174 research outputs found

    Hydro-chemical study of the evolution of interstellar pre-biotic molecules during the collapse of molecular clouds

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    One of the stumbling blocks for studying the evolution of interstellar molecules is the lack of adequate knowledge of the rate co-efficients of various reactions which take place in the Interstellar medium and molecular clouds. Some of the theoretical models of rate coefficients do exist in the literature for computing abundances of the complex pre-biotic molecules. So far these have been used to study the abundances of these molecules in space. However, in order to obtain more accurate final compositions in these media, we find out the rate coefficients for the formation of some of the most important interstellar pre-biotic molecules by using quantum chemical theory. We use these rates inside our hydro-chemical model to find out the chemical evolution and the final abundances of the pre-biotic species during the collapsing phase of a proto-star. We find that a significant amount of various pre-biotic molecules could be produced during the collapsing phase of a proto-star. We study extensively the formation these molecules via successive neutral-neutral and radical-radical/radical-molecular reactions. We present the time evolution of the chemical species with an emphasis on how the production of these molecules varies with the depth of a cloud. We compare the formation of adenine in the interstellar space using our rate-coefficients and using those obtained from the existing theoretical models. Formation routes of the pre-biotic molecules are found to be highly dependent on the abundances of the reactive species and the rate coefficients involved in the reactions. Presence of grains strongly affect the abundances of the gas phase species. We also carry out a comparative study between different pathways available for the synthesis of adenine, alanine, glycine and other molecules considered in our network.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Seismological structure of the 1.8 Ga Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America

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    Precambrian tectonic processes are debated: what was the nature and scale of orogenic events on the younger, hotter, and more ductile Earth? Northern Hudson Bay records the Paleoproterozoic collision between the Western Churchill and Superior plates—the ∼1.8 Ga Trans-Hudson Orogeny (THO)—and is an ideal locality to study Precambrian tectonic structure. Integrated field, geochronological, and thermobarometric studies suggest that the THO was comparable to the present-day Himalayan-Karakoram-Tibet Orogen (HKTO). However, detailed understanding of the deep crustal architecture of the THO, and how it compares to that of the evolving HKTO, is lacking. The joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave data provides new Moho depth estimates and shear velocity models for the crust and uppermost mantle of the THO. Most of the Archean crust is relatively thin (∼39 km) and structurally simple, with a sharp Moho; upper-crustal wave speed variations are attributed to postformation events. However, the Quebec-Baffin segment of the THO has a deeper Moho (∼45 km) and a more complex crustal structure. Observations show some similarity to recent models, computed using the same methods, of the HKTO crust. Based on Moho character, present-day crustal thickness, and metamorphic grade, we support the view that southern Baffin Island experienced thickening during the THO of a similar magnitude and width to present-day Tibet. Fast seismic velocities at >10 km below southern Baffin Island may be the result of partial eclogitization of the lower crust during the THO, as is currently thought to be happening in Tibet

    Xenbase: a Xenopus biology and genomics resource

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    Xenbase (www.xenbase.org) is a model organism database integrating a diverse array of biological and genomic data on the frogs, Xenopus laevis and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis. Data is collected from other databases, high-throughput screens and the scientific literature and integrated into a number of database modules covering subjects such as community, literature, gene and genomic analysis. Gene pages are automatically assembled from data piped from the Entrez Gene, Gurdon Institute, JGI, Metazome, MGI, OMIM, PubMed, Unigene, Zfin, commercial suppliers and others. These data are then supplemented with in-house annotation. Xenbase has implemented the Gbrowse genome browser and also provides a BLAST service that allows users to specifically search either laevis or tropicalis DNA or protein targets. A table of Xenopus gene synonyms has been implemented and allows the genome, genes, publications and high-throughput gene expression data to be seamlessly integrated with other Xenopus data and to external database resources, making the wealth of developmental and functional data from the frog available to the broader research community

    Far-infrared and molecular line observations of Lynds 183 - studies of cold gas and dust

