636 research outputs found
Evolución energética de haces de rayos X empleados en radiología pediátrica, al interior de maniquís de PMMA, medida con TLD-300
El dosímetro termoluminiscente CaF2:Tm (TLD-300) presenta una curva de brillo característica con dos grupos de picos bien definidos en la zona de baja y alta temperatura. En nuestro laboratorio se ha estudiado la relación entre la señal de alta y baja temperatura (HTLR), de esta curva, con la energía efectiva de haces de fotones típicos de mamografía, obteniéndose el ajuste a una función empírica1.
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la evolución energética de haces de rayos X típicos de radiología pediátrica dentro de maniquís de PMMA, analizando la curva de brillo del TLD-300 y empleando la relación empírica previamente obtenid
Estrategia sistémica para conformar colectivos colaborativos inter-transdisciplinarios: conocimiento al servicio de la sociedad
This text proposes a methodology for re-learning and incubating Inter-Transdisciplinary Collaborative Collectives in higher education institutions that allows addressing the urgent needs in the face of the complex socio-environmental problems of the 21st century. Through the transdisciplinary participatory action-research methodology, the research results of more than six years of collective academic work are reported. As institutions that generate knowledge, the universities are increasingly obliged to influence the restoration of our chaotic humanity and nature in general. Everyday realities present situations (problems and paradoxes) that are more difficult to address with reductionist, linear approaches and individual and disciplinary practices. It becomes relevant and urgent to build actions based on new paradigms, with logics of thought and action capable of generating empathy scenarios based on inter-transdisciplinary approaches. In this sense, what is presented here is an experience of knowledge generation within the university educational field. It arises from the collaborative work that has been generated by the academic group that writes this article from different areas of knowledge of the University of Veracruz, from the construction of synergies from inter and transdisciplinary dialogue. This proposal aims to be an instrument that, step-by-step, guides the formation of groups of academics and/or students and can move towards collaborative inter-transdisciplinary research. In this way, situations can be approached with a more comprehensive approach, and responses can be given considering the interwoven, complex, transversal, and sustainably human wholes.
Keywords: Human Sustainability; Complexity; University Transformation; Planetary Crisis; Alternatives.El presente texto plantea una metodología de re-aprendizaje e incubación de Colectivos Colaborativos Inter-Transdisciplinarios en las instituciones de educación superior, que permita atender las urgentes necesidades frente a las complejas problemáticas socioambientales del siglo XXI. Mediante la metodología de investigación-acción participativa transdisciplinaria, se reportan los resultados de investigación de más de seis años de trabajo colectivo académico. Las universidades, como instituciones generadoras de conocimiento, se encuentran cada día más obligadas a incidir en la restauración de nuestra caótica humanidad y de la naturaleza en lo general. Cada día las realidades presentan situaciones (problemáticas y paradojas) más difíciles de abordar con enfoques reduccionistas, lineales y con prácticas individuales y unidisciplinarias. Se torna relevante y urgente, constituir acciones basadas en nuevos paradigmas, con lógicas de pensamiento y acción que sean capaces de generar escenarios de empatía, basados en enfoques inter-transdisciplinarios. En este sentido, lo que aquí presentado es una experiencia de generación del conocimiento dentro del ámbito educativo universitario. Surge del trabajo colaborativo que ha venido generando el colectivo académico que escribe este artículo de diferentes áreas del conocimiento de la Universidad Veracruzana, a partir de la construcción de sinergias desde el diálogo inter y transdisciplinario. La presente propuesta pretende ser un instrumento que paso a paso guíe la conformación de grupos de académicos y/o estudiantes y puedan transitar hacia la investigación colaborativa inter-transdisciplinaria. De esta manera se podrán abordar situaciones con un enfoque más integral, y dar respuestas considerando las totalidades entramadas, complejas, transversales y sustentablemente humanas.
