519 research outputs found

    Foodservice in hospital: development of a theoretical model for patient experience and satisfaction using one hospital in the UK National Health Service as a case study

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    Hospital foodservice does not operate in isolation but requires the cooperation and integration of several disciplines to provide the ultimate patient experience. The objective of this research was to explore the antecedents to patient satisfaction and experience, including the service element. Accordingly, focus groups were conducted with doctors (n = 4), nurses (n = 5), ward hostesses (n = 3) and patients together with their visitors (n = 10), while open-ended interviews were conducted with the foodservice manager, facilities manager, chief dietitian, orthopaedic ward dietitian and chief pharmacist. Themes centred on ‘patients’, ‘foodservice’ and ‘mealtimes’, and results show that food qualities, particularly temperature and texture, are important factors impinging on patient satisfaction, and the trolley system of delivery is an acceptable style of service. Service predisposition demonstrates little relevance to patient satisfaction towards overall meal enjoyment. A theoretical model has been developed that identifies hospital foodservice in a cyclic relationship with the community primary healthcare team

    Neurological Disease Rises from Ocean to Bring Model for Human Epilepsy to Life

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    Domoic acid of macroalgal origin was used for traditional and medicinal purposes in Japan and largely forgotten until its rediscovery in diatoms that poisoned 107 people after consumption of contaminated mussels. The more severely poisoned victims had seizures and/or amnesia and four died; however, one survivor unexpectedly developed temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) a year after the event. Nearly a decade later, several thousand sea lions have stranded on California beaches with neurological symptoms. Analysis of the animals stranded over an eight year period indicated five clusters of acute neurological poisoning; however, nearly a quarter have stranded individually outside these events with clinical signs of a chronic neurological syndrome similar to TLE. These poisonings are not limited to sea lions, which serve as readily observed sentinels for other marine animals that strand during domoic acid poisoning events, including several species of dolphin and whales. Acute domoic acid poisoning is five-times more prominent in adult female sea lions as a result of the proximity of their year-round breeding grounds to major domoic acid bloom events. The chronic neurological syndrome, on the other hand, is more prevalent in young animals, with many potentially poisoned in utero. The sea lion rookeries of the Channel Islands are at the crossroads of domoic acid producing harmful algal blooms and a huge industrial discharge site for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs). Studies in experimental animals suggest that chronic poisoning observed in immature sea lions may result from a spatial and temporal coincidence of DDTs and domoic acid during early life stages. Emergence of an epilepsy syndrome from the ocean brings a human epilepsy model to life and provides unexpected insights into interaction with legacy contaminants and expression of disease at different life stages

    Innovations in Pharmacy through Practice-Based Research

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    The overall purpose of this article is to serve as an invitation for submissions to the 'Practice-Based Research' section of INNOVATIONS in pharmacy. To provide background about this section of the journal, this paper describes: (1) the concept of innovations that we will apply, (2) the practice-based research domain, and (3) the use of practice-based research networks for this area of inquiry. We propose that uncertainty surrounding an innovation often will result in the postponement of the decision regarding its adoption until further evidence can be obtained. Such evidence often is gathered through considering the advice and experiences of opinion leaders and members of social systems who have adopted the innovation. We invite authors to present ideas, arguments, and evidence for innovations in pharmacy that arise out of practice-based research. We propose that this journal will be an excellent communication vehicle for providing convincing arguments and sound evidence in favor of innovations. Discourse regarding new ideas in such a format can further develop the ideas, create a critical mass of evidence, and be used for convincing others that the innovation should be adopted. We welcome submissions to the INNOVATIONS in pharmacy, PRACTICE-BASED RESEARCH content area that: (1) provide convincing arguments and sound evidence in favor of innovations for pharmacy, (2) are based upon practice-based research from case studies of single patients on one end of the continuum to findings from large populations of patients on the other end of the continuum, and/or (3) introduce innovations for practice-based research networks. We encourage articles from all perspectives and from all methods of inquiry. Type: Invitatio

    Electrification of vehicles – policy drivers and impacts in two scenarios

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    This paper will examine policy drivers of EV, and what potential role policy can play in enhancing the innovation and market development of EV, and the anticipated impacts on energy use and carbon emissions at the Nordic and EU scale. We will start with a policy review of key targets in the Nordic countries and the EU, up to 2030, and discuss to what extent they are consistent with industry and expert estimates of how the systems can grow. On the basis of this, the second part elaborates two simple scenarios of EV development in the EU, one rapid EV expansion scenario and one more modest expansion scenario. The third part examines what policy drivers might be needed to enable the two scenarios, using a technological innovation systems (TIS) perspective to describe the needed processes, drivers and developments in policy and technology at different levels (local, national, EU, global) that would lead to the scenarios. The fourth part analyses the energy and climate impacts of the two scenarios, given different assumptions relating to e.g. energy supply systems as well as driving behaviour

    Metabolomics-driven quantitative analysis of ammonia assimilation in E. coli

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    Despite extensive study of individual enzymes and their organization into pathways, the means by which enzyme networks control metabolite concentrations and fluxes in cells remains incompletely understood. Here, we examine the integrated regulation of central nitrogen metabolism in Escherichia coli through metabolomics and ordinary-differential-equation-based modeling. Metabolome changes triggered by modulating extracellular ammonium centered around two key intermediates in nitrogen assimilation, α-ketoglutarate and glutamine. Many other compounds retained concentration homeostasis, indicating isolation of concentration changes within a subset of the metabolome closely linked to the nutrient perturbation. In contrast to the view that saturated enzymes are insensitive to substrate concentration, competition for the active sites of saturated enzymes was found to be a key determinant of enzyme fluxes. Combined with covalent modification reactions controlling glutamine synthetase activity, such active-site competition was sufficient to explain and predict the complex dynamic response patterns of central nitrogen metabolites

