1,507 research outputs found

    Energy deposition of corpuscular radiation in the middle atmosphere

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    Main components of corpuscular radiation contributing to energy deposition (ED in eV/cu cm/s) in the atmosphere (10 to 100 km) are cosmic ray nuclei (CR - galactic and solar) and high energy electrons (HEE), mainly of magnetospheric origin. Galactic CR depending on solar cycle phase and latitude are dominant source of ED by corpuscular radiation below 50 to 60 km. Below 20 km secondaries must be assumed. More accurate treatment need assuming of individual HE solar flare particles, cut off rigidities in geomagnetic field and their changes during magnetospheric disturbances. Electrons E sub e greater than 30 keV of magnetospheric origin penetrating to atmosphere contribute to production rate below 100 km especially on night side. High temporal variability, local time dependence and complicated energy spectra lead to complicated structure of electron ED rate. Electrons of MeV energy found at geostationary orbit, pronouncing relation to solar and geomagnetic activity, cause maximum ED at 40 to 60 km. Monitoring the global distribution of ED by corpuscular radiation in middle atmosphere need continuing low altitude satellite measurements of both HEE and x ray BS from atmosphere as well as measurements of energy spectra and charge composition of HE solar flare particles

    Sibling Relationships of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability

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    This is a small, qualitative study about the lived experiences of adult siblings of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD). Previous research has focused primarily on the caregiving experiences of parents with adult children with I/DD. However, as people are living longer, healthier lives, it is increasingly becoming the role of adult siblings to support their brother or sister with I/DD. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience of siblings of adults with I/DD regarding decision-making around quality of life and end-of-life. The goals of this study were to 1) contribute to the literature on the relationships of siblings and adults with I/DD, 2) discover ways to support families of adults with I/DD, 3) add to the conversation on end-of-life care for adults with I/DD and 4) develop ideas for further research in these areas that will support social workers who work with individuals who have I/DD and their families. This study included nine participants who are currently involved in supporting their sibling with I/DD. Findings of this study include that the kind of support siblings provide is guided by, yet different from, the support provided by their parents. Also, that siblings use their relationship and values to guide decisions about quality of life and, ultimately, end-of-life for their sibling with I/DD

    Variability of Low Energy Cosmic Rays Near Earth

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    Sibling Relationships of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability

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    This is a small, qualitative study about the lived experiences of adult siblings of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD). Previous research has focused primarily on the caregiving experiences of parents with adult children with I/DD. However, as people are living longer, healthier lives, it is increasingly becoming the role of adult siblings to support their brother or sister with I/DD. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience of siblings of adults with I/DD regarding decision-making around quality of life and end-of-life. The goals of this study were to 1) contribute to the literature on the relationships of siblings and adults with I/DD, 2) discover ways to support families of adults with I/DD, 3) add to the conversation on end-of-life care for adults with I/DD and 4) develop ideas for further research in these areas that will support social workers who work with individuals who have I/DD and their families. This study included nine participants who are currently involved in supporting their sibling with I/DD. Findings of this study include that the kind of support siblings provide is guided by, yet different from, the support provided by their parents. Also, that siblings use their relationship and values to guide decisions about quality of life and, ultimately, end-of-life for their sibling with I/DD

    Comparison of ultrasound with hysteroscopic and histological findings for intrauterine assessment

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    Introduction. Hysteroscopy with biopsy is a common diagnostic and therapeutic method in gynaecology. Its use is preceded by ultrasound examination. The success rate of predicting intrauterine findings based on ultrasound has not been assessed in the Czech Republic for a long time. In the meantime, there have been technological improvements in ultrasound devices. Method. Patients indicated for hysteroscopy underwent ultrasound examination and their medical history was recorded. The percentage agreement between ultrasound and histopathological findings was assessed. The secondary goal was to find an easier way of describing ultrasound findings in gynaecological practice. Results. The study comprised 255 patients. In 15 cases, endometrial carcinoma was confirmed by hysteroscopy and histopathological examination. Of these, malignancies were suspected based on previous ultrasound scans in 11 patients. In 95 cases, intrauterine polyps were detected. The success rate for predicting polyps by ultrasound examination was 65.1%. The agreement between ultrasound and hysteroscopic/histopathological findings was 72%. The secondary goal of making the description of the uterine cavity easier was not fulfilled. The prediction percentages for the criteria were low. The incidence of pathological findings in ultrasound findings labelled as anechogenic was 4.8%, suggesting a high negative predictive value. Conclusion. In spite of the better resolution of new ultrasound devices, their predictive value remains limited. Findings that are suspicious in ultrasound should be confirmed by hysteroscopy with biopsy. © 2018, PALACKY UNIV. All rights reserved

    A mélyebb tüdőrégiókból tisztuló radon-leánytermékek dózisjáruléka a centrális légutakban

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    Epidemiológiai és kísérleti tanulmányok szerint ok-okozati összefüggés van a radonexpozíció magas szintje és a tüdőrák átlagosnál nagyobb előfordulási gyakorisága között(1). A hiszto-patológiai adatok szerint, a radon-indukálta tumorok rendszerint a centrális légutak első néhány generációjában fordulnak elő, leginkább a légúti elágazások csúcsaiban(2). Numerikus módszerekkel sikerült kimutatni, hogy a belélegzett részecskék depozíciósűrűség-eloszlásának maximumai is ezen elágazások csúcsaiban találhatók(3). Ez arra enged következtetni, hogy a primer kiülepedés-eloszlás és a rákkialakulás között szoros a korreláció. Felmerül azonban a kérdés, hogy a mélyebb tüdőrégiókban kiülepedett és onnan a mukociliáris tisztulással felfelé, azaz a garat felé, a nyákréteggel haladó radonleánytermékek dózisjáruléka a centrális légutakban nem adódhat-e érdemben hozzá a centrális légúti tüdőrák kialakulásának kockázatához. Azaz a primer depozícióhoz képest elhanyagolható-e a mukociliáris részecsketranszport okozta centrális légúti terhelés. Mukociliáris tisztulás alatt a bronchiális légutak falát borító nyákrétegnek a gége irányába történő mozgását és ezáltal a falra tapadt részecskék „kimosását” értjük(4). A nyák mozgását a hámszövetbe ágyazott csillószőrök összehangolt mozgása biztosítja. A rövid felezési idejű radonszármazékok esetében a mukociliáris gyors tisztulás a legfontosabb tisztulási mechanizmus. Jelen munka célja egy inhalált radonleánytermék tisztulási modell kifejlesztése és alkalmazása a fenti kérdés vizsgálatára