Palabras clave: Sustentabilidad Humana; Complejidad; Transformación Universitaria; Crisis Planetaria; Alternativas
Integration of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center for CMS computing: Towards large scale production
The CMS experiment is working to integrate an increasing number of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources into its distributed computing infrastructure. The case of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is particularly challenging as severe network restrictions prevent the use of CMS standard computing solutions. The CIEMAT CMS group has performed significant work in order to overcome these constraints and make BSC resources available to CMS. The developments include adapting the workload management tools, replicating the CMS software repository to BSC storage, providing an alternative access to detector conditions data, and setting up a service to transfer produced output data to a nearby storage facility. In this work, we discuss the current status of this integration activity and present recent developments, such as a front-end service to improve slot usage efficiency and an enhanced transfer service that supports the staging of input data for workflows at BSC. Moreover, significant efforts have been devoted to improving the scalability of the deployed solution, automating its operation, and simplifying the matchmaking of CMS workflows that are suitable for execution at BSC
Regulation of neovascularization by S-glutathionylation via the Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway
S-glutathionylation occurs when reactive oxygen or nitrogen species react with protein-cysteine thiols. Glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx) is a cytosolic enzyme which enzymatically catalyses the reduction in S-glutathionylation, conferring reversible signalling function to proteins with redox-sensitive thiols. Glrx can regulate vascular hypertrophy and inflammation by regulating the activity of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and actin polymerization. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced endothelial cell (EC) migration is inhibited by Glrx overexpression. In mice overexpressing Glrx, blood flow recovery, exercise function and capillary density were significantly attenuated after hindlimb ischaemia (HLI). Wnt5a and soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) were enhanced in the ischaemic-limb muscle and plasma respectively from Glrx transgenic (TG) mice. A Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway had been described in myeloid cells controlling retinal blood vessel development. Interestingly, a Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway was found also to play a role in EC to inhibit network formation. S-glutathionylation of NF-κB components inhibits its activation. Up-regulated Glrx stimulated the Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway through enhancing NF-κB signalling. These studies show a novel role for Glrx in post-ischaemic neovascularization, which could define a potential target for therapy of impaired angiogenesis in pathological conditions including diabetes
Los virus como herramientas biotecnológicas, caso de estudio: Baculovirus
Los virus, desde siempre han tenido mala reputación; sin embargo, estos microorganismos desempeñan un papel importante en los procesos evolutivos que han dado paso a la vida tal
y como la conocemos. Los virus pueden ser muy útiles, si son bien aprovechados. El
desarrollo de la virología y las aplicaciones en biotecnología hallará cada vez más beneficios
para el ser humano y el medio ambiente. El presente documento, hace una breve revisión de
las aplicaciones beneficiosas de los virus, como herramientas de la biología molecular y la biotecnología.Artículo elaborado en la Cátedra de Biorreactores,biofertilizantes y biocontroladores, BBB0,carrera de
Ingeniería en Agrobiotecnología, Facultad de Agricultura e Investigación Agrícola, Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgad
Altered brain rhythms and functional network disruptions involved in patients with generalized fixation-off epilepsy
Fixation-off sensitivity (FOS) denotes the forms of epilepsy elicited by elimination of fixation. FOS-IGE patients are
rare cases [1]. In a previous work [2] we showed that two FOS-IGE patients had different altered EEG rhythms when
closing eyes; only beta band was altered in patient 1 while theta, alpha and beta were altered in patient 2. In the
present work, we explain the relationship between the altered brain rhythms in these patients and the disruption in
functional brain networks
ADGRL3 (LPHN3) variants predict substance use disorder
Genetic factors are strongly implicated in the susceptibility to develop externalizing syndromes such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and substance use disorder (SUD). Variants in the ADGRL3 (LPHN3) gene predispose to ADHD and predict ADHD severity, disruptive behaviors comorbidity, long-term outcome, and response to treatment. In this study, we investigated whether variants within ADGRL3 are associated with SUD, a disorder that is frequently co-morbid with ADHD. Using family-based, case-control, and longitudinal samples from disparate regions of the world (n = 2698), recruited either for clinical, genetic epidemiological or pharmacogenomic studies of ADHD, we assembled recursive-partitioning frameworks (classification tree analyses) with clinical, demographic, and ADGRL3 genetic information to predict SUD susceptibility. Our results indicate that SUD can be efficiently and robustly predicted in ADHD participants. The genetic models used remained highly efficient in predicting SUD in a large sample of individuals with severe SUD from a psychiatric institution that were not ascertained on the basis of ADHD diagnosis, thus identifying ADGRL3 as a risk gene for SUD. Recursive-partitioning analyses revealed that rs4860437 was the predominant predictive variant. This new methodological approach offers novel insights into higher order predictive interactions and offers a unique opportunity for translational application in the clinical assessment of patients at high risk for SUD
Soluciones terapéuticas para la reconstrucción de la dermis y la epidermis. Oportunidades en el medio antioqueño
En Antioquia, es necesario buscar una solución disponible, efectiva y económicamente viable para afrontar los problemas de la piel de los pacientes que, por accidentes o enfermedades, han disminuido su calidad de vida y se encuentran aislados a la espera de tratamientos que les permitan recuperar la funcionalidad de su cuerpo y les reduzcan los riesgos por la exposición de los tejidos internos. Las diferentes soluciones existentes en el mercado todavía no han llegado a superar algunos obstáculos tales como el cubrimiento de todas las extensiones, los altos costos, la funcionalidad de los tejidos restaurados, los rechazos de tipo inmune y la escasez de los sitios donantes. Este artículo presenta una revisión literaria que busca mostrar las diferentes alternativas de solución para pacientes con problemas de piel, dando énfasis en las soluciones clásicas aplicables y económicamente viables desde la ingeniería de tejidos en el sector antioqueño.In Antioquia (Colombia), there are many patients who suffer dermal injuries caused by accident or disease. Therefore, it is necessary to pursue available, effective and affordable solutions to overcome dermal problems. Physicians and patients are both expecting corrective treatments that can reduce inner tissue exposition and allow the possibility of recovering skin functionality. Although there are many solutions for skin replacement, some obstacles remain, such as: high costs, limited availability of skin for implantation in extended areas, adequate functionality of the restored tissue and immunological rejection. Due to these issues, this article presents some of the existing alternative solutions for patients with skin injuries, considering the histology and physiology of the skin, and regarding the classical and economically attainable solutions to be used in Antioquia
Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays
The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device
in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken
during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the
number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for
all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The
efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments
reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per
layer is approximately 5 ns
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