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Mechanisms of Myocardial Ischemia in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : Insights From Wave Intensity Analysis and Magnetic Resonance

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    Background: Angina is common in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and is associated with abnormal myocardial perfusion. Wave intensity analysis improves the understanding of the mechanics of myocardial ischemia. Objectives: Wave intensity analysis was used to describe the mechanisms underlying perfusion abnormalities in patients with HCM. Methods: Simultaneous pressure and flow were measured in the proximal left anterior descending artery in 33 patients with HCM and 20 control patients at rest and during hyperemia, allowing calculation of wave intensity. Patients also underwent quantitative first-pass perfusion cardiac magnetic resonance to measure myocardial perfusion reserve. Results: Patients with HCM had a lower coronary flow reserve than control subjects (1.9 ± 0.8 vs. 2.7 ± 0.9; p = 0.01). Coronary hemodynamics in HCM were characterized by a very large backward compression wave during systole (38 ± 11% vs. 21 ± 6%; p < 0.001) and a proportionately smaller backward expansion wave (27% ± 8% vs. 33 ± 6%; p = 0.006) compared with control subjects. Patients with severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction had a bisferiens pressure waveform resulting in an additional proximally originating deceleration wave during systole. The proportion of waves acting to accelerate coronary flow increased with hyperemia, and the magnitude of change was proportional to the myocardial perfusion reserve (rho = 0.53; p < 0.01). Conclusions: Coronary flow in patients with HCM is deranged. Distally, compressive deformation of intramyocardial blood vessels during systole results in an abnormally large backward compression wave, whereas proximally, severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction is associated with an additional deceleration wave. Perfusion abnormalities in HCM are not simply a consequence of supply/demand mismatch or remodeling of the intramyocardial blood vessels; they represent a dynamic interaction with the mechanics of myocardial ischemia that may be amenable to treatment

    Global solutions to regional problems: Collecting global expertise to address the problem of harmful cyanobacterial blooms. A Lake Erie case study

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    In early August 2014, the municipality of Toledo, OH (USA) issued a ‘do not drink’ advisory on their water supply directly affecting over 400,000 residential customers and hundreds of businesses (Wilson, 2014). This order was attributable to levels of microcystin, a potent liver toxin, which rose to 2.5 mg L1 in finished drinking water. The Toledo crisis afforded an opportunity to bring together scientists from around the world to share ideas regarding factors that contribute to bloom formation and toxigenicity, bloom and toxin detection as well as prevention and remediation of bloom events. These discussions took place at an NSF- and NOAA-sponsored workshop at Bowling Green State University on April 13 and 14, 2015. In all, more than 100 attendees from six countries and 15 US states gathered together to share their perspectives. The purpose of this review is to present the consensus summary of these issues that emerged from discussions at the Workshop. As additional reports in this special issue provide detailed reviews on many major CHAB species, this paper focuses on the general themes common to all blooms, such as bloom detection, modeling, nutrient loading, and strategies to reduce nutrients

    Scaling Behavior of Human Locomotor Activity Amplitude: Association with Bipolar Disorder

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    Scale invariance is a feature of complex biological systems, and abnormality of multi-scale behaviour may serve as an indicator of pathology. The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a major node in central neural networks responsible for regulating multi-scale behaviour in measures of human locomotor activity. SCN also is implicated in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD) or manic-depressive illness, a severe, episodic disorder of mood, cognition and behaviour. Here, we investigated scaling behaviour in actigraphically recorded human motility data for potential indicators of BD, particularly its manic phase. A proposed index of scaling behaviour (Vulnerability Index [VI]) derived from such data distinguished between: [i] healthy subjects at high versus low risk of mood disorders; [ii] currently clinically stable BD patients versus matched controls; and [iii] among clinical states in BD patients

    Costs and Effects of Abdominal versus Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Systematic Review of Controlled Trials

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    Objective: Comparative evaluation of costs and effects of laparoscopic hysterectomy (LH) and abdominal hysterectomy (AH). Data sources: Controlled trials from Cochrane Central register of controlled trials, Medline, Embase and prospective trial registers. Selection of studies: Twelve (randomized) controlled studies including the search terms costs, laparoscopy, laparotomy and hysterectomy were identified. Methods: The type of cost analysis, perspective of cost analyses and separate cost components were assessed. The direct and indirect costs were extracted from the original studies. For the cost estimation, hospital stay and procedure costs were selected as most important cost drivers. As main outcome the major complication rate was taken. Findings: Analysis was performed on 2226 patients, of which 1013 (45.5%) in the LH group and 1213 (54.5%) in the AH group. Five studies scored >= 10 points (out of 19) for methodological quality. The reported total direct costs in the LH group (63,997)were6.163,997) were 6.1% higher than the AH group (60,114). The reported total indirect costs of the LH group (1,609)werehalfofthetotalindirectintheAHgroup(1,609) were half of the total indirect in the AH group (3,139). The estimated mean major complication rate in the LH group (14.3%) was lower than in the AH group (15.9%). The estimated total costs in the LH group were 3,884versus3,884 versus 3,312 in the AH group. The incremental costs for reducing one patient with major complication(s) in the LH group compared to the AH group was $35,750. Conclusions: The shorter hospital stay in the LH group compensates for the increased procedure costs, with less morbidity. LH points in the direction of cost effectiveness, however further research is warranted with a broader costs perspective including long term effects as societal benefit, quality of life and survival