632 research outputs found

    New calculations of the PNC Matrix Element for the JπTJ^{\pi}T 0+1,01^{+}1,0^{-}1 doublet in 14^{14}N

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    A new calculation of the predominantly isoscalar PNC matrix element between the JπTJ^{\pi}T 0+1,010^{+}1,0^{-}1 (Ex_{x} \approx 8.7 MeV) states in 14^{14}N has been carried out in a (0+1+2+3+4)ω\hbar \omega model space with the Warburton-Brown interaction. The magnitude of the PNC matrix element of 0.22 to 0.34 eV obtained with the DDH PNC interaction is substantially suppressed compared with previous calculations in smaller model spaces but shows agreement with the preliminary Seattle experimental data. The calculated sign is opposite to that obtained experimentally, and the implications of this are discussed.Comment: REVTEX, 28 page

    Relativistic mean-field study of neutron-rich nuclei

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    A relativistic mean-field model is used to study the ground-state properties of neutron-rich nuclei. Nonlinear isoscalar-isovector terms, unconstrained by present day phenomenology, are added to the model Lagrangian in order to modify the poorly known density dependence of the symmetry energy. These new terms soften the symmetry energy and reshape the theoretical neutron drip line without compromising the agreement with existing ground-state information. A strong correlation between the neutron radius of 208Pb and the binding energy of valence orbitals is found: the smaller the neutron radius of 208Pb, the weaker the binding energy of the last occupied neutron orbital. Thus, models with the softest symmetry energy are the first ones to drip neutrons. Further, in anticipation of the upcoming one-percent measurement of the neutron radius of 208Pb at the Thomas Jefferson Laboratory, a close relationship between the neutron radius of 208Pb and neutron radii of elements of relevance to atomic parity-violating experiments is established.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Proton-neutron quadrupole interactions: an effective contribution to the pairing field

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    We point out that the proton-neutron energy contribution, for low multipoles (in particular for the quadrupole component), effectively renormalizes the strength of the pairing interaction acting amongst identical nucleons filling up a single-j or a set of degenerate many-j shells. We carry out the calculation in lowest-order perturbation theory. We perform a study of this correction in various mass regions. These results may have implications for the use of pairing theory in medium-heavy nuclei and for the study of pairing energy corrections to the liquid drop model when studying nuclear masses.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, 3 tables, 2 figures. Accepted in PR

    Parity Mixed Doublets in A = 36 Nuclei

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    The γ\gamma-circular polarizations (PγP_{\gamma}) and asymmetries (AγA_{\gamma}) of the parity forbidden M1 + E2 γ\gamma-decays: 36Cl(Jπ=2;T=1;Ex=1.95^{36}Cl^{\ast} (J^{\pi} = 2^{-}; T = 1; E_{x} = 1.95 MeV) \rightarrow 36Cl(Jπ=2+;T=1;g.s.)^{36}Cl (J^{\pi} = 2^{+}; T = 1; g.s.) and 36Ar(Jπ=2;T=0;Ex=4.97^{36}Ar^{\ast} (J^{\pi} = 2^{-}; T = 0; E_{x} = 4.97 MeV) \rightarrow 36Ar(Jπ=2+;T=0;Ex=1.97^{36}Ar^{\ast} (J^{\pi} = 2^{+}; T = 0; E_{x} = 1.97 MeV) are investigated theoretically. We use the recently proposed Warburton-Becker-Brown shell-model interaction. For the weak forces we discuss comparatively different weak interaction models based on different assumptions for evaluating the weak meson-hadron coupling constants. The results determine a range of PγP_{\gamma} values from which we find the most probable values: PγP_{\gamma} = 1.11041.1 \cdot 10^{-4} for 36Cl^{36}Cl and PγP_{\gamma} = 3.51043.5 \cdot 10^{-4} for 36Ar^{36}Ar.Comment: RevTeX, 17 pages; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Conservative versus interventional treatment for spontaneous pneumothorax

