovo y RDC

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    This paper aims to reflect upon the principal difficulties, challenges or ‘headaches’ that doing feminist research in conflict and post-conflict contexts can involve. Each of the two authors has conducted a very different study. One, on the role of local women’s organizations and activists in peacebuilding; the other, on the disarmament and reintegration of combatants and the impact of this process on the reproduction of violence. While one of us is a woman, the other is a man. While one studies feminist activism, the other focuses mainly on masculinities in the military. While one has researched in Kosovo, the other has done so in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Based on these two research processes, we reflect on debates over epistemological and practical issues such as reflexivity, positionality of the researcher, access, secrecy and silence in the research process, power relations in the field and ethical dilemmas.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las principales dificultades, desafíos y “quebraderos de cabeza” que puede implicar la investigación feminista en contextos de conflicto y posconflicto. Comparamos aquí nuestros respectivos trabajos de campo. Uno, sobre el papel de las organizaciones locales de mujeres y las activistas en la consolidación de la paz; el otro, sobre el impacto del proceso de desarme, desmovilización y reintegración de combatientes en la reproducción de la violencia. Una es mujer, y el otro es hombre. Una estudia el activismo feminista, y el otro las masculinidades en el ejército. Una ha investigado en Kosovo, y el otro en la República Democrática del Congo. A partir de procesos de investigación tan dispares, debatimos sobre cuestiones epistemológicas y metodológicas como la reflexividad, la posicionalidad de quien investiga, el acceso, el secreto y el silencio en la investigación, las relaciones de poder en terreno y los dilemas éticos