278 research outputs found

    Molt Cycle Of The Gray-breasted Martin (hirundinidae: Progne Chalybea) In A Wintering Area In MaranhĂŁo, Brazil

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    [No abstract available]153436438Alerstam, T., Hedenström, A., Äkesson, S., Long-distance migration: Evolution and determinats (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 247-260Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Dias Filho, M.M., Larrazabal, M.E., Plumagens e mudas de Charadriiformes (Aves) no litoral de Pernambuco, Brasil (2001) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 18, pp. 657-672Bull, J., Farrand, J., (1977) The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Eastern Region, , New York: Alfred A. knopfEisenmann, E., South American migrant swallows of the genus Progne in Panama and northern South Americawith comments on their identification and molt (1959) Auk, 76, pp. 528-532Eisenmann, E., Haverschmidt, F., Northward migration to Surinam of South American Martins (Progne) (1970) Condor, 72, pp. 368-369Fredrizzi, C.E., Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Larrazábal, M.E.L., Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering (Calidris pusilla) (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil (2004) Rev. Bras. Zool, 21, pp. 249-252Holmgren, N., Hedenström, A., The scheduling of molt in migratory birds (1995) Evol. Ecol, 9, pp. 354-368Igl, L.D., Johnson, D.H., Changes in breeding bird populations in North Dakota: 1967 to 1992-93 (1997) Auk, 114, pp. 74-92Marks, J.S., Moult of Bristle-Thighed Curlews in the Northwestern Hawaiian Island (1993) Auk, 110, pp. 573-587Naka, L.N., Rodrigues, M., Roos, A.L., Azevedo, M.A.G., Bird conservation on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil (2002) Bird Conservation Internacional, 12, pp. 123-150Niles, D.M., Molt cycles of Purple Martins (Progne subis) (1972) Condor, 74, pp. 61-71Souza, D.G.S., (2002) All the birds of Brazil: An identification guide, , Salvador: Editora DallSvensson, E., Merilä, J., Molt and migratory condition in Blue Tits: A serological study (1996) Condor, 98, pp. 825-83

    Diet Of The Gray-breasted Martin (hirundinidae: Progne Chalybea) In A Wintering Area In MaranhĂŁo, Brazil

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    [No abstract available]153445447Alerstam, T., Hedenström, A., Äkesson, S., Long-distance migration: Evolution and determinats (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 247-260Butler, C.J., The disproportionate effect of global warming on the arrival dates of short-distance migratory birds in North America (2003) Ibis, 145, pp. 484-495Borror, D.J., DeLong, D.M., (1988) Introdução ao Estudo dos Insetos, , São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blucher LtdaBugoni, L., Vooren, C.M., Feeding ecology of the Common Tern Sterna hirundo in a wintering area in southern Brazil (2004) Ibis, 146, pp. 438-453Bull, J., Farrand, J., (1977) The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Eastern Region, , New York: Alfred A. KnopfDyrcz, A., Breeding biology of the Mangrove Swallow (Tachycineta albilinea) and the Grey-breasted Martin (Progne chalybea) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama (1984) Ibis, 126, pp. 59-66Eisenmann, E., South American migrant swallows of the genus Progne in Panama and northern South Americawith comments on their identification and molt (1959) Auk, 76, pp. 528-532Eisenmann, E., Haverschmidt, F., Northward migration to Surinam of South American Martins (Progne) (1970) Condor, 72, pp. 368-369Fredrizzi, C.E., Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Larrazábal, M.E.L., Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering (Calidris pusilla) (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil (2004) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 21, pp. 249-252Hedd, A., Gales, R., The diet of shy albatrosses (Thalassarche cauta) at Albatross Island, Tasmania (2001) Journal of Zoology, 253, pp. 69-90Jetz, W., Steffen, J., Linsenmair, K.E., Effects of light and prey availability on nocturnal. lunar and seasonal activity of tropical nightjars (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 627-639Johnston, R.F., Seasonal variation in the food of the Purple Martin, Progne subis, in Kansas (1967) Ibis, 109, pp. 8-13Kwok, H.K., Corlett, R.T., Seasonality of forest invertebrates in Hong Kong, South China (2002) Journal of tropical Ecology, 18, pp. 637-644Lorentsen, S.H., Klages, N., Rov, N., Diet and prey consumption of Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, and at sea outside the colony (1998) Polar Biology, 19, pp. 414-420McCarty, J.P., Winkler, D.W., Foraging ecology and diet selectivity of Tree Swallows feeding nestlings (1999) Condor, 101, pp. 246-254Naka, L.N., Rodrigues, M., Roos, A.L., Azevedo, M.A.G., Bird conservation on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil (2002) Bird Cons. Int, 12, pp. 123-150Ramstack, J.M., Murphy, M.T., Palmer, M.R., Comparative reproductive biology of three species of swallows on a common environment (1998) Wilson Bulletin, 110, pp. 233-243Turner, A.K., Nesting and feeding habits of Brown-chested Martins in relation to weather conditions (1984) Condor, 86, pp. 30-35Walsh, H., Food of nestling purple martins (1978) Wilson Bulletin, 90, pp. 248-260Wolda, H., Seasonal fluctuation in rainfall, food and abundance of tropical insects (1978) Journal of Animal Ecology, 47, pp. 369-38

    The southern photometric local universe survey (S-PLUS): Improved SEDs, morphologies, and redshifts with 12 optical filters