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    We have mapped the dark cloud L183 in the far-infrared at 100um and 200um with the ISOPHOT photometer aboard the ISO satellite. The observations make it possible for the first time to study the properties of the large dust grains in L183 without confusion from smaller grains. The observations show clear colour temperature variations which are likely to be caused by changes in the emission properties of the dust particles. In the cloud core the far-infrared colour temperature drops below 12K. The data allow a new determination of the cloud mass and the mass distribution. The mass within a radius of 10 arcmin from the cloud centre is 25 Msun. We have mapped the cloud in several molecular lines including DCO+(2-1) and H13CO+(1-0). These species are believed to be tracers of cold and dense molecular material and we detect a strong anticorrelation between the DCO+ emission and the dust colour temperatures. In particular, the DCO+(2-1) emission is not detected towards the maximum of the 100um emission where the colour temperature rises above 15K. The H13CO+ emission follows the DCO+ distribution but CO isotopes show strong emission even towards the 100um peak. A comparison of the DCO+ and C18O maps shows sharp variations in the relative intensities of the species. Morphologically the 200um dust emission traces the distribution of dense molecular material as seen e.g. in C18O lines. A comparison with dust column density shows that C18O is depleted by a factor of 1.5 in the cloud core. We present results of R- and B-band starcounts. The extinction is much better correlated with the 200um than with the 100um emission. Based on the 200um correlation at low extinction values we deduce a value of ~17mag for the visual extinction towards the cloud centre.Comment: to be published in A&

    Basaltic diversity at the Apollo 12 landing site: Inferences from petrologic examinations of the soil sample 12003

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    A detailed petrologic survey has been made of 17 basaltic chips (sized between 1 and 10 mm) from the 12003 soil sample as part of an ongoing study of basaltic diversity at the Apollo 12 landing site. An attempt has been made to classify these samples according to the well-established grouping of olivine, pigeonite, ilmenite, and feldspathic basalts. Particular attention has been paid to variations in major, minor, and trace element mineral chemistry (determined by electron microprobe analysis and laser ablation ICP-MS), which may be indicative of particular basaltic suites and less susceptible to sampling bias than bulk sample characteristics. Examples of all three main (olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite) basaltic suites have been identified within the 12003 soil. One sample is identified as a possible new addition to the feldspathic suite, which currently consists of only one other confirmed sample. Identification of additional feldspathic basalts strengthens the argument that they represent a poorly sampled basaltic flow local to the Apollo 12 site, rather than exotic material introduced to the site by impact mixing processes. Three samples are identified as representing members of one or two previously unrecognized basaltic suites

    A line confusion limited millimeter survey of Orion KL. II: Silicon-bearing species

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    We present a study of the Silicon-bearing species detected in a line confusion limited survey towards Orion KL performed with the IRAM 30-m telescope, which ranges from 80 to 280 GHz. Our aim is to derive physical and chemical conditions for each family taking into account all observed lines from all isotopologues of each species. We have modeled the lines of the detected molecules using a radiative transfer code, which permit us to choose between LVG and LTE approximations depending on the physical conditions of the gas. We have used appropriate collisional rates for the LVG calculations. For the v=1 state of SiO we have detected the J=2-1 line and, for the first time in this source, emission in the J=4-3 transition, both of them showing strong masering effect. For SiO v=0, we have detected 28SiO, 29SiO, and 30SiO; in addition, we have mapped the J = 5-4 SiO line. For SiS, we have detected the main species, 29SiS, and SiS v=1. Unlikely other species detected in Orion KL (IRc2), the emission peak of SiS appears at a velocity of ~15.5 km s-1; a study of the 5-4 SiO line around IRc2 shows this feature as an extended component that probably arises from the interaction of the outflow with the ambient cloud. We derive a SiO/SiS column density ratio of ~13 in the plateau component. Besides, we provide upper limits to the column density of several non-detected Silicon-bearing species. The results of our chemical models show that while it is possible to reproduce SiO in the gas phase (as well as on the grains), SiS is a product of surface reactions, most likely involving direct reactions of S with Si.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Does a SLAP lesion affect shoulder muscle recruitment as measured by EMG activity during a rugby tackle?

