1,185 research outputs found

    Some Reliefs Representing the King in the Heb Sed Robe Discovered in the Henket-Ankh

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    During the archaeological fieldwork undertaken in the Henket-Ankh, the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III situated between el-Assasif and el-Khokha, a large amount of sandstone blocks and fragments have been discovered. Although they are quite fragmented, they enable us to posit a hypothesis about some of the scenes that were originally carved on the temple’s walls. This paper focuses mainly on the fragments representing the king in the Heb Sed robe. The Heb Sed robe embodies royal power regeneration. It is therefore especially significant in the Temples of Millions of Years where this aspect played a key role. These reliefs would contribute to the already known iconographic corpus of this period, as well as to the understanding of the temple iconographic programme and function.During the archaeological fieldwork undertaken in the Henket-Ankh, the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III situated between el-Assasif and el-Khokha, a large amount of sandstone blocks and fragments have been discovered. Although they are quite fragmented, they enable us to posit a hypothesis about some of the scenes that were originally carved on the temple’s walls. This paper focuses mainly on the fragments representing the king in the Heb Sed robe. The Heb Sed robe embodies royal power regeneration. It is therefore especially significant in the Temples of Millions of Years where this aspect played a key role. These reliefs would contribute to the already known iconographic corpus of this period, as well as to the understanding of the temple iconographic programme and function

    Some Hypotheses on the Decorative Program of the Sandstone Walls of the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III

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    Las excavaciones arqueológicas que vienen desarrollándose desde 2008 en el Henket-ankh, el Templo de Millones de Años de Tutmosis III situado en la orilla oeste de Tebas, han permitido el descubrimiento de una gran cantidad de fragmentos de relieves tanto en arenisca como en caliza. Mientras que una parte del santuario estaría realizada en caliza, la mayoría de las paredes decoradas del templo lo serían en arenisca. El material está muy fragmentado, y muy poco queda de las estructuras originales del templo. No obstante, el estudio de este material ha permitido elaborar hipótesis sobre algunas de las escenas representadas, así como plantear posibles propuestas de reconstrucción. Entre estas destacan las de masacre y lista de enemigos o de batalla, un calendario de festividades, procesiones, el árbol ished o el rey en traje de Fiesta Sed. Eran elementos iconográficos que respondían a un programa intencionado en el que cada tipo de representación, ritual u otro, tendría su lugar en zonas específicas del templo. Estas se intercalarían con escenas de ofrendas a los dioses, en particular a Amón, garante al mismo tiempo que receptor de las gestas del rey. En esta ocasión, se propone una visión integral de lo que se ha podido determinar en cuanto a estas escenas. Aunque, dado el estado del material, son evidentes las limitaciones a las que nos enfrentamos a la hora de descifrar este discurso figurativo, los relieves descubiertos en el Henket-ankh son un testimonio de la complejidad del programa decorativo y simbólico, así como de la calidad del relieve y de la policromía que una vez existieron en el templo de Millones de Años de Tutmosis III.The archaeological excavations undertaken since 2008 in the Henket-ankh, the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III located on the West Bank of Thebes, have resulted in the discovery of a large number of relief fragments, both in sandstone and limestone. While a part of the sanctuary would have been made of limestone, sandstone was used for most decorated walls of the temple. The material is very fragmented, and very little of the original structures of the temple remains. However, its study has allowed us to elaborate hypotheses about some of the scenes that would have been represented, as well as to suggest possible reconstructions. They included, among others, the massacre and list of enemies or battle, a calendar of festivities, processions, the Ished tree or the king outfitted with the Heb Sed robe. These iconographic elements responded to an intentional program in which each type of representation, ritual or other, had its place in specific areas of the temple. These would be combined with scenes of offerings to the gods, in particular to Amun, guarantor at the same time than recipient of the king’s deeds. This paper aims to present an integral vision of what has been determined in terms of these scenes. Given the state of the material, the limitations that we face when it comes to deciphering this figurative discourse are manifest; however, the reliefs discovered in the Henket-ankh evidence the complexity of the decorative and symbolic program, as well as the quality of relief and polychrome, which once existed in the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III

    Un santuario doméstico del siglo VII a. C. de culto a Hathor-Astarté en el Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, España)