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    BACKGROUND: Whether conservative management is an acceptable alternative to interventional management for uncomplicated, moderate-to-large primary spontaneous pneumothorax is unknown. METHODS: In this open-label, multicenter, noninferiority trial, we recruited patients 14 to 50 years of age with a first-known, unilateral, moderate-to-large primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Patients were randomly assigned to immediate interventional management of the pneumothorax (intervention group) or a conservative observational approach (conservative-management group) and were followed for 12 months. The primary outcome was lung reexpansion within 8 weeks. RESULTS: A total of 316 patients underwent randomization (154 patients to the intervention group and 162 to the conservative-management group). In the conservative-management group, 25 patients (15.4%) underwent interventions to manage the pneumothorax, for reasons prespecified in the protocol, and 137 (84.6%) did not undergo interventions. In a complete-case analysis in which data were not available for 23 patients in the intervention group and 37 in the conservative-management group, reexpansion within 8 weeks occurred in 129 of 131 patients (98.5%) with interventional management and in 118 of 125 (94.4%) with conservative management (risk difference, -4.1 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], -8.6 to 0.5; P = 0.02 for noninferiority); the lower boundary of the 95% confidence interval was within the prespecified noninferiority margin of -9 percentage points. In a sensitivity analysis in which all missing data after 56 days were imputed as treatment failure (with reexpansion in 129 of 138 patients [93.5%] in the intervention group and in 118 of 143 [82.5%] in the conservative-management group), the risk difference of -11.0 percentage points (95% CI, -18.4 to -3.5) was outside the prespecified noninferiority margin. Conservative management resulted in a lower risk of serious adverse events or pneumothorax recurrence than interventional management. CONCLUSIONS: Although the primary outcome was not statistically robust to conservative assumptions about missing data, the trial provides modest evidence that conservative management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax was noninferior to interventional management, with a lower risk of serious adverse events. (Funded by the Emergency Medicine Foundation and others; PSP Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry number, ACTRN12611000184976.)

    Global Search for New Physics with 2.0/fb at CDF

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    Data collected in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron are searched for indications of new electroweak-scale physics. Rather than focusing on particular new physics scenarios, CDF data are analyzed for discrepancies with the standard model prediction. A model-independent approach (Vista) considers gross features of the data, and is sensitive to new large cross-section physics. Further sensitivity to new physics is provided by two additional algorithms: a Bump Hunter searches invariant mass distributions for "bumps" that could indicate resonant production of new particles; and the Sleuth procedure scans for data excesses at large summed transverse momentum. This combined global search for new physics in 2.0/fb of ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV reveals no indication of physics beyond the standard model.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Final version which appeared in Physical Review D Rapid Communication

    Observation of Orbitally Excited B_s Mesons

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    We report the first observation of two narrow resonances consistent with states of orbitally excited (L=1) B_s mesons using 1 fb^{-1} of ppbar collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We use two-body decays into K^- and B^+ mesons reconstructed as B^+ \to J/\psi K^+, J/\psi \to \mu^+ \mu^- or B^+ \to \bar{D}^0 \pi^+, \bar{D}^0 \to K^+ \pi^-. We deduce the masses of the two states to be m(B_{s1}) = 5829.4 +- 0.7 MeV/c^2 and m(B_{s2}^*) = 5839.7 +- 0.7 MeV/c^2.Comment: Version accepted and published by Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with three electrons or muons and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in three signal regions that are either depleted or enriched in Z-boson decays. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in R-parity conserving phenomenological minimal supersymmetric models and in simplified models, significantly extending previous results

    Jet size dependence of single jet suppression in lead-lead collisions at sqrt(s(NN)) = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    Measurements of inclusive jet suppression in heavy ion collisions at the LHC provide direct sensitivity to the physics of jet quenching. In a sample of lead-lead collisions at sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 7 inverse microbarns, ATLAS has measured jets with a calorimeter over the pseudorapidity interval |eta| < 2.1 and over the transverse momentum range 38 < pT < 210 GeV. Jets were reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with values for the distance parameter that determines the nominal jet radius of R = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. The centrality dependence of the jet yield is characterized by the jet "central-to-peripheral ratio," Rcp. Jet production is found to be suppressed by approximately a factor of two in the 10% most central collisions relative to peripheral collisions. Rcp varies smoothly with centrality as characterized by the number of participating nucleons. The observed suppression is only weakly dependent on jet radius and transverse momentum. These results provide the first direct measurement of inclusive jet suppression in heavy ion collisions and complement previous measurements of dijet transverse energy imbalance at the LHC.Comment: 15 pages plus author list (30 pages total), 8 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Physics Letters B. All figures including auxiliary figures are available at http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/HION-2011-02

    Observation of a new chi_b state in radiative transitions to Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S) at ATLAS

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    The chi_b(nP) quarkonium states are produced in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.4 fb^-1, these states are reconstructed through their radiative decays to Upsilon(1S,2S) with Upsilon->mu+mu-. In addition to the mass peaks corresponding to the decay modes chi_b(1P,2P)->Upsilon(1S)gamma, a new structure centered at a mass of 10.530+/-0.005 (stat.)+/-0.009 (syst.) GeV is also observed, in both the Upsilon(1S)gamma and Upsilon(2S)gamma decay modes. This is interpreted as the chi_b(3P) system.Comment: 5 pages plus author list (18 pages total), 2 figures, 1 table, corrected author list, matches final version in Physical Review Letter