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    Background: The study objective was to assess the influence of a SLAP lesion on onset of EMG activity in shoulder muscles during a front on rugby football tackle within professional rugby players. Methods: Mixed cross-sectional study evaluating between and within group differences in EMG onset times. Testing was carried out within the physiotherapy department of a university sports medicine clinic. The test group consisted of 7 players with clinically diagnosed SLAP lesions, later verified on arthroscopy. The reference group consisted of 15 uninjured and full time professional rugby players from within the same playing squad. Controlled tackles were performed against a tackle dummy. Onset of EMG activity was assessed from surface EMG of Pectorialis Major, Biceps Brachii, Latissimus Dorsi, Serratus Anterior and Infraspinatus muscles relative to time of impact. Analysis of differences in activation timing between muscles and limbs (injured versus non-injured side and non injured side versus matched reference group). Results: Serratus Anterior was activated prior to all other muscles in all (P = 0.001-0.03) subjects. In the SLAP injured shoulder Biceps was activated later than in the non-injured side. Onset times of all muscles of the noninjured shoulder in the injured player were consistently earlier compared with the reference group. Whereas, within the injured shoulder, all muscle activation timings were later than in the reference group. Conclusions: This study shows that in shoulders with a SLAP lesion there is a trend towards delay in activation time of Biceps and other muscles with the exception of an associated earlier onset of activation of Serratus anterior, possibly due to a coping strategy to protect glenohumeral stability and thoraco-scapular stability. This trend was not statistically significant in all cases

    Precambrian Plate Tectonics in Northern Hudson Bay: Evidence From P and S Wave Seismic Tomography and Analysis of Source Side Effects in Relative Arrival-Time Data Sets

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    The geology of northern Hudson Bay, Canada, documents more than 2 billion years of history including the assembly of Precambrian and Archean terranes during several Paleoproterozoic orogenies, culminating in the Trans‐Hudson Orogen (THO) ∼1.8 Ga. The THO has been hypothesized to be similar in scale and nature to the ongoing Himalaya‐Karakoram‐Tibetan orogen, but the nature of lithospheric terrane boundaries, including potential plate‐scale underthrusting, is poorly understood. To address this problem, we present new P and S wave tomographic models of the mantle seismic structure using data from recent seismograph networks stretching from northern Ontario to Nunavut (60–100∘W and 50–80∘N). The large size of our network requires careful mitigation of the influence of source side structure that contaminates our relative arrival time residuals. Our tomographic models reveal a complicated internal structure in the Archean Churchill plate. However, no seismic wave speed distinction is observed across the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, which bisects the Churchill. The mantle lithosphere in the central region of Hudson Bay is distinct from the THO, indicating potential boundaries of microcontinents and lithospheric blocks between the principal colliders. Slow wave speeds underlie southern Baffin Island, the leading edge of the generally high wave speed Churchill plate. This is interpreted to be Paleoproterozoic material underthrust beneath Baffin Island in a modern‐style subduction zone setting

    Developing the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs: Giving Students the Opportunity to Gain Experience and Thrive

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    Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have increasingly utilized experiential approaches in business education; however, some researchers have suggested that further research is required to investigate the effectiveness and student reaction to such approaches. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of an experiential learning approach on the perceived development of entrepreneurial traits and to measure the level of both student engagement and satisfaction. The approach was designed and tested during a Higher National Diploma (HND) entrepreneurship module in a British HEI. Traditional taught sessions were blended with applied activities that required students to utilize the skills they learned to complete steps of the activities, which increased in length and complexity. Results found both a high level of student satisfaction and engagement and the belief that the module’s experiential approach had, in many instances, helped to develop entrepreneurial traits. Successful practice and modifications are discussed

    Predictors and interdependence of family support in a random sample of long-term young breast cancer survivors and their biological relatives.

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    Women diagnosed with breast cancer younger than 45 years (young breast cancer survivors-YBCS) and their biological relatives face significant stressors. Although family support is an important coping resource, little is known about YBCS' and relatives' support and whether it is interdependent. The study described family support in YBCS and their biological relatives; identified demographic, clinical, and psychosocial predictors of support; and determined the interdependence of support in YBCS-relatives family units. Data were collected from a random sample of YBCS and their first- or second-degree female relatives. Actor-partner interdependence models (APIM) explored predictors and interdependence of YBCS' and relatives' family support in dyads (YBCS and relative) and triads (YBCS and two relatives). Among n = 310 YBCS and n = 431 first- or second-degree relatives, family support was higher in triads compared to dyads. APIMs identified actor effects in dyads, and actor and partner effects in triads. Across all family units, YBCS' higher self-efficacy was associated with higher YBCS support (actor effect) and relative support (partner effect); YBCS' prior diagnosis of depression was associated with lower YBCS and relative support (actor and partner effect); cost-related lack of access to care was associated with lower support among YBCS (actor effect) and relatives (actor and partner effect). Family support was interdependent and was affected by self-efficacy, depression, and access to care. Interventions should include YBCS and relatives, enhance self-efficacy and access to care