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    This article presents the major outcomes from the excavations undertaken in 2022 at the site of Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca), enlarging the area unearthed in 2021. The paper discusses the diachronic sequence of this setting and its functional and social interpretation. Household religion is addressed via several cult buildings and a large repertoire of liturgical objects: wheel-thrown painted Egyptian or Levantine and Phoenician red-slip tableware, a faience piece of inlay and faience beads featuring oriental iconography, local terracotta, burners, and tableware with orientalizing motifs, etc. In addition, new indicators of aristocratic practices stand out: instruments for high-quality handicrafts –pottery and textile work– and two equestrian bone items of harnesses. Cooking with ceramic trays and portable tandoor-like stoves, specialized crafts, domestic cults, and buildings refer, as a whole, to the Mediterranean koiné. All these lines of evidence lead to interpret the excavated sector as a domestic sanctuary dedicated to a female deity –likely a local expression of Hathor-Ashtart– integrated into the neighbourhood of a central courtyard compound occupied by a multi-family virilocal residential group. The article reclaims the key role of the women of that broad and high-ranking corporate social unit in the transmission and performance of know-how and practices of spiritual and material maintenance.Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones de 2022 en el Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca), que amplían el área exhumada en 2021. Se discute la secuencia diacrónica de dicho espacio y su interpretación funcional y social. Se aborda la religiosidad doméstica a partir de varios edificios de uso cultual y un abundante elenco de objetos litúrgicos: vajilla torneada egipcia o levantina pintada y fenicia de engobe rojo, un aplique de taracea y abalorios de fayenza con iconografía oriental, pebeteros y terracotas y vajilla local con temas orientalizantes, etc. Además, sobresalen los nuevos indicadores de prácticas aristocráticas: instrumentos para artesanías de alta calidad –alfarería y actividades textiles– y atalajes ecuestres –dos camas de bocados óseos–. El cocinado con bandejas y hornillos de atanor, las artesanías especializadas, los rituales domésticos y la edilicia remiten también al ámbito mediterráneo. Todas estas evidencias permiten interpretar el sector excavado como un espacio ceremonial y a la vez doméstico dedicado a una deidad femenina –probable trasunto local de Hathor-Astarté– integrado en el vecindario de patio central de un grupo residencial virilocal multifamiliar. Se reivindica el protagonismo de las mujeres de aquella unidad corporativa amplia y de alto rango en la transmisión y desempeño de todos esos saberes procedimentales y actividades de mantenimiento espiritual y material

    Un santuario doméstico del siglo VII a. C. de culto a Hathor-Astarté en el Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, España)

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    Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones de 2022 en el Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca), que amplían el área exhumada en 2021. Se discute la secuencia diacrónica de dicho espacio y su interpretación funcional y social. Se aborda la religiosidad doméstica a partir de varios edificios de uso cultual y un abundante elenco de objetos litúrgicos: vajilla torneada egipcia o levantina pintada y fenicia de engobe rojo, un aplique de taracea y abalorios de fayenza con iconografía oriental, pebeteros y terracotas y vajilla local con temas orientalizantes, etc. Además, sobresalen los nuevos indicadores de prácticas aristocráticas: instrumentos para artesanías de alta calidad –alfarería y actividades textiles– y atalajes ecuestres –dos camas de bocados óseos–. El cocinado con bandejas y hornillos de atanor, las artesanías especializadas, los rituales domésticos y la edilicia remiten también al ámbito mediterráneo. Todas estas evidencias permiten interpretar el sector excavado como un espacio ceremonial y a la vez doméstico dedicado a una deidad femenina –probable trasunto local de Hathor-Astarté– integrado en el vecindario de patio central de un grupo residencial virilocal multifamiliar. Se reivindica el protagonismo de las mujeres de aquella unidad corporativa amplia y de alto rango en la transmisión y desempeño de todos esos saberes procedimentales y actividades de mantenimiento espiritual y material

    Un singular ambiente doméstico del Hierro I en el interior de la península ibérica: la casa 1 del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, España)

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    The excavations undertaken at the Early Iron Age village of Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca) revealed an informal aggregate of dwellings and ancillary buildings of adobe which matches the cross‑cultural spatial pattern for patrilocal practices. The paper focuses on house 1 and its adjoining middens. This dwelling was exceptional due to its long and stable biography, its clay furniture –with two benches for 20 people and a hearth in the shape of an oxhide– and ritualized abandonment using an intense conflagration dated to 650‑575 BC and its filling with adobes. The excavations revealed an unusual concentration of querns and fine local hand‑made pottery. The excavations recovered implements used for specialized and high‑quality crafts, such as potterymaking and weaving, as well as a set of finds unprecedented in the interior of Iberia stands out: exotic faience beads and tableware from the eastern Mediterranean, Phoenician red slip ceramics, and liturgical terracotta items with Tartessian and Mediterranean parallels. All these findings suggest that house 1 was the gathering hall of an extended corporate group where intense social activities –hosting banquets and transactions with guests– took place and where such startling artefacts ended up.Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones (2006, 2017 y 2021) en un sector de la aldea del Hierro I del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca). Se ha exhumado un agregado informal de edificios y estructuras adjetivas de adobe cuyo patrón espacial es afín al esquema transcultural patrilocal. El artículo se centra en la casa 1 y sus cenizales. Tal vivienda fue excepcional por su larga e ininterrumpida biografía, su mobiliario de barro –con dos poyos que pudieron acoger hasta 20 personas y un hogar con forma de piel de toro extendida– y su abandono ritualizado –quemada c. 650-575 a.C. y recrecida con adobes de sus paredes–. La excavación reveló una alta concentración de molinos y vajilla fina local pintada, así como instrumental de labores especializadas y altamente cualificadas –alfarería e hilado–. Sobresale un lote de hallazgos inéditos en el interior de la península ibérica: exóticos abalorios y vajilla de fayenza del Mediterráneo oriental, cerámica de engobe rojo fenicia y objetos litúrgicos y coroplástica con paralelos tartésicos y mediterráneos. Todos estos hallazgos indican que la casa 1 acogió una asidua actividad social –banquetes y transacciones con huéspedes– como cabaña de reuniones de un grupo corporativo extenso, donde acabaron tan destacados objetos

    An exceptional case of household archaeology from Early Iron Age Central Iberia: House 1 at Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, Spain)

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    RESUMEN: Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones (2006, 2017 y 2021) en un sector de la aldea del Hierro I del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca). Se ha exhumado un agregado informal de edificios y estructuras adjetivas de adobe cuyo patrón espacial es afín al esquema transcultural patrilocal. El artículo se centra en la casa 1 y sus cenizales. Tal vivienda fue excepcional por su larga e ininterrumpida biografía, su mobiliario de barro –con dos poyos que pudieron acoger hasta 20 personas y un hogar con forma de piel de toro extendida– y su abandono ritualizado –quemada c. 650-575 a.C. y recrecida con adobes de sus paredes–. La excavación reveló una alta concentración de molinos y vajilla fina local pintada, así como instrumental de labores especializadas y altamente cualificadas –alfarería e hilado–. Sobresale un lote de hallazgos inéditos en el interior de la península ibérica: exóticos abalorios y vajilla de fayenza del Mediterráneo oriental, cerámica de engobe rojo fenicia y objetos litúrgicos y coroplástica con paralelos tartésicos y mediterráneos. Todos estos hallazgos indican que la casa 1 acogió una asidua actividad social –banquetes y transacciones con huéspedes– como cabaña de reuniones de un grupo corporativo extenso, donde acabaron tan destacados objetosABSTRACT: The excavations undertaken at the Early Iron Age vil¬lage of Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca) revealed an infor¬mal aggregate of dwellings and ancillary buildings of adobe which matches the cross cultural spatial pattern for patrilo¬cal practices. The paper focuses on house 1 and its adjoin¬ing middens. This dwelling was exceptional due to its long and stable biography, its clay furniture –with two benches for 20 people and a hearth in the shape of an oxhide– and ritualized abandonment using an intense conflagration dated to 650 575 BC and its filling with adobes. The excavations revealed an unusual concentration of querns and fine local hand made pottery. The excavations recovered implements used for specialized and high quality crafts, such as pottery-making and weaving, as well as a set of finds unprecedented in the interior of Iberia stands out: exotic faience beads and tableware from the eastern Mediterranean, Phoenician red slip ceramics, and liturgical terracotta items with Tartes¬sian and Mediterranean parallels. All these findings suggest that house 1 was the gathering hall of an extended corporate group where intense social activities –hosting banquets and transactions with guests– took place and where such star¬tling artefacts ended up.Trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto “ARQPARENT - Arqueología del parentesco a través de la vivienda en la Submeseta Norte (1800-400 AC)” (PID2019-104349GA-I00) del Plan Estatal de I+D+i del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y con subvenciones de la Junta de Castilla y León (B2017/006589 y SUBV-21086-SA) y del Ayuntamiento de Salamanca

    Combined Forward-Backward Asymmetry Measurements in Top-Antitop Quark Production at the Tevatron

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    The CDF and D0 experiments at the Fermilab Tevatron have measured the asymmetry between yields of forward- and backward-produced top and antitop quarks based on their rapidity difference and the asymmetry between their decay leptons. These measurements use the full data sets collected in proton-antiproton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s=1.96\sqrt s =1.96 TeV. We report the results of combinations of the inclusive asymmetries and their differential dependencies on relevant kinematic quantities. The combined inclusive asymmetry is AFBttˉ=0.128±0.025A_{\mathrm{FB}}^{t\bar{t}} = 0.128 \pm 0.025. The combined inclusive and differential asymmetries are consistent with recent standard model predictions

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis

    Search for heavy resonances decaying to two Higgs bosons in final states containing four b quarks

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    A search is presented for narrow heavy resonances X decaying into pairs of Higgs bosons (H) in proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at root s = 8 TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb(-1). The search considers HH resonances with masses between 1 and 3 TeV, having final states of two b quark pairs. Each Higgs boson is produced with large momentum, and the hadronization products of the pair of b quarks can usually be reconstructed as single large jets. The background from multijet and t (t) over bar events is significantly reduced by applying requirements related to the flavor of the jet, its mass, and its substructure. The signal would be identified as a peak on top of the dijet invariant mass spectrum of the remaining background events. No evidence is observed for such a signal. Upper limits obtained at 95 confidence level for the product of the production cross section and branching fraction sigma(gg -> X) B(X -> HH -> b (b) over barb (b) over bar) range from 10 to 1.5 fb for the mass of X from 1.15 to 2.0 TeV, significantly extending previous searches. For a warped extra dimension theory with amass scale Lambda(R) = 1 TeV, the data exclude radion scalar masses between 1.15 and 1.55 TeV

    Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton and multiple jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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