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    The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) is imaging ~9300 deg2 of the celestial sphere in 12 optical bands using a dedicated 0.8mrobotic telescope, the T80-South, at the Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory, Chile. The telescope is equipped with a 9.2k × 9.2k e2v detector with 10 μm pixels, resulting in a field of view of 2 deg2 with a plate scale of 0.55 arcsec pixel-1. The survey consists of four main subfields, which include two non-contiguous fields at high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 30° , 8000 deg2) and two areas of the Galactic Disc and Bulge (for an additional 1300 deg2). S-PLUS uses the Javalambre 12-band magnitude system, which includes the 5 ugriz broad-band filters and 7 narrow-band filters centred on prominent stellar spectral features: the Balmer jump/[OII], Ca H + K, Hd, G band, Mg b triplet, Hα, and the Ca triplet. S-PLUS delivers accurate photometric redshifts (δz/(1 + z) = 0.02 or better) for galaxies with r < 19.7 AB mag and z < 0.4, thus producing a 3D map of the local Universe over a volume of more than 1 (Gpc/h)3. The final S-PLUS catalogue will also enable the study of star formation and stellar populations in and around the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, as well as searches for quasars, variable sources, and low-metallicity stars. In this paper we introduce the main characteristics of the survey, illustrated with science verification data highlighting the unique capabilities of S-PLUS. We also present the first public data release of ~336 deg2 of the Stripe 82 area, in 12 bands, to a limiting magnitude of r = 21, available at datalab.noao.edu/splus.Fil: De Oliveira, C. Mendes. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Ribeiro, T.. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Brasil. National Optical Astronomy Observatory; Estados UnidosFil: Schoenell, W.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Kanaan, A.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Overzier, R.A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações. Observatório Nacional; BrasilFil: Molino, A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Sampedro, L.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Coelho, P.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Barbosa, C.E.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Cortesi, A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Costa Duarte, M.V.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Herpich, F.R.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Hernandez Jimenez, J.A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Placco, V.M.. University of Notre Dame; Estados Unidos. JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements ; Estados UnidosFil: Xavier, H.S.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Abramo, L.R.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Saito, R.K.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Chies Santos, A.L.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Ederoclite, A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmo de Aragon; EspañaFil: De Oliveira, R. Lopes. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Brasil. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações. Observatório Nacional; Brasil. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Goncalves, D.R.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Akras, S.. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações. Observatório Nacional; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Almeida, L.A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; BrasilFil: Almeida Fernandes, F.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Beers, T.C.. University of Notre Dame; Estados Unidos. JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements ; Estados UnidosFil: Bonatto, C.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Bonoli, S.. Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmo de Aragon; EspañaFil: Cypriano, E.S.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Vinicius Lima, E.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Smith Castelli, Analia Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; Argentin

    Fitting the integrated Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies

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    Fitting the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies is an almost universally used technique that has matured significantly in the last decade. Model predictions and fitting procedures have improved significantly over this time, attempting to keep up with the vastly increased volume and quality of available data. We review here the field of SED fitting, describing the modelling of ultraviolet to infrared galaxy SEDs, the creation of multiwavelength data sets, and the methods used to fit model SEDs to observed galaxy data sets. We touch upon the achievements and challenges in the major ingredients of SED fitting, with a special emphasis on describing the interplay between the quality of the available data, the quality of the available models, and the best fitting technique to use in order to obtain a realistic measurement as well as realistic uncertainties. We conclude that SED fitting can be used effectively to derive a range of physical properties of galaxies, such as redshift, stellar masses, star formation rates, dust masses, and metallicities, with care taken not to over-interpret the available data. Yet there still exist many issues such as estimating the age of the oldest stars in a galaxy, finer details ofdust properties and dust-star geometry, and the influences of poorly understood, luminous stellar types and phases. The challenge for the coming years will be to improve both the models and the observational data sets to resolve these uncertainties. The present review will be made available on an interactive, moderated web page (sedfitting.org), where the community can access and change the text. The intention is to expand the text and keep it up to date over the coming years.Comment: 54 pages, 26 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    Measurements are presented of production properties and couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson using the decays into boson pairs, H →γ γ, H → Z Z∗ →4l and H →W W∗ →lνlν. The results are based on the complete pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at centre-of-mass energies of √s = 7 TeV and √s = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 25 fb−1. Evidence for Higgs boson production through vector-boson fusion is reported. Results of combined fits probing Higgs boson couplings to fermions and bosons, as well as anomalous contributions to loop-induced production and decay modes, are presented. All measurements are consistent with expectations for the Standard Model Higgs boson

    Standalone vertex nding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011

    Search for a W' boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    Results are presented from a search for a W' boson using a dataset corresponding to 5.0 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV. The W' boson is modeled as a heavy W boson, but different scenarios for the couplings to fermions are considered, involving both left-handed and right-handed chiral projections of the fermions, as well as an arbitrary mixture of the two. The search is performed in the decay channel W' to t b, leading to a final state signature with a single lepton (e, mu), missing transverse energy, and jets, at least one of which is tagged as a b-jet. A W' boson that couples to fermions with the same coupling constant as the W, but to the right-handed rather than left-handed chiral projections, is excluded for masses below 1.85 TeV at the 95% confidence level. For the first time using LHC data, constraints on the W' gauge coupling for a set of left- and right-handed coupling combinations have been placed. These results represent a significant improvement over previously published limits.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters B. Replaced with version